Showing posts with label Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Systems. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Worldly Fools: (Unedited): 19 Aug 2016:

The fools of the worldly ways. May actually, be those people of wisdom and righteousness you should know and support.
The world systems seem to have become absent of any wisdom or righteousness. So it only makes sense that those who have rejected the worldly ways of living and doing. Do not achieve or find success in the world.
Those worldly fools. Are those direction pointers you encounter in life. Which can guide you to decide to possibly right your own ship and to correct your own course. 
The use of the word support. Does and can mean on a regular basis and most likely means financial. It can mean a variety of things as well. It does not mean to set them up for life. It means to watch out for them so that they are enabled to do good in the world. To what ever degree they are destined for.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

3 Kinds of Wealth: (Edited): 25 Jan 2016:

People can develop three kinds of wealth in their lives, all of which must be taught to and learned by any person. The three kinds of wealth are Worldly, Family and Spiritual. 
For me, trying to explain this is way above my pay grade. This is better suited for those who have been educated in the areas of wealth and finance. I just did not inherit the ability, the desire or was fortunate enough to have a working understanding in regards to any aspect of wealth. I'm merely doing my best and I understand that my best may not be good enough. I only have the very basics of understanding. Kindergarten level maybe.
Worldly Wealth is that wealth you create for yourself in the world financial systems during this single life of yours here on Earth. It is very short term wealth with huge restrictions. Once you die and pass away, all of your wealth is recycled and kept within the world financial systems. You cannot take any of the worldly wealth with you after you die. So a span of only about 50-80 years is basically the limit of any worldly wealth-creation for any single person and is directly tied to the life span of each individual person. Then it is over for you and all of your wealth returns to the real owner. Worldly wealth is illusionary for the temporary user. The temporary user of any form of worldly wealth is every short lived human being who has been blessed by the god/ruler/owner of this world.
There are many kinds of worldly wealth. There is great dimensionality in the varieties of illusionary wealth in the world. You can easily see all of them in a variety of financial reports and financial news shows all around the world. There is even much education in regards to finance and wealth building. That is very obvious.
Family Wealth is that wealth you create for yourself in the natural act of procreation and human relation with the opposite gender. Your direct and personal involvement in the lives of your children is what creates the next healthy and stable generation of you. Your children are that reflection of both parents. Both parents mean one natural female and one natural male. If the generations of family keep the wisdom of what each generation has learned from those living or recently-passed-on relatives, then their wealth cannot be measured in any worldly sense and can be viewed in the spiritual realms.
Family Wealth can have a direct impact on the wealth created within the worldly financial systems. But this must be seen, known and understood as temporary, unstable and imaginary wealth. The importance of worldly wealth is less than Family Wealth. Once you begin to consider that worldly wealth is superior to family wealth, then your family wealth will begin to erode and crumble. Your family wealth created or lost by your decision is the only form of wealth which is real, important and stable on this Earth, so long as you are obedient to the word of God.
Family wealth is medium-term wealth, meaning it can last for generations past the original parents who have made their family pack and new beginnings. Family wealth is conditional, which means each person within the family must freely choose to abide by, honor and respect all of the rules and laws of God. (Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, Law).
Family wealth is a transcending wealth, meaning that family wealth can both have a very real effect in worldly wealth as well as spiritual wealth, but only as long as you freely and willfully abide by the will of God.
There is dimensionality to family wealth. The definition of family can apply to those who are in agreement with you in beliefs and faith. Your defined family does not have to be directly related within your own family lineage. They can be friends in association. Who is my brother? Once you internally pose this question, you will discover your answer to family which seems to have always been present, especially when you realize that all of your genetic coding is more than 99.9% identical to everyone else on this planet. Let that factual number sink in and it is a very large number. It can be equated to astronomical numbers. So I ask again, who is in your family? And who is your brother or sister? Those people in that Asian Church? What about those people in that Black church? What about them at the Latino/Hispanic church? And so on? So as long as all of you choose to keep yourselves separated and isolated from one another, you will never become one family with the greatest wealth which can be achieved on this planet. This is something which supercedes money, property, power and authority. This is a collective decision and sign of the times which will effect true positive change in the world forever.
Spiritual Wealth is largely unknown and not truly believed in this world. Creating spiritual wealth is that very crucial long-term investment. Once you begin to believe that your entire physical being is not real and that worldly wealth is based on the imagination through simple agreement, your perspective and plans begin to shift away from the world and into those things which are truly real and important, which is your true spiritual self and your spiritual family. Who is your spiritual family? Almost everyone. Who is your physical family? Everyone. The evidence that everyone is your physical family has only been recently proven to be valid through the Human Genome project. So from that basic understanding, one can begin to Love one another, live in peace, Exist in harmony, Respect and cherish life. This is the beginning of physical and mental goodness, which you can consider an investment which should pay dividends to your children and great-grandchildren, assuming they follow along these investments as you have begun them.
Through dedicated and purposeful prayer, meditation and contemplation throughout your physical life, you can begin to realize that there is a definite spiritual structure all around everything and from that spiritual structure you can glean truthful spiritual information designed and given to you specifically. This can usually begin with the spiritual laws which will lead you onto the path of humble righteousness and unassuming holiness. From this point the meaningful and purposeful connections begin to merge your spirit, mind and body to God. Spiritual wealth grows exponentially in a manner which seems to be impossible for me to mentally fathom at this time and level of my own life. I do know there is ever lasting continuation that is not measurable in any worldly system ever created or that ever will be created.
The spiritual wealth that you build is the only wealth which goes with you when you go to sleep for that last time of your physical life. This is why it is long-term. No other kinds of wealth go with you, not even family wealth.
Worldly Wealth.      Short Term.              Most Important
Family Wealth.        Medium Term.         Important when convenient
Spiritual Wealth.      Long Term.              Doesn't exist and for the foolish to pursue
This work has been republished on: The Spirituality Daily:
Thank You for including this piece in your paper.
Edited by: RLD:
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Slaughter House: Walks Away: (Unedited): 21 May 2015:

In the full knowing view of the many. The enlightened lone one walks away from the slaughter house of the world systems. Becoming an outcast forever more. 
Clear enlightened insights and heavenly joy comes to the person who walks away from the  clutches of the world systems into the loving embrace of God. 
The world system is a slaughter house. You have the owners, the managers, the slaves and the cattle. In the end on every cattle farm as dictated by the owners. All are cattle and when their usefulness is all used up. All become cattle to the slaughter of course except for the owners. 
It is said you must live in the world and not of the world. This is very true if you want any semblance of happiness in your life.
But what chance does anyone really have against the world systems? Almost from birth we watch our favorite media and play our violent games. Then as we age. We are all educated by the world. So that we each can have an opportunity to enjoy it's worldly riches. All we have to do is to be unquestionably obedient and to blindly believe all that the world rulers tells us how to think, feel, accept, reject and to act. 
So powerful is the world systems that when the worlds philosophies contradict the religions of the world. All of the religions capitulate to the new belief systems mandated by the world.
So what can anyone do? What is anyone to believe? Well are you merely religious then you shall believe the new rules of your religion. Even though you know it to be wrong and unnatural. But, you shall go along and accept their lies and truths.
You have another choice. To walk away from it all. That is your only choice. To walk away from the world and live in absolute faith in God. The God of Love, Peace and Harmony. The God of wisdom, Knowledge and understanding.
Will you walking away be easy? No, not in the least bit. For the whole of the worlds rulers know of this one superior God and yet obey the many little gods
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Advanced Weapons: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2014:

The generals and Admirals who receive weapons systems hundreds of years more advanced than what their enemies have presently. Is not something to be celebrated or to become prideful over. C.J.MacKechnie
!!Warning!! Some comments below may contain offensive language, to certain persons. Who are more holy than I. This is just the best way I can explain it, effectively.
In the wars of old. It matters not if the public is aware of them or not. The advanced technologies discovered in them may be awe inspiring and something which may have never been conceptualized.
These are just relics of a war lost. Those relics were left behind simply because they offered zero advances in the victors own technology. If technology is even a correct word to use in this instance.
It is very dangerous for any human government to become prideful with their new weapons of warfare.  It is very easy for any human government to exercise a dictatorial attitude over other free and independent governments. If those other free and independent governments discover the secrecy of withheld weapons of warfare from other peoples who are no longer present. This could create an uncomfortable situation and stress relationship ties. It is more important to develop and maintain friendship based in trust then it is to proclaim national secrecy as to why this information has been withheld.
Just the knowledge of incredibly advanced objects which are incredibly aged. Means whoever they lost their conflict with, may have had an opportunity to advance their technologies more than plus the estimated age of the objects. Which means, If those objects and that which was contained within are still present. It does mean that they were of no interest or value to the victors. Yes, I repeated myself. Because, it is of importance.
So, to us lowly humans who are still like newborns in space. The discovered objects may be incredibly advanced by our standards but, to those who can freely travel from there to here very easily. They remained in one place all of this time. It means they are of no consequence to all of them or they planted those objects there. So that we would eventually discover them and use the new concepts and technologies to cause our own extinction by our own collective will.

Think about this. If you know that advanced concepts and technologies can harm emerging societies. Wouldn't you the good being want to keep away all advanced concepts and tech. In order to give those emerging societies a fair and reasonable opportunity to develop and advance at their own speed? Makes sense, doesn't it.
So, if a new emerging society is developing within a solar system which has had some gruesome history. Wouldn't you want to sanitize that solar system of any advanced war concepts and advanced war machines. Even if they had been destroyed or downed?
If a new an emerging society were to discover objects from an ancient war. Could that discovery lead to fear and a sense of helplessness of those in space? Questions like how do we defend ourselves against beings who are millions or billions of years more advanced in every way than we are? The answer is you don't.
Those questions are just the beginning of the ill perceived space race of warfare. What if those who won the war decide to come back? What if those who won the war were not the good guys? Yea, your screwed or is that were screwed? And now they are millions or billions of years more advanced than when they won the war and we just recently discovered the objects which lost the war. Really.
Better find some friends in the Heavens otherwise known as space.
These kinds of secrets do not aid or help the entire population on this entire planet. Yes, we have our problems. Yes, we are close to causing our own extinction by our own collective hands. But, keeping something like this a secret does not help our collective cause. The opportunity of bringing together all of the greatest human minds on the planet to work out all of the details is lost. This is exactly what must happen. Even if you the secret holders lose control over everything. Which means a loss of power. Well, you deserve that. If it means that you lose your power in order for humanity to survive. Then it sucks to be you and at least your children's children will have an opportunity for life.
Right now. Your trust is fading. You really need to reveal those secrets very soon. You won't have control over China or India. Yes, Maybe in the short term. But, once the politicians make them angry. Which they already had last year (2013). It is just a matter of time. You must take the necessary actions in a positive and peaceful light to mitigate the possible angry response of the general population of the entire world.  If the entire population of the world becomes very angry and very distrusting. Then they can force their own politicians into warlike actions against you. This would be very bad and of course lead to yet another path down the human extinction road.

If all of humanity desires to live. Then we each must begin to love one another, live in peace with each other and exist in harmony with all. That is how we all can live a life worth living.

Death = Hate, War/conflict, Chaos.
All you have to do is live with just one element of this logical formula to find death. 

Humanity must collectively make the same decision by their collective actions. Does humanity want to have life or death? Our collective actions will dictate which one we get. Life or Extinction.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Emotional Penny: (Unedited): 11 April 2013:

A penny is just a penny. It does not control how it lays, heads or tails, shiny or dirty. But. You who discovers a discarded penny is the one who assigns either a positive, negative or apathetic emotion to it. C.J.MacKechnie
Even the conclusion that a penny is good luck or bad luck. It is you who emotionally decides if something is good or bad. Your acceptance of false belief systems, taught to you as a child from other people defines even today how you live. A penny is neither good luck or bad luck. But, A penny found means you now have more than what you had before and that simple fact may be just enough good luck, you need to jump start your positive life changes for the better. Heads is good luck and tails is bad luck is the false belief which takes away your freedom to choose if any such thing is good luck or bad luck to you. 
Choose to assign a positive emotion and conclusion to as many things as you can. Even when confronted with terrible terrible deeds. Find something positive to inspire others with. 
When you find any penny anywhere. Even if it is dirty and showing tails. Pick it up. clean it up. Pray, bless and mediate goodness into the penny. Then leave the shiny penny up on heads for another to discover. 