Showing posts with label Husband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Husband. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Protecting His Children Prophecy +31: (Unedited): 21 April 2024:

There is a reason why worldly women cannot find a good man. It is because God is hiding them from you.
The evil and wickedness of the world cause their followers who are raised up and trained up to become blind, deaf, unaware and uncaring about anything which is true, good and moral. 
An evil and wicked worldly person will become excited when a willing innocent victim is presented and offered to them. To corrupt and contaminate as a form of pleasure and power to freely take something so precious.
The sweet taste of innocence can only be taken once from any vessel. Once innocence is taken the vessel is no longer sweet as it only becomes more and more bitter. 
The naive innocent vessel who sees the excitement of bright lights and unknown pleasures. May give their one time gift away without knowing the importance of such a gift until many years later.
You cannot expect a worldly man to be the idealistic good man or husband of your dreams. There is no good without God.
Only God develops good families, husbands, wives and children. It is foolish for you to hope for a snake to become an honorable person because of you and all of your own flaws, faults, failures.
There is a reason why worldly women are confused as to why they cannot find a good man. It is because God has poured onto the whole world a strong delusion. 
A strong delusion which is only revealed and recognized by His own children. In which is magnified in your own confusion and insanity. 
A strong delusion is when those who are not His Children will begin to believe lies as truths and truths as lies. While having apathy to not even care what is a truth and what is a lie.
A modern day woman is not even a woman as she is merely just an individualized empowered female. Who only thinks about another man or a family as something which must remain convenient to her. 
There is a reason why worldly women think nothing is wrong with them as they continue to party and bed any man. Their minds are sick and their spirits darkened. 
The worldly woman may think of themselves as a greatly desired woman by so many men. But, in reality your not even human to them. Your just a body part as they forget about you by the next rising sun. 
Evil and wicked worldly women who have forgotten themselves shall bring death to men and to their family names.
Evil and wicked worldly men who have forgotten themselves shall bring embarrassment, division and a fracturing of the family. He shall be the bearer of all of his own accomplishments, rewards and accolades as those shall be his only company.
Worldly women know not they they are corrupted, contaminated and sickly. God has made each one into a sign for His children to flee and hide from the evil and wickedness that each of you have personified.
The corrupted, contaminated and sickly woman shall become blind to any good man. While deeply entrenched in their own delusion they will look and cannot see that which is truly good on this Earth.
Just as humans know not they are already dead because of sin in the world. It is the same with being sickly with sin and false beliefs. 
Worldly women know not they even have a need for any manner of repentance. Which is why they continually accuse real men of any offense. 
Good godly women who are unseen by desirable worldly men have been hidden by God. God has selected the right man for you and is only waiting for him to make certain non worldly decisions.
NOTE: The same goes for unseen men. Be patient and continue to work on yourself to be the best child of God as you can. Protect and safeguard your innocence, your spirit, your heart, your mind and your body.
The man which God has chosen for you will be the one who is doing the right things in his life. He will not be one who has abandoned a family he has already made for your hand. 
Note: The same goes for women who have abandoned family. Do not simply believe that they married an awful male. Worldly women will upgrade the men in their lives for their own reasons. Which may be valid or not. Some worldly women will even abandon their own children and not care any longer as they recreate a new family. These are just a few warning signs. 
Spiritual, mental and physical purity is of importance to God and if your pure than the man which God sends to you will also be pure. 
The good godly woman will continue to learn and train herself to be the best mother and wife she can as she makes a house into a home. 
The good godly man will continue to learn new functional skill sets so that he can continue to serve his wife, family, church and friends.
The signs of God can be manifested into any male or female. Signs can only be seen by those humans who are actively aware of them and can see with the eyes of God. 
The signs of God can be so easy to see that they each can be overlooked. While other signs can be so complicated that only a Godly well educated person can perceive them in the timely aftermath. 
The modern day women and feminized men who have no spousal or parenting skill sets shall raise very troubled kids who grow up to become dead end children. 
The curse of dead end children shall be realized in your age old loneliness as you have already known that your families name and gene pool ends with them.
The key to any successful family is in God. The parents ability to teach right and wrong. To teach what holiness and righteousness actually is. To live their lives in that actuality of absolute truth to the best of their abilities. 
Added on 16 Sept 2024: 
Good men are morally bound to high godly standards. While men who thirst to be great care not for the harm, suffering, destruction and death they cause to achieve that self defined greatness.
Men who strive for their own personal greatness must surrender the fullness of their humanity in order to achieve their own self defined idea of what greatness is. 
This is a dog eat dog world. Where men must become animalistic. While never realizing that they have given up on their humanity.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The Poison Of Feminism+11: (Unedited): 14-15 Jan 2024:

Thought about a few days ago.
Feminism is a poison which kills the joy of the purity of motherhood and fatherhood. Thus killing the foundational structure of a fully intact family.
Feminism is a poison which kills the joyful oneness of a wife and husband.
Feminism is a poison which kills the hopeful joy of a young woman and a young man of ever realizing the true meaning of two families being combined into one. 
Feminism is a poison which ends the continuation of commonly two known family structures.
Feminism is the poison in which a life long feminists will not know the joys of their children's birthdays, Christmases and any other event which is celebrated. All the life long feminist will know in her later years is quiet alone time.
Feminism is the poison in which the life long feminist discovers no joy in her life as she is all alone in her last days of life. 
Feminism is the poison in which feminists can completely destroy what it is to be a good man as it is taught that men are no longer needed in any feminists life. 
The idea of feminism which goes against the teachings of the Holy Bible should have been the first signs seen that the idea of feminism is a falsehood. 
The absoluteness of feminism ideology which grants the right to murder ones own baby should have been known as an anti-God belief system. 
Even if a life long feminist has another female mate. She will still celebrate other peoples families as her own family comes to a quiet end. 
A life long feminist will commonly choose emasculated males as their mates as she always exercises all control and power in her out of balance relationships. Which shall never lead her to any joy or peace.
A feminist who always holds all of the power and authority in every relationship can never have rest or peace in her life as she will always be the one who must do everything all of the time.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sin Bred: (Unedited): 19 Nov 2014:

The fall and destruction of any family is bred in sin. 
This is a truth and it matters not what you believe in. If you have a family and one person commits a sin against the family. The family can come to ruination? If either the husband or wife goes out and commits adultery. Isn't the other faithful spouse not deeply saddened and hurt? Do not the children become hateful and angry? These are natural responses and does not matter if the family is religious in any way.
Just from that one act of sin. The children can become so deeply affected that they choose to never get married, choose a gay/Lesbian lifestyle or just never have children or just not accept the children they create. Some adult children of sin go on to have many babies by many different people. Some adult children go on to have several spouses. Even to the point that a marriage vow/promise is just meaningless. Then so to any other vow or promise ever made.

This is not just about the sin of adultery.  It is about all sin. Sin of any kind destroys the true freedom to live a life with meaning and righteous purpose. If you are a parent and your sin is easily seen by your own children and other family members. Then just by your own actions have given them all permission to do as you. It doesn't really matter what you say about the evils of your sin. Only your actions have weight.
Keeping your sins secret will not work either. If if no other human being knows. Your genetic memory will be passed down to your children in the form of genetic curses. No one likes to talk about this as it works the same way as a child who is born from musically gifted parents. The likelihood of the musical gift being passed down is probable. As with any other gift. All that you do as a parent is passed down to your children genetically. All of the good, the bad and the ugly. As well as all of your mistakes in those moments of weakness. Which can destroy your family before it is even born.
Again, It doesn't matter what you or I believe. The results of any of your sins becomes the logical consequences of those sins. Sin promotes death, disease and depression. This is all very logical. Where as righteous living promotes on going life, love and living.
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Unhappy Servant: (Unedited): 11 June 2004

A wife who desperately tries to make her husband happy, when he is not. Will simply become his servant.
A person cannot make another person happy. A person can feel happiness for a short time, but once the happy event is concluded the temporary happiness fades. A person can even drown out their misery and sadness with  alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and medications. The misery and sadness still remains, just temporarily subdued and temporarily forgotten. The good and dutiful wife who sees sadness and misery in her husband will begin to do all she can to make her husband happy. This can be a fruitless effort as the problem whatever it may be is not addressed. The problem or problems must be addressed, confronted and conquered. The problem or problems if they cannot be solved, Then you must adapt and over come. You must learn new skills and new talents.
As the years go by for the good wife who continually endures and confronts all obstacles in her life. Will become like her husband when the grey and silver arrives.
Will be Included in future Volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".