Showing posts with label Coffins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffins. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Extinction Journey +17: (Unedited): 10 June 2013:

The journey to extinction does not have to be sudden. 
The extinction of any species is not sudden but it can be. Scientist have been warning about particular species becoming extinct or will be extinct in some future foreseen time line. The same goes for humanity or individual families within humanity. There are many levels of extinction.

The physical death of every individual is a form of individual extinction.
A family which falls a part into sin and lawlessness. Will become extinct in name and then by blood in just a few generations.
A nation which falls victim to apathy, oppression and authoritarianism will become extinct in a few decades or less. Probably less.
A worlds population can also become extinct when global insanity becomes additively rampant. This can take a thousand years which can culminate in sudden global suicide. Started by the controlling and elitist few who wrongly think they will be OK. Their bunkers will become their coffins.
To avert extinction at all levels. One should live by their own free choice without fear or threats. To love one another. To live in peace with everyone. To exist in harmony with all of creation. All of this must work together like a complete logical formula. Basically, The purple words below.
Added on 23 June 2024: The extinction levels that I've witnessed and living through goes on without notice. I would suppose animals go on with their lives never realizing they are the last ones. When your on the outside and your taking in data the extinction of a species seems to be easy to see. While at the same time the species your observing may not even be aware.
As humans continue to walk the same path into extinction. Their collective numbers become fewer while the path to death becomes less traveled.
While the remaining humans will remember their old families members and old friends all of their memories shall be remembered as they sit alone in the face of extinction.
The feelings of loneliness becomes stronger as you realize there are fewer and fewer of your own family left as you sit quietly trying to understand as to why your one of the last few or the last one as your forced to embrace extinction. 
As you begin to realize that there is no one to continue the name of your family. The weight of extinction which shall be born upon you as you can now clearly see the apathy of those who care nothing for the continuation of the family name.
As the younger generations freely choose to pursue their own selfish needs and wants. Their individualistic journey into the wonders of all of the world shall lead them all into loneliness in their old age as no one who ever cared will care or visit.
The foolishness of the younger ones who saw their elders as unimportant, useless and worthless may begin to know the actual truth over their own self realized truth which turned out to be lies, self deceptions and delusions.
The younger generation who happen to realize the folly of their youth will also discover the impossibility of correcting their foolish mistakes as the waves of extinction begins to drown them in the realized truth of their evil and wicked ways. 
As the evil and wicked younger generation becomes older and they see how few the numbers of their family there are. The sudden realization of the coming extinction of their family becomes a truthful and sad reality. 
Once you leave the child baring age it becomes to late for you to correct all of your evil and wicked behaviors in this life as you become the last one in your family to remain. The end of your family name is only a beginning step in the extinction process. 
The evil and wickedness of the middle aged modern people shall see how the younger ones joyfully followed each of you into the extinction process for all of humanity. Without ever knowing it. 
As each of you who continue forth in the joys and excitement of your evil and wicked ways. Know that the extinction of your family name, of your people, of your nation and of your planet shall be manifested through each of you. 
To know that you have become the last one to bare your family name. Know that the evil and wickedness of the previous generations has led to you, the last one. As you are engulfed by extinction.

Absolute forgetfulness shall come to you and your family once the extinction process becomes impossible to stop. Each of you had the opportunity to turn away from your evil and wicked ways and each of you rejected it every time. 
Each of you wicked evildoers shall become judged and forgotten. As you eternally await for the second death for you. This is the final extinction of your individuality.
You shall not know or even be aware of the impossibility of wanting or becoming good. Once your heart and mind have become locked into unchanging. You shall blame God for everything without ever knowing it was you who has brought to you much misery, suffering and death.
You wicked evildoers shall suffer much in the suffering you have caused. Once you have become a hardened broken pillar of stone. Even gravity, wind and water shall come to even destroy the memory of you. 
Even you wicked evildoers who continually plan for the death of 90% of all of us. You shall have nothing and shall lose everything. The suffering which comes for you is only conceptualized by the fallen ones and demons whom you follow.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Leaders Tools: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2012:

Just as historical leaders of humanities past used race, nationalism, Injustice and religion as tools to be used for their own selfish ends. So to will the predicted world leader to come and he will be greatly loved. C.J.MacKechnie
The love expressed will be of only a singular direction. Love of this new world leader. The new world leader will not love in return. Because, It is only about him and nothing more. All that he does will be in regards to the growth and consolidation of his foundational base of ultimate power and supreme authority. At all levels. Even in the spiritual or other worldly. He is an atheist so to his fearful followers. The countries of Russia and China will be used as tools by this world leader. This is already prophesied. No matter how Russia choose. To fight as a untied team or to fight for the world leader. They will do their individual part for the extinction of humanity. Granted extincted may not happen after the final events for 100 years. Human extinction still happens. All of the Countries underground hiding places and all of their secret and hidden military bases will be destroyed. The only safe place is off planet. Your countries most brilliant of men guarantee your safety. Those underground places will become their coffins. Only to be discovered by a new or different species in a thousand thousand years.
With any prophecy. The revelation of which changes everything. Any bad and sad man made event(s) can be completely altered and completely changed. It matters not who or which prophet has written it or spoke it. Prophecy is a matter of greatest logical probability. That is all. If a person, family, people, nation or world does not like a prophecy or prophecies. Then make the necessary continuous efforts to mitigate, change or prevent them all. That is a very real option which leads to opportunities of greater life possibilities.
What should Russia and China do? Can Russia and China become something other than unknowing pawns? or are they willing to be absolutely complicit in the New World Government. Where the New World Government becomes the sole Government and the sole planetary Nation. Which means there cannot be any other nation including the end of China and Russia.
China and Russia must not participate in any wars. China and Russia along with the former NASA scientists and employe's of the soon to fall USA. Must make a way for humanities survival off planet. By re-diverting funds into space programs as opposed to a military war machine. Humanity may survive. When the world leader loses and all of humanity becomes lost. Humans will be in space. China must invest times 7 of what they are now. Russia must invest times 3 of what they invest now. USA will be a 1 until they become a 0. But, From with USA zero is something. That something is people, experience, knowledge and how to. That is USA wealth.
The Curiosity rover may be the last great American effort.
The idea of race used as a toll is a lie and a deception. As the completion of the Human Genome Project proves that all of humanity is of one singular race of human beings. Any leader no matter their position or capacity who uses race as their tool. Is a LIAR and a DECEIVER.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 