Showing posts with label Helping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helping. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Animal Advantage: (Unedited): 07 July 2013:

 Taking advantage of another person without any concern or care for the future or for that person is you De-evolving yourself to that of any other animal. 
 This is more evidence of apathy within various cultures around the world.
Taking advantage of a person because you can (Expressing Dominance) or because they are being nice. Is wrong and harmful to a person who is being nice and civil. Taking or getting as much as you can from a friendly and nice person. Will not only come to an end for you but may also cause that friendly and nice person from ever helping or assisting any other person. So by you taking advantage in order to get more for yourself is an illusion. Yes, in the short term you may get a small percentage of more. But, in the long term you will get nothing more. So, the advantage is not yours and you are not only harming a good person. You are harming yourself. Which is not logical.
Animals are opportunistic creatures. Humans who take advantage of other people are De-evolving themselves down to that of animals.
Taking advantage of another person without any concern or care for the future or for that person is you choosing to  De-evolving yourself to that of any other lower animal.
Here we have identified apathy, De-evolution and Selfish greed. 
None of which advances the Human race in any way. It only De-evolves humanity into something which is less than.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Care Pay: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Individual apathy will win out in each persons own reasoning. During a time of extreme emergency an apathetic person will make selfish decisions which will benefit them the most.  C.J.MacKechnie
It matters not their training in helping others. The apathetic person will use all of that training for themselves and forget about the innocent who needs the most dire of assistance. C.J.MacKechnie
A large percentage of Emergency management personnel are paid to care. When their pay stops. They will depart/disappear. C.J.MacKechnie
The emergency management managing persons. Must first ensure that those families who are of interest to your people on the ground are moved to safe zones ahead of the event or events.

This includes those who are affiliated with law enforcement, fire rescue, medical professions, National Guard, Military, emergency management personnel and etc.
When a law enforcement person is unable to get ammunition and or other supplies in a time of low stress. When the stress comes. That law enforcement officer will use the supplies he has to ensure the safety of those he/she cares about. Which is reasonable.

Read Katrina info.
When an emergency is localized and non-overwhelming to the persons senses. Those emergency management persons will revert to their training. But, When a thing happens which is beyond the scope of possibility of/in their training. All of that training may breakdown into a simple need to save themselves or to save only those they care about. 
The safety of all family members within the entire emergency management community must be relocated to designated safe zones. This preparation must be practiced and implemented.  A general level of personal secrecy, will aid in their safe transportation to those pee-designated safe zones. All persons must be pre-approved.  
By implementing this plan. Desertion and abandonment rates will go down dramatically. Thus, saving innocent lives throughout the entire emergency event or events. 
You cannot make people care when they do not. Not even the laws of GOD makes people to love one another. So, making human laws which criminalize desertion and abandonment. Will only cause the apathetic person stress after they have been caught. 
All undesirable prophecies can be prevented, managed and mitigated. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Helping Accumulates: (unedited): 25 July 2012

There is an accumulative effect when your helping your brother and sister. Meaning when you help 100 people only one time. You are really helping yourself one hundred times.
NOTES: Your brother and sister is any human being, PERIOD. It matters not their differences, nationality, religion, culture or planetary origin. Yes, Planetary origin. I said it.
It has been factually proven that 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical. That makes us all one human race. All other definitions of human races is a lie and deception.
To do so without any expectancy for any reward and purely from the love of your own heart is where the gifts reside and are retained.