Showing posts with label Accepted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accepted. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Church Unity: +5: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:

Big brothers always take care of their little siblings. It's just what they do no matter what. Yet, the big important preacher man expects all of you to have unity with one another no matter who they are or where they are from. Yet, when the big preacher man from the big church sees his little brother pastor from a poor church which is about to fail. The big preacher thinks to himself more for me as the poor church becomes a hair salon which will also eventually fail. 
The body of Christ also includes the small poor churches as well as churches with no homes. We all saw what had happened with the churches during each economic down turn of 2001, 2008, 2015 in recent memory. The Shemitah. How many churches did you see disappear? The problem with churches is the lack of financial wisdom. They go into debt and then encounter the economic down turn. They are often forced to close. I have seen and witness many. The devout Christians tend to get welcomed by other bigger churches. But, there is a reason why they each did not attend that church first. Which has become forgotten during the search for a new church home.
You know 2022 Shemitah is just around the corner. How have you and your church prepared for this upcoming Shemitah? Do you even believe in it? When you do the research you will become shocked. Hopefully your church has financial wise council. Hopefully your entire church is aware of the Shemitah and are endeavoring to become debt free themselves. I think it is the duty of every pastor, teacher and theologian to encourage becoming debt free. Financial freedom for every Christian instead of remaining enslaved to their debts. Means that every Christian can be more focused on the Christian faith instead of stressed by working the second or third job. Christians who are debt free will have more income and free time available to them. Which means more time to give to their church and to their own communities. This is how profound change will occur at every small church. Pastors help your people to understand becoming debt free and how it helps the faith and the church body.
--------For preachers and pastor only-----
Pray and meditate before you read. Pray that the message below is opened up for you. 
Just watch what happens when the majority of your flock becomes debt free. You will suddenly have volunteers and improved tithes and larger offerings. Yea, not just more volunteers. Think about this. I know of a large church which has very few volunteers. In fact they have many paid employees and outside contractors. Because, that is how they get things done in a timely manner. Then you have small poor churches in which they all volunteer. Because their small church has no one but themselves and they all work together. I know of a small homeless church in which they all are closely tied to one another as they go from place to place. In which their pastor teaches very deep and profound meanings to the Holy Bible.  It doesn't matter where they go, even if it is in the park in the rain. I even know a guy who has church alone in his workplace cooler. Think about those different churches. How can each become mutually beneficial to one another. While still maintaining their perspective identities? Except for the lone cooler guy.
I just suddenly realized That message is not for me to know and thus I'm unable to finish it.
Accepted Worship Song: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Christian unity always begins when the whole body is repentant, righteous and holy. Then with a loud singular voice of praise. Their worship song is accept by their Heavenly Father in the Holy of Holies.
Denominations will fall and already have. These fallen denominations can be saved but may be prophetically unlikely as they will all desire the acceptance and rewards of the world system. What must be done before you enter the Holy of Holies? Who and what must you become before you can enter into the Holy of Holies?
World Reward: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
By getting more in the world and rewarded by the world will always be obtained by doing more in the service of the world.
Who is the prince of the world system and of the world?
World Reject: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
Going against and being against the world will mean you will get less from the world and rejected by the world.
Are you ready to become a criminal? What about jobless and homeless because of your intolerant beliefs? What about abused and tortured in unmentionable ways for simply going to church and then the cops can't find anybody. Then if you go to the judge you will have no justice. Justice will become like it was in Sodom. You will have to do your own research. To graphic for me. Just what I've written is to harsh for me. The Judges commentaries are to awful for me. Fortunately for the USA. The USA is not yet like Sodom. That may very well be a current state timing sign.
Guess what it is beginning. This is because the Christian are not running for political offices at every level. Christians do not even go out and vote on a regular basis. Especially in their own local elections. Only known Christian people must run for offices at every level. Do not get suckered by the Hillary trick. She only goes to church during an election season and with cameras present.
The evil doers of the world who hate Christians with a passion. They are actually running for political offices at every level and the Christians are typically nowhere to be found. 
World Tolerance: (Unedited): 24 May 2018:
When tolerance means rejecting the laws of God. It means you have become an accepted religious person of the world.
The intolerant Christian will be criminalized through hate crime laws. Every worldly person will hate and attack the Christian. The worldly person will be celebrated and proclaimed to be brave. The lone Christian who gets badly beaten will be called stupid and then arrested for a hate crime.
The accepted worldly religious person who has profited much. They will endure all of the judgements of God worse than what occured in Sodom in their days of disobedience. Once they each have fully become awakened they will hear the Judgement of God Proclaim "I never knew you...".
Purple words dude-purple words.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

