Showing posts with label Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Care. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2015

Dark Life: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

There is no joy or happiness in the life of darkness. There is however the perpetual state of loneliness and the feeling that no one really cares.
There is a lot in the life lived in darkness. You can do whatever you want and no one will ever really ever know who you are. But, they all will see what you are becoming and they will not care. You shall become as apathetic as they all are.  It is all your free choice of endless sin in the life of darkness.
So as long as you're a part of the party of loners, you will always be accepted. But, once you decide to stop living in darkness, they all will angrily hate you and accuse you of trying to be better than they are. But, if and when you ever return into the life of darkness, you will have to endure ridicule and then their apathetic acceptance.
Then when you die amongst them they will drink a toast to you, tell a few stories and maybe make a few jokes. Then they will all forget you were ever there as someone else sits in your seat.
There is a cost to all of this life of darkness. No one who is living a life in darkness even cares what the costs are or will be. This is the apathy taking a hold over your mind. So as long as you get what you want in that moment you want it, who cares what the future bill will be? Those who live in the darkness don't even want to hear about the light. They will even get angry if you come to them with how wonderful it is in the light. There can even be forgiveness from the light.
They know the truth. Those who freely choose to live in darkness know that if they reach out for the light, go forth into the light, all of their sins, crimes, mistakes and misdeeds shall be known and remembered. They will all know that they decided to live in the darkness in favor over their own family and the good friends who could not  go into the darkness to live their lives.
For those who already live and remain in darkness, many have already judged themselves and have been found deserving the solace of the final judgement to come from God.
These who freely choose to live and remain in darkness have already been judged by God. This is evidenced by their apathy, selfish desires and anger toward you who are good. For it is solely your goodness which reminds them just how bad and evil they were, are and have become.
Is there any hope for those who live in darkness? Sure there is and only God will know for certain.
For you who are in the light who have family members who have chosen to live and remain in darkness, continue to pray for them. Continue to love them. Continue to express compassion and mercy for them when needed, even if that mercy is in their own homelessness, hunger, medical care and burial.
For myself, it was with my adoptive father, his medical care and cremation/burial. His so-called girlfriend wanted to take care of him and use his money to fix a hot water heater, roof, car. Set up her children in a rented house. I denied all of it and banned her from any contact. After his bills were paid. There was no burial and I could only afford for him a cremation. At least he is with his own family by blood. After years and decades of total rejection of me and mine, I was the only one who he could trust in the end. At least his sister saw him take his last breath. Roll Tide.
There are many stories of people who have come out of the darkness and into the light. But those numbers are rare. Sometimes a person has to get so low and hit bottom without dying. Then for some reason, they either seek help or continue down the gutter's drain until they finally find death. In the end, no matter how it happens, you must find your comfort that you did not abandon them or walk away. It is always those who have chosen to live within the darkness who had walked away from you.
Note: Historically, I was not considered a good person by anyone who ever knew me. I brought embarrassment to my adopted father and to his family in many different ways. At least in his end. I could honor him.
Edited by: RLD.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Worthless Nothing: Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 04 Feb 2015:

The nothingness that YOU think you do. Is that all important lie that YOU have applied to that thing. Maintaining that worthless decision of YOURS. Will eventually cause you to believe that YOU to are a worthless nothing. Always, seek the meaningful truth in all that YOU do. 
I have witnessed many people belittle themselves and anything that they choose to do in life. Forgetting that we have evolved into beings which do need meaning and purpose. For some being a janitor, a trash collector or a lowly construction helper is a fundamental source of their own inner self esteem and self confidence. While I have seen others who have that college degree or two and find little which is of any importance. But, I can say the same for many janitors, Trash collectors or even the lowly construction helper. Who fail to see that they are of any importance or that their duties is of any necessity.
I have also seen those incredibly intelligent people. Typically those who are not to be embarrassed with a MENSA card in their wallet. In other words. They do not belong to Mensa and consider that beneath them. Yea, a lot of pride for them. Who have dedicated their lives in those unspoken subjects and details. You know those things which everyone thinks they want to know which is so incredibly important to all of humanity. Fall victim to near absolute uselessness. Really. They lose their families and drown themselves within the drink of forgetfulness.
So how can all of these different kinds of people with many different kinds of backgrounds. Find themselves in a nothing job. While others thrive in a job of importance. There can be a variety of causes and events in any persons life.
I think what it boils down to is this. YOU have decided that your job is worthless and means nothing. It's your decision based in your own emotional negativity. Which has brought you to the state you are in now.
It is that simple and it doesn't really matter how or why you got to this point in your life. Maybe, You were to Kool for School. Maybe, you just failed at everything. Maybe, the party life was to important. Maybe, your parents beat you and told you bad and sad things. All of that Bravo Sierra doesn't matter in this here and now. What matters is your current state of negativity. The dark depths of your darkened depression of darkness. Yea yuck.

