Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retirement. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Big Global Resession Change: (Unedited): 14-16 July 2022:

 Many common peoples are going to lose their homes, their savings, their retirements and the bulk of any other worldly investments. Many common peoples who already have nothing will end up losing everything else. Which will include vast majority of their personal assets. There will be those who must surrender cars and begin to ride bikes. Many will even begin to purchase large vans if they are able and live in those vans. Living in the woods will become more prevalent than every before. To the degree that any aspect homelessness will become more criminalized than ever before. 
Just as there is no safety, security and justice for the homeless. All manner of crimes within the homeless communities will become much more prevalent, violent and an unquestioned daily occurrence. The burying of bodies by the homeless will not be investigated by the police or reported in any news media outlet. The greatest governance within the homeless will be the laws which govern the animal kingdom. In which there is no mercy, compassion or forgiveness. 
Out of this recession will begin the rise of a new era in personal responsibility coupled with the addition of new technologies. The way homes are built will fundamentally be changed forever. People will become more spread out and more walled in. The necessary average square footage per American house will increase greatly. The idea of generational housing for multiple generations of families will again re-emerge as it was in the old tribal days. When many generations of families and extended family units lived in very close proximity to one another. 
Homes built on acreage will become desired. Water access will become preferred. Non government interference will become sought after. Homes will have added space for 3D printing. Homes will have added space for interior growing of any manner of edible plants bushes and even trees. Homes will have added electrical generating capacities. Homes will have air to water machines built in. Homes will have added secure space for drone deliveries. Homes will have added secure environments for dry good deliveries of all kinds. Homes will have added secure space for delivered refrigerated and frozen perishable foods deliveries. Much of these new services still must be engineered into future homes. 
So this may be the only real bright side. The reemergence of the family unit. The family unit becomes more important than the ways of the world system. 
These new family units will form up into cohesive communities in which they will begin to pool their own resources and purchase additional lands for the addition of infrastructure like SMR (Small Modular nuclear Reactors) nuclear power. I do not see any electrical power lines above ground from these SMR's so I would assume all power lines are run underground to each home.
The common peoples of the world will realize that manipulation in almost every investment category is not in their favor and is actually against them. Especially when they take a 30% hit in all aspects of their finances and retirement accounts every 3-7 years. The common peoples will see any aspect of global investment option as corrupt, scam, deceptive. Regardless of what laws are in place for each specific nation. These will be observed by the elder generations and taught to the younger generations to the degree that the common peoples will not participate in any aspect of any obvious to today stock markets, financial markets. What will be the impact on all of these financial assets. So the only real wealth assets for the common peoples will be in real estate. 
As of today, The common peoples have been playing with decentralized crypto assets. Even with these there seems to be daily manipulation within. The new bankruptcies is only further evidence of dishonest players manipulating this recently new emerging marketplace. As the world continues to stumble into global recession. It shall be the common peoples of the world who will suffer the most as which is already being seen with revolts and starvation in certain countries. These things will expand. 
The surviving governments will find their real estate markets fully collapsed. Many of these governments will assume ownership of every real estate asset. This one action of not allowing ownership of any land or homes will become a level of power and control that is only seen in the worse nations on Earth. The denial of the right to land and home ownership. Some surviving nations will or may allow some kind of limited ownership. But, what those will be, will be dependent on what the citizens demand and how the citizens will demand their children not participate in any governmental authority at any level. When the people refuse to participate in the government how is it that the government will have any power? Which is when the governments will deny its own citizens the right to self defense, the rights to weapons and the right to learn any form of martial arts.
The common peoples will begin to see politics of any kind as a self serving belief system of those who have put themselves into places of leadership and authority. The common peoples will also begin to realize that it was they who became toe actual power for them. Thus, by refusing to follow the politics and forbidding their own children to participate in politics. Those politicians will not have the power to enforce their will upon anyone or even to make wars with their national neighbors. How this plays out is uncertain and unknown to me. Because in places like communist China a few can still lock up many millions of people with the threat of arrest. The people begin to prefer to jump out of windows instead of being disobedient to the will of the governmental authority. Especially, when all it takes is for all of them to rush the streets in one unified voice. Then again China will send in their military forces and kill everyone who is disobedient or apparently disobedient. Yet, the civilians of the world still continue to buy Chinese made goods whenever they want.
Global employment opportunities will also drastically change. Robots will take over all low end and unskilled jobs. Management and corporate personnel will be restructured. Think about it for a second. If you do not have a large human work force to manage then why is it that you need managers and corporate managers? You do not. So while managers and corporate types joyfully usher in robots and AI at every level. They are also at the same time ending their own careers. People who are not prepared for these things will suffer greatly. 
True Barter of things with actual real value will make a reemergence. Like physical skill sets, seeds and horses.
Actual ancient hands on skill sets will be of real value. These are the skill sets prior to the advent of gas, oil and electricity. These will also be very modern hands on skill sets which deal with fabrication and creation.
Working from home employment skill sets should be attained. 
Knowledge of high voltage and low voltage.
Software management and programming. 
Computer and machine Hardware troubleshooting. 
Hydraulic's, pneumatic's and vacuum systems, electrical motor knowledge. 
These will be a few of the necessary skill sets which people must know in order to survive the coming robotics revolution.
As well as all aspects of farming life, homesteading, off grid living.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Pastors Teachers Preachers Prophecy: (Unedited): 24 March 2019:

All of the monies you have been given is mine says The Lord. When you are called. There is no need to plan for your future or for your retirement in comfort, safety and opulence. For your future is in My Hands. Your Jonah's and Balaam's attitude will not be tolerated much longer. Not even a donkey will save you from My wrath. Even your sins like David's are absent of his genuine repentance. The judgements of David will be far worse for each of you prideful and egotistical souls.
You have led my children astray and into darkness. You have been rewarded by the prince(satan) of this world. The prince of this world has even made promises to you that he has no intention of keeping. All of the rewards you will ever see is what has already been given to you by the prince. In time even your prince and god will be punished and will perish. So what then of your worldly rewards? How will you keep your worldly rewards when I take the breath of life from your own vile lips? Then comes your judgement. Then imprisoned in Hell and then your second death.
Your final genuine repentance is very close at hand. This time, is even short for you. Soon very soon I will harden your hearts like I did with the Egyptian Pharaoh. I will blind your eyes so that you will not see anything new from the Word. I will cause you to become deaf to the Word so that you cannot hear anything new from the Word. I will close your own mind so that you will not know anything new from the Word and you will not think to change from your own wicked ways.
I do not write like this too often. This scare me to write like that.
I guess this is a prophecy.
Need to study the sins of Jonah, Balaam/donkey, David.
Hardened heart of Pharaoh.
Go and sin no more.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Servants Needs: (Unedited): 28 July 2010:

The true servant of the people. Must completely depend on the people for all of his/her needs. The true servant of the people will completely and totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. With no and zero options in regaining or restoring any of his old wealth.
:For all politicians:
 With zero options for retirement or free medical or any other financial option for merely serving as a servant. No matter how long they served.

The partial phrase "Totally divest himself/herself from all of his/her wealth. Includes all properties, businesses, assets, stocks, bonds, investments of any kind. AND where ever they are located.

All politicians must reveal all net worth, ownership that they have from every country.