Showing posts with label Wolves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wolves. Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Christian Embarrassment Prophecy: +5: (Unedited): 11-14 Jan 2019:

New stuff at the bottom and dated.
Christian Hatred Ridicule: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2019:
Their hatred of Me will be known and felt by you in their evil actions towards all Christians. The evil doers will cause you to suffer and die for My Namesake. You each will be ridiculed and denied access into the world which belongs to their prince.
The Christian church which has not fallen away must come together in cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. They must form their own micro economies and trade only with their own. Once it becomes common knowledge and the politicians are only elected by the evil doers. The politicians will only pass laws which only benefit their own self serving constituency. The laws which will be passed will also be very anti-christian even to the point of outlawing churches, crosses and you the actual christian person. You Christians will be legally deemed mentally ill and forced to be medicated in the severity even unto death. You Christians will be lawfully detained and placed in prisons with those who will only harm you to the severity even unto death. You Christians will be tortured and murdered and no one will investigate or will be prosecuted. Just as the homeless person is killed and murdered and no one really cares. Just as the LGBT person was for thousands of years.
Christian Embarrassment Prophecy: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2019:
The evil doers know your collective power. The evil doers will continue to disrupt all of Christianity by every means all at once and have already been doing so for decades now. The complete embarrassment of the entire Christian religion will commence in the open. Just as the deadly destruction of the Islamic religion will also begin with haste. For they each are led by the deceived.
It is easy to know and see who deceives the masses of each religion. The Christian religion of love is absent of love. The Islamic religion of peace is absence of peace. The asian religions of harmony is absent of harmony. Those who in acceptance, actions and deeds do that which is contrary to the foundational words of each religion is the ones who deceives the masses and leads the masses not towards God but away from God and towards the killing fields of satan. Because, when the son/daughter or both of satan rise up. Know that in a span of 3.5 years about 5+billion human souls will die. Even though the masses genuinely think and believe that by being obedient to the teachings of this man or that man they are doing the will of God. This is not the case. For the true God wants for each of us to love one another. Live in peace with each other. Exist in harmony with all things and to cherish all life. God does not want us all to become like Cain or Lot's wife.
The evil doers will also do everything they can to eliminate a sitting President Donald Trump. For it was the Christian who elected Donald trump into office. In Spite of alleged voter fraud in many many places. Yet, the evil doers still failed to elect Hillary Clinton even while cheating and having the entire media telling everyone that Hillary Clinton was going to win. These evildoers are angry and hateful and will seek all manner of revenge. What is worse these evil doers are not even aware that causing harm is wrong for they feel they are justified in causing harm to anyone who thinks differently then they do. You can see this in many Youtube videos where even one woman's hair was set afire. It will get much worse for the Christian.
Think about this. A musical artist can put out good Christian content and not be Christian. A secular musical group like Pentatonix can put out a Christian Christmas album and get air time on Christian radio stations.  The Christian radio stations will still play their music and Christian churches will still use or employ persons who are obviously not Christian. You had better watch out Christians for the wolves are everywhere. The wolves are easy on the eyes and ears. The wolves will stand before you and lead you astray with their cunning. Even to the point of going beyond the sin of tolerance of sins to standing up in church and celebrating sinful people declaring their sin while standing centrally within the holy place. This is embarrassment for the entire Christian body.
The worldly news media shall begin reporting all sinful pastors who get caught in crimes and sins. Even the history of pastoral sins and crimes. This will be nationwide/worldwide reporting and not just local reporting as it is now. How bad is it? Google search, pastor crime, pastor arrested, pastor caught. Then adjust the time for selected periods. Look for different regions. I did all of this research myself. It is very difficult to swallow when you see just how much crime and sin is being committed by the clergy just in the USA.
The worldly news media will do this continuous reporting in order to end the influence of Christianity. They will mock and embarrass all Christians. To the point that Christians will hide and stay away from churches. many Christians will renounce their faith while others who only tried and pretended to be Christian will just stop their own charade. Any church which teaches sin will be attacked by mobs in a disruptive manner and will eventually turn violent. Any church which does not teach all sins, righteousness, cleanliness and holiness will answer to God. Either way the entire church body will answer to someone. The churches which have and will reject God in favor of the world will easily be seen in how they tolerate, accept and celebrate sins. The true sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father will easily see through the strong Delusions sent by God. For the strong delusion is their gift of revelation of who is and who isn't as defined by God. So if you celebrate your sin as a right and is legally protected by the laws of man. Then very soon if not already. You will be judged by God and very soon your free will - will also be taken away from you. That is when you will be incapable of change.
