Showing posts with label Medicinal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicinal. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Homeless Blessing Prophecy +3:

 The perpetually homeless shall become a blessing for many. As the homeless travel from place to place along customary pathways. They shall discover wild fruits, nuts and vegetables. They will thank God for their meal and plant the seeds necessary to spread the good cheer long after they have gone. The homeless who are at home with God always, shall plant edible and medicinal plants of all kinds everywhere they travel. In the years to follow of those young and growing trees, plants and bushes. They shall bring forth their own good foods in their own times. To the degree that the homeless will hold onto certain seeds in order to plant them where they will fit within the dates of other planted seeds. So that if they pass through in a particular month they shall have something to eat. Then when they pass through on a different. They shall have something different to eat. 

The pathways of these homeless people of God shall become likened as a grocery store. Where you walk down an isle and see many kinds of food products. So to shall their pathways to come and may already have come. As each homeless person talks with another. They will reveal what they have done and tell the others to do the same as they go the way they go. For those of God know that everything is about to change and being able to go into a city to receive food, showers, clothing and a place to rest will come to an end. While at the same time those who become homeless shall rise into the many millions all traveling in the directions that travel. They will not know how to eat a fruit and then plant the seeds. They will not know that you are supposed to save some in order to grow many. Like with Garlic and many others. They will not know the idea to spread them out in many different places in order to achieve year round harvests of edibles and medicinal's. The new homeless must be taught. Which means the more experienced homeless people will become teachers to many and in turn they too will become teachers to even more.
This is the blessing of the Homeless. Once the homeless begin to spread the words of their inherent duties for themselves and for every other homeless persons, now and in the future. They shall go forth in their own invisible silence and begin to develop these missions as their God Given purpose in life. For no one else can do what the homeless can do. For they are Gods beloved invisible army. While other humans ignore them and do not see them. God loves, knows and sees each one of His homeless children. 

For those who are with God always. Do not see themselves as either homeless or alone. For how could you be alone when God is always with you?
Added on 13 Oct 2021: Qualifying The Homeless and the Hungry. The responsibility of the Christian Church body. Your church may qualify and limit how often a person or family can obtain food. I have seen churches limit a person and a family to once every six months. This was shocking to me. But, when your a mega church and your resources are limited and your unable to obtain the staff to keep the store open. It's a problem. No matter how you justify it. But, the hungry and homeless will come through as they do and will need what they need. You will provide that which you can provide. 
Below is for those churches who are doing their best to become most like the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. You can feed the person or the family as often as you can. But, you can do even more and may already be doing as my writings suggest. If you already are. Then my writings are your confirmations. 
Without acknowledging what I've written in regards to the blessings of the homeless. But, do question each one in order to ascertain if they actually plant edibles on their journeys all without revealing or leading them to answer as you are looking for. How does a homeless person eat when they are in the wilderness? How do they know that foods will be present? How do they know that? Along their journeys. If the homeless person is eating wild fruits and nuts. All the while planting them in the places of the homeless persons own reasoning. Then encourage them and provide for them heirloom, antique and all natural seeds. So that they can plant them where ever they can in 3's, 7's and 12's. This is an important sign which should be spoken. The seeds should be from wild varieties of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Even medicinal's. 
Landlords of low income properties should be encouraged to plant edible plants, bushes and trees on their properties. Where ever possible and allow the renters to eat what ever they desire. Low income renters are also those who will visit the churches and food banks. Your home owners should also be encouraged to remove ornamental plants and replace them edible trees, bushes and plants. Then during harvest they can use those foods for their own healthy use or donate to the church and food banks. 
Properties should be purchased by the church and green houses erected and managed. This could be tied into the creation of exclusive micro-economies. Which should also be created. They can be tied to education on how to grow heirloom and wild edible plants and bushes for your specific region of growing. There should be a focus on seed recovery, safe storage and replanting. 
Added on 14 Oct 2021: 
The homeless or invisible army of God who plant the edible plants everywhere they can. Will arrange them in their specific way as to identify it as a planted pictorial signature. These will become very interesting and may even include the important Biblical numbers and/or verses. 
Added on 06 Feb 2025: 
The least of the children of God. They have always remained faithful, they have continually suffered many things. They have continually given all. They have been rejected by the world. They are loved, known, wanted and accepted. 
The Lord will call upon each of the lowest and least to stand upon the most dangerous cities and streets and make the final last call for all to repent. Their reward shall be then when they fall asleep by evil hands and become awakened in the bosom of their Lord and Savior.
The least of His beloved children are even rejected and disallowed to even enter into many denominations and churches. They shall not be rejected by their Lord and Savior. In which they shall hear those words from Mathew 25:23 
The least in this world shall become Heavenly witnesses to those who were in authority who rejected them, mocked them and cursed them. They will hear the Lord tell those religious leaders Mathew 7: 21-23.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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