No Jonah No Warn: New Belief: (Unedited): 22 Aug 2017:

The generation which has been given everything and yet remains more disobedient than before. Shall not be given another Jonah to warn them of their coming doom.
Added on 25 Feb 2019: Will God send an angry and disobedient Jonah like person to those whom the last chance and last opportunity is at hand. I wrote in this above quote that God shall not. Will this person be sent to the Vatican, USA (New Israel, New Jerusalem), Israel? or will there be three of them? or none.
I guess be aware of unruly, dirty, smelly men or women who cannot be controlled and yet everyone knows about them and every animal obeys his/her words.
New Belief: (Unedited): 22 Aug 2017:
Newly encouraged belief must lead to repentance. Repentance must lead to a continued rejection of all sins. Continued rejection of all sins leads to a humble righteousness. Which is only accepted by their own Heavenly Father. 
This is Christian Prophecy. Even in it's own vagueness. This is most likely for those who know more than me.
Oh Yea: Note: Imagine big words. To you guys who know more than me. Who is the author of lies? deceptions? and half truths? Did not Antioch essentially end racism among Christians? You all know the right answers. You all know the correct course of actions and yet you do not. Read my writings on race and racism. Make it better and put it out into the whole of the world. Do not even credit me, mention me or acknowledge me in any way. Just do it.
Be warned. There is a reason why you have not spoken the truth. It is because all of you are under demonic control of silence and incorrect speaking of not getting to the roots of the problem in regards to the races of humanity and racism. This is just but one lie in this era of revelation. All will be revealed. It won't matter if you or me will like it or not, acknowledge it or not, agree with it or not.
Verse 31 of Luke Chapter 16. Read it well and then think and dwell upon the fact of how much more we all have today and yet the people do not repent and even those who have repented they are still willing slaves to their own sins. So what is the point of sending any more, teaching anymore or giving any more? When the modern day people already have more than what is needed and yet they are more than disobedient.
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Serious note: I'm not adding to the Holy Bible. What would Father Abraham say today to a rich man and to a sickly homeless man?
" If they do not listen to Jesus, Moses, The Apostles, Paul, The righteous men and women who followed and all of the prophets. Reverend Billy was sent and Dr. Tony Evens is still with you all doing his willing mission for all people. Yet, The people remain unconvinced and have absolutely rejected the gifts. "
Note: Even in his torment Lazarus still demanded to be served. Lazarus was very coherent and was very aware with his own unrepentant reason.
Note: Billy is a reference to the great Reverend Billy Graham.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Dark Life: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

