Showing posts with label Preparation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preparation. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The New Foreigners Prophecy: (Unedited) 25 April 2021:

I met an ole Cuban, Well he is only 5 years older than me. But, he was kind and he made it to America is a very trying way. But, he made it and he is free. I said to him that I was glad that he is in the USA now. The property of his house looks rough from a distance. But, when you look closer. You see natural medicines, Mangos, Papayas, Avocados. Just what can be easily seen across his fence line. Recently I met a Puerto Rican and his back yard has become a farm. He was nice as well. There is a point to this and how God leads me to witness things. You the individual devout Christian  may go forth and make contact with those churches which only cater to specific people groups. Go and teach your skill sets and learn from them their skill sets. All in the name of Christ. You should do this along with your church. But, if your church will not support you. Then seek out a different church which has many different kinds of people groups. Remember, only the church of Smyrna and the church of Philadelphia were not scolded by God.  These churches suffered and yet they pleased God even in their suffering. While all of the other churches fell away from God. So look for the church which most resembles Smyrna and Philadelphia. Yes, even if you have life long friends and generational friends. Yes, even if you and your family have went to only one church for generation's. Don't just get up and quit. Do much praying, fasting. Try to work within your fallen denomination and church to effect holy and righteous change. God will prepare a way for you. 
 Every Christian Denomination and every nondenominational church must go forth and embrace each other. Every Christian must be able to go forth to love and support one another. Every Christian must go forth and teach their own skill sets. This is where things get very important. The people from their old worlds who have come to the USA for liberty and freedom. 
If the churches and denominations or if your church and denomination refuse to mingle with other churches and denominations in the name of Jesus. Then you have the answer to your question which you may not even have posed yet. Any church and denomination who seems to desperately want to keep you inside of the church where you do not have to do anything else but cut a check for your tithe is in the wrong. 
The prophets are beginning to speak their prophecies. They may not even know why or understand. But, they all know that severe hardships are coming. People are going to starve to death. People are going to die because their medications and medical care will be unavailable. People are going to die because of exposure to the element's. People are going to die of thirst and old diseases which are not typically seen in the modern world. 
So all of you need to tell everyone else that they must begin to start planting food crops as which I have written before. Did you know it can take 5-7 years for a natural organic and wild tree to bear fruit or nuts. This alone could be a time frame of things to come. Unless the election of Trump to the presidency was a time marker as well. For the next Shemitah is in 2022 and the next American elections is on 08 Nov 2022. Which means if the Democrats who are not gain a super majority of the house and then senate. While holding the Presidents chair. They can effectively change the whole of the USA into a new nation as defined by them and not you. If what Trumps does say was true and all of the reporting and all of the things seen on the election of Biden/Harris are true. Then any election thereafter will not matter. They will just put on a show for their audience. Like watching a WWE professional match where all of the drama is scripted. 
Just as the foot does not compete against the eye and the hand does not compete against the spleen. So to must everyone work together for the benefit of the whole body of Christ. 
You must be able to understand the purpose of prophecies. A prophecy can have many parts. The natural events which cannot be altered and the events which are based on human decision which can be prevented. The natural events can be mitigated as which was told in the Biblical story of Joseph and the Pharaoh of Egypt. Seven years of plenty and then seven years of a great famine. They prepared as so you must and you must tell everyone and motivate everyone to prepare. Time is short.
Just as God will send a prophet to one specific people group. So to will God send the many prophets to all of His children everywhere. They will speak the same basic words and may even add others. But, they will say there is coming a food shortage or something similar and they will not conflict. 
But, beware of those who watch the prophets and say the horrible things to come and God will protect you by sending "ME" money. Do not be swayed for they are the children of satan.
A genuine prophet of God is going to say/write their words of horrifying things to come and then bring forth what you need to do to overcome these coming hardships. If there is no second half of actions as which was done by Joseph. Then they are not of God. Fore God wants His children to survive and to thrive. God does not want you to die of thirst, starvation. So go forth and prepare. Read my previous posts and see what you should do. You do not even have to send me any money or even acknowledge me in any way. Go forth and save all of the lives that you can. Cause the people to become empowered enough to plant all manner of wild/organic fruit and nut bearing trees, shrubs, vines and other plants. Do so right now. Go forth and begin to plant new plants from seedlings and them give them all away. I'm already do that with a lot of papaya seeds, peppers and beef tomatoes. But, teach people how to do it. There is an urgency here. 
Here is a concept in which you may not even be aware of. Teach people to plant a variety of plants which which will give food in a specific month of the year and then plant your permanent wild plants so that you have food every month of the year. In that way you will have foods grown fresh every month. Teach people how to recover those seeds in your region and to begin planting for their own use. 
For you wealthy people who own much land. Begin planting all manner of edible plants on all of your properties. Even on your rentals. Then do not worry about the animals or the people who take what they can. If you own a pond or a lake. Then enhance those eco-systems to the fullest in your region. So that they will be self sustaining. 
The denominations need to mandate all forms of preparations for their churches. The question on how to effectively use the land in order to sustain their peoples. Then those answers must be quickly put into action. The lessons of Joseph must begun to be taught. Think about this. Joseph was beaten up by his brothers, thrown into a hole, sold into slavery, abused and wrongly accused as a slave, put into prison and maintained his faith in God. Then once freed he did not hold grudges or seek retaliation as it became obvious he still loved his family and saved his family. No matter how badly they treated him. Joseph even saved the kingdom that he was an imprisoned slave to. Joseph acted out of love even though by our modern day understanding he owed them nothing and his family owed him everything. Yet, Joseph save them all. Out of your love for everyone which includes those who deserve it and don't deserve it. Plant your plants and remake your community into a human created pseudo Garden Of Eden. Cause your entire community to be a place of plenty for everyone. 
The time is coming. When life will become harsh and starvation becomes a reality. Where people will starve to death. If you have read and not prayed and then you do nothing. I'm sorry that you could not believe the words of a poorly educated janitor who is trying to save your life, your church and your community. Like I said, You do not even have to acknowledge me what so ever. I do not want you to acknowledge me at all. I do want you to give all glory and gratitude to only God alone. 
Think about it. Who do I write for? Why do I waste my time writing if I do not want any credit, recognition or acknowledgement? 
Something else to think about. How long does it take for fruit bearing vines like raspberries, elderberries, black berries to fully take over a sun drenched fence line? How long does it take for a fruit bearing vine of any kind to become plentiful enough to feed your family, friends and neighbors? Yes, you take on the responsibility to feed everyone because you love everyone. Which is a commandment from Christ Jesus. Jesus did not say to love yourself and to the hot place to everyone else. Jesus came to love and serve everyone. Jesus knew what his fate would be. Jesus knew that humanity would falsely accuse Him, wrongly judge Him, torture Him, hang Him on a cross, mock Him and pierce His heart. Jesus did all of what He did because He loved first. Jesus did all that He did with full knowledge of what was gonna happen. Jesus Loved one another first. This is what we all must do no matter what fate awaits. 
A community of people is more likely to transition from surviving to thriving. A person who goes it alone will most likely transition from surviving to simple existence. A person who goes it alone will most likely die alone. Of all of the Joseph like plans to be made. Plan on loving one another. Do not allow yourself to be forced to make a decision to allow other people to die because for what ever reason which seems valid.  
Go and sin no more.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Christian Signs: (Unedited): 23 July 2020:

Signs are seen all of the time. Signs made by man. Signs orchestrated by the demons. Then there are the signs from God. All of the signs are meant for you to observe, acknowledge and act upon. With all of the signs that each human is bombarded with. Signs are ignored and signs are missed. Signs can be beyond our awareness, comprehension and understanding. Signs in our presence may not be meant for us and are meant for others. So those signs are for their targeted audience. Think about what I'm saying and how the internet advertising is actually in its infancy.
There are signs everyday and it is the vigilant Christian who will act upon them. The world is changing and the United States is changing. All of these changes is not in favor of the Christian which is Biblically prophetic. So when a Christian is forbidden to go to church, forbidden to sing, forbidden to have home church. While it is permissible and lawful to protest, to conduct violence in close proximity. While it is permissible to obtain abortions. These are signs and as signs. You the vigilant Christian must pray, fast and seek the quietness of Gods answers, directions and encouragements for you. Especially if your  more than a professing Christian in which you go forth to sin no more. You go forth not causing any harm. You go forth loving one another in actuality. You pursue holiness and righteousness. While remaining clean in the spiritual sense.
If you live in the regions which are becoming belligerent to Christians. Then it may be time to quietly liquidate and secretly move to those blessed places in which the Lord leads you. Then begin a new. This may even be a sign for you to prepare like you have never prepared before. This may be an open door sign as there shall be a limited time and then the door shall close. In which you will either act or you will forget that the open door sign ever existed. If you have financial wealth then invest in your families moves as well. Give freely and without expectancy of returns.
Christian preparation. The prophetic physical losing effort. In Bible Prophecy it is known that the Christians lose in this world and lose badly. Because we know this. It does not mean we should not physically prepare still. Because, no matter how we do endure unto our individual ends. We all shall be rewarded in glory. So does that mean we shall still become preppers? Does this mean we buy guns and tactically train with them? Does this mean we learn karate or kungfu? Does this mean we fight and make war? Where is the line? What line? Exactly? How do we justify the command of Jesus to love one another? Causing any harm is not loving one another? Killing is not loving one another? Fighting is not loving one another? What about self defense and the protecting of the helpless and defenseless? When we encounter acts of aggression do we have the right to become judge, jury and executioner? Because, when lawlessness and animalistic attitudes prevail in a vacuum of civility, sanity, reason, law and order. Will killing an evil doer shall be preferred over the the perpetual threat of revenge? Will killing be necessary and righteous? Or shall we all be like a pacifist Jesus and helpless early Christians who were led unto slaughter? Each and every decision you make and live by must occur in the proper fashion after prayer, meditation and fasting. Every thing you do must be with a sense of being led by the Holy Spirit. Everything that you do must be in the wisdom's discovered in the two churches which were not admonished as well as your through understanding of the Holy Bible. How do we continue to love one another? These questions and more must be asked and worked through.
Part of Christian preparation is not just for yourself, your family and your friends. Your Christian preparation is for everyone and for those left behind when the rapture occurs as a loving and enduring message for those who find your stashes.
Yes, there shall be a time to keep secrets of prepping plans and a time when you shall conduct revelation. Yes, there shall be a time to make common ground and mutually beneficial relationships. No matter how ugly it all gets. Now matter how deeply flawed you are as an individual. No matter if you are actually left behind once or even thrice. You may still have a duty, a purpose to spiritually save lives. If it is all possible. Can you handle being left behind for a purpose or for your own faults and defects. If that is even possible. No matter the eventual outcome you can remain a good human being with hope when all hope has departed.
Christians may only be called once to leave belligerent cities, states and maybe even this nation. But, to leave the United States also means that there isn't really any other place to go. No other nation offers as much freedoms and hopes as does the United States of America. But, if the Holy Spirit calls you to journey to anther place. Then when you arrive. Endure unto that end no matter how it occurs. In the name of the Lord. In the mean time. Please go forth and encourage every Christian to vote no matter what. There may be great fear for those who try to vote.
For instance in California. The entire government of California is becoming belligerent to Christians. Certain aspects of Anti Christian cultures like local and state governments. The rest of the secretive Rainbow Tsunami Alliances. Which is all anti American and anti freedom. If a Christian defends themselves against attack it will be the Christian who goes to jail. When life becomes tough sometimes these are the signs which tells you it is time to quietly pack up and move to safer places. If the Holy Spirit is urging you to move. Then move. This time around angels are not going to come so that you can negotiate with them. You either move or die along with the evil doers. But, there will be a difference in your death and in theirs. Your physical death will begin in Glory. Their physical death ends in judgement and Hell fire and then a complete death.
