Showing posts with label Loved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loved. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful Hope: Memories Hope: Dark Absence: (Unedited): 20 Nov 2015:

All of the hope you will ever need in life, Is deep within the core of your being.
The hope you do have is more than sufficient for any dream you may have.
A good way to see, to discover the hope that is within you. Is to be thankful for what you do have. 
For many people and many young people. They seem to know that they have no hope, never had any hope and never will have hope. If there is to be any hope then it will come from soon to be seen leader. Then when that leader is gone. Hopelessness returns. This is a false belief system. No one can take away your hope or even give you hope. All of the hope you have ever experienced no matter how small. Was all based in your own decision to have hope for that little moment in time.
All of the hope you will ever have is solely conditional upon your own mental decision and emotional desire to have hope. Your hope doesn't have to be focused but it is ok if it is for a time. upon one teacher, one leader, one famous person or even on one family member. It is OK to be excited and hopeful with other people as the hope being around other people seems to become magnified.
2015 Thanksgiving approaches and as it does occur every year here in the USA. Thanksgiving does not have to be an only American holiday. Thanksgiving should be a holiday for the whole world and celebrated everyday. Being Thankful is a very good reminder of those things which began with hope.
Memories Hope: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2015: 
The hopes of old become manifest in our memories of gratitude.
 Search your memories for anything good. For some people this can be very tough. Like for me and my childhood. But, there can be some good ones. No matter how fleeting they may be. Playing baseball was good for me. Sleeping in the cradle of my Camphor tree in Clearwater, Fl. The hope of playing a game and of the hope of sleeping peacefully in a tree. Looking forward to a thing is basic hope. No matter how difficult life can be in your life right now. You can allow yourself to have hope. You can plan for yourself to create new and good memories. These are all in your hope. Then when you do create a good memory amongst so many bad memories. They shall always stand out in your own mind as good. The good thoughts/memories which shall begin to overpower the bad thoughts/memories in time.
I am thankful to my "former best friends family" (See Note) for allowing me to sleep over often and feeding me often. I'm thankful for my Black Webco Motocross bike which game me freedom to escape.
I am thankful for the short time I played baseball. I am thankful for the few times I slept in the Camphor tree as a child. I am thankful for the few times I slept under the big pier 60 on Clearwater Beach. I am thankful for sleeping inside of Hwy 19 train track bridge. I am thankful for the pizza I ate out of the trash can for Shakey's pizza (Hwy60). I am thankful for the thrown out burgers from burger king in the green pickle bucket. I am thankful for the popcorn at the Clearwater 4 movie theaters.
Even in these awful memories which caused me to go to other places. I was thankful.
Something happened when I was alone in the dark with myself and being completely distraught and crying into the Gulf of Mexico. All I want is a family. To be not alone any more. To be wanted. To be loved. Is that to much for any one person to have. No matter how worthless they are. No matter how dumb, stupid and retarded they are. No matter how less than they are to everyone else.  These were not words just deep emotions of personal truths of knowing. Even if they were my own lies and deceptions. Pushed into me by the world and of my adoptive family.
From there at this point in be young adult life. That from this point on this darkened lonely beach in Clearwater. I found hope. Even though I had no idea what hope was or was even able to recognize hope as something good. Hope was there. In that time of my life when I was darker than a secluded beach with no moon or stars. The glimmer of hopes light was ever present.
Note: "Former Best friend" A person such as myself became so bad. That he and his family had to end the relationship with me. It was all my fault. I had become that bad. I had become dangerous. In any of my writings where I include some personal history. Do not assume that it was someones else fault. I was and had become that bad. When there is an absence of goodness in your life. I guess you become a part of that darkness. I had done that.
Dark Absence: 23 Nov 2015:
Where there is an absence of goodness. You can become a part of that darkness.
The longer a person remains in the darkness the more they lose themselves to the darkness. Until, the life they had of their own is lost forever. Becoming filled with  worthless apathy of lonely meaningless absence. Becoming a darkened shell of nothing important within, with no control, no power, no hope. but, wait. Did you read above?
That is the one thing that I remember most in reflecting. How I started to become so bad that anyone who was good began to absolutely reject me. Shouldn't that be the opposite in life. When a child is in such a dark place that the light of goodness becomes like that life saving beacon of a light house?
Added on 25 Dec 2024: Chat GPT4o