So what happens if the janitors of the world stopped cleaning? What happens if the trash collectors stopped picking up everyone's trash? What happens if all of the greasy mechanics stopped fixing your broken things? It is only then you see the importance.
But, you say I have sheep skin with my name on it on my wall. That is your accomplishment and now you feel like a trapped cat in some hopeless corner of the business world. You have to ask yourself. Really? While the majority of people like what they do and who they work for. YOU on the other hand think it all sucks. Can't you see it's all about you. You are the problem. But, But. Suzy says she hates it to. Is Suzy one of those friends with everyone kind of people who agrees with everything? Probably. People will agree to agree so that you don't feel so isolated and alone or to make you feel better. That is just basic nice people human nature. To console and to relate and to offer hope.

What do you do. Take time to think about yourself and your actions of recent times. Have you been on the wrong side of the donkey in the room with nice people? Do you even care? Which is the big question. Because, if you just don't care then nothing you do in life will ever cause you any kind of happiness or peace. You have to care. Not caring about a thing or anything is not self preservation of your emotional state. Not caring is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state. Read it again.
Emotional Murder: (Unedited): 05 Feb 2015:
Not caring (Apathy) is the murder of your emotional state in order to protect your emotional state.
If you don't care about your job. You will never be satisfied with your job. You may not realize this. But, everyone is empathic to a degree. So when you walk around with apathy. Everyone will know it and become emotionally harmed by your apathy. Do you care about others or even want to care about others? Even while most good people will care about you.
Yes, You may have been filled with apathy for a very long time. It is possible for you to regain your own full humanity. Although, it does mean you will have to go out of your way for others. In the beginning you will be annoyed and bothered. But, after seeing smiles and gratitude. You will slowly get your humanity back. If you smoke. Be sure to quit smoking as tobacco takes away your ability to care.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Creation Care: Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:

A person who truly cares for every creation will by nature be righteous and holy in the sight of God.
 It is basically simple. If a person genuinely cares for you or anyone else. They will by logical reason follow the laws of God. Not because they have to but because they want to. A person who cares is not going to break any of the commandments in regards to you.
Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:
The freedom to choose to love one another without any fear or reservation is purity of Spirit, Mind and heart.
 Freedom. We today in this modern era seem to think that anything which in the old days were vile and immoral are now a freedom. When the day comes when freedom is defined as everything and anything can be done at any time and for any reason. That shall be the day when there will be no rational civilized people anymore. Humanity shall die and in it's place human appearing animals with no mind, heart or spirit.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unwise Expectations: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2014:

Expecting those to respect their jobs and your property. When they do not respect themselves is unwise of you. 
It is really simple. If a person does not care about how they live their own lives. How can you expect them to respect you, your property or business. You cannot and it is to much to expect a person to care when they do not. You cannot make a person to care. You may think you can pay a person to care. But, they do not. They are just pretending to care. Most people who just don't care are not even aware of the degree of apathy that is within them.
Apathy to any degree within you is that much of a degree you are away from being fully human.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Spiritual Compass: (Unedited): 22 June 2014:

The kind of spiritual awakening you welcome will be defined by your own internal sense of righteousness and how you live your life in accordance to that singular compass. 
Are you good or bad? Are you wise or ignorant? Do you care or are you full of apathy? Does righteousness matter or is it even a fundamental truth? The ten commandments is it to induce a slave mind or is it a logical lesson for a life worth living?
What about the good angels or the bad angels? Are they real? Was there truly a war in the heavens and the rebellious angels cast down to earth creating a prison planet? Were the fallen angels the ones who invaded this planet and brought to us sciences and practices as defined by them? Are the historical gods of legend really those fallen angels ruling over humanity? Does this mean that the alien invasion of Earth already occurred in Earth's ancient history? Is humanity still today suffering and learning from these imprisoned alien's inside of the earth? Am I allowed to even mix the terms angels and aliens?

