Showing posts with label medications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medications. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2017

Loss of Self Prophecy +1: (Unedited): 01 May 2017:

The loss of self.
The loss of self determination.
The loss of self control.
The loss of self authority. 
Loosed into the world the demons ascend into their human world.
They shall take human hosts for a single event or for much time. 
The humans will not know why they had done such awful things. They will just know that they had done a great evil for no other reason. That they knew they were good and then they had such evil in them. Which needed to express itself and to relish in the suffering of innocent human souls. For once they knew great joy. A demonic possession had come and is now gone and they knew not what had occurred. Nor will they even believe. 
For those who partake of the spirits(Alcohol, liquor, beer) and of any other mind altering drugs (Cigarettes as well) or medications. They shall be easily taken be the demonic forces of the fallen angels. For they will have no defense. For this evil is far greater than any human being.
Even the greatest of Christian pretenders shall suffer for their performances of deceiving pretending's. You shall know them through their professed sins and having been caught in sin. They will profess with great pride and arrogance. That they were forgiven and so they should remain in the pulpit of worldly profits. For those who celebrate the lack of discipline. They to will share in his/her transgressions against God the angry judge who cometh. For they shall also endure a wrathful Christ to come as well as their is no negotiating with an angry lion.
You genuine lambs of God. Quiet your body, your mind and your spirit. Listen to the callings and pleas of your Holy Shepherd, Holy Brother. Who is the only begotten son of God. They go to his voice. There you will find pastures of rest and clean drinking waters. Remain with the convincing wolves and you shall be devoured forever.
The demonic possessions will become more and more pronounced. To the point that not even the jails or mental institutions can hold them. For the demonics can and will jump from one human soul and into another. Even from prisoner to police officer. Even from patient to doctor. Even from judged to the Judge. There is no protection from any of the fallen ones, demons and angry spirits. There shall be no technology from the imagined ghost busters which shall contain any of them. Once freed they will flow outward like a great spiritual tsunami wave of pure evil.
Eight Wet Remnant: (Unedited): 01 May 2017:
 The world shall become as dark as it was in the time of Noah. For in that day of falling wetness. Only eight were the chosen remnant of the world. So become one of the holy and righteous remnant as which is only accepted in the eyes of God only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy. Bath in the Holy Spirit. Swim continuously in the Holy Bible and dive into the pure waters of deep prayer. Discover the light of graces gift of everlasting love.
All of the judgement which comes. The coming of a wrathful Christ and God. Is all of our own individual and collective faults. Which comes the purple words below. Because, how do you want to meet Christ? As an angry lion or your loving Heavenly Brother. How do you want to meet God? As your absolutely righteous and Holy Judge or as your Heavenly Father who only wants what is best for their children. It is all of your free choices to make. Once made you will either endure in the consequences or rewards as defined by God your Judge or by your Heavenly Father. No matter how you decide or not decide. It's coming.
Added on 02 May 2017:
Demonic activities shall reside where evil stands in the Holy places. This shall happen within Christian Churches where those who are supposed to stand in those holy places have become unholy and unrighteous. Through disobedience to the Laws of God. Through deceptions and from exclusion of certain parts of the Holy Bible.
Those who are accepting of the sins of their pastors may very well endure the wrath of a coming Jesus and a judging God.
You need to know if your church, denomination or religion is accepting of any sin. Then through your continued participation of that place. Will condemn you. Fleeing and departing from a sinful church, denomination or religion. This includes ending long friendships with those who have brought the acceptance of sin into their lives. For they have already decided to accept sin as a right even though The Holy Bible forbids it in entirety. You must depart from them as well. For they will celebrate and praise the return of Jesus and God. Even though Jesus and God shall come bringing wrath and judgement.
Tell me this. When you were a child. Did you ever celebrate a wrathful human father and human mother coming home?
Tell me this. As a parent and you came home angry. Did your children celebrate, sing, dance and worship your return or was their great fear within them?
So how is it that the entire Christian religion celebrates the return of Christ and God? Yes, they will be absolutely victorious. The true devout Christians will lose badly as the whole world comes against them all.
Fire shall rain down upon the Earth to some degree. Maybe even turning this whole world into a liquid and molten fire ball. So who is celebrating and when?
So go and sin no more. Become holy and righteous as only accepted in the eyes of God. All without any ego, pride, arrogance and supremacy. Do so because it is the right and good thing to do and not just to save your own skin. The how to is in the Holy Bible.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fearless Introvert: Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 10 April 2015:

To be an introvert without any fears. Is an exercise of courage from a brave soul. 
Are you shy or are you just an introvert?
While one may indicate fears and traumas.  The other may be just a a part of your normal psychological being. Which would be OK. So as long as you are healthy and are capable of surviving in this world. In other words being responsible for your state of being.
Being shy may be more related to abuse by those who are outside of your person. Fears and threats from the outside world can cause a person to become shy. While the introvert is just naturally self absorbed in whatever thinking they prefer to think about.  The continuous mean and rude things which may have been done to you or you have simply witnessed. Then if this is the case you should seek assistance in dealing with your own problems. So as long as there are no mind altering medications involved. They do not help, they only delay your healing and make you a drug addict. I state this assuming you have no conclusive brain injuries or brain defects in any test scans of your brain. If you do have absolutely provable tests via advanced medical technologies. Then you must absolutely take which ever medications prescribed by your medical professional. 

To be automatically be prescribed mind altering medications by just simply professing a problem. Is absolutely wrong. Especially if no medical tests have been conducted. If any doctor no matter what field of specialty they are in. Just prescribes mind altering medications without any medical evidence. Then walk out, refuse to pay and report them to their monitoring state agency. They are no different then the illegal drug dealers who stand on street corners. 
Without pride or ego. Without puffing you up. Without you becoming haughty.
To be an introvert is a necessary part of your being. You may very well need to be an introvert. Just so that you can do whatever it is you must do in this life. Self defined greatness comes from those who can dwell within themselves for long periods of time. Then from there they outwardly express themselves within their creations.
There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the outside world who demands for you to conform to it's will and defined state of healthy.
AHHH But, If you are not eating right/healthy and regular, maintaining employment in order for you to take care of yourself and family, If your not bathing/grooming as you should for skin/hair/nail health, Obtaining the required education and continuing education so that you can be continuously employed throughout your entire life. Then there you go Skippy. You had better start being responsible for yourself and for those who you are supposed to be taking care of. This also, includes spending proper amount of time with the spouse and children. As defined by them and not by you. I do fail in this regard. But do deeply feel that my time is short or that this writing I do is urgent. Do not do as I have done. Become well educated and achieve that proper level of employment so that you can take care of your family. It is just really hard to raise a family and have gifted children and then not be able to feed their inborn gifts. Because, you simply do not have the financial resources to do so. It is very hard and not very fair. But, there is nothing fair in this world.
Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:
A person can have much healthy food and water and still yet starve in other ways.
You can have physical starvation which is in regard to physical weakness and endurance. You can have mental starvation which is in regard to education, psychology and critical thinking. You can have spiritual starvation. In regards to awareness and wisdom.
*NOTE* A person can be highly educated and still does not have the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid becoming enslaved.  Where once being enslaved was only for the uneducated. Now that premise has evolved. Or the understanding to comprehend all of their learned knowledge. As is with bio-mechanical robots who are politically/worldly thought controlled.
Added on 19 April 2015: This blog Quote was published on :
Many thanks to the team at cacofony.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Demonic Car Thieves: (Unedited): 27 March 2015:

Auras are real. Auras have a purpose. Auras are both physical and spiritual in nature. In the spiritual realm the aura is very slippery. In the spiritual realm auras are the egg shell for human beings and human souls. The auras is our star trek shield barrier to all other spiritual beings. It is nearly unbreakable and cannot be punctured unless. You go through a process of weakening your aura by physical and mental means. Living a life of sin and lawlessness. Being a depraved individual of unbelief and apathy for anyone's feelings. Any mind altering substance can weaken your aura or spiritual shield enough to allow a demonic entity entry. Mind altering substances can be legal or illegal. They can even be medications. Some demonic entities are like car thieves. They go to every car to check who left it unlocked or in this case they go to every person to see if the auras is weak enough to just jump into. But usually a good strong shield will cause those demonic entities to stay back many feet. A weakened auric shield will allow an entity to get very close as close as the one videoed. Assuming the video's are real. In which at this time I am getting nothing on it.
real serious red words below.
Use your own discretion when viewing these few videos and others. Because, Just becoming a person who knows these things are true and real. WILL alter your own interactions with any kind of beings and/or entities. There is a huge difference between just believing and actually knowing. This is a warning. Especially to those ghost hunters. Because, they will follow you home and interact with everyone whom you call family and/or friend. PERIOD...
Once you transcend from fun and entertaining belief into the cold hard realization of the true nature of things -spiritual. You will no longer be able to have a simple sleeping human existence. Nor will you ever be able to responsibly involve most people in your life of knowing. It wouldn't be fair nor is it right. It is like waking someone up who is not ready to be awakened and if you do. You will be held responsible for their insanity and self destruction. PERIOD... 
These entities cannot be controlled by you nor can they be forbidden by your will to do your will. It is they those fallen ones who only want the human existence to end. These beings or entities will cause as much death and destruction to the host as they see fit. Because, the killing of the body does not kill them. 
The only for you to successfully negotiate with any of them is to become Holy truthful in your body, mind and soul. Just your mere presence will cause them to be uncomfortable and stressed. To the point that leaving the body in which they inhabit would be healthy for them. 
Because, if Peter can be influenced by satan. What makes you think you won't be? Your pride? Your ego? All weapons used by those fallen ones against you. That is in sense, a true and pure defeat. When you use all of your opponents strengths against them. The bottom line is they want all of humanity to die and they will promise everything in their short term as defined by their sense of time. Their end result is our extinction. You have to know this. You better know this fact. 
The entire Bible is filled with satan influencing humanity and the demons inhabiting human bodies.
Destructive Gifts: (Unedited): 28 March 2015:
Cool gifts from your unknown and unrealized enemy may in fact be those neat things which brings forth your own self destruction. 
This quote is primarily for those worldwide governmental entities who actually have the ability to cause the extinction of us all. It can also be applied to the individual level of persons who want to play with magic.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Missing China: (Unedited): 02 Jan 2014:

Happy New Year everyone. This will be a temporary blog.

I find it very interesting how the whole world can freely read anything on line. Anything you desire to search for you can find.
I want to thank everyone who has read my writings. Thank You for putting up with my poor writing style and all of my errors. I do the best I can and move forward. I really hope you the reader gets my point in a positive light. That is my sole intention. To be positive.
Here are the current country lists of people who read my quotes. It is about 17 Countries. As of about a week ago or so ago. I lost one entire country. It is China. The readership ship in China has fallen down to number 7 on my list of Countries who read the most quotes. There are also a number of readers whom I cannot track. But, I can still see you. LOL. The LOL is meant as humor and nothing more.  I want to thank you to. I do get excited about which countries are reading my quotes. It's just soo cool.

1) USA
2) Russia
3) Germany
4) Ukraine
5) France
6)  Malaysia
7) China
8) Latvia
9) United Kingdom
10) Poland
11) Canada
12) Philippines
13) Tailand
14) Taiwan
15) Australia
16) India
17) Netherlands
==== I may or may not ever write about what is in my mind.===
============== Below here===================
I pray and meditate all of the time. At work, walking, showering, bathing and writing.
What is on my mind right now.
It is still the love, peace, harmony and life thing. It is that important and it is logical. But, you say they are emotions. Can emotions be logical? Can emotions be integrated in some unknown way which can predict the continuation of life?

If a world has gone truly insane? Does that whole of the world still believe itself to be sane?

The events of the tower of Babel. Seems to prove that a being  can reprogram the minds of the entire human population. We all know about radio bands. The AM band, The FM Band and so on.
Well there is a human specific band. So if you wanted to speak directly to every human being. You would communicate across the entire band. Within that entire human band. Is one precise frequency or channel. This is very unique to you and me. If you happen to find someone who nearly matches every quality that you possess. What we call telepathy would occur more frequently than with others. This is not attributed to some kind of psychic power of the force. This would be more like 2 nearby radio stations transmitting near the same frequency. You get bleed over. or listening to two stations at once.
-----------lots of tech info. Not for the casual reader.------

There are more and more empaths born today. As their numbers grow and their percentage of population increases. Than ever before. From the empaths will be born the telepaths. From the telepaths will come the movers. Unless of course the Bi-polar diagnosis can effectively medicate the empath portion of the brain into shutting down genetically. By only medicating without the genetic shutdown. That portion of the brain which is the empathic part. Will only become stronger because of the continual fighting. Most of those people who are diagnosed as bi-polar may in fact be empathic. Because, the empathic person does not understand. They seek out help. Emotions are supposed to match logical thoughts. You are not to have multiple emotions for a singular logical thought. Unless of course you r an empath. An empath I equate to as a radio receiver. Getting the tie in yet? The telepaths are to be the transmitters. It's all genetic radio.  Humanity is evolving right before our eyes and we call it bipolar.
ADHD is a similar. It is an evolutionary process. That we see as a problem. It is only a problem in the average world. 
Unspoken problem. Manifest in 22 days. Requesting prayers. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Anxiety Power: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2014:

Self Imposed isolation only gives power and authority to all of your self created anxieties. 
News Flash. All of your anxieties are created by you and from all of your fears. Your anxieties are not based in facts or in reality. So, all of your anxieties are only within the confines of your false understandings and very real feelings. What do you do? What can you do? The answer is very simple and yet incredibly difficult.The emotional side of your brain is in absolute control of every aspect of your life. To the degree where it is not healthy. The logical side of your brain knows the answer but has zero authority or power to cause and effective change.
The psychology doctors and any other person who has the authority to write a medication to subdue the emotional power of your brain. In the hopes of chemically causing proper mental health. In which if you begin to take the medications. You will never become self sufficient and mentally healthy. The mind altering medications is the easy and quick path. For the long term mind altering medications can be very destructive and very addicting. Those very powerful mind altering medications may even cause you to commit suicide. In which no psychologist or pharmaceutical company will accept blame. So what do you do?
There is only one way. A step by step approach. Literally get up, face it with determination, take a step towards each of your fears and remain there at least one second longer than you did yesterday. Take a cheer leader with you. Find an R Lee Ermy close by. Who wont accept your weakness. You will need both. Some fear induced anxieties will require a cheer leader while others will require an R Lee Ermy.
----------------------------- Watch this and just smile a little------
---------------did you see the truth in this humor?-----

Your mental health is yours to have, to obtain and to hold onto. Desire, go and get, and hold onto.
It is possible, all that you desire is possible. Just think about that for a moment. All that you desire is possible. All that you have desired in the past was made possible within your own mind. You made all of your fears possible. All of your anxieties were made real by the decisions of your own mind. If you decide right now to reject all fear and all anxieties. They will stop with your physical action and your absolute determination to change all of the power and authority from your emotional side of your mind to your logical side of your mind. In which in time all of that authority can be transferred to your spirit self and then ...
 Note. The three "..." is of continuation which is to be discovered in your own journey of true self discovery.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Demonic USA Prophecy: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2014:

The USA will have the largest population of persons who are possessed by demonic entities.  
People within the USA will become possessed by more and more demonic entities. There will be a build-up to the possessions over time. This is because of the uncertainty of those demonic beings believing that GOD no longer protects the People of the USA.
How this is happening is very logical.
1). The lack of any belief/faith system within the individual. Although this is not an absolute.
2). The sinful life as something which is normal and who is free of any guilt or remorse. Although this is not an absolute. The new freedom to sin as a right.
3). The taking of mind altering medications for mental issues. This opens the door to any demonic entity. It matters not belief system of righteous life.
4). Other mind altering intoxicants which may be legal or not. Socially and culturally acceptable or not. This will include tobacco, alcohol products. Similar to #3.

Some or all of these things combined can and will open the door to the losing control of your physical body in which your spiritual being inhabits. It will be spiritual hell for you and you will come to believe while you are imprisoned within the physical body which no longer belongs to you. Many spirits can inhabit a single body. They can take turns restraining the original spirit within. While one does it's own will and then take turns sharing the control of the physical body. The longer the possession takes place. The more the physical mind will be altered including the psychology as well as the development of new awful habits.
Small townships will have dozens of demonically possessed persons. While large cities will have many thousands. They will be everywhere.  
These persons who become demonically possessed. Will show odd behaviors and will be very dangerous. They will possess the powers of the fallen angels. They will become dangerous to the devoutly holy as well as to anyone else.
For instance. They will walk across the street without looking and then express anger management problems to the  person who avoided hitting them. If they are driving. They will not react to save any life and if they hit any person. They will just drive on. This is just a for instance. They will just be odd. If the person who is possessed dies then the demonic spirit will just find another body.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Monday, October 6, 2014

Opened Abyss: (Unedited): 06 Oct 2014:

When the prison to the deep abyss is opened in some unknown way. Those bodiless souls, spirits, entities will find that they shall have easy access to human physical bodies of any age and and kind.  
The deep abyss of their dark prison shall be opened with a set of keys. That which is locked up and closed off to the limited human understanding can only be opened by the key of understanding as to what is the locked up place which entraps these various beings. Whom many believe do not even exist other than in fairy tales. But this bottomless pit of their prison shall be unlocked and opened.
All of these beings shall rush up and out like a great smoke. In search of an easy human host to inhabit. The great race for a physical body shall be on.
Not every physical human body shall be taken over. Only those physical human bodies which have had their personal energy shields weakened or drained. Your energy shield is your aura which surrounds the whole of your physical body. I do not know any more about this aura other than it does exist. The aura has many functions in regards to defense, communications.

How do you weaken your personal aura. There are many ways and all of them involve the condition of the physical body. Which may in fact be a dimensional type of physical body. If your own very spirit is something which cannot be physically proven and yet you know that you are truly your spirit which only resides within this human form of your physical body. Then your physical body must have other unknown abilities in order to contain your spirit. This is only logical. So your physical body is more than just physical. The condition of your physical body has a direct relationship on the condition of the spiritual aspect of your physical body.
So how can these soon to be free entities gain access to the human body, to control and to take over?
There are a variety of ways.
Those who are not protected and saved by GOD. Shall be targeted by those who are yet to become freed.
Those persons who use any mind altering substances. In matters not the legality or medical uses. If any drug alters the mind and body to such a degree that it causes your aura to extend to far or to even become very minimal. Those entities shall have easy access to the bodies. To take, to control to reside in. They can even hop from body to body. So if the body becomes no longer of use. The entity will just find another host body.
Who shall be their first targets. 
The greatest of those unbelieving and self serving leaders and families. This shall also include every false religious leader. In which the common person knows not of their unfaithfulness. The most powerful of demons will have these kinds of humans.
The wealthiest and most successful of humans will also suffer great spiritual take overs. Certain spirits may even fight great spiritual battles for select humans.
The strongest of minds and intellects. Yet, still unbelieving and unfaithful. The next tier of the most powerful of entities shall have these humans.
Anyone who partakes of any mind altering substance. Which includes any medications, tobacco, legal and illegal drugs, alcohol. Will become easy targets for the lower entities of the fallen angels who were cast upon their Earth prison. Any human mind which is under any chemical influence which alters the mind is an easy target for a spiritual possession. The lesser people of humanity who have never excelled in anything will become the targets of the minion entities. In which many may inhabit one body. They will not care if they cause the body to suffer and die. 

The most powerful of the worlds leaders may even have actual spiritual fights for the most powerful of human leaders. While other fallen angels will go for the next generation of the worlds leaders to come. This is the how humanity will find extinction.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Mocking Bird: (Unedited): 27 May 2013:

The mocking bird who becomes everyone all of the time, forgets it's own identity.
The person who has been labeled bi-polar with zero factual proof for the existence of any brain damage or brain defects, may in fact be an empath. Just think about what an empath is and what the capabilities of being an empath to varying degrees. An empath should be very compassionate and passionate. An empath should be a very caring and considerate person. Most good people like to focus on those feel good and nice fuzzy wuzzy descriptive words to illicit smiles of comfort. But, being a true empath also means all of the feelings on the opposite end of nicety niceness. Those other bad and sad feelings you feel can also trigger those psychologically selfish and self protective feelings. Such as hate and anger which can cause a person to decide for themselves to take the wrong actions in life.
A person who does not know they are empathic can actually lose themselves in other peoples feelings and thoughts. An empath is a human emotional vacuum cleaner. sucking up everyone's emotional content and even thought fragments. Just step back and think about that for a moment. You are a person having your own thoughts and emotions involving cute fuzzy wuzzy kitty kittens, then suddenly hate and anger fills you. Could you be feeling your neighbors secret feelings about working with an undesirable person. As your neighbor is zooming off to work. How can you know? Walking in the mall you always seem to be just a little happier. But, for some strange reason you feel brief bouts of hurt, then loves lust and then the sadness associated with abuse, and then I won't get ripped off by them again, and happy happy  and excited and then exhausted and tired. Your probably an empath. But, then again your unaware of any such thing as an empath. You only know there is something wrong with you. Again, you are not even aware that in our society we all are conditioned to find what is wrong and never ever even consider what is right.
Without ever even considering that what is right with you. You go to the psycho doctors who profit from those very powerful and very addictive mind altering medications. You tell them what is wrong with you and from your own incorrect self evaluations. They diagnose you from your own false assumption and telling of stories how you love to bake everything but sometimes you just start crying. You could have that person whom you love deeply and they have been keeping a secret of continuing/on going hurt. But, you have no idea. All you know is you love to bake goodies.

The on going emotional conflicts that seem to curse the unaware empath causes them to seek help from the wrong sources. Thus, begins their journey down the medicated road of a bi-polar diagnosis. When the medications do not work and the patient commits suicide. The doctors and pharmaceutical companies are never ever to blame. When the medications do not work the psycho doctors prescribe electro-shock treatments. Turning you more into a permanent feelingless zombie.  What was once a gift has now made you a drug addicted and brain damaged person with zero hopes for any normalcy in life.
The empath is the mocking bird. The mocking bird never forgets to fly and think itself to be a car horn or a video game it mimics. The mocking bird never crawls and scampers around as if it is a cat or squirrel. The mocking bird has it's own feelings as it chases a squirrel around a tree or screams angrily at the crow who gets to close. The mocking bird may even risk everything to stand on the steering wheel of a rough looking truck driver. The curiosity and wonder of the both of them over the other. You looking at me? Happened to me.
My empathic friends. Find that which is right with you. Discover the best methodology to train up your God given gift.  If you have zero factual proof from all of today's modern medical test equipment. If you have zero history of brain trauma, brain defects and brain damage. Then work with a doctor who can ween you off of those powerfully addictive mind altering substances. Ween yourself even from alcohol, cigarettes and any other mind altering substance which is probably illegal. Get the help and support you need to get this done. Once you accomplish this. Then you can truly embrace your inner mocking bird and re-discover your true identity.
If you have a belief system which has a focus on the power animals. Research for yourself if those power animals get drunk or get high or get zombified?
Words become real when you ink them into your own dictionary. really?

Wuzzy, Feelingless and zombified can now be words in your dictionary.
How incorrectly I write isn't as important as the content. Please focus on the content.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Unhappy Servant: (Unedited): 11 June 2004

A wife who desperately tries to make her husband happy, when he is not. Will simply become his servant.
A person cannot make another person happy. A person can feel happiness for a short time, but once the happy event is concluded the temporary happiness fades. A person can even drown out their misery and sadness with  alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and medications. The misery and sadness still remains, just temporarily subdued and temporarily forgotten. The good and dutiful wife who sees sadness and misery in her husband will begin to do all she can to make her husband happy. This can be a fruitless effort as the problem whatever it may be is not addressed. The problem or problems must be addressed, confronted and conquered. The problem or problems if they cannot be solved, Then you must adapt and over come. You must learn new skills and new talents.
As the years go by for the good wife who continually endures and confronts all obstacles in her life. Will become like her husband when the grey and silver arrives.
Will be Included in future Volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".