Cunning Spies: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2019:
You Christians are the natural enemy of the ravenous and animalistic wolves. In their cunning they will do everything possible to consume you and your faith. The prince of this world will send his cunning spies to confuse and deceive. The Christian will like, trust and love these spies. The Christians will fall away and run with the wolves not knowing they run to their own slaughter. For all sheep are the prey to the wolves who only want to eat of the flesh of their prey in glorious celebration. 
The Christian wolves are very believable and likable. They will also be pleasant to look upon. You may know them in the evidence of their personal lives. In time the whole of the media will report on their excesses and tax havens. This will become one way the attacks against Christianity will occur. The tax shelters will be removed from all Christian Churches while at the same time the laws which prevent the churches from speaking about anything political will be upheld and may even be re enforced as the evil doers in the world will politicize everything. Even the Holy Bible may even become politicized to the point it cannot be legally used by the Christian religion.
Unabated Christian Attacks: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2019:
The continuation of legal and political attacks against the Christians will continue unabated. So as long as the Christians continue to do nothing. The symbol of the cross as well as your fundamental legal right to worship will disappear. So as you witness in other far away places so to will you see it in your own once Christian nation.
The Christian once had justice, safety and security. All the Christian will know in the near future is danger, death, displacement and dehumanization as a nationally recognized criminalized mentally ill person. Just as what was once persons of the LGBTQ community had to endure so to now it shall be the Christians turn. LGBTQ vengence is coming for the Christian. The coming rainbow tsunami looks small on the horizon but will grow larger and larger with each preceding election cycle. The ten kings without kingdoms may actually be the actual leaders who are aligned with the LGBTQ community. The ten kings without kingdoms may also be corporate leaders. It may be a combination of both. For they will gain more and more power as the non doing and non participating Christian collective power base gets smaller and smaller. Until the point when Christians are criminalized and deemed by law as mentally ill. Thus having no rights even unto their own bodies.
The evil doers are full of vile hate and blood thirsty anger. Their wrath shall be unleashed once their master has taken full control over the vast majority of the politicians and judges. Once this has occurred they will be unleashed against all of the Christians. For what was once a christian lighthouse to the whole of the world shall become a dark wasteland of demonic death and destruction. Just as what has become of Syria so to shall become of the land of the free and home of the brave. For none who endures unto the end shall be free or brave.
Bad Fruit Christian: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2019:
The reason why a Christian nation is lost is because of the sins and unwillingness of the Christian to do anything. The reason why a Christian will watch as their own Country outlaws them is because the professing Christian has born bad fruit and has been removed from the vine. 
Yet, the professing and social Christian knows not that they have been removed from the vine. They will suddenly know when they are cast into the fire.
It is the fault of the entire christian community for what is coming. World wide embarrassment.
Added on 11 Feb 2019: The news media reports of hundreds of sexually abused within the Southern baptist churches. I think I wrote somewhere that the Southern Baptist Churches are the last remaining large Christian organization. Which has not yet publicly fallen by accepting sin into their holy places. Which has not officially tolerated and accepted certain kinds of sin. Now as of 11 Feb 2019: The Southern baptist churches are now in the spotlight. The first of three news stories are from the Houston Chronicle. So this is only the beginning for the possible fall of the Southern Baptist Church.
The evil doers, The anti gods anything, The satanists, The absolute humanists, The intellectual elites, The socialist and the communists all know the Christian came out to vote and voted for Donald Trump. Except me. To me the god of Trump seems to be Apollo. That is why I did not vote for him. Anyway, the evil doers all know and are planning to run for every elected office possible. They will do this for every election cycle for it is their intention to remake the USA as they will define it to be. How many Christians ran for any office and won? I voted for one to be Governor of florida and yet no Christian denomination or church supported this on guy. Every Capable Christian must run for every available elected office and every Christian must only vote for Christians. This is a must. This is also a prophetic threat if you do not in the next few election cycles. You will lose more than just your country. You will lose your livelihoods and jobs. You will lose access to any aspect of society. Which will include education, mortgages, banking, internet. You will become homeless and thus be legally defined as criminally mentally ill. In Tampa Florida it is a crime to feed the homeless. In Colorado it is illegal to be homeless as the police will confiscate the homeless belongings(tents, sleeping bags, blankets and other clothing) in frigid temperatures. So yes, I am threatening all Christians. The ones who are actually Christian. Because when all of this worldly media power comes down upon you. More than the majority will submit to the evil doers. Just to remain within society. The actual real Christians will simply disappear into the night. In which they will be hunted, tortured and killed. They will be imprisoned, tortured and medicated and many will die. Many will have their brains electrocuted as would be done to the mentally ill who cannot be convinced to be accepting of sin and of the current state of the world. You must know my words are trying to be nice. It will be much worse than I write it. You will watch your children starