Updated again on 05 Sept 2017: New updates at the bottom. This may be the last one. It feels like it with Joel Osteen's response video.
Update: 31 Aug 2017 @ 0444. Contradictions abound. Corrected a few errors and edited a little. Have not change any meanings. Just because I have gone on to contradict earlier words, it only means it is still too early or it means I was wrong. But, I'm not a prophet. I'm a janitor. Either way. For those of you who are way smarter than me. It is necessary to address the contradictory. To ascertain if any of this is important or valid. Because, It seems like I'm looking for divine messages in every storm. A storm can be just a storm. A storm does not need to be a message. A storm could have been a science experiment. I'm not going any further into that conspiracy. However, you can if you are so led.
These kind of blog post are specifically for those who are way smarter then me. It is for you or them to put all of these puzzle pieces together.
Does the actual track of Hurricane Harvey across Texas looks like the outline of an ancient Christian fish? It doesn't have to be perfect. At the time of this writing I'm unable to find the actual Hurricane Harvey Track across Texas. I found one on ABC news but it was full of bad awful code. I asked my wife what she thought it looked like and she said a hurricane track across Texas. Funny girl she is. This is assuming the ABC news track is accurate. I have not been able to find any real tracks. So this is questionable. (Yea, I included this).(Nothing to see here i think).
NOTE: Guess what I wrote about the other day Jonah. Just because, I include anything that I write does not mean for you to accept it without serious question(s) and prayer.
Hurricane Harvey is all about Houston?
Weirdness impacts Hurricane Harvey just before landfall.
From about 5 minutes and 30 seconds thru ten minutes. Secureteam10 video.
Going any further down this path led me to paranoid conspiracy theorists. So I stopped.
Joel Osteen: I do not remember if I was targeting him or just picking on him as a for instance. I did not use the term "For Instance". So what did Joel Osteen do in 2015 or 2014?
Here is what I have written in 2015 regards to Joel Osteen.
It looks like Mr. Joel Osteen got caught lying, covering up and then is helping the people.
I'm starting to think this whole Hurricane Harvey is all for Joel Osteen. It might still be to early to call it that.
I get nothing on dates. I get nothing on what atrocity against God that Houston has done recently.
I get nothing about Harvey name.
Why would secular news and entertainment media outlets burn Joel on their own cross?
31 Aug 2017: Comment to newstalk.
There is so much negativity surrounding Joel Osteen. That it is difficult to ascertain if he is telling the truth or not. Everyone seems to be piling on. I've even sent him messages in regards to not loving one another. If you are a regular reader. I'm a student of security and safety. I agree with the story immediately below. If your 18 thousand seat arena or venue is not set up for basic needs and accountability's. Then your arena will not be a good place. So if you cannot feed, shower, render medical care and more to 18,000 or so people. Then your large venue may not be the best place. As what was seen during hurricane Katrina at that stadium. Where all manor of crime and ugliness ensued. Any venue anywhere is geared for the wants of entertainment and not the needs of desperate necessity.
It is most likely that the best secure and safest thing that any church as large as Lakewood can do. Is support many other smaller churches, red cross, salvation army as well as other organizations in their own already established endeavors of helping people. In which if Lakewood Church did do things like that. I do not think I would go out of my way to reveal anything to any non associated persons in regards to how our church loves one another. Which means a whole lot of back lash from the secular world. Because, if the secular world doesn't know what the do gooder is doing if anything. The secular community is going to assume the worst.
Houston Man Walks 3 Miles, Streams Facebook Live Outside of Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church
Possible demonically inspired persons.
David Cubbison....rescuing Joel Osteen Lakewood Church in Texas
Proof Joel Osteen's church is not flooded from the outside during Hurricane Harvey
Houston Floods Joel Osteen Church locked doors Outcry #joelosteen
The conclusion of prayer, meditation and research. This is Prophecy.
The hurricane Harvey storm was all about Joel Osteen. Period. The storm was a sign to and for Joel. Joel will have other communications from GOD. He will either be a Jonah or not and their may not be another selection for a prophet. You the reader need to re read about Balaam because if God can use a guy like Balaam then He can select a person like Osteen. If God can continue to use Jonah with the attitude then He can choose Joel. Here is the deal. If Joel is to be a Jonah then who is going to be a Jonah to? The USA? It is debated and the certainty of a present USA in the end times is a very hot question. If Joel does not become a Jonah to the USA and to the world. Then all is over for the Americans. Will God give Joel the freedom to reject as Jonah had done or will God send Joel some kind of fish? I saw that fake news about Joels big boat or do they call them yauchts? That was interesting when the Ichty symbol and Jonah sparked into my mind.
Hey Joel, If you read this why don't you give me your boat for a while. LOL. You shouldn't be on that boat or any other boat making phake news. Seriously, Don't give me your boat. I can't afford to look at it. Well Joel this is going to be either really good for you or really bad or both. My two mites is on both and it won't be defined by any worldly measure.
31 Aug 2017: The contradictions and assumptions begins.
I still do not believe that any modern nation will see another Jonah. As modern humanity is a generation which has everything of importance given to them and yet they continually reject all that which is good, righteous and holy.
As of this morning I still believe this whole storm is a message to Joel Osteen. The lack of perfection of the message may mean something which is not from the Holy Source or it is just not for anyone else to know except for Mr. Osteen. Either way it is a big message.
Is this a sign for Joel? Yes. Absolutely yes.
Does this mean that Joel is being invited by satan who pretends to be like god with his lies and half truths to become his spokesperson as prophesied?
In the USA who else is in the best position to be invited by satan himself with phake and fony miracles to come. Which will all be believed as true and real.
This is my impression of angels. Most of them are very powerful and it would be easy for any human to believe that they each are gods as has been written in the Bible. When a human interacts with an Angel. Except for Jesus. There is virtually no comparison that I can even think of which accurately compares them to us or us to worms. It is not accurate. For they are so much greater than what I can accurately express. Yet, Jehovah is far superior to all of them combined and satan more powerful than the fallen angels to a unknown degree.
So when we see a struggling storm become a Cat 1 hurricane and then expected to be a Cat 3 and became a Cat 4 very rapidly. It could seem miraculous. But, no one questions it. But, what if the reverse occurred. A cat 4 or 5 becomes a clear and beautiful day. That would garner much attention. Are those kinds of miracles on the horizon or are they already here? What would the phake and fony miracles look like which would and could fool a modern day human being? Into following the coming perceived gods, idols and fallen angels. For even the Christian elect may even be fooled.
Are we actually there yet or is this all conspiracy theory? When and how will this Christian prophecy be realized? or is it all still fantastic to even contemplate?
For what better way to enter when disasters unfold everywhere and yet one person can tame perceived natural disasters.
Piling on video against Joel Osteen.
Added on 04 Sept 2017: Roy Zimmerman parody "Joel Osteen"
I have still been thinking and praying about and for Joel Osteen. Hear is the thing he is getting hammered by those who are not Christian. But, then again. When you define a follower of Christ by the Holy Bible. You will find very few who are truly. No matter how much they swear up and down as they blacken your eye. I cannot say much as I myself am a deeply flawed human being who isn't worthy enough to follow Peter when he Cursed knowing Jesus those three times. Besides, Peter was chosen to be a follower of Christ. I was not. So who am I compared to any of those who knew, met, received miracles from the living Christ when he walked upon this Earth. I'm a janitor, a father, a husband and a Christian.That is all that I am.
I do think that all of the attention that Joel Osteen has received is only the beginning. I think it will translate into every church in a constant direct media attack. Meaning all of the crimes and moral sins perpetuated by any church leader in the USA. Will get prime time coverage nationwide instead of just locally.
That is one thing I discovered in my research. That any Christian pastor that broke laws and morality codes only went local news. Except for the Catholic pedophile cases which went national for years. When media persons figure this out. Christian's will have a very difficult time. Which will include getting poisoned at restaurants on purpose. Just as some police officers have been threatened in the very recent past. Instead of locally this will be nationwide. Christians followed home and then crimes perpetuated against them. Much worse will come to the American Christian. Which includes false accusations by those of different lifestyle choices within their professions. Thus ruining a Christians life. It doesn't matter if it is true or not. Really, do you think that every one should be honest and civil? Your wrong to think that. Someone who is not a Christian does not have to be honest or civil. They can do whatever they like as long as they do not get caught. This is prophecy.
Added on 05 Sept 2017: Awesome response from Joel Osteen. Copy and paste to view.
As Hurricane Irma "The War goddess" becomes a threat to Florida and other states. She will be coming in with one left flanking storm and one reserve storm in her wake. Sounds military doesn't it? She may even make land fall on 11 Sept 2017. This would be a message storm as it appears right now. So what about Hurricane Harvey. Was it a message storm? Right now I'm in the "NO" column but, I do think it was a message storm for one person and that is Joel Osteen. What is that message? I still do not really know and it may be a direct message for those smart people directly tied to Joel Osteen to know. Joel Osteen is the only one who has received much ridicule. Not even the looters received hardly any press. Which was most likely a decision to keep embarrassing things out of Houston and Texas news. While keeping the focus on saving lives and rendering aid to those who are in need.
Please view the video of Joel Osteen response. It is very good, very sound and very reasonable.
Personal note: I'm not a fan of Joel Osteen and that doesn't really mean anything. I'm an introvert and if I lived in Houston area. I would not be gathered with 40,000 people. To many thoughts and emotions to feel for me. Just because I wouldn't attend doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things in which only God is in control of. The only things I know is that which I can only see from looking across the Gulf of Mexico and that is only a lot of water. That is the truth in regards to Houston and Lakewood church.
Added on 05 Sept 2017:
This is a puzzle piece which is directly related to water. Study the biblical references of water. Last year I was focused on water in North Dakota. Earlier in 2016 and 2015. I was focused on water in the Grand Canyon and the Hopi Tribes. Which was incredibly offensive what the EPA did, they did that on purpose. The mine water release. All of the prophecies of all of the cultures and traditions seem to be coming into some sort of confluence.
Added on 06 Sept 2017: When this popped into my head the name Joel Osteen was attached to it. But, since I'm writing another currently. It will be duplicated here:
I usually wait a few days to remove the red Incomplete word. When I think a blog is done. But, apparently not yet.
The Prayer: (Unedited): 06 Sept 2017:
The prayer of a repentant heart is a joyful sound to the ears of their LORD. The repentant heart shall receive much cleansing emotional overflow.
The prayer of a unrepentant heart is an unacknowledged noise to their God and Judge. The unrepentant heart shall only receive a silent nothing in return.
The prayer of the righteously repentant child of God may see and know a powerful response from their Heavenly Father that creates in them a humble fear.
It just hit me. Didn't Lakewood Church or Joel Osteen. Make a tweet about praying for everyone? Could this quote be in response to that or not? Assuming this quote is for Joel.
Current Joel Osteen News:
Did not add one story about how all churches should be taxed because of joel.
Again, I'm feeling like this is complete. I will wait a few days and when the red word above is gone then it's done. I still think Harvey was all about Joel Osteen. Did you ask how can that be? Well I did. I do not have an answer.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.
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