There is no joy or happiness in the life of darkness. There is however the perpetual state of loneliness and the feeling that no one really cares.
There is a lot in the life lived in darkness. You can do whatever you want and no one will ever really ever know who you are. But, they all will see what you are becoming and they will not care. You shall become as apathetic as they all are.  It is all your free choice of endless sin in the life of darkness.
So as long as you're a part of the party of loners, you will always be accepted. But, once you decide to stop living in darkness, they all will angrily hate you and accuse you of trying to be better than they are. But, if and when you ever return into the life of darkness, you will have to endure ridicule and then their apathetic acceptance.
Then when you die amongst them they will drink a toast to you, tell a few stories and maybe make a few jokes. Then they will all forget you were ever there as someone else sits in your seat.
There is a cost to all of this life of darkness. No one who is living a life in darkness even cares what the costs are or will be. This is the apathy taking a hold over your mind. So as long as you get what you want in that moment you want it, who cares what the future bill will be? Those who live in the darkness don't even want to hear about the light. They will even get angry if you come to them with how wonderful it is in the light. There can even be forgiveness from the light.
They know the truth. Those who freely choose to live in darkness know that if they reach out for the light, go forth into the light, all of their sins, crimes, mistakes and misdeeds shall be known and remembered. They will all know that they decided to live in the darkness in favor over their own family and the good friends who could not  go into the darkness to live their lives.
For those who already live and remain in darkness, many have already judged themselves and have been found deserving the solace of the final judgement to come from God.
These who freely choose to live and remain in darkness have already been judged by God. This is evidenced by their apathy, selfish desires and anger toward you who are good. For it is solely your goodness which reminds them just how bad and evil they were, are and have become.
Is there any hope for those who live in darkness? Sure there is and only God will know for certain.
For you who are in the light who have family members who have chosen to live and remain in darkness, continue to pray for them. Continue to love them. Continue to express compassion and mercy for them when needed, even if that mercy is in their own homelessness, hunger, medical care and burial.
For myself, it was with my adoptive father, his medical care and cremation/burial. His so-called girlfriend wanted to take care of him and use his money to fix a hot water heater, roof, car. Set up her children in a rented house. I denied all of it and banned her from any contact. After his bills were paid. There was no burial and I could only afford for him a cremation. At least he is with his own family by blood. After years and decades of total rejection of me and mine, I was the only one who he could trust in the end. At least his sister saw him take his last breath. Roll Tide.
There are many stories of people who have come out of the darkness and into the light. But those numbers are rare. Sometimes a person has to get so low and hit bottom without dying. Then for some reason, they either seek help or continue down the gutter's drain until they finally find death. In the end, no matter how it happens, you must find your comfort that you did not abandon them or walk away. It is always those who have chosen to live within the darkness who had walked away from you.
Note: Historically, I was not considered a good person by anyone who ever knew me. I brought embarrassment to my adopted father and to his family in many different ways. At least in his end. I could honor him.
Edited by: RLD.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Outward truth: (Unedited): 08 July 2015:

The truth of who you are should never be covered up with the lie of makeup or the deception of hair coloring. By keeping love within your heart, peace within your mind and harmony within your body. This is the outward truth of you which should be accepted by God first and then by you. This shall be enough. Have faith in truth.
Can you not see the outward expression of who you are is representative of the truth within you. A pastor who colors his hair or wears a wig. These things are outward lies seen by all who you want to know the truth. The young girl who sees herself as less than desirable because she has dark hair and then becomes a blonde. These are all lies which hide the truth of you.
You are good enough as you are. Because, all that you are is that pure truthful outward expression of the condition of what is inside of you. If you outwardly express lies and deceptions. Then this is what is inside of you.
:Needs work:
A man who does not have to see through your outer appearance to get to your inner truth. Is a man who will appreciate the beautiful flower without all of that false dusting of makeup. 
You pastors and other professional religious persons. Why do you think the pastor's kids flee religion. Because they see how you entertain, how you perform and how you lie and deceive each and every day. The truth of the Bible, The truth of God is not dependent on the condition of your wig or your hair coloring. Although it may in fact be a sign of your faith. A faith which needs hair coloring and wigs. This is something each of you really need to address within your own selves. Because the message of divine truth you deliver is more important than your hair, your clothing and even your being. The message of divine truth is even more important than your buildings you call a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. Because, long after your holy places have returned to the earth as dust and ruble. The divine word remains as it always has and as it always will be.
This is for every religion. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spiritual Chaff: Chaff Winds: (Edited): 26 April 2015:

Edited by RLDW
The spiritual chaff is the believing religious person who is to be considered as the worldly, accepted good seed, then used and digested by the will of the worldly, accepted cattle and ruling bulls. The righteous believing and living person shall be discarded as worldly chaff, only to be blown by the spiritual winds of the Holy Spirit.
 The spiritual chaff is of no use in anything spiritually holy, just as worldly chaff is of no use to anything worldly. Actually, everything which is considered as worldly chaff is a direct threat to everything worldly and shall be cast into those worldly fires. Everything which is spiritual chaff is of no threat to anything spiritually holy and shall be cast into the spiritual fires. Shall you lose your physical life to gain spiritual life? Or shall you lose your spiritual life to gain the physical?
There are two kinds of winds for chaff. The chaff of the world is different than the chaff of the spirit.
Chaff Winds: (Unedited): 26 April 2015:
The worldly winds blow the spiritual chaff, just as the spiritual winds blow the worldly chaff. 
Can you see the difference? Those who are merely religious shall be accepted by the worldly belief system, so as long as the world can change/alter the belief systems of the religions by political will and lawful worldly laws. We are in that era now where religions are falling like both hard rain and silent snow. When the religious leaders of those old established religions begin to bring in to their holy places sin's freedoms and sin's rightful acceptance, there is the abomination of desolation.
In time, as the exclusion out of worldly society progress against the righteous Christian or any other righteous person, there will be that tipping point where laws will be passed against the righteous ones and they shall be placed into those worldly fires. The evidence of their righteous beliefs and living shall be blown by the worldly winds into worldly non-existence.
Just as it was done to the Jews in WW2 in only a few places of worldly fires, so too shall it be again, but this time there will be worldly fires in every place. Except this time it will be against everyone who is thought of as against the established political will and political laws that shall be enforced.

Added on 26 April 2015: This blog/quote was republished on:
Edited by RLDW: 
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rudolph Meaning: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2013.

This is something which has been revealed to me. It's odd just how I can or we all can sing a song and not even be aware of the meaning. Below is the lyrics from this website.

This is the fictional story and introduction of the Reindeer.This song is all about the conditioning of the peoples minds into blindly following the established authority. The authority can be one or many that which currently exists. The religious, The political, The cultural and societal authorities can all exert their influence upon a single person.

Mind control exerted upon everyone. Because everyone celebrates Christmas or the holidays. So, every child will be tuned in and listening to this song everywhere. Even on Christian media outlets. 
Mind control is most effective on those who are unaware. I hope you become aware. Although acceptance of my stated opinion may be hard for you.

You know Dasher and Dancer
And Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?

You are introduced to the upcoming fictional star of the song. A Reindeer with an obvious difference to his being.

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

When Rudolph is introduced to all of the other reindeer. The ridicule, abuse and neglect begins. It seems it is alright to act in this manor with anyone who is different. Even in the cartoon the adult reindeer coach seems  even reject poor Rudolph.

All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
 Then and only when the established authority finds a use for Rudolph. Do all of the other reindeer begin to accept and love Rudolph. This only happens after the authority has a use. So in order to be accepted by the authority and by other people. You must be of use to the authority.
Who is the defined authority is in accordance to your own belief system. The political or religious authority. Either way it works for a child to learn and for adults to mindlessly pass along this Rudolph to their own children.

The public proclamation from the authority to Rudolph. An invitation to use your odd gifts and different abilities for the benefit of the authority.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Once accepted and invited by the authority. Only then does Rudolph become happy and the other reindeer begin to love and accept Rudolph. All of this can only happen through those who are in the established authority.

Then all the reindeer loved him
And they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history!
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Accepted truth: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2013:

World enlightenment can begin only after the light of absolute truth is accepted. 
 To go from believing lies and deceptions are truth to accepting the actual truth is true. Can be a very difficult journey. There can be a psychological process which must be worked through before acceptance of a truth. Especially if you had believed that a simple lie has been told to the populations of the world for thousands of years. Then what if you discover there were more than one lie. What do you do then? Become angry and upset? Probably, that is your choice. Go out into the streets and perpetuate all manor of violence? That may be an option. After all you may be very angry. What if a lie is very personal like your doctors diagnosis of  ADHD. Did you know that ADHD cannot be factually diagnosed. But, Don't believe me. Go and research it for yourself. Then research the manor of the research and how the lack of blood flow in certain parts of the brain is an indication of THE DEFECT rather than an indication of efficiency. Sometimes you can look so hard for the source to a problem of something which may be wrong and absolutely over look what is actually right.
This isn't about ADHD it is about lies and deceptions. Which involves a singular lie and deception of ADHD.
This process of looking at the source of the information to be desired will require you to become self educated.
The races of humanity and the racism of one group verses another group is all based on a singular lie. Which probably began sometime around the building of the tower of Babel.

To save all of humanity from the destruction of darkness to come. All must accept the truths to real. Even if your former belief system is contrary to the actual truths. Chain down your anger. Quell your hatred. Do not participate in any violent activity. Do not support the liars and deceivers any more. Not financially or by vote or participation.
Enlightenment must entail and become encompassed by life, love, peace and harmony. Those four words Love, Peace, Harmony and Life must work in resonance to one another. This is very important to understand.
To achieve a greater human development, a transformation, Enlightenment and even physical ascension. You must embrace truth as a reality as well as the four words of Life, Love, Peace and Harmony. You must think them, believe them, Pray them, Meditate on them and pray on them. You must do this of your own free will and free choice.
The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Noise Maker: (Unedited): 06 July 2013:

Silence can be a reminder of loneliness to the troubled mind. Out of that reminder of loneliness can create a noise maker out of you. C.J.MacKechnie
The troubled mind can often times become fearful of a great many things.  Silence can be one of them. So a person begins to talk and talk and talk. This is not to be confused with those who are verbal communicators. This kind of person will just stand or sit next to a person and begin talking. Then continue talking even if that person just walks away. Maybe this kind of person needs to be recognized and accepted by everyone who just comes by.
This is a person whom I saw today. Homeless and she knew all of the homeless or mentally ill people about the area. I'm starting to sense that they as a group are beginning to fear me. Maybe, I'm still a stranger.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Social Capitulation: (Unedited): 27 April 2013:

To comply with social norms, which are based in accepted immoralities, lies and deceptions. Is capitulation by you. C.J.MacKechnie
To reject the accepted practices within your culture or the culture you desire to be apart of. Will always result in absolute rejection of you and an informal isolation pushed upon you. It will not matter if you are right or wrong or if the community is right or wrong. Your only option when you pursue righteousness and holiness is to create or join new collective communities. Freely rejecting all of the lies and deceptions of the world which has embraced the path of celebrated lies and deceptions.
Those who accept and celebrate lies and deceptions as truth are destined for extinction to it's predicted final degree.  
Any community based on the concepts of righteousness and holiness from various religions. Cannot and shall not associate or do business with any other such governments, groups, entities or persons. Who live in contradiction to those philosophies of Love, Peace, Harmony and the sanctity of life.
Of course, those governments, groups, entities and person who do not live or believe as those who live within a holy and righteous community may force themselves upon the innocent community without much effort. Abuses, mistreatment's, unfairness, enslavement and tortures  will be perpetrated upon the whole of the innocent, even until the innocent are all dead.
So, necessary efforts shall be made in the area of peaceful martial arts, education, scientific discoveries shall be made to protect the whole. While have the capability to spread life throughout the stars. Without harming any life. No matter the disagreement.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Accepted Entry: (Unedited): 16 Jan 2013:

Your identity and your net worth rating shall be approved and accepted before entry into a shopping mall or any specific store. C.J.MacKechnie

I saw in this vision 3 things jumbled together in a confusing scene across time and places. The vision was in reverse. I saw a few people in a mall. Modernly dressed may have been a cool day. I saw pairs of people standing in their designated positions with phony smiles. I saw this as a security measure. Employees for each mall store were standing in their door ways. Almost in parade rest or a position of attention. Two people at the door front indicated to security that no one was inside.
Then time flowed backwards.  I saw a series of three things. All mixed together and all flowing backwards in time.
1). Loiters.
                           I saw a great many of saddened and depressed people wandering inside of the malls. Not buying anything and only inside the malls to stay out of the weather. I saw some buying sodas, but there were many filling up bottles at the water fountain. I saw fights break out over who took to much of the cold water.

2). Mob robbers. (Flash Mob Crime).
                                          I saw gangs of people using the technology for their own selfish desires to rob stores in coordinated attacks. There is an evolution to this new crime wave. In which the sophistication also evolves as well as the cruelty. What has already begun as the robbing of convenience stores evolves into the use of weapons, beatings, murders and absolute destruction. Threats and murders of business owners.

3). Terrorism.
                                   I saw terrorism. The evils of the Tet Offensive manifests it's evolution upon innocent mall goers and shoppers everywhere. The millions of enemy combatants which have lived in quiet peace among you. Have been ordered to go in their own chosen way to kill and to destroy as they see fit. The end of civilized society begins. But, if civilian forced disarmament begins within the USA. That is the first real day. As the forces of the world and the UN will be invited into The USA to aid and assist in policing activities. Since, the majority of America's forces are abroad. The military take over of the USA will happen with minor destruction to the primary infrastructures.
Flash Mob Robbers. 18 Jan 2013
What do you expect from the young of today. When they are taught that there is no GOD. Then all of the laws of GOD no longer apply. Which means all of the laws of your country which is based on God's law no longer is valid. When there is no GOD then the customs of any civilized society ends and the law of nature is renewed. Which means the strong is right. The meek shall become prey and are consumed in a violent fashion. All concepts of right and wrong become like vapor and the law of what is right for me is the dominant law of all. The whole of your country shall become extinct. The wealth of your country shall leave quickly. The genetics of your superior intellect shall devolve down to a feral animals impulse. But, GOD shall replace the people with those who will become HIS next great people. A people who will be Godly and Righteous.
Loiters. 18 Jan 2013
The loiters were the homeless, the jobless, the hopeless. All they wanted to do is get out of the weather. Unable to afford water, electricity. They search for refuge. A place to just go to the bathroom. Some do have enough for a single meager meal or a soda to be shared. Just a place to go. After all the churches doors are only open on Wednesday night and twice on Sunday.
Terrorism. 18 Jan 2013. (this part is a re-peat.)
It's all a part of some plan. The primary infrastructures of the USA is untouched. The industry, The transportation, The utilities and related all seems to be untouched. While the Tet offensive is directed towards the civilian population. The shopping centers, The churches, Entertainment centers, Sporting events, schools, businesses, hospitals, and homes. All in one day and then continues on. millions dead in a single day. Those who are the most helpless or unsuspecting seems to be the individual targets. Such as a law enforcement person parked in their police car out of view. A medical nurse wearing her uniform away from the medical centers. A military family with a military parking decal on their vehicle.
19 Jan 2013:
Between now and the time of these extreme security measures to take in effect. Malls and shopping centers shall become dangerous places. The danger and threat level will progress into events of beatings, murders and then destruction. This is an open ended comment in which all of these dangerous events is dependent on human choices. There will be a ratcheting up. To become the YouTube extreme.  Evolution and one up man-ship will be quick via video outlets such as YouTube.
The only slow evolution will be those terrorist who are affiliated with the Tet offensive order. The terrorists will be begin to separate and disappear from one another. Some will even move their entire families to what is deemed safe locations. During the time when the terrorists have separated from one another. Then will begin to be easily seen in places, where they have not been in regularity. They will hang out in all of the various kinds of perimeters. They will not be customers, but just sit in community places and just observe.
A documented empath can and will feel their hatred and heart for murder coupled with an excitement. This contradiction of intentional emotion is a key for an empath to focus on. For Instance and for the empath, this will be like walking outside of a zoo caged animal and then walking by another and discovering a cage is open. A law enforcement agency and politicians need to enact laws for security officers to carry audio and video recording devices on their shirts. To be paid for by the security agency. To be stored information at the end of each shift for a time of about 2 weeks. Why, Because during any terrorist attack. The poor helpless security guys will probably be killed first. Then the recording devices can and may have pertinent information for investigating law enforcement agencies to use. To ascertain who are or is the bad guys. This is really important. The helpless security officer will lose their life. But, the information which may be intact upon their corpse. May still be of use to save innocent lives and be used in a courtroom. This is about saving innocent lives at the cost of losing one.
Added on 06 Aug 2019:
Two mass shootings in less than a day and all in public places. The shootings will pickup and the people will begin to see exactly who these people are. These extremists on the right and on the left are exactly who they are. They are nut jobs who have lost the ability to reason. The delusion that these people suffer from is from God as God even said He was going to send a strong delusion and I believe He has. 2 Thessalonians 2:11. Link below. I tell you the truth that both the red side and the blue side all spread lies and deceptions about the other. To the point that those who are not stable or strong minded lose control and deeply desire to take matters into their own hands. So is Fox news and their ilk responsible? So is CNN and their ilk responsible? No, because they each have the same owners. Go and follow the money yourself. Fox News is like Pepsi and CNN is like Coke or are those color schemes backward?. Then believing that your gonna lose weight by drinking a diet soda. That is the lie and deception. You know it is a lie and yet you freely choose to believe the ongoing deception.
Corporations like Walmart must be able to protect their customer base or the customer base will disappear. But, this is what will happen. Corporations like Amazon will eventually take the retail market lead. The civilian population will hide themselves in their own homes more and more as more and more fear takes control over their minds, hearts and spirits. Who is the author of fear? satan. Link below.
Did you read the above content. I'm about to go read it myself once again. So what I write now is about now and not about six years ago.
I see metal detectors in place and then unused. I see hidden security people literally buried into the walls. Yet, come out when a threat is presented. I see homeless people making problems for all manner of retail establishments. New anti homeless laws enacted.
Then comes the DNA Identification Process laws. Because, to many people are taking advantage of the system. To many families have multiple identities and receiving multiple social entitlement monies. To many poor people going into stores to cause thefts. So in order to gain entry. You must prove your identity and net worth. 

Added on 29 Dec 2022:
Added on 26 June 2023: 
Retail thefts and retail violence seem like they are becoming a common occurrence. 
As the evolution of these crime sprees continue to grow and evolve. Physical brick and mortar retail stores will be forced to take more and more drastic actions. Such as restricting entry or exit from retail establishment which is just now beginning to occurring. Eventually, retail stores will move out of the highest crime ridden areas and they will most likely walk out on their real estate mortgages and rental leases. As fewer and fewer retail stores remain open in the worst of areas. Their crime problem will only get worse as they are the last ones to be still open. With the exit of retail stores. There will be a lack of jobs and a lack of those necessity items which we all need everyday. A migration of people will happen out of those areas and many of them will be the bad people as they move to those places which will seem like easy pickens for crime. I wrote the original part in 2013. Even back then I did not keep up with the news and had to do research on what I thought I was seeing. 
I still do see a continued evolution of the retail space. I see that the bulk of each retail store customers will buy what they want on line and pay for them. Then they will have the option of pick up or delivery. The pick up option will become the new place for robberies and vehicle thefts. As people leave with their products this is when they will be robbed of their newly purchased items assaulted and sometimes killed. Once your outside you will be fully responsible for anything which happens to you. The bad people will follow the retail store delivery drivers and rob, assault and maybe kill them as well. The customers who do receive deliveries they will become targets of home invasions which will involve assaults, rapes and killings.
I still see that eventually the customer will not be allowed past the pick up area or what is known as the check out area of today. The big box stores will just close up their stores before possibly reopening them back up under their own new self defined retail models.
What do you think which happens to a nation when you forbid the teaching on how to live a good life. This is what happens when you make the teachings of The Holy Bible illegal. 