God may move evil doers to one place as He moves the good and willing to safer places. Then allowing the collected evil doers to perish in some fashion or another. This is prophecy.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Educational Flashback: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2014:

Incredible Headache right now. Pressure and tension in the back of my neck. I feel heat.
My body is here in this time and Now. But, my mind is back when I was 17 years old. Spring is in full swing in Florida of 1983. Most everyone I knew were all excited about their college prospects and their futures as adults on their own for the first time. Of course I'm writing this with my current adult perspective. But, back then. I didn't understand. I didn't even understand the concept of wearing gowns for graduating. I did not even understand the importance of graduating high school or the symbolic importance of it. After all, most kids have worked hard for 12 years in order to prepare for college and then onto their selected careers.
For me there was no preparation. School was only that something that I had to go to because it was the law. School was a place where I was not welcomed. I have wondered why I was not strong enough to work beyond those limitations that I believed in. That everyone believed in. I was a defective person with an IQ of about 70. I believed it. I was prescribed 50 Mg of Cylert and 50 Mg of Ritalin. I was raised in a house of abuse and torture. I never did any home work and never had to. Yet, I was still passed along. Then those foster care years. Where education was not important at all and every teacher in school didn't expect very much from me. I had a guardian and they all seemed to know that I was a trouble maker. That why kids are in foster care? right? because we have caused all of the problems in our families and our parents could not control us kids. Even though I was adopted. Yea, the adoptive mother told me that she should have never adopted me. So, how could I have even had a fair chance/opportunity for any type of an education? There wasn't.
Back to 1983. That is where my mind still is and I'm coping as I type it.
I knew there was a college and it was called St. Petersburg Junior College. I knew those adults studied something but I wasn't really sure nor was I even aware what for.
Some of those whom I hung out with were going to colleges far away and to Florida State and to other Colleges. They were excited and I felt their excitement and wanted that for myself. So, I talked with my dad and I sent out for information to the University of Alabama's engineering dept. That is what my dad was and where he went to college. So, why not. I had a very deep admiration for him. The respect he garnered from everyone else. He was incredibly intelligent and everyone knew it who worked with him. I could see this and feel it as well. I wanted that for me.
The end of the school year was coming and the beach was calling me. The graduation celebration was going on and ended and I still could not fathom as to why. Some friends were packing up and making more arrangements for after high school. Spending more time with their parents as opposed to going out to Clearwater beach.

Well, A bomb hit me. I had to go to summer school in order to graduate high school. Some class I never took in the ninth grade was a required course and was necessary in order to graduate. No one even caught it. Well, My attitude was. Oh well, i quit.  I'm done with it all. I just don't care. Yes, that is right. I had made that decision over one single class. Well, the dad didn't accept that decision at all and proclaimed that I would go and that I would finish. So, I did. He had never really been forceful with me over anything. This time he made that difference.
So I went to that one ninth grade social studies class and passed it. It was easy and the teacher had mercy upon me.

I received the University of Alabama, School of Engineering welcome and information booklets. I wanted so much to be positively excited about something in my life. Even though I had no clue and no direction. I read everything with anticipation and excitement. The history and going to a school my dad went to as well as the rest of the family. This is the next step in a young persons life and I was clearly seeing it. This leads to more opportunities. Even though I wasn't exactly clear on what that meant.
Then I got to the minimum requirements page and my heart just sank. My high school GPA was a 1.81 something. Which doesn't really qualify you for entry to anywhere let alone a top notch university. What little self esteem I had was lower than ever. I watched people say good bye to their old friends and said goodbye to them as well. Never saw them again.
I would assume they went onto college. Celebrated graduation and entered adulthood with excitement.
