Showing posts with label Magnetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnetic. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2023

North And South Pole Convergence: (Unedited): 01 June 2023:

Observational and imaginative:
Deep in the Earth the sounding clap shall bring forth incredible seismic waves. Which shall burst forth through the crust. Great earthquakes as which has never been seen or recorded shall be experienced. Billions of souls will perish.  Land shall fall. Land shall rise. Mountains shall fall. Mountains shall rise. 
In my mind I can see the clap of the North and South pole coming together. I can see the slower moving south pole and the faster moving North Pole. Then as they merge together I can also see a near 300 degree explosive wave coming out of the line of convergence and penetrating the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Thus, causing massive effects upon the surface and this thing could be what has been indicated in Biblical prophecy.
It appears that both the North Pole and the South pole are moving closer to each other. In basic magnetism. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other. With this one simple observation what will happen when the North Pole and the South Pole come into attraction with each other and has that already occurred? Is what is simply observed an indication that the magnetic core of the Earth has fractured. Thus the North and South pole becoming attracted to one another are now locked into this attraction and merge sometime in the near future? What happens when this occurs? What happens to the planet and is this related to Biblical prophecy as well as other religious traditions and their own prophecies?
If the convergence happens off center to the center spot inside of the Earth. Then more explosive actions can bee seen in that region just above the Mantle and crust. While the parts of the Earth which is further away from the convergence point will see less. The difference between more and less may only be academic. Global suffering, destruction and death will be seen, known and experienced by all. 
If the magnetic core of the Earth did crack did humans do it with their technologies like CERN related devices? What about the history of atmospheric nuclear testing? Could these things be related?
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Infinite Train: (Unedited): 22 May 2021:

New vision of a military machine. 
I see a many kilometer's long train traveling in a large circle. The rear of the train is connected to the front of the train.  The appearance of the inside of the train is very odd. Everything is out of place. People get on and get off through the typical entrance and exits. I see a lot of young men and women. They are disembarking the train and they all look very physically fit. I see intellectual types getting off of the train as well. They to also look very fit. Everyone is in their own typically unique uniforms. Most of the people are military. 
The train ?body? swivels in reference to the forces applied to the train as it approaches a specified speed. When the train achieves the desired speed. The whole of the inside of the train begins to look normal as the new gravity and other forces become dominant. 
Throughout the entire train is a wide track. You can run forever and never find the end. 
I see a compartment on either side for weight lifting. It looks like a professional gym.
I see another compartment for medical/emergency/hospital and then another for other scientific things. 
I see a place for entertainment, a relaxing restaurant with TV monitors and calm lighting. 
I see a control room where the speed and gravity can be made to become more. I see an analog dial and digital meters for ascribing felt gravity(5). 
I see dorms with very interesting looking beds. The mattresses look excessive. 
I see classrooms. 
This train is built for long term stays. Weeks or months.
The train is underground. How deep is not seen or known. The railing system is in multiples and appears to be some kind of magnetic levitation system. With multiple parallel lines. The train framing moves differently than does the train body.
How come I do not notice any windows and can only see the outside of the train from the outside? No windows? If it is underground. Why would you need windows? Unless the inside of the train is lined with monitor panels in order to mimic a wonderfully beautiful outside. I'm not seeing any color. 
I can see the train leaving a building and begin to make the long winding turn and just ahead you can see the end of the train and think your gonna crash. But, you do not. The end of the train is very close to the front of the train and it begins to extend itself and the connection of the front and rear of the train is made. The first time is very uncomfortable to watch. I'm not even there and I felt nervous. Then the train gently picks up speed to 1G and your spatial orientation is changed. The train begins to look normal as the way you stand and how you stand is altered. Very Cool and the ride smooths out nicely. 
I'm only on one train and it seems like there are more of these all attached to a pair of buildings. The other trains do not seem real as this one train feels real. 
As time goes by and the medical tests are done and everyone on board must be tested. The order to speed up the rain is made. As the train goes faster the force of gravity is increased and achieved. All of those additional forces is applied to the human body. People must maintain their work loads and exercise routines. At every stage everyone is tested and tested and tested. There can be no injuries.
The size of the rail circle is so large that there is minimal gravity difference between ground level and more than ten feet high. 
A variety of atmospheric conditions can be achieved on the train. The O2 levels can be increased and decreased. The temperatures can be raised and lowered in specific training areas. 
There are also many other controls in which the atmosphere within can be altered.  
Is this the method in how the Chinese become the dominant force in all aspects of athletics and the Olympics? A long time ago I saw how the Chinese become the worlds most dominant athletes. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Time Sticky: (Unedited): 16-19 Feb 2018:

Going through time without a gravitational sticky/anchor. Will cause you to lose your place in a very probable dangerous way.
There is most likely several ways that you could ground yourself to a planet or larger celestial body  when you have the ability to travel in time. These are by frequency, gravity and magnetically. Since each varies over time. You may want to connect to each one in order to guarantee that you remain in place. The best place to maintain a connection is most likely at the poles. You will also need to know the historical variances of each.
You may be able to create a an energetic sphere where the principle of time has been removed. Depending on the degree of time removal. This energy field may also kill all life which goes within in. Because if time stops so does life. So a creation of a device which counteracts the timeless energy field may/will be necessary.
The scientists are right about involvement and communications with any person. Don't do it. Although I want to. I guess that is my pride and ego talking. To make effective changes to two sets of families. But, the story in the Holy Bible comes into play. It will be worse for you than it was for Sodom. For those people have been given everything and yet they are still disobedient and sinful. So if the people have been given everything then me going back in time to fix a thing would in fact be a waste of time.
The smallest degree of error in space travel can cause you to miss entire galaxies the further you travel. So to it is in time. Making big changes weeks or months ago will have a minimal effect and impact on today. While making the smallest of changes a hundred or even a thousand years ago. Will have a drastic impact on the world today. Such as meeting a person whether it be on purpose, by accident or by chance. Can cause that person not to meet the love of their life a thousand years ago. Then the lives of millions of people would change in your perception of today. Yet, It will be only your perception. A step into your own personal insanity. Especially when you would not be able to connect with reality.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books