Are you concerned at all that the reason for the war in the heavens was over the humans on this planet? and that the most direct contact with spiritual beings may be from those fallen angels who only want to cause humanities extinction. It is not enough for humanity to become extinct but for humanity to cause their own extinction. Isn't that a more effective form of warfare. To cause your enemy to kill themselves. This is logical and efficient. Especially when your being is mostly trapped deep in the bottomless pit. The fallen angels using their own superior natural abilities can still manipulate the lesser, weaker and unknowing minds of humanity in order to influence humanity to obey their subtle wills. Thus, can be seen in the changing of belief systems. The renewed questioning of rights and freedoms which surround morality which is spreading across the world.
Beware, those of you who are spiritually awakened. You to can still achieve a righteous purity in spite of the certain religious, cultural poisons which are right now surging through your mind and into the altering of your very DNA. It is true. What you think to be real about yourself is altered in your DNA until you become it. This works both ways. One way for a sinful life and the other for a righteous life. Just as a sinner can become righteous a righteous person can become a sinner. Until, such a point as reprobation is judged upon them.
If you believe that the innocence of life can be aborted. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that self love is your absolute and apathy for everything else is OK. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that war and conflict is the normal state of being. Then you are one of the deceived.
If you believe that chaos is something to create or maintain in order for you to profit from. Then you are one of the deceived.
To be a religious person and yet still dawn the uniform of warfare is another deception. You cannot in truth practice your religion of love, of peace, of harmony and go off into hells battlefield to hate all, to make war and to create chaos. There is great deceptions involved. In which all of it comes from the imprisoned fallen angels. Then when humanity accidentally or on purpose release the imprisoned angels. They will then be free to do as they will. The pure saints of each of the religions will fall to martyrdom. With little or no notice from the world. The vast majority of the population of the world will begin to worship the world leaders as the gods they will appear to be like. Everyone will love the world ruler. Which is when the armies of GOD will come and all of the military's of the world will fight against Jehovah. Thus, bringing together the whole truth of prophecy. All of it from all peoples and religions/faiths.

For you to evolve you must accept of your own free will these things.
1)Life is important.
2)Love is important.
3)Peace is important.
4)Harmony is important.
These four things are a logical formula and must be obeyed. If the logical formula is contaminated in any way. The outcome of life is fundamentally lessened or continually diminished until the point in which life cannot be sustained. 
Those few who have become awakened within the purity of the laws of righteousness. Will become changed in the twinkling of an eye. They will be the ones who evolve to the higher state of being. Within them will not be fear only the expectancy of continuation into the next. In which their bodies may not be shed but transformed.
At this point not even the fallen angels will be able to have influence over the righteously evolved.
So, In which direction does your compass point? Into the heavens or deep into the earth? What is the condition of your compass? Is is purely clean or contaminated? and to what degree? Does degree even matter to the holy divine?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Intellectual Apathy: Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013:

Intellectual apathy is worse than illiteracy.  
Source for inspiration was Yahoo. Backed up with other reporting sources.
 I was just talking to my son about how apathy causes a person not to become a benefit to anyone else. Then I discovered this news article tonight from yahoo.  It doesn't matter if the destruction is an old T.V., Computer, furniture or 250,000 books. Those people who have authority over those books do not care about anyone else let alone think about being a benefit to any poor library in this country or even the world. We each must choose to be a benefit, be a curse or be nothing to anyone. Which has been chosen? Which have you or I have chosen on a daily basis?
I have watched a family destroy a large T.V. that they could not sell and instead of giving it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or any other charitable organization. They enjoyed themselves by aggressively destroying it. Just so that no one else would take it and enjoy it. It is still in their front yard - right now. (10 Sept 2013 @ 2120).
Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013: 

Apathy begins the destruction of self, Then family, then Country and then world.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Sunday, September 1, 2013

World Bully: (Unedited): 01 Sept 2013:

The bully of the world will see their end when the whole of the world becomes fed up with it's antics.  
This is prophecy.
The bully does not nor ever has had unlimited reign over his/her victims. Such is the state of the world. When the bully no longer is a threat to the collective individual nations. The bully will become more harmed than all of the harm it is forced onto individual nations. What this will mean is even though the civilian population under the bully government has been deceived for more than 40 years. They will directly suffer the effects of their elected governments bullying of the world. While that very same bully government has created their COG (Continuation of Government) plans in order to protect themselves from most eventual disaster whether it be man made, outside influence, natural or a combination of events. They will not care about the civilian population when in some estimates that 200+ million will perish in certain disasters. The bully government survives and will then want to perpetuate their same old evil amongst the surviving civilian population.
The USA is at the end of their line. As witnessed by the news in regards to Syria. If the USA continues on with their bully tactics against the whole of the world. The entire country will end. Hopefully the foreign countries like Russia and China will focus on the government personnel and not the civilian population. Which is unlikely. China will be brutal against the civilian population of the former USA. I've written about this before. Cuba will see their own re-emergence in a few years or sooner. Russian warships visit Cuba on a friendly visit. Did they drop off any packages? of course Russia did. It is respectful when visiting to bring a gift.

These Russian warships also visited Venezuela.

The Russian warships  also visited Nicaragua.