Sitting on the living room floor. My dad was quiet and I just threw it all away. I'm useless. Now all of a sudden I'm thinking about my future. The other kids had 12 years to prepare and plan for college and adulthood. I only thought about this for less than 45 days+/-. That quickly I was denied.
My hope was again gone. What little bit of hope I had and I wasn't even aware of and now I'm aware of hope and it was gone. This has been a brutal joke and just accepted that my life would end in some tragedy. Thus ending it all. It would probably be the best thing for my dad if I died. He never really cared as I knew I was an embarrassment to him and yet again I proved it.
So I just went on living my life as I had done. Until, I died. I figured I could not live past 24 years of age.
End of Flashback. Though the head ache is still very painful. Sounds hurt. Lights hurt. The typing rings echoes in my brain.
:Prophetic Observations:
Back in 1983. A four year college degree would support your family pretty well. With only one parent working. Today, This what I am about to say seems to still be some secret. You now must have and be able to obtain multiple related college degrees. In order to have a comfortable lifestyle. In which both parents must work. In thirty years. These are the changes in which I have witnessed.
I do foresee more education for more advancements and income potential. The day where all you need is a single four year college degree is over. Do not become forty years old with only one singular four year college degree and do not get entrapped with one of those fake college degrees from Phoenix, Devry or ITT type of phony schools.
Please learn this wisdom and understand it's message. Make those right and correct decisions in your life. Plan your progressing educational future accordingly. Accept this truth that education is forever and is necessary for promotion and more income potentials.
I am exhausted from this. Back pain and tensions. I work through this one. I do not drink nor take drugs. I do not smoke anything. I do not take any mind altering medications.
When you have much trauma in your life. You just gotta let it flow and learn all you can from those flashbacks. It also, helps to have much hugs while your enduring through them.
You must understand. To take any mind altering medication does not help you through the healing process. It hinders and stops it. Drinking alcohol and smoking also do not help you in healing from what ever trauma in which you have survived. Even if the end results of your trauma is, that there is no logical way or reason as to why you have survived. But you/I did. Because, of that fluke of nature. We must choose to march forward and onward.
NO EXCUSES for the life you want for yourself tomorrow. Live all of your tomorrows with purpose, focus, determination and meaning. Your not a fluke nor are you an accident.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Care Pay: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Individual apathy will win out in each persons own reasoning. During a time of extreme emergency an apathetic person will make selfish decisions which will benefit them the most.  C.J.MacKechnie
It matters not their training in helping others. The apathetic person will use all of that training for themselves and forget about the innocent who needs the most dire of assistance. C.J.MacKechnie
A large percentage of Emergency management personnel are paid to care. When their pay stops. They will depart/disappear. C.J.MacKechnie
The emergency management managing persons. Must first ensure that those families who are of interest to your people on the ground are moved to safe zones ahead of the event or events.

This includes those who are affiliated with law enforcement, fire rescue, medical professions, National Guard, Military, emergency management personnel and etc.
When a law enforcement person is unable to get ammunition and or other supplies in a time of low stress. When the stress comes. That law enforcement officer will use the supplies he has to ensure the safety of those he/she cares about. Which is reasonable.

Read Katrina info.
When an emergency is localized and non-overwhelming to the persons senses. Those emergency management persons will revert to their training. But, When a thing happens which is beyond the scope of possibility of/in their training. All of that training may breakdown into a simple need to save themselves or to save only those they care about. 
The safety of all family members within the entire emergency management community must be relocated to designated safe zones. This preparation must be practiced and implemented.  A general level of personal secrecy, will aid in their safe transportation to those pee-designated safe zones. All persons must be pre-approved.  
By implementing this plan. Desertion and abandonment rates will go down dramatically. Thus, saving innocent lives throughout the entire emergency event or events. 
You cannot make people care when they do not. Not even the laws of GOD makes people to love one another. So, making human laws which criminalize desertion and abandonment. Will only cause the apathetic person stress after they have been caught. 
All undesirable prophecies can be prevented, managed and mitigated. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: