These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Earth Heaven: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2013:
Earth Hell +3: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2013:
What makes Hell on Earth? Hate, War, Chaos, and Death. You do these 4 things intentionally daily and hell is ours to share. C.J.MacKechnie
Added on 26 Nov 2024:
I'm reminded of Scooby Doo cartoon show of my youth. Which was way back in the early1970's. That show used to scare me to death and then the mask was removed to reveal a bad person who looked very nice and normal. Then how I grew up hardened me and I blamed God for everything. Then one day as an young adult full of anger and hatred for God, I was watching Scooby Doo for some dumb reason other than it was on. Then it hit me. All of the bad things which happen in this world is not Gods fault and it never was. All of the bad things which happen in this world is all humanities fault. Which means all of the bad and sad things which happened to me was all the fault of the bad people who were supposed to love and care for me.
So what does this all mean? It means that all of the bad things you do and plan to do is what is making this Earth a living Hell. It is you and everyone else who is making hell on earth. Scooby Doo and the mask is pulled off to reveal this truth. It is you who are the bad man or bad woman. Purple words below. Enjoy this revelation and by the way if president elect trumps actually gets sworn into office. Consider that a reprieve from God and possibly a very last chance as was with Nineveh. This could be our sign from Jonah before the end of us comes to a final close. Especially since there is zero evidence of any kind of nationwide or even a global repentance. Which may mean that the people of Nineveh had their reprieve because they all repented and the American people, the Canadian people, the European people and every other kind of people may not see the reprieve that the people of Nineveh had when Jonah visited them. Where is our Jonah? or the Nineveh hater or would that be the American hater prophet, Canadian hater prophet, European hater prophet or your own nationalistic hater prophet. Did we all refuse to give any ear to some hater?
The creators of hell on earth is staring at you from the other side of any mirror.
It is all your fault and the fault of your ancestors who have made you fear for your own children's future.
It is how and what you think and feel which creates hell. It is all of your actual wicked sin which makes your own hellish prison cell walls with no doors.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman==============
Go and sin no more.
================To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.============
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Gift Inspired: (Unedited): 28 May 2010:
Encouraging and inspiring one another is a joyful gift that we all share with one another repeatedly. C.J.MacKechnie
=================================================================Mentoring one another is the same as a prophet who positively speaks words of a wonderful world to come. If and when each of us can purge from ourselves the apathy which contaminates our sickened hearts. We will discovered a sudden healing and a restoration of our full humanity. The ability to care and love one another no matter their position, the family name or status in life. To lift up your fellow human being without any expectation of any accolade or reward.
Just think about this.
To positively inspire your brother and sister no matter their parentage. Uplifts and improves all of humanity. To teach why it is important to do the right things in life, without fear or intimidation. Improves all of humanity and not just yourself.
To care for all children, even if those children were unfortunate to be born to bad parents. By taking up the mantle to instruct, raise up and to love these unfortunate children. Not only do you improve one life but you improve all of humanity. To push away and reject one unfortunate child only seems like you are affecting only one person. But, in truth you are affecting every human life with the spread of the apathy within you. Just look at the mentally ill, homeless and crime which seems to surround you and is everywhere. Who do you think is a contributor to all of the evil you witness in some manor? You are and all of the people who think of themselves as being good without doing any actual good works. A good person will do actual good works is truly a good person. While a person who deceptively believes they are good will do nothing except maybe write a minimal check for some cause from time to time. A bad person is not so dis-illusion-ed as the self deceptive good person who does nothing. The bad person knows they are a snake and cares not for whom ever they may choose to inject their venom into. Why do I use the word venom. Because unlike a simple bite which has a beginning and an end. The venom continues to work it's poison long after the bite is gone. Apathy is a poison.
Will your gift today to your brother and sister be joyful or one of venom? It is always one of those choices which must be made continuously and often.
One Another,
New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA
Friday, January 4, 2013
Lifting Up:(Unedited): 28 May 2010:
Uplifting another spirit is the love and compassion we should all share with one another. C.J.MacKechnie
======================The Christ servitude. Is all about lifting up a poor soul. So that they can see the true light of GOD for themselves. Then empowering that former poor soul to do as Jesus had done for them. Outwardly expressing love, compassion, mercy and kindness. That is and always will be the only true sign of a real Christian.
Mercy and kindness we should all share with one another. This is just some of the essential foundations to any civilization. To be civil towards one another even if they are different in some minor way or even live in a far away land or on a different celestial body. Greetings of friendship should always begin, maintain or even conclude a relationship.
To be cynical of everything breeds distrust of others for you. To be rude, mean and cruel will just cause people to flee from your presence at all times. Leaving you alone with your mean cynicism. Wars are always started with selfish greed by the rulers of that described evil lands of evil people. Who seem to always proclaim peace for all at the conclusion of the wars started.
Long lasting peace can only come when the common people base their life in love, harmony and have a deep respect for the importance of all life. Then it will matter not what the selfish rulers want. Wars can only happen if the common people are willing to fight and die for the lies and deceptions of the rulers words. Peace cannot come from warfare ever. Unless absolute extinction of all life occurs. Then there will be absolute peace. If there is one survivor or even one fearful observer then revenge and war preparations will be made. So, peace will never last long by the tip of the sword.
Christianity and Islam are still fighting the crusades today. Or is it the unholy rulers of both sides who are just using the religions as their tools to motivate the common peoples to go to war on their behalf?
It's always about the money, the lands, the power, the control, the resources, The authority, The total wealth. War is always about the few who want the most. Even in negotiated peace treaties. The few on both sides will profit in some way. While the common people on the declared winning side have fought and died receive nothing but a minute pay check. While the common people on the declared losing side have fought and died receive nothing but maybe a minute paycheck. The wives and mothers of the common soldier who has fallen. Each equally mourn their losses. No matter which side they are on.
Repent and flee from all of your sin. Pray and meditate often and daily. You the common man who is a warrior or soldier. lay down your weapons and Go home and live your life in peace with your family and people.
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