During the cold war Cuba led the front of Latin American alliances against the USA. Research this for yourself. This will enlighten you as to what is the intent of Russia and these Countries these warships visited. Especially that missile cruiser. Which can launch at one time 20 Nuclear tipped cruise missiles. Not counting re-launch abilities. Just one ship. I am not speaking from fear or paranoia. I am speaking in awe of this powerful ship and there are 3 more in modernization. 
The old Latin American ties of the former USSR  is being renewed as I type this. Except now. With the advent of new portable and reusable EMP technology devices. This makes the individual military style special forces teams of the world into city destroyers without all of the destruction. Although the result of the use of these portable EMP weapons would be chaos and then death. Especially in the USA where technology is crucial to life in the mega city's like Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Houston, New Orleans, Pensacola and etc. With the majority of civilian populations living near coastal waters. This act can be very disastrous if an American TET Offensive is implemented. Every major coastal city gets attacked at nearly the same time with an EMP bomb. Then those Special operations units leave and go to another city to repeat the process.
The USA government must stop bullying other nations. Their survival is at stake. In the end the USA government loses and maybe the entire world.  My related blogs below.
What is weird. What if Dictator Putin is the good guy? What if China is on the good side. While the American government people and American government are on the wrong/bad side? Can the world exist without the USA? Of course. Will the world be better off for it? In the short term probably not. I still believe that as of this writing the extinction of the human race is the finger of China. I still believe that as of this writing the glory of humanity will also be by the finger of China.
Prophecy is only that which is probable.

If you do not like that which has been prophesied by any prophet or prophetess in all of human history. It matters not if you approve of them or not.
1) Then change you ways. You know that love, peace, harmony and life stuff. Embrace the truth.
2) The create plans and technology to manage and mitigate undesirable events. For everyone and not just for your own selfish survival (COG).

Altering and changing the certain outcome to any prophecy is really that easy. Refuse to hate. Refuse to war. Refuse to act chaotically. Refuse all aspects of death. Refuse all lies and deceptions. Refuse Racism.
It is my hope to prevent all of the bad and sad prophecies as foretold by anyone, from anywhere and at any time. 
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. Learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
Added on 12 Oct 2015:
 Russia, China and Iran are in Syria. They have some kind of agreement with Iraq and maybe Saudi Arabia. The USA has suppressed news of unofficially supporting both the Syrian Rebels as well as ISIS, ISIL, IS. There is suppressed news of who is supplying these groups brand new Toyota's. There is suppressed news that a claimed ISIS person stated they get their support from the USA. There is suppressed news that the USA has attacked the Kurds as genuine American citizens risk their lives for these embattled people. Do the research for yourself. I have no intention of relaying some of these links as I do not think they can be trusted. The Media news in the USA is more corrupt than ever. In which CNN and Fox leads the way. With their own specific viewership.
@2130 hours on CNN news Tonight the USA has dropped 50 tons of weapons and ammunition to the rebels of Syria. Including hand grenades. I had a vision of hand grenades being thrown in a movie theater some time ago. (Maybe Star Wars).
The only American Aircraft Carrier in the Middle east has departed. USS Theodore Roosevelt. Per Stars and Stripes News. 
I think the entire American civilian population has been duped and continues to be duped.
Here is a new prophecy or the how in an old prophecy of mine.
The enemies of the USA and Israel. Wants every aspect of the USA and Israel to be totally wiped out of existence. This includes the history that either one ever existed. Think about this. To be able to start from day one ruling over the entire world without any history at all to conflict in any way with your rule. You can become gods. Like the Pharaohs over all of the slaves of Egypt. The whole planet becomes your slaves. Right now, The world is only a few to 10 generations (less than 15 years or 2030) away from autonomous robots that can patrol air, sea above/below, land and already in space. All by a simple command. Any ruler will be able to exercise total control over the entire population without any trust issues. In less than one living generation. The entire population will be dumbed down. No one will be taught any advanced logical thinking, weapons training or hand to hand combat skills. That is the dream of those who thirst for total world governance. That won't happen as they want it to. What will happen is the total extinction of all humanity. There is no safe place on Earth.
Who started it. Most likely the Oligarchical USA.
What will it look like. The actual terrorist will inhabit homes in which they cannot afford. In other words. These terrorists will live in strategic places. Like direct ocean or Gulf of Mexico access. They will work for day labor minimum wage outlets by day. This gives each terrorist invisibility as well as some monies for living. It also provides the ability to easily disappear. The direct salt water access gives them each the ability to receive and/or send undisclosed goods. Their docks will most likely be dark. Which is usually a contradiction to any security mode of thinking. Their neighbors won't see or hear them if at all. They will keep to themselves. Maybe, see them fishing for food. These will be just a portion of the coming American Tet. Law enforcement, FBI, CIA, DHS and others wont be able to do anything. They will all be clean. They won't have anything and cry victim to their consulates. These terrorists will include Latinos, Somalis and all other Islamic peoples. The Russians and Chinese will already have their own personnel in place.
What will these terrorist receive? Most likely all American made weapons and explosives. Why is that? Because, in every way they want to use everything we have and are against us. This is direct Sun Tzu line of thinking. If you have not read or studied Sun Tzu. Then you may not easily understand. The Sun Tzu Book "The Art of War" is a very evil book. Who taught humanity warfare? The fallen angels. Then we evolved it and we will continue to evolve warfare until one of two things happen. We destroy ourselves which is most probable or we become a very real conquering threat to the fractured fallen angels.
Now that Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are officially aligned militarily with each other. The direct threat to the USA may seem obscure. Iran now has their missile to hit anywhere in Israel with a 500 meter accuracy range. I can see a line forming against Israel. from Cyprus to Syria. Iraq will fall into the line eventually. Iran will start building missile silos in large quantities. Which shall be surrounded by S-300's. As well as a variety of other cheap air defense systems to overwhelm American used war planes. Iran is purchasing a very large number of refueling planes. This number is most likely excessive. But, when airborne can easily refuel Russian and Chinese fighters, bombers and transport aircraft. Iran seems to be in that perfect place to be responsible for that. All that follows is an agreement with Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The next King of Saudi Arabia may be more pleasant with Russia and China. Maybe, even share their military with them. Some how I do see Russia and China getting advanced Military hardware. It is from Saudi Arabia. The how is in question. Saudi Arabia may only exist by permission of an agreement with Russia, China and Iran. If Saudi Arabia does not agree. Then it will be totally destroyed and all Royal blood lines will be hunted and killed.
This all must precede before taking military action against Israels oil and gas reserves. Egypt has new oil and gas finds as well. Greater than Israels. Egypt just purchased both helicopter carriers from France as well as the entire flights of helicopters from Russia. There has been also suppressed news about France dealing militarily with Russia in Syria. I wonder who is going to end up with those helicopter carriers? Mr. Putin... So Israel is surrounded with Air craft carriers. Loosely defined.
So what must be done before an all out attack upon Israel? To which Russia and China will play their parts but will be minimized by the media.
The USA must be neutralized first. Read my other writings.
First look into the global markets. All countries who sees what is going on with the USA Will quietly shift their businesses and monies to Europe, China and Russia. Once the American losses can be survived. Will they begin to implement. That has already begun and it can easily be seen. Another alleged explosion in China tonight. China is patient. They will hold their course. Unless the American politicians do something very stupid. China is both the trigger which begins humanities extinction or they will lead humanity to greatness. It is only one or the other. So far it is probable that humanity will become extinct.
They will be successful. The entire American civilian population will suffer from walking away from God. As what was done to Israel so to it shall be done to New jerUSAlem. They are all helpless. They will have no protection from the God they have abandoned, rejected, denied and outlawed. They have made the declared sins of God a lawful right of freedom. Judgement is made and the discipline comes when the prophets become troubled from the silence. It was their collectively agreed upon vote. Which in agreement and of inaction. Judgement comes to them all. The whole of the world will be amazed at just how easily America fell.
By your command: This is very important to understand. Once an order is given to a machine. It will see it all the way through. Without question, guilt or remorse.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More Apathetic: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Apathy tells you it is to risky to love, show compassion or care for others.  While apathy does not tell you is that the more you become apathetic the more you are alone, separated and isolated.  
The apathetic thoughts and emotions you begin to allow a recognition of importance. Seems to be self protecting and self beneficial. But, as time goes on. That self protectionism cases you to become more and more alone over time. Separating you from friends and family. Then from the rest of the world. To the point that even to be among other people causes you to much stress and anxiety. You become a home body. Enjoying the anonymous privacy of the computer and Internet. Reality T.V. becomes more important than news, Religion, politics or even the loss of those things which are very important. Like your life even though you still exist.
Eventually you may become so home bound that you die alone. That is extreme. But very probable.
To care. To Love. to show compassion is apart of your humanity. To deny those aspects of you for self protectionism only De-evolves your whole being. You actually become less than what you were.
You can return to what you once were a fully intact human being. Quit your smoking, drinking and any mind altering drugs. You may have to ween yourself off of them. That is a beginning. Go outside and find something to care about. Like the family you have forgotten. Assuming that is possible. Call them and ask for help.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Self Apathy: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Those addictions which harm the body is evidence of apathy of the self. 
 No one begins to drink alcohol, smokes cigarettes or use drugs in the hopes of achieving addictions to those substances. It seems to always happen though. Even smoking cigarettes becomes more important than family or employment. Cigarettes and other drugs attacks your ability to care or even show a realistic amount of compassion. Thus leading your own family into an extinction process as your family lineage comes to an end.
The damage to your ability to have healthy and strong children is greatly diminished. Plus, the possibility of introducing damaged DNA is a very real probability. How is this good?
It seems to me that those substances which are greatly addictive is De-evolving the entire human species. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Animal Advantage: (Unedited): 07 July 2013:

 Taking advantage of another person without any concern or care for the future or for that person is you De-evolving yourself to that of any other animal. 
 This is more evidence of apathy within various cultures around the world.
Taking advantage of a person because you can (Expressing Dominance) or because they are being nice. Is wrong and harmful to a person who is being nice and civil. Taking or getting as much as you can from a friendly and nice person. Will not only come to an end for you but may also cause that friendly and nice person from ever helping or assisting any other person. So by you taking advantage in order to get more for yourself is an illusion. Yes, in the short term you may get a small percentage of more. But, in the long term you will get nothing more. So, the advantage is not yours and you are not only harming a good person. You are harming yourself. Which is not logical.
Animals are opportunistic creatures. Humans who take advantage of other people are De-evolving themselves down to that of animals.
Taking advantage of another person without any concern or care for the future or for that person is you choosing to  De-evolving yourself to that of any other lower animal.
Here we have identified apathy, De-evolution and Selfish greed. 
None of which advances the Human race in any way. It only De-evolves humanity into something which is less than.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Care Pay: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Individual apathy will win out in each persons own reasoning. During a time of extreme emergency an apathetic person will make selfish decisions which will benefit them the most.  C.J.MacKechnie
It matters not their training in helping others. The apathetic person will use all of that training for themselves and forget about the innocent who needs the most dire of assistance. C.J.MacKechnie
A large percentage of Emergency management personnel are paid to care. When their pay stops. They will depart/disappear. C.J.MacKechnie
The emergency management managing persons. Must first ensure that those families who are of interest to your people on the ground are moved to safe zones ahead of the event or events.

This includes those who are affiliated with law enforcement, fire rescue, medical professions, National Guard, Military, emergency management personnel and etc.
When a law enforcement person is unable to get ammunition and or other supplies in a time of low stress. When the stress comes. That law enforcement officer will use the supplies he has to ensure the safety of those he/she cares about. Which is reasonable.

Read Katrina info.
When an emergency is localized and non-overwhelming to the persons senses. Those emergency management persons will revert to their training. But, When a thing happens which is beyond the scope of possibility of/in their training. All of that training may breakdown into a simple need to save themselves or to save only those they care about. 
The safety of all family members within the entire emergency management community must be relocated to designated safe zones. This preparation must be practiced and implemented.  A general level of personal secrecy, will aid in their safe transportation to those pee-designated safe zones. All persons must be pre-approved.  
By implementing this plan. Desertion and abandonment rates will go down dramatically. Thus, saving innocent lives throughout the entire emergency event or events. 
You cannot make people care when they do not. Not even the laws of GOD makes people to love one another. So, making human laws which criminalize desertion and abandonment. Will only cause the apathetic person stress after they have been caught. 
All undesirable prophecies can be prevented, managed and mitigated. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Light Limit: (Unedited): 20 Jan 2013:

Just a star lights glimpse of the Divine. Causes you to know the limits of your own mind. C.J.MacKechnie
Can you imagine Moses only being able to see the back side of GOD? No, really think about this. The God of our creation is so much more advanced than we are that HE has to limit His contact with us. Just to prevent our own destruction. How incredible is that.
Then in our flawed and incredibly weak humanity blame God for all of our woes and troubles. We blame God and never even realize why His contact is extremely minimal. His care and compassion for us is incredibly delicate. Maybe in a few hundred thousand years. We can have physical contact with the Divine.
Our life in this heaven is predicated by all of our collective choices.  God has sent his messengers to teach us. Love, Peace, harmony and life. These are that which is logically important. So, that we do not self destruct.


Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Monday, January 14, 2013

Godless Care: (Unedited): 14 Jan 2013:

The godless and unrighteous will automatically censor content which conflicts with their belief system, while at the same time regularly promote content which is incredibly offensive to those who believe in God and righteousness, without a care or concern for their feelings. 
The great argument in America, which seems to be always against the christian. If a christian runs for any political office can they make decisions which is not based on their faith. The answer must be "NO". If not then the person who is claiming to be of a faith is a liar and deceiver.
If a person of a faith is in any position of authority and makes any decision based on his faith. They are immediately accused and proclaimed as evil. Where as a godless person who does any evil as defined by the christian does the same. He is cheered as a hero for expressing a right and having the strength to follow up on a godless decision.

The down fall of any nation begins with the free right to glorify sin and evil, while at the same time demeaning righteousness and good.
Added on 27 July 2018:
Censorship of the Christian faith is only know becoming commonly known. Youtube and facebook seem to be leading the censorship charge. Followed by twitter.
Added on 27 July 2018:
Most Christians know that the entire faith is being censored and eventually that censorship will be applied to each person being denied access to any public services or even participation in society. Which includes employment, healthcare, banking and ownership. All of this has most certainly evolved from what it was in 2013 to what it is now and will become more profound once all of Christianity is silenced and criminalized. Really. The legalization of the killing of Christians will either become a law or just permissible as something unworthy of investigation. This will also encompass all other crimes against any truly devout Christians.
But, worldly favor will go to those social Christians who are in agreement with the freedom to sin however you want. In agreement with anytime abortions which includes up to 5-6 years post birth. In agreement with sex acts with anyone and anything.
Of course these things which I write are very premature. Each will evolve to what it will become.
These things can be turned around. But, only if true Christians run for every elected political office at every level in the federal, state, county and city. They must do so right now. Time is running out. You can already see what is coming with the words of Maxine Waters. You can already see this in attacks against President Donald trump supporters in public places. Unable to find any news regarding harm or crimes against the supporters of Donald Trump. I type in Donald Trump and all I get is Hate news for Donald Trump and his supporters. Search term (reported crimes harm donald trump supporters)

Revelation 6:9-11 King James Version (KJV)

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
It is God who only wins in the end and it is His children and saints who lose badly. So when a pastor say we win in the end. In a way that is true but we don't it is only God who is victorious in the end. Those who are actually the children of God and who are only accepted by Him. Will celebrate in His victory. So in the meantime all manner of cruelty, harm, abuse, torture and death await the Christian in the future. Better hope and pray that the rapture at any time is not also a false teaching. Even if the rapture is a false teaching and I really really hope it isn't. The important part of who you truly are is your spirit. The physical body not so much, in the big picture of God things. Why do you think the Apostles died like they did and Jesus Christ. Who are you to think of yourself as greater or more important than even John the Baptist? and yet he was the cousin of Jesus. Matthew 24:13.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
How do you define enduring unto your ending no matter how it comes forth? Like I said i really really hope the rapture is true and real. But, if it is't then what is the foundation of your faith? To save your own skin as you live as worldly of a life as possible. To with ease live in the worldly system as you keep the truth about your true character secret from any church people. While you go off into the world feeling good about yourself as you harm and legally steal all you can. No matter who the people are or their worth in the world or how the younger generation have abandoned their elders in hospitals, homes crying into the darkness and into the daylight help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me nonstop.
The younger generation already have begun erasing their own family histories. By selling and giving away all historical relics of their families history. Without even a second thought. Go into any Goodwill or any Hospice store. Where do you think a lot of those goods come from? Especially here in Florida. Then the younger generation always seems to sell family property to gain the true worth which is in their hearts and minds.  Even in the younger generation they seem to feel a freedom from their parents and family. Even a freedom from the memory of them. Which is why ancient photos can be bought as well from Goodwill or military suits and awards for bravery and honor earned.
Matthew 24. Need to reread it slowly.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gift Inspired: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:

Encouraging and inspiring one another is a joyful gift that we all share with one another repeatedly. C.J.MacKechnie 
 Mentoring one another is the same as a prophet who positively speaks words of a wonderful world to come. If and when each of us can purge from ourselves the apathy which contaminates our sickened hearts. We will discovered a sudden healing and a restoration of our full humanity. The ability to care and love one another no matter their position, the family name or status in life. To lift up your fellow human being without any expectation of any accolade or reward.
 Just think about this.
To positively inspire your brother and sister no matter their parentage. Uplifts and improves all of humanity. To teach why it is important to do the right things in life, without fear or intimidation. Improves all of humanity and not just yourself.
To care for all children, even if those children were unfortunate to be born to bad parents. By taking up the mantle to instruct, raise up and to love these unfortunate children. Not only do you improve one life but you improve all of humanity. To push away and reject one unfortunate child only seems like you are affecting only one person. But, in truth you are affecting every human life with the spread of the apathy within you. Just look at the mentally ill, homeless and crime which seems to surround you and is everywhere. Who do you think is a contributor to all of the evil you witness in some manor? You are and all of the people who think of themselves as being good without doing any actual good works. A good person will do actual good works is truly a good person. While a person who deceptively believes they are good will do nothing except maybe write a minimal check for some cause from time to time. A bad person is not so dis-illusion-ed as the self deceptive good person who does nothing. The bad person knows they are a snake and cares not for whom ever they may choose to inject their venom into. Why do I use the word venom. Because unlike a simple bite which has a beginning and an end. The venom continues to work it's poison long after the bite is gone. Apathy is a poison. 
Will your gift today to your brother and sister be joyful or one of venom? It is always one of those choices which must be made continuously and often.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Apathy's Cure: (Unedited): 23 Dec 2012:

Apathy's cure means, your humanities re-emergence. C.J.MacKechnie
When you begin to care again. You become reacquainted with your humanity. Even if  the strongest emotions is anger and hatred. From there you can evolve into those more healing and calming emotions of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.  
When you begin to care about the self. This will also evolve into caring about other peoples needs as well. You will eventually begin to lose the desire to hurt and harm other people. This is assuming you allow yourself to think and believe that love, caring, mercy and compassion is not weak but a strong emotion. Strong enough to prevent extinction. Where as the disease of apathy spreads itself throughout the entire population of a planet and then the extinction process begins. The whole people are unaware and cares not. They just have the thirst for more anger, more hatred and more violence. maybe even welcome death as a preferred event.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Great Destroyer: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2011:

The great destroyer of any peoples is personal and professional apathy. C.J.MacKechnie
I've driven all over this great land we call The United States of America. Everywhere I see apathy. people who no longer care about their jobs. Like any terrible air borne disease, Apathy spreads to everyone. Like any new disease which enters your being. It gestates, grows, multiplies and evolves. All within you. So, If a fellow employee doesn't care about doing a good job. What do you do? Work twice as hard or say and do as this apathetic person is doing? A good person will work their own job and jump in to complete the apathetic persons job. Because, most apathetic people just do not last long. Except for now, with the reward of unemployment compensation. Free money for sitting at home.
What happens if your in an entry level position and filled with pride for the company and job. Only to have an apathetic person as your boss. What do you do? Because any genuine complaint or communication of a problem, you may have will be twisted into by the apathetic boss in a negative fashion against you. While if the apathetic boss sees merit to your complaint. They will twist it for their own benefit and reward. When they take it to the supreme all knowing bosses. Then when there is a fix and you approach the apathetic boss about the idea. The apathetic person will ridicule you as they and he/she knows way more than you and this was in there awareness for some time. In other words you wasted your time. Which you didn't, But, you will never know the truth. because the apathetic boss person will erect a shield to anyone above their position. Not because they are all controlling but rather they are protecting themselves.
The same goes when you have that great wonderful idea. The apathetic boss will see your idea as an opportunity for themselves.
The word peoples can be replaced with Companies, corporations, nations, planet.

I guess a good person will walk away. While the bosses can and will fill your position. Who and what kind of person will they get. They will get people who match the psychology of the apathetic boss. Which in the end means what for the company? A never ending stream of stupid problems which no one will resolve. Why? not because of training or the lack of training. Because, of the attitude "If no one cares why should I". So, if you are a caring supreme all knowing big time boss man and your experiencing a never ending stream of stupid time and money losing problems. Look down your chain of command. Have a personal conversation with your entry level people with reassurances. Those who by record are always early and are always getting the job done above your own defined standard. Find and locate the apathetic disease within and cut it away. Cast it or them into the symbolic fire and remember them no more.
 All Notes from Facebook will be deleted. Apparently Facebook has lowered the number of notes you can have from 1500 down to 500. I just hope I can find the missing 1000. If not they are gone forever. I was using Facebook to protect my writings.
... Facebook note #1500. I'm at the end of the Facebook world. The inspiration for this is Flying J truck stop. On I-81x77, exit #77. A yellow truck was dripping diesel fuel. Not a stream but a steady drip. Hours of dripping and not a single driver who entered or exited cared enough to voice a concern. No flying J manager has even went around the property as they arrived to work. Now there is a 50-100 gallon fuel spill. The J guys were successful in preventing the fuel from actually getting into a drain pipe. No one cares anymore. People only care if you bring it to their attention. This is very real evidence of a people self destructing. C.J.MacKechnie
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Control Mind: (Unedited): 17 May 2010:

The control and discipline of one's own mind is crucial to a healthy self sustaining existence. C.J.MacKechnie 
Impulsiveness is a cursed rope which binds you to unnecessary undesirable fates.(Sounds like a quote).
If you do not have control and discipline over your own mind. The GOD/ALLAH/ GRANDFATHER given gifts received will become like never ending curses. You must know GOD/ALLAH/ GRANDFATHER gives gifts to only those whom HE loves. It is the receiver who must willingly meditate to their HEAVENLY FATHER for the continued lessons and skills to be learned.
A smart person who having received a cool gift from another human. Will read the instruction manual and dedicate much time and care in learning the skills to master a way cool gift. So, it should be the same with all of the *Spiritual, Knowledgeable, Physical, Mental, Healing, Heart, Intellectual gifts.
When your nature, your religion, your culture sees divine gifts as something which is rare, illusive and unseen in today's human world. The gifts given to you may only remain as unrealized potential. Their is and always will be requirements of the individual who has been given gifts. Even if those gifts remain unknown and unrealized within the gifted persons being. There is humility, responsibility and respect which must be honored. Especially, If the gifts of service. Because, Just as a person can  freely choose or reject any gift. So, to can the person of need freely reject the gifted persons gift of service. Even if it may be the gift of life saving healing.

* Limited list of gifts given from GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER* My list given is not intended to be all encompassing
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John