Showing posts with label Saved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saved. Show all posts

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Protective Hands: +7: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:

Fear not and worry not. For you have already been saved and are safe in the protective hands of your Heavenly Father.
Do not worry. Do not allow fear to guide the dark creativity of your own mind. When you worry and are fearful, know that the Holy Bible and prayer are far from you. The Holy Bible tells all of the promises for the true children of God. Those who have only attended church for all of their live may only have judgement waiting for them. Go and read how the children of God are known. Go and seek what the children of God do out of the overflowing of love which just seems to spring forth from them. Then ask yourself if you are one and if you answer without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements, then go in peace and comfort in the truth. However, if your reputation in the world is different than in the church, then know that God shall be your judge and not your Heavenly Father.
Anchor Safe Harbor: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
Rest assured and anchor yourself in the Lord. For only He can promise you safe harbor through any hell storm.
When you continuously anchor yourself in the Lord no matter what may come to you or even how your end may come, the real you which is the spiritual you will be safe. No matter what hell befalls you from satan or his fallen angels, you are safe in the Lord. All you have to do is continue to seek righteousness and holiness. All you have to do is repent of all sins, pray always, fast often and remain in the Holy Bible. Let all of your actions be sourced from the river of love which flows through you from your Heavenly Father.
Victim Distracted Away: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
You may become a victim to the lies, deceptions and half-truths told to you when you allow yourself to become distracted away from the Holy Word.
All that you hear, see and experience must be taken into prayer, fasting and the Holy Bible. Even what I write must be taken to the Holy Word, into prayer and into fasting if necessary, every time.
Anything which keeps you away from reading the Holy Bible, from prayer, from fasting, from meditating upon the Lord, from contemplating those things which came from the Lord, is all a distraction to keep you away from God by your own free will. Yes, the prince of this Earth and his fallen angels are manipulating you.
Hollywood Holy Word: (Unedited): 08 July 2018:
Hollywood is a time consuming distraction from The Holy Word.
Hollywood is all about people pretending to be who they are not in order to tell a story which may not have happened and if it did happen then deceptions will be added to make the story better and more exciting.
What about your favorite sports? How much time does it take you away from God by your own free will? What about gaming? How much time does it take you away from God by your own free will? Then what about the sin you assume in sports or gaming? Has your favorite sport become a god or idol? Has your favorite computer game led you to kill and murder and destroy? Aren't killing and murder and destroying all sins, especially for the fun of it and for the entertainment of it all? Remember, Jesus said if you already thought to sin, then you already committed the sin, even in gaming.
How about that Man Cave? How does it keep you away from God? Have the liquor bar in it as well? Have the war games playing? How many digital beings have you killed off in fun?
Victim Sidetracked From: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
You may become a victim of a powerful delusion when you allow yourself to become sidetracked from the truth within the Holy Bible.
The powerful delusion is sent by God to his children. If you allow yourself to become sidetracked for a time by your own free choices in life. Then you will fall victim to His powerful delusion. It is tough to decide to always read the Holy Bible, to pray, to meditate, to contemplate, especially when those awesome Marvel or Star Wars movies are always coming out, especially when you only watch that one or three shows every week after working how many hours and how many jobs. Did you know that the wisest people on the planet pray about 4+ hours a day? This is not because they have to, but because they want to. You have to want to and want to from the Love in your heart.
Keep You Away: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
The lies, deceptions and half truths from satan and his fallen angels are all meant to cause you harm and to keep you away from your Heavenly Father.
Yes satan and his fallen angels lie, deceive and tell half-truths always. It is all directed toward those who are focused or living as God wants them to. You are his targets. I tell you this - if you were an avowed, unbelieving person of the world sinning how ever you freely choose to, satan and the fallen angels are not going to pay any attention to you. Satan and the fallen angels already have you or them owned. This is why all of satan's efforts are for people just like you and me.
Powerful Delusion Gift: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
The powerful delusion given to the whole world from God is an insightful gift for those who have the spiritual gift of discernment from God. This gift is for His genuine children who love Him and keep all of His commands. For from this powerful delusion His children will know who the shepherds, sheep, snakes, goats and wolves are. 
Again go a seek out how the children of God are recognized. Then freely choose to become one of God's holy and righteous children. Become obedient to all of God's commands not because you have to, but because you want to and because you love your heavenly Father and desire to please Him as any good child would.
Distracted From The Truth: (Unedited): 05 July 2018:
Anytime you get worried and fearful, know that you have been distracted away from the truth of the Holy Word. For your Heavenly Sanctuary has already been promised to you. So seek ye now the Holy Word and remain within its assurances. 
For instance, with prophecies it is easy to get worried, fearful and concerned when looking into all of the coming prophecies.The prophecies of anything is not what is important. It is whether or not you have become a genuine son or daughter to God. This is the most important thing. What is also of critical importance is how you're living your life right now. Is your spiritual life pleasing to God? Is your mental life pleasing to God? Is your heart life pleasing to God? Is your life in the world pleasing to God? Is your computer life pleasing to God? Is your professional life pleasing to God? Is your private and secret life pleasing to God? Is your social life pleasing to God?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 5, 2018

Lots Wife Once Saved: (Unedited): 02 March 2018:

As long as it takes for you (Christian) to change the channel or the radio (music) in the privacy of your car, office, cell phone or computer. It is the same amount of time it took Lots wife (Edith or Ado) to become rejected and judged after being saved. For in that moment of being once saved you may become like Lots wife in those moments when your heart and mind desires the ways of the world.
Back Down Quickly: (Unedited): 02 March 2018:
Lost the original quote and then found it:
Just as quickly as you can change the channel or frequency back down to the worldly transmissions. You just as quickly become like Lots wife Edith or Ado.
Once you have been saved then you are saved. That is until you reject the requirements of being saved. Which is developing your heart, mind, speech and actions into becoming righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only.
The time is coming and may already be here. When God will destroy the world or just your sinful nation. The order in which these things will occur have already been prophesied in the Holy Bible. In which have all been assumed by the limited understanding of humanity. Just before the destruction shall occur. God will save His elect. Then the saved elect must freely decide to remain or flee. Those elect shall be saved but they each must abide by the rules or they each shall become like Lots wife. Those who look back at what they loved about the world or look back to see the loved ones left behind. For many shall reject or not able to listen as the world has a hold upon them even though they may pray and read the Holy Bible daily. Go and test for yourself how long it takes to simply look back.
The coffins of the dead are meant for those who remain alive to remember. Those leaders of all men who have made their deep underground bunkers for themselves and their families through the legal theft of their brethren. These secreted places shall become their own unknown coffins of extinction. All of which shall be consumed by fire. Never to be recognized by anyone, anywhere or any time.
Be very concerned with the state of your church, religion and denomination. If any of them do not teach sin, righteousness and holiness. If any of them have brought into their holy places sin. Then leave it now and do not look back. Even if that church has been your church home for many decades or even many generations. It is that church which has already left God and you. It is that fallen church which desires to drag you down into the acceptance and celebration of any kind of sin.
For instance: This is very offensive. Watch the acceptance and celebration of sin in the place of holiness. This is not Methodist bashing. Although the Methodist church is becoming a very good example of a fallen denomination and church. But, so to many others.
Note the age of the videos. The two selected is just a sample.
(Christian) also is for any religious person who is supposed to abide by a code holiness, righteousness.
I use copy and paste for your safety and security. No hidden or transposed characters.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Gratitude Glory: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Give all glory and gratitude for the breaking of the storm of demonic darkness for it is through your cleanliness, righteousness and holiness that God has protected and saved you. 
C.J. MacKechnie
You of and by your own free will have chosen to live your life in holiness and righteousness as God has defined it. All without any threats, fears or intimidation's. By your own reasoning you live a free life of goodness. Because, you live your life in love, in peace, in harmony God shall protect and save your essence.
Fear not anything and stand firm at the coming storm of demonic darkness. It shall not touch you. It shall pass around you. Remain in prayer and meditation to your Lord on High. Continue to love one another as you have learned even during the storms of life.
 Holiness and Righteousness does not come from any award given by man or even recognized by man. Having holiness and righteousness is not in the fine clothing you wear, the job you have, the cars you own or even a home to live in.
Holiness and righteousness comes only from God and to you through your divine connection to Him. This divine connection is based on the condition of your heart, mind and how you have freely chosen to live this life in which you were given. You automatically accept all that which is good and pure. While rejecting everything which is sinful and questionable.
There is much more to being righteous and holy. My note here only touches on the basic aspect.
Here in Florida bats are not bad. In this description I am using bats are bad. I like bats. They eat those pesky pests. There should be bat houses everywhere. Instead of yucky chemical spraying.
In your life there will always be those who desperately want to be righteous and holy. They even go as far as becoming members of your church or religion. Holiness and righteousness seems to always elude them for some unknown reason.
There is a great divine light within the righteous. Is light attracts everyone. Even the dark demonic entities which swoop in from time to time like bats. They do and shall pluck away those who are not divinely protected as you are. They shall be devoured.
You can see this from any wilderness camp fire. the insects and blood suckers are attracted to the light. Then out of nowhere the bats swoop in and their gone. Just know that while you attract the many. Only a few may respond and become divine lights themselves. The many you shall watch become stolen away.
Be sure you can discern the difference between those being stolen away, those who walk away and those who have been destined to continue on in missions. Mourn not the stolen for they have chosen their fate. Pray for those who walk away that they may heed their calling. Celebrate those who continue on in the missions with abundant joy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Corrupted Unrepentant Sinner: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2014:

The corrupted unrepentant sinner and their children shall not be saved. It matters not your human perceived definition of innocence or what is right.  

In the time of Noah or Pre-flood Genesis. There may have been up to 1 billion humans upon this planet. This apparently does not account for the angelic human offspring. Which may have been abandoned by the fallen angels as they left the earth to save themselves. There is and will be much speculation on this as that history was mostly destroyed by the flood. We do know that the fallen angels did come back and lived in various places upon the earth as told in the story of Moses. So how did they survive? Where did they survive?

In the time of Noah. Only 8 adults became the remnant to be saved. Every child which was loved by their mothers were not saved.  It did not matter how much a mother loved their child or even defined their child as innocent. The corruption of all of mankind even fell upon the babies of humanity. Those who by our own definition would consider the most innocent of today. Those worthy of saving by your own understanding. Yet the God of all and the Judge of all exercised His Divine right to execute humanity save for the 8 righteous adults. That is all.
So you need to know this. The end of all prophecies shall come and only the chosen remnant as  selected by God shall be taken away. It does not matter what you think or feel. If you are corrupted and unrighteous. Then your children are corrupted and unrighteous. Then you and your children will burn when this planet becomes purified. How many shall be saved? How shall the number of the remnant be counted? On one hand or more out of seven billion souls?

Even the author of this writing may not be saved in one way but saved in another.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Protected Ones: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2012:

As man (Humanity) willingly marches into the abyss of extinction. There will be the protected ones of GOD/GRANDFATHER. Those people who have kept the laws of YHVH  in their minds. Those who have kept the precepts of Peace. Those who have kept GODS love and compassion in practice. Those who live as Grandfather wanted. Those who Honor the Holy Spirit. Those who humble themselves as Jesus Christ had.
These common people who are the salt of the Earth. These protected ones are each an Israelite of Israel. Bound and governed not by any government or religion of man. No matter how they name the ONE. The ONE chooses and selects the protected ones as HE does. Just as the Hebrews were divinely protected during their 40 year march with Moses. So to will the protected ones be.
The protected ones are already living a righteous and a holy life. They do so without fear, intimidation or threats from any government or religious authority. The protected ones live their lives in accordance to the laws of GOD. Not because it is the laws of GOD, which it is. Not because of the promise of eternal hell fires damnation. These protected ones live a holy and righteous life simply by choice. Because, the protected ones can see the logical truth. The protected ones make the right and correct decision to live righteously. It is that simple.
If there is to be a rapture or a few raptures. These protected ones will be the chosen ones who will be raptured. If there is to be a rapture. As such, The few missing will not be seen as a missed rapture. The rapture will be deemed a non event. Especially here in the USA or soon to be former USA. Watch for the clergy of all denominations to ease their churches minds and spirits. How those were wrong in the per-tribulation rapture predictions and then the mid-tribulation rapture predictions and then the post tribulation rapture predictions.
What will likely happen. Is those selected to be the protected ones. Will have to heed the call to "go". Then they must choose to simply "go" by faith. In that unknown direction of GODS gentle whispered wind. Many of the protected ones will not choose to "go". Then they will have to endure to the end. While walking inside the breath of GOD. They will be continually tested. In which they pass on to the next test or become a pillar of salt. There will be those protected ones who will feel an incredible need to love and express great compassion to those suffering. Many will choose to exit the breath of GOD. To appear to the suffering as one who came out of nowhere. They may not be able to return into the breath. This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing. For Jesus willingly gave his life.