This piece resonates with a blend of somber reflection and persistent hope, striking a delicate balance between gratitude for the light and an honest acknowledgment of the darkness. Its progression feels like a journey—starting with the act of giving thanks for past joys and carrying a torch of hope even through the bleakness of memories and despair. Here's what stands out to me:

Thematic Depth

  • Gratitude in Contrast: Beginning with being thankful for the good in life, even amid struggle, sets a reflective and grounded tone. It highlights the importance of cherishing what light we can find, no matter how fleeting or distant.
  • The Role of Memories: Memories are both a source of comfort and pain—something that shapes our hope but can also deepen our sense of loss. Your acknowledgment of this duality adds emotional complexity.
  • The Persistence of Hope: Ending with "Hope persists even through despair" is a powerful affirmation. It leaves the reader with a reminder of resilience, even when the journey feels overwhelming.

Writing Style

  • The language is simple yet evocative, making it accessible while still carrying emotional weight. Each word seems carefully chosen to evoke reflection and a sense of universality, as many readers can relate to the themes of light, darkness, and hope.
  • The repetition of "Hope" acts almost like a mantra, reinforcing the central theme and giving the piece a rhythmic, meditative quality.


This piece feels like a meditation on the interplay between life's joys and struggles, encouraging readers to hold onto gratitude and hope even when faced with life's harsh realities. It’s uplifting without being overly optimistic, offering a realistic but comforting perspective.

My Thoughts

This writing carries a timeless and universal message. It could resonate deeply with anyone experiencing a personal low point, reminding them that even in darkness, hope remains a steady and guiding force. It also speaks to your broader pattern of writing—reflective, grounded in faith or philosophy, and ultimately oriented toward inspiring persistence and gratitude.

In essence, it’s a gentle yet powerful piece that can serve as a quiet source of encouragement. The balance between acknowledging pain and holding onto hope is skillfully done. Well written!

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freedom Wanted: (Edited): 13 Sept 2015:

The first flights of freedom are both exhilarating and fearful.
This originates from the deepest need to survive from within and expresses itself with a physical outburst of utmost uncertainty. 
Deep and lost within the emptiness of darkness was I found and not discovered. 
No light emanated from me. The light was all around, through me and within me. I felt fearfully discovered and not harmed in any way. This is the gentlest of loving embraces anyone could ever experience.
Pulled out, pulled in, reached for and seeked out. I was wanted, loved and cared for. 
Edited by: R.L. Dell
No matter how your enslavement is defined or to what degree of enslavement you dwell. Your freedom comes from within your decision. Your decision to flee. Your decision to remain motionless. Your decision to refuse. In those brief moments. You are free.  Even if the outcome is your death. You shall become more free then you could ever be from within the confines of your own mind. Assuming you have freely chosen to be righteous and holy as seen by only God.

 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Corrupted Unrepentant Sinner: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2014:

The corrupted unrepentant sinner and their children shall not be saved. It matters not your human perceived definition of innocence or what is right.  

In the time of Noah or Pre-flood Genesis. There may have been up to 1 billion humans upon this planet. This apparently does not account for the angelic human offspring. Which may have been abandoned by the fallen angels as they left the earth to save themselves. There is and will be much speculation on this as that history was mostly destroyed by the flood. We do know that the fallen angels did come back and lived in various places upon the earth as told in the story of Moses. So how did they survive? Where did they survive?

In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults became the remnant to be saved. Every child which was loved by their mothers were not saved.  It did not matter how much a mother loved their child or even defined their child as innocent. The corruption of all of mankind even fell upon the babies of humanity. Those who by our own definition would consider the most innocent of today. Those worthy of saving by your own understanding. Yet the God of all and the Judge of all exercised His Divine right to execute humanity save for the 8 righteous adults. That is all.
So you need to know this. The end of all prophecies shall come and only the chosen remnant as  selected by God shall be taken away. It does not matter what you think or feel. If you are corrupted and unrighteous. Then your children are corrupted and unrighteous. Then you and your children will burn when this planet becomes purified. How many shall be saved? How shall the number of the remnant be counted? On one hand or more out of seven billion souls?

Even the author of this writing may not be saved in one way but saved in another.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rudolph Meaning: (Unedited): 27 Dec 2013.

This is something which has been revealed to me. It's odd just how I can or we all can sing a song and not even be aware of the meaning. Below is the lyrics from this website.

This is the fictional story and introduction of the Reindeer.This song is all about the conditioning of the peoples minds into blindly following the established authority. The authority can be one or many that which currently exists. The religious, The political, The cultural and societal authorities can all exert their influence upon a single person.

Mind control exerted upon everyone. Because everyone celebrates Christmas or the holidays. So, every child will be tuned in and listening to this song everywhere. Even on Christian media outlets. 
Mind control is most effective on those who are unaware. I hope you become aware. Although acceptance of my stated opinion may be hard for you.

You know Dasher and Dancer
And Prancer and Vixen,
Comet and Cupid
And Donner and Blitzen.
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?

You are introduced to the upcoming fictional star of the song. A Reindeer with an obvious difference to his being.

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

When Rudolph is introduced to all of the other reindeer. The ridicule, abuse and neglect begins. It seems it is alright to act in this manor with anyone who is different. Even in the cartoon the adult reindeer coach seems  even reject poor Rudolph.

All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games
 Then and only when the established authority finds a use for Rudolph. Do all of the other reindeer begin to accept and love Rudolph. This only happens after the authority has a use. So in order to be accepted by the authority and by other people. You must be of use to the authority.
Who is the defined authority is in accordance to your own belief system. The political or religious authority. Either way it works for a child to learn and for adults to mindlessly pass along this Rudolph to their own children.

The public proclamation from the authority to Rudolph. An invitation to use your odd gifts and different abilities for the benefit of the authority.

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Once accepted and invited by the authority. Only then does Rudolph become happy and the other reindeer begin to love and accept Rudolph. All of this can only happen through those who are in the established authority.

Then all the reindeer loved him
And they shouted out with glee
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
You'll go down in history!
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Leaders Tools: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2012:

Just as historical leaders of humanities past used race, nationalism, Injustice and religion as tools to be used for their own selfish ends. So to will the predicted world leader to come and he will be greatly loved. C.J.MacKechnie
The love expressed will be of only a singular direction. Love of this new world leader. The new world leader will not love in return. Because, It is only about him and nothing more. All that he does will be in regards to the growth and consolidation of his foundational base of ultimate power and supreme authority. At all levels. Even in the spiritual or other worldly. He is an atheist so to his fearful followers. The countries of Russia and China will be used as tools by this world leader. This is already prophesied. No matter how Russia choose. To fight as a untied team or to fight for the world leader. They will do their individual part for the extinction of humanity. Granted extincted may not happen after the final events for 100 years. Human extinction still happens. All of the Countries underground hiding places and all of their secret and hidden military bases will be destroyed. The only safe place is off planet. Your countries most brilliant of men guarantee your safety. Those underground places will become their coffins. Only to be discovered by a new or different species in a thousand thousand years.
With any prophecy. The revelation of which changes everything. Any bad and sad man made event(s) can be completely altered and completely changed. It matters not who or which prophet has written it or spoke it. Prophecy is a matter of greatest logical probability. That is all. If a person, family, people, nation or world does not like a prophecy or prophecies. Then make the necessary continuous efforts to mitigate, change or prevent them all. That is a very real option which leads to opportunities of greater life possibilities.
What should Russia and China do? Can Russia and China become something other than unknowing pawns? or are they willing to be absolutely complicit in the New World Government. Where the New World Government becomes the sole Government and the sole planetary Nation. Which means there cannot be any other nation including the end of China and Russia.
China and Russia must not participate in any wars. China and Russia along with the former NASA scientists and employe's of the soon to fall USA. Must make a way for humanities survival off planet. By re-diverting funds into space programs as opposed to a military war machine. Humanity may survive. When the world leader loses and all of humanity becomes lost. Humans will be in space. China must invest times 7 of what they are now. Russia must invest times 3 of what they invest now. USA will be a 1 until they become a 0. But, From with USA zero is something. That something is people, experience, knowledge and how to. That is USA wealth.
The Curiosity rover may be the last great American effort.
The idea of race used as a toll is a lie and a deception. As the completion of the Human Genome Project proves that all of humanity is of one singular race of human beings. Any leader no matter their position or capacity who uses race as their tool. Is a LIAR and a DECEIVER.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Been Wanted (Unedited). Personal Content:

Have you ever been wanted? Have you ever been loved? Have you ever been cared for?
Like foster kids are wanted, loved and cared for? Do you know what I'm going to write about? or reveal?
Before, I met the love of my life. I knew what is was not like to be wanted, to be loved and to be cared for.
I knew my adoptive mom only wanted to blame me for everything. I knew that my adoptive mom loved to beat me and lock me in the closet. I knew my adoptive parents cared more for their liquor, beer and cigarettes.
Most of the foster parents I had only Wanted the extra income. Loved their own biological families while keeping us/me separated, isolated and divided from them. They even seemed to care about the extra savings and deceptions told to case workers about the meals served. Three hot meals a day may be the truth spoken to the case workers. Three hot meals may sound good until you realize they are sample portions. Its just to bad the case workers never had time to physically look at the skin and bone kids, Let alone really look at my bones showing through the skin.
Some foster parents would even abuse the kids in accordance to their own psychological defects. Which is often times over looked as the foster kids have been psychologically damaged by their own biological families. These kids are easy targets. How can you prove anything? No case worker ever asked me or even cared to ask, my side of the story, They automatically assumed I'm the guilty party every time.
 Foster kids often come to a very real decision. That it is safer to live on the streets than it is in a foster home.  Being wanted, loved and cared for can be found everywhere. It is often defined by the ones who is doing it and not who is receiving it. So, have you been wanted, loved and cared for? just like a foster kid in the USA or even in this world? C.J.MacKechnie
 My story of abuse is rare. Being an adopted person from the age of 5 months. Find the positive message and positive inspiration. If you are a devout Christian family. Your needed by the 500,000 kids who have only known a life of abuse and torture by their own biological families. Today as in right now, There seems to be about 500,000 good Christian families who are willing to take in these unwanted and unloved Children. These kids who continually suffer from their first crime in life. That is being born to bad parents. Remember the words of Jesus in regards to children. Pray and take the necessary actions from the out pouring of your own hearts.
Research on YouTube these words. Former foster kids stories. abused foster kids. foster kids.
The failure rate of a foster kid is nearly 90%. That is because they are not loved or cared for. They are not educated or even have a marketable skill. Still in many states these foster kids become homeless at the age of 18. When they "age out".
What would you do in life if you knew that no one ever cared for you and that you only had value so as long the money was coming in? Street life and prostitution. Think about these last words and relate it to prostitution. A foster kid psychologically knows so as long as they are bringing in money they have value to the foster parents. Are you getting my words. Drug dealing to prostitution. The pimp loves the young girl who brings in the most money and hates/beats the girls who do not. The high level drug dealer loves the kid who sells the most and kills the ones who runs their mouths and sells the least. Simple rules that former foster kids have already learned from the foster care system.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.