Showing posts with label Convergence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Convergence. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Convergence Of Woes +14: (Unedited): 12-15 May 2024:

The convergence of many woes will begin and for a few they have already begun. The time for genuine repentance is coming to a close as which is only defined by God alone.
Once the chaotic nature of the convergence of woes begins the opportunity of repentance may end. Only God knows. 
The coming convergence of woes will impact all of humanity as the great delusion sent by God to the whole world fully inserts itself into emotional belief systems and unreasonable decision making processes. 
The selfish nature of humanities great leaders and rulers can easily be seen in everything they do. For what they say is what they will do. The blindly prideful must always tell what they will do. This is how delusion affect those with so much to end up with nothing. How else can these groups of organized humans say the world can only sustain 500 million human souls when there are 8 billion plus human souls on the planet. This mean 7.5 billion human souls must go away. Think about it. But, they believe themselves to be so smart as they do not realize the extinction of humanity has already begun with the careful planning. Surely the extinction of humanity will be the final end result of their carefully laid plans. As a matter of fact this whole planet will become a world of water and rock with zero life.
Yes, the truly devout faithful will also be impacted and may physically sleep for the last time only to awaken in the direct presence of God their Heavenly Father. 
In Heaven you do not need your physical form. Why would you need your physical form anyway in heaven? 
Like many woeful and dangerous small streams flow on their own for a time. Each small stream is like a sin and when all of the streams of sin merge into one great dark river. Any who touches it, drinks of it or is bathed by it. Shall perish in every imaginable and unimaginable manner.
Each stream of sin has it's own color and in each of their own pride has their own flag which represents all of their converging colors. The abomination of their own rainbow is of a great insult to God. For each of them repentance may no longer even be possible. Only God knows.
The air, the water and the land shall become full of sin and death consuming all life which remains. Until the whole of the planet becomes like death until the purification process begins. 
Fire. The whole planet may become a liquid ball of fire. This may be the purification process in which all of those special souls who bury themselves underground will perish in their own underground concrete and steel coffins they have made for themselves. 
Added on 13 May 2024:
Revelation 2: 9,10 (Go Forth and read the whole chapter yourself). Before continuing.
Be like the ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. For they are the only two churches which were not rebuked by God.  Fear not of that which is coming and fear not even unto death. In the news of today and in the recent past. Many truly devout Christians have been abused, tortured and put to death for His namesake and for even just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You need to know that people will be harmed and killed just because the perpetrators are wicked evil doers. For each of them the rapture has not come and we have seen the news of those Christian souls suffering greatly and then murdered. Those souls who have believed and lived like Christ shall awaken in glory. For each of you. You must become aware that the rapture may not come in time for you either. So it will be your duty to mitigate all dangers new or old. You must be like Joseph and immediate like Jonah. The greatest part of the Jonah story was that he only offered a reprieve to Nineveh. How long was it afterwards when Nineveh was destroyed and Mosul Iraq was planted on top of it? 
No one knows when the Rapture will happen. Because of this you must do all of the planning for the safety and well being of your family as you can. This is the teaching of Joseph. For in that prophecy the coming event would not be prevented but the saving of lives can be planned and organized. Which was one of Josephs inherent gifts. So to you. You must do all that you can to save your own family from any and every threat. You must also do all you can to save the rest of your family members, friends, neighbors, church, churches and community. You are running out of time. 
You need to realize that nations rise and fall. All of those victories and defeats shall bring forth much celebration's or great sufferings. They all can be outside of the end time prophecies. For instance the end of the USA can precede the actual end time tribulation. If the end of the USA does come then there will be massive suffering and death(90%+/-). In which there will not be a rapture. Because, even in the last 2000 plus years many righteous and holy peoples have suffered greatly and have been horribly murdered/martyred. There was no rapture for any of them. Even though they woke up in the presence of their Heavenly Father.
Robberies as with every other aggravated and violent crime will become murder first and then rob the person. No witnesses. Demonic controlled persons will not even care if there are cameras present or not. They will not even care if the police are present or not. The demons want for the police to kill their human host. 
The spacial science of demons. A legion of demons can inhabit a single physical human body as indicated by the Holy Bible. Giving that human super human strength in which no normal human can over take. Maybe, not even many humans cannot bind or harm a demonically controlled human. A single demon is like a quantum particle while many demons act like a quantum wave. Many groups of demons can act like individual waves going in their own directions. Similar to a school of fish or different schools of fish. Where each fish is an individual particle while the school acts like an intelligent wave which moves as it collectively desires. Demons may even tease scientists by manipulating scientific experiments for their own amusement.
A wave is like a physical representation of disturbed water. The Holy Spirit is likened to water. So the demonic imitation form of a Holy Spirit like event can be very confusing and misleading to any human. There will be signs. There will be reverence or fear. There will be truth or half truths. There will be spiritual blessings or worldly blessings. There will be absolute Joy/Love or a ?Kundalini? ?pleasures? like event.
The USA has already been divided up and the evolving stronger anti American criminal forces already have more weapons than local police forces. This will expand. Local cities, counties and entire regions will become self governing and autonomous from the United States. They will form their own nation states inside of the USA and the United Nations will honor them all. Even the United Nations will get involved with the American debts and declare large swaths of land as Chinese owned as well as other nations. This means that new parts of newly declared China will be inside of the CONUS. This will be accepted by The United Nations as a form of debt repayment. All Americans will be forced to leave those new nations inside of CONUS. But most former Americans will just be captured and killed and their ashes used in farming.
Children will be taken forever and the US Government will not even try to find them. The children comments get worse and thus are deleted.
Justice has already ended and since this is the last sign of the end of a nation. You must assume that the end of the USA comes prior to the rapture. Which means expect up to or more than 90% of the entire American population to be killed, murdered, abused, tortured, starved with all manner of NBC used against the undesired American population.
All Federal agents which refuse to commit immoral and heinous acts in private and among their own friends. Will be seen as the new enemy within. Because you become the enemy when you have true honor, integrity, righteous, the protector of the innocent, you prefer real justice over brutality. This good and positive list can continue on but you get the point. The men and women whom you already know who will kill anyone and anything just because they were ordered have already thought about how they would kill you simply because you refused to be entertained by prostitutes and other red light sinful antics. Yes, I know you have shared beer and bread with one another. You have shared stories, wisdom and understandings with one another. You have shared much life where things should not have worked out but they did. Sometimes God will save the wicked along with the righteous man HE desires to save. Sometimes God does not save the wicked along with the righteous man. Sometimes God lets the righteous man die. The stories you lived through will glean which one God allowed. 
The American government no longer seems to honors no man left behind. Which means all of you are worthless or replaceable or expendable. Which means all of you will be Benghazi-ed by your chain of commands planning. You will know when you count your bullets and no comms.
NOTE: The author does not believe any of you are worthless, replaceable or expendable. I firmly believe that your back up better have back up(Add excessive expletives). I'm also fully vested in the idea of the American version of overkill. Well, I'm a deeply flawed human being. I'm sorry. 
Added on 14 May 2024 @ about 1400 Hrs.: All At Once: How can I delete this vision? Once I delete I will not remember it. All Law enforcement personnel. Begin to think in militaristic fashion about your home and your family. Yes, the enemies will know about you. And how would they obtain that intelligence on you? This is not just about you, it is all about all of you which includes the suits. Vision Deleted. This is about saving lives. Which means I'm asking you to be more proactive about your own personal life without becoming paranoid with fear. Still keep your home as a home but add pretty military stuff which is acceptable to the wife and not cause the children to live in never ending fear. A home should be a home.
Demonically controlled and filled humans will be very difficult to control, to reason with and to beat down. These persons will do very bad things in the full view of everyone. When you express anything which is truly good and truthful. They will become animalisticlly enraged. Then when the masses of people try to exert their own form of street justice. They all will be ineffective. There will be video of many beating and kicking down one evil person. But, he/she will continue to get up and fight back. Over and over again. The only thing you can do is to kill the man. Which releases the demons in which the demons will seek out a new open human to inhabit and to control. Of Course there will be drugs and alcohol in use as these are gateways for demonic control. Even Tobacco.
Added on 14 May 2024: 
It matters not if you go outside or remain within your safe space the convergence of woes will find you and afflict you in some harrowing and torturous manner.
The walls, ceilings, floors, doors and windows of your safe space is of no concern to the demons. Those things which you build your safe space is only a delusional belief system to you.
Your only safe space in this world is in Jesus Christ. So no matter what happens to your physical body your true spiritual nature shall be protected and taken by your Heavenly Father for safe keeping.
NOTE: How did the early Christians die? How did the apostles die? Mar Mari Emanuel a priest was attacked on live streaming and lost an eye. His response is similar to Steven. Go forth and research all recent Christian attacks, abuses, imprisonments, tortures and death/killing/murder. These will only become more frequent with evolving violence.
I have given allot of good answers for many different survival situations. Many of my answers are excessive on purpose. These are things which Christians must be doing right now. 
Added on 25 June 2024: 
As the American dream becomes the American nightmare. Those who desperately wanted freedom and liberty shall also depart but with a great deal more suffering and loss than what they left. 
Out of the many human rivers becomes a singular river at the confluence of the Constitution.
Woe to the single peaceful river of humanity as they are broken up into many deadly streams when the constitution becomes an unrealized idea to the many who were once one. 
When the many are joined into a bonded singularity by an existing constitution. No one will ever be able to divide the one into the many without great violence, suffering, death and destruction. 
You do not know this. In time after you have left your generational home. When and if you do return you will not be the same when you left.The journey and destination changed you.
Even in chaos, delusion, deception and violence there can still be an unholy convergence where suffering, death and destruction meet as an evil and wicked singularity. Where all who enter within the excitement is destroyed into nothingness. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

North And South Pole Convergence: (Unedited): 01 June 2023:

Observational and imaginative:
Deep in the Earth the sounding clap shall bring forth incredible seismic waves. Which shall burst forth through the crust. Great earthquakes as which has never been seen or recorded shall be experienced. Billions of souls will perish.  Land shall fall. Land shall rise. Mountains shall fall. Mountains shall rise. 
In my mind I can see the clap of the North and South pole coming together. I can see the slower moving south pole and the faster moving North Pole. Then as they merge together I can also see a near 300 degree explosive wave coming out of the line of convergence and penetrating the mantle and the crust of the Earth. Thus, causing massive effects upon the surface and this thing could be what has been indicated in Biblical prophecy.
It appears that both the North Pole and the South pole are moving closer to each other. In basic magnetism. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other. With this one simple observation what will happen when the North Pole and the South Pole come into attraction with each other and has that already occurred? Is what is simply observed an indication that the magnetic core of the Earth has fractured. Thus the North and South pole becoming attracted to one another are now locked into this attraction and merge sometime in the near future? What happens when this occurs? What happens to the planet and is this related to Biblical prophecy as well as other religious traditions and their own prophecies?
If the convergence happens off center to the center spot inside of the Earth. Then more explosive actions can bee seen in that region just above the Mantle and crust. While the parts of the Earth which is further away from the convergence point will see less. The difference between more and less may only be academic. Global suffering, destruction and death will be seen, known and experienced by all. 
If the magnetic core of the Earth did crack did humans do it with their technologies like CERN related devices? What about the history of atmospheric nuclear testing? Could these things be related?
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.