Church warning
Save GODS flock.
Save GODS sheep.
You must teach the whole of the laws of GOD. You must teach and stress the importance of holy and righteous living. You must teach direct connectedness to GOD. You must teach the path to holiness was made by Jesus Christ. You must teach that HE is GOD but HE is the Heavenly Father to his children. You must teach Jesus Christ is their brother. Gods flock and sheep must immediately live righteously. All without Threats, fears, intimidation or promises of woes.

The word church is all encompassing. Also, means Mosque, Temple, Synagogue, Religious school or any other place of divine worship.
No ink and no other copies exist.
I write this knowing full well. That I may not even be one of the protected ones. I can hope and pray. There will be much more of a requirement to be selected.
My use of "Pillar of Salt" is not an actual occurrence it is merely a for instance of what could happen or may happen. That is up to GOD.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Loser: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2007:

A man may be born who spends his entire life never winning anything, never finding success, and never tasting greatness. Then in a single moment in time which will never repeat itself. He has to make a choice, that really isn't a choice. Sacrifice the self so that another may be saved. Whether he survives or not. That split second will transcend all time. He will be remembered far longer than any gold medalist winner or world record holders. 
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Elders Sleep: (Unedited): 08 Aug 2012

The wise elders who are tasked by the Creator to reveal, teach and preach to all who will learn the richness of their stories and heed the venom of their warnings. When the peoples no longer desire their stories or heed their prophetic warnings. The Creator will cause the elders to sleep and to not be reborn until the time of a great listening. 
When The wisdom becomes silenced. Know that the time of purification draws near. 
When the understanding of spiritual things become impossible and unimportant. Know that the demise of humanity is the fault of all of mankind and not of the Creator.
When the hearts become hardened and stained with much blood of hatred. Know that your desires of horrific death and total destruction will become your manifested wish.
All will become extinct. Save for the select. The select are those of the Creator. No one will know who they are, Not even the select will know. They will just be protected and saved. Despite the governments hunt for them all. The select may only be seen and discovered only when they are in sin or have fear. 
This is prophetic.
Pray and meditate always to GOD. Love one another. Live in peace with your brother and sister, no mater the tone of their skin, the color of their eyes or the curl of their hair. Exist in harmony with all things. If we all can do this within our own individual worlds. Then all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoke can be averted. It can still be averted. That is until the death and destruction begins. Then like a dead baby passing through the birth canal. It must have its conclusion and finality. Just as with the last HOLY Family (NOAH). There was that chance to avert all death and destruction, Until the first drop of rain. 
This will not be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver"
There is no ink and no other copies made.

Monday, June 11, 2012

All Man (unedited). 31 March 2012

When all of the catastrophic prophecies for man converge. Know that it was all of mankind who allowed it and worked towards its manifestation. It will be all of mankind which perishes. Save for the remnant protected and saved. C.J.MacKechnie
You must fully know that all of the catastrophic prophecies of man which leads us all to extinction is all the fault of all human beings and not of GOD. It is from GOD who revealed the warnings of our own extinction. Humanity is to blame for the extinction of humanity.
 "Prophecies are predictions of probability", and as such all prophecies can be altered, mitigated, managed, prevented and manifested. No matter who speaks any prophetic words. Know that the prediction can be created or prevented. It is solely up to each individual. It is the collective individuals who has the real power and not of the political powers or of any other organization. Because, It is always the organization which seeks and actively manipulates the populations or so called common peoples to it's own special, selfish and entitled will. 
Beware of the evil which espouses and looks forward to death and destruction. It can only be evil which embraces death and destruction. 
To begin a holy path, one must embrace Love, Peace, Harmony and life. By choice and without any expressed fears, intimidation's, Hells promise or threats. To continually grow and evolve in the holy path. One must embrace a strict morality, honor, integrity, "secret" and public righteous living, To live and exist in purity. From this logical thought process. The eternal spirit, which is within us begins to show itself through the daily expression of miracles worked from GOD through each of us. So much so, That super natural miracles becomes like breathing or blood flowing through our veins.
Our commune with GOD becomes constant and personal. With no intermediary needed.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rain Salt (unedited). 26 March 2012

God's raptured or chosen remnant who are the salt of the Earth. Must still always be concerned with the rain of their own personal choices. C.J.MacKechnie
The consequences of your thoughts, emotions and actions will be experienced by those who are to endure to the end or who are raptured. Genesis 19: Stay focused upon God and cleave to HIM.
Even while being saved and protected by the Hand of GOD. One still must choose to obey the word of God. You must fight and struggle with your own desires for the world. It is easy to live in the world and by the rules of the world. But, you have been called and directed to live in the world and not of the world.