Showing posts with label Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Problems. Show all posts

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rising Problems: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

Rising above the problems of your humanity is something we each should consider.
We each have our own set of personal problems. 
We each have our own set of family problems. 
We each have our own set of local problems. 
We each have our own set of regional problems. 
We each have our own set of national problems. 
We each have our own set of worldly problems.
Then there are the many innumerable problems which have there own specific associations.

This list of human problems seem to be never ending and everlasting in the grand scope of that which is humanity. Humanity has become the sole creator of their own problems with those fallen angels fanning our created flames of self destruction. So just how can we each rise above it all? How do we as a human species express our right to live and thrive as a self determined people? or shall we all just relent to the prophecies of the Holy Bible and wait for humanities restart again. Maybe, more than 8 human adults will be the remnant? Think about that one. No children were saved during the flood. So there will be no guarantees for your own children. It will not matter how much you love them or want to protect them from the coming end of times. You as adults and parents will get to watch your children die or die yourselves leaving your children alone. Just has been done during the flood.
So, what can you do? What will you do? Humanity was made less than the angels and yet the angels fell victim to their own prides and sinful lusts. So how can we as lowly humans do better than they who are greater than all of us? or shall we just roll over and die? shall we just go forward and end all of humanity with a collective suicide?
Humanities collective suicide begins when the majority of nations, religions, groups and peoples begin to adopt within their own lives these 4 core principles.


Within these four core principles is where the extinction of humanity resides. Thus, ending all of our collective human problems and the problems the fallen angels has with the existence of a humanity.  Yes, the fallen angels blame us for their problems. It's kind of like the abuser blaming the ones whom they abuse for them being abused. Really, It was all my fault that my adoptive mother abused and tortured me. It is always the child's fault for the cause of the parents alcoholism or drug problems. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
The end of one set of problems will begin another set. No matter how much you have evolved or think you have evolved. Consider how the angels who are greater than humans have had their own set of problems. Some angels have fallen because of their own set of problems. They have died, they have been disciplined and they continue to suffer. Yet, do not show any compassion for the fallen angels on going plight. They are still unrepentant and unrelenting of their hatred for humanity. The fallen angels still are working in their higher ways to undermine and cause the extermination of all of humanity. It looks like these fallen angels will be mostly successful. As Biblical prophecy states that humanity will nearly become extinct save for remnant who are to be saved. Did I mention that only 8 adults were saved during the last near extinction level event otherwise known as the flood. The next extinction level event may have many more than 8 as the remnant to be saved or only the surviving genetic material is to be saved. Think about that one. Either way as defined by those who will be doing the saving, humanity will be saved. In other words who or what is to be saved will not be decided by any living human being. It will not matter what you think or believe. It will only matter with how you live your life and why you have freely chosen to live your life as you have. A free choice absent of fear, intimidation, threat or reward. 
How do we each rise above all of our unique problems? It is really simple and not complicated at all as others may suggest. Those who suggest that the solutions are incredibly complicated are those very same persons who selfishly and pridefully are working very hard to extend their way of life. Because, if all of humanity begins to live by these four core principles. They everything those world leaders have created will just - END.
People will begin to live with an expression of human family, respect, compassion, mercy, honor, righteousness and holiness. Which will be contrary to what the leaders of the world want. This limited list of expressions are based on the four core principles. Which are


By making all of our collective decisions based on these four core principles. All of humanity will begin to live lives worth living without fear, intimidation or threats. The end of most of the bad and sad prophecies will be realized.
By rising above all of our collective problems associated with today's humanity. We all will naturally want to look up into the stars and will need to go to them. As we do so. We as humanity will begin to realize the problems associated with the angels and will have to learn how to solve those problems. Hopefully humanity will not become so advanced beyond their evolution that they forget about these very basic four core principles.
The end of all bad and sad prophecies will come in one of three ways.
1). To do nothing and to change nothing maintains all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
2). To embrace the worldly way of life as defined the basic core principles in anger red maintains and hastens all of the bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken. Thus the end result is the end of all prophecies.
3). To adopt and express of your own free will which is absent of any fear, threat or intimidation the four core principles written in the purity of purple. Thus, the end result is the end of most of the bad and sad prophecies. Begins the importance of the written and spoken words of the wise mentors. Continuation.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Drama Friend: (Unedited): 22 Feb 2014:

The person who has to explain to their friend the drama queen on how they do not have any drama in their life. Is unwise to have a friend who is the drama queen.  
I over heard a conversation of a woman on the phone with her friend the drama queen. The woman was upset on how she had become entangled in some sort of drama caused by her friend. 
If you do not want drama in your life. Then do not associate with family or any other person who is know to have continual drama in their lives.
A good and happy life is really that simple. Disassociate yourself from those who create and perpetuate problems.
below is two topics with no separation. rewrite and edit.
It is OK to leave them behind as you move forward, as you develop, as you grow, as you evolve. Those who continue to remain in their own self created negativity are worse than stagnant in life. They are actually De-evolving into something less than they are now. What is worse they know not of this and will actually blame you for trying to advise them otherwise.
Then comes their smart arse responses. Your so smart, how come your not that kind of professional? Whatever? You know everything? and etc.
These negative and dramatic people become so prideful and egotistical in their own argument on how they are such a failure and how this particular event wasn't their fault. That whatever you say which is contrary to their negative thinking and emotions. Causes you to be the bad person. Even though you are the one which is righteous. Which may mean demonic control is at play. The demonic control main purpose may be to cause the righteous person to no longer lend a hand and assist those who are in need.
A demonic power who is unable to control a righteous person will infect a weaker mind/soul. Just to cause spiritual and/or mental harm to the righteous person. Just by causing the righteous to think and believe that it is not effective to lend a hand when the hand is bitten by so many.
Drama can be the effect of a demonic power attempting to influence a righteous person into inactivity. The righteous person may want to help and assist but does not out of fear.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Wisdom's Fluff: Impossible Soup: (Unedited): 14 June 2010:

The apparent silliness may very well only be the sweet fluff above wisdom's richness. C.J.MacKechnie 
When you can eat egg drop soup with chop sticks. No other problem you experience will seem impossible.
There is and always will be solutions presented to impossible problems. Lessons learned is always more meaningful than answers given. So, the next time your in an Asian sit down food joint. Order a cup of soup and chop sticks. Be quiet. Say nothing. Then when you discover the solution. Smile and know. That you solved the impossible. Yes, this is real. 
Do not think anything is impossible. Begin to believe that "I'm Possible"
The top quote was Formerly Named: Tickled wisdom.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blind Apathy: (Unedited): 14 Dec 2012:

The blind apathetic person will never see that their apathy is the root cause to all of their on going problems. 


The apathetic person may actually see better than you. But you may see the apathetic persons black heart.  The apathetic person will not have a desire to see that they are the source to their own problems. If the apathetic person cared enough they would see it and be aware of it. But, They don't. The apathetic person sees all of their problems as the fault of someone else, some business leader or the government. Their problems are never their fault. When stopped at the next light or just all of the street lights you must stop at, in order to wait your turn. Look on the ground next to the curb. Can you count the cigarette butts? This is a simple physical expression of apathy. Cigarettes makes a person to not chemically care about the little things and then it grows into apathy for the important things. Like buying cigarettes instead of the needed milk for their growing family. I've seen it happen.
There are many other forms of apathy. To many to list. Mostly related to an apathetic black heart and not directly attributed to any mind altering chemical substance. You see it everywhere.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Actions Solution: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2012:

Sometimes there is no solution to be sought to certain problems observed, especially when an action is immediately required.  C.J.MacKechnie
Talk is cheap and nothing is solved in committee. The immediate action you take is infinitely more important than any solution that you feel you need to discover in some obscure research methodology. Sometimes the dishes need to get cleaned. Some times the trash left by apathetic persons is for you to pick up. Calling the governmental authorities to pick up the trash and calling on the helpless politicians who pretend to create and pass laws which matter. Which will prevent the continued throwing of trash via fines, community service and prison. It is a lie and a deception.
because apathetic people with attitude problems. Will place their trash directly under the signs which proclaim "No Trash Here!".  The cigarette butt collector containers will be surrounded by cigarette butts.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Unhappy Servant: (Unedited): 11 June 2004

A wife who desperately tries to make her husband happy, when he is not. Will simply become his servant.
A person cannot make another person happy. A person can feel happiness for a short time, but once the happy event is concluded the temporary happiness fades. A person can even drown out their misery and sadness with  alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and medications. The misery and sadness still remains, just temporarily subdued and temporarily forgotten. The good and dutiful wife who sees sadness and misery in her husband will begin to do all she can to make her husband happy. This can be a fruitless effort as the problem whatever it may be is not addressed. The problem or problems must be addressed, confronted and conquered. The problem or problems if they cannot be solved, Then you must adapt and over come. You must learn new skills and new talents.
As the years go by for the good wife who continually endures and confronts all obstacles in her life. Will become like her husband when the grey and silver arrives.
Will be Included in future Volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hung Over: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2012

For a while, The excuses and apologies come with their hung over feelings. C.J.MacKechnie
When working with an addicted person. In the beginning they are always nice and friendly. Then somewhere they figure out that they have told you to many excuses for their problems. Then they begin to react with frustrations and or apathy. You the good person are the one who gets to suffer and endure an alcoholic or a drug addict. For the drug addict it matters not if their drugs are mind altering medications. You the good person gets the extra work. Usually for free. 
When you report them and you must. It is for the safety and security of your working environment. The drunkard and druggie will blame you for all of their problems and loss of employment. They will tell everyone. Those who liked the drunk and druggie will be mean to you. There wont be much that you can do to alleviate their wrong and negative feelings towards you. Even though you indirectly saved them from possible injury from an accident caused by them. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John