Showing posts with label Reset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reset. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Imminent Shortages Is Not Prophecy or Prophetic: (Unedited): 14 April 2022:

15 April 2022: Nukes are in play. Not a funny or humorous comment. This is an indication of why you should take those necessary actions which are important to you, your family, your friends and your community.
The coming suffering against the American, Canadian, European and all other modern day peoples is not God against you, it is the world and your own Government's against you. This is not prophetic nor is it prophecy. What has been planned is out in the open (Reset), this is one group telling you what they are going to do to you and all of you. Then saying with a straight face. That you will all be happy. But, at the same time many of them will be sad about the suffering and death they will cause to all of you. They all know this. Yet, they will all go forward with their so called reset plan. Kiss your retirement plans, wealth and property bye bye. Kiss your way of life bye bye as you begin to live your life like North Koreans, Africans and many indigenous tribes who still follow the ancient ways. 
The coming shortages of goods, energy and foods is not the prophetic event foretold in Biblical prophecy or in prophetic messages in other cultures. This is a planned human event and not a discipline from God. If this were a prophetic event from God than nothing any human government can prevent or stop it from coming except for what all life within Nineveh did when Jonah walked their streets. So, This is a orchestrated human event to illicit their changes that the human leaderships have already planned for. For all of the suffering to come to humanity on this planet has already been deemed acceptable by those who already rule over all peoples. 
What is the time frame? ???Months???. 
You must begin right now and have already the planted of all of the necessary heirloom, antique and wild food crops that are needed to stave off all aspects of starvation. You must already have purchased rabbits, chickens and all other consumable animals to raise up. 
How will you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer from within your modern day home without any energy/electricity/gas/oil? 
You also will have already planted heirloom, antique and wild food plants in every place possible in your own region. Especially in those places which are not frequently traveled by vehicle or foot. Every church and park should have already planted food plants everywhere. All ornamental plants should be pulled up and replanted with food related plants, bushes and trees. 
All of your ornamental plants, bushes and trees have already been replaced with all manner of edible heirloom, antique and wild foods bearing plants, bushes and trees. 
Do not forget olive trees as these will bring you oil for ancient oil lamps. 
The time may even be too late to wait the many years for first fruits and then another year or two for full fruits. So the consideration of cloned plants, bushes and trees which are already fruiting may be a necessity. 
At least use my question marks as a test run. A test run which will not cause psychological harm to your own children, grand children and other very sensitive family members. For when your children see what you are doing they will need no words. Then when something uncontrollable happens they will see and know and become just like dad or grand dad. Let your children be kids for as long as possible. Think about it this way. There is a reason why a soldier returns home and does not speak of what they have seen and done. This is because they return home and are protecting your good memories from their own bad and sad memories. Yes, it is their continuing duties for the benefit of their own family. Just as you must not induce continuing fears and fright in your own children, wife and others. Unless your spouse is like minded as you. Do not force your wife/spouse. Do not force your children. Teach the skill sets absent of the paranoia and fear. This is how the ancient peoples do it. This is how the good boy scouts did it and ?still? do it. They do not prepare, educate and train in a spirit of fear or other negative emotions. I think the Boy scouts are going bankrupt????? No longer will American be able to train boys to be actual men. 
Chinese related goods is about to slow up. You should not buy any Chinese goods, clothing or electronics. Because, China has been using their profits to build up all aspects of their military to kill people. Just as what Russia has been doing with their own profits from energy sales. Look at what Russia has been doing in Ukraine. Any nation and peoples which is and has bought Russia energy sources is at fault and is responsible. 
What this means is this. You must begin buying products made in your own city, county, state, region and nation. Trucking and logistics is going to slow down. So how will your truck driving family members get home or get to their self defined safe place?
So when the American forces fully commit to the European theater of war. Look for China to begin their own operations against Taiwan in order to finally end their civil war. Just as the numbers of dead will not be fully known from Ukraine. No one will see the 10 million deaths in Taiwan or even find the bodies. 
If you have bought Chinese clothing. You already know they wear out fast and do not last long. So you must replace your Chinese made clothing, shoes, undies with American made clothing or end up naked and shoe-less. You must begin this ASAP.  
The USA already knows that their military will not conduct military actions against their own people. Just as Russia is learning about soldier rejection right now. So how would the US Government conduct military actions against their own civilian populations? How about bringing in hundreds of thousands of military aged fighting men from other nations who care nothing for the American people to follow their orders. So when the American civilians plead and beg in English with the new imported American soldier it will not be understood as they only know Spanish or some other language. They will be far more numerous than the total men and women in all American police agencies. How many is that? Not even the police forces will be able to defend themselves against these invading forces who wear the American uniform. 
Vacation, holiday and retirement time is over. Get fit, get healthy and make those very necessary preparations for your family, friends and community. Make the best emergency transportation plans for your own family members to that safe place of your own choosing. Even if you already know that  you will not be one of the survivors. Save your family. Save your friends, save your church and save your own communities. You who are in the wise and silver generation must do these things right now. It may already be too late. 
Get out of all debts. Debts of any kind will mean slavery to you and your family. 
This is not investment advice. Do your own Due Diligence. I'm only a janitor with zero wealth, zero assets, zero real estate, zero retirement, zero savings, zero education in any aspects of economics anything. Who is using a 12+ year old computer. Because, it is the best I can do. 
If you invest. Then invest in American manufacturing in your city, county, state, region and your nation. Only invest in those manufacturing entities which are only nationally owned with zero foreign ownership. 
New Sign. Bird poop on the President and bird poop on the American flag. I'm being nice here. Figure it out with your own hoodlum slang terms. Yes, I do believe this to be a sign. God does and has used birds to deliver signs and food in the past. They have been deemed as such and this is one as I believe it. But, it can also be just dumb luck at a bad time for the President. I have not received an Email from God on this matter yet.  
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Prophecies Are For The Believers: (Unedited): 03 Oct 2021:

Christians, Churches, Denominations and non-denominations must come together within each community and share people resources. The plantings must begin. The development of micro economies must rise. If you are to survive that which cometh. 

Prophecies within a culture and a religion is for them who truly believe in their own prophecies. Those who actually live their lives in accordance to their belief systems will believe in their own prophecies and act upon those words to either endure unto their own ending or change how the prophecies will manifest as which the people of Nineveh(Mosul, Iraq) had done a long time ago and yet they forgot and were still destroyed.

This weekend I have seen many Christian social media sites and so called stars of the Christian bobbleheads speaking about the coming economic collapse or reset. It does not matter if this whole reset thing is all being planned or not. The actual Christians who are actual believers have already begun their preparation for when things get really rough. They are the one who have already planned how they will endure unto their ending however that may manifest. The true Christian believers have their oil for their oil lamps. The true Christian believers have been wise and not foolish. Those who have done nothing and continue to do nothing are the foolish virgins and may not even be Christians themselves for they have spent many decades serving their pastors and their church. Yet, when they finally see God their Judge. They each will hear those words from Him "I have never known you". But, what is really sad is to spend all of that time, all of those decades in the church and never have truly known their own Heavenly Father and their Heavenly Brother Yeshua(Jesus).

Time is getting short for the preparations. Truly devout Christians will continue to go forth and continue to plant all manner of heirloom, antique, organic or natural fruit, nut trees, bushes and plants everywhere they can(Olive Trees). All hybrids and GMO's must be cut down and burned. Denomination's and non-denominations which have not fallen to the evil spirit will also plant their edible and food bearing plants everywhere they can. This also must be a global effort done in secret by every believing individual, church, culture and religion. Time is short and the idea of using cloned plants may be more ideal. Instead of growing plants, trees and bushes from seed as they may take 5-7 years before going to first fruits. Growing from the process known as cloning my fruit in one season. But, there are rules and techniques for cloning. Such as if you select from a tree or branch which is known for few fruits or sour fruits. Then the clone will grow few and or sour. So the trees, bushes and plants must be known and identified with particular colored ribbons which can be identified by you and your group. The clothing and shoes you buy must not be of Asian origin for their hardiness is very questionable. The development of skillset which would have been profitable in the very early 1900's or late 1800's. 

Denominations, Non-Denominations, churches and individual Christian people will begin to develop their own exclusive Micro economies clubs. Like in organization and protection of laws, similar to Sam's and COSTCO Clubs. Like the drinking Bars called Eagle's Club and others.  But, in reality nothing like them. In which they all will be economically self sufficient. In which they will also interconnect with other churches and people who are similar in their own belief systems. If you want to lessen the coming global starvation. You will begin to do these things right now. 

Think about this. The Christian prophecies state that Christians will endure mocking, persecution, torture and death. How are those things supposed to happen if we are already raptured? Then there are the Bible versus stating that we must endure unto the end. In which the end is not really defined. While on the news we know once again that entire Christian churches are being killed in Afghanistan. We have seen this in Egypt, Iraq and in many other countries. Where Christians are being killed and the rapture was not for them. So how can you say and believe the rapture is only for you, your family, your church, your community or your denomination? 

In the United States of America, Canada, Australia and other nations. The persecutions of Christians and of those who will not be compliant or obedient to the will of government shall be no longer be employable. Do you understand that last year nurses were the heroes and now those nurses who are non compliant and disobedient are losing their jobs, right now and considered bad people. The governments of the world now seem to demand compliance and obedience from all citizens and if the citizens do not, then they will be harshly dealt with and forced to become compliant and maybe obedient through the use of a variety of torture methods.
Personal Note: 
As of this week. I have not know anyone personally who has died from Covid/Sars. Now, I do. I know of a fifty year old Grandmother who was obedient and compliant and got her Vaccinations. She has just died from a months long fight in the hospital. Yes, she had underlying health conditions and yes she was hospitalized within a week of after getting her last dose. I do not get out much and do keep to myself. I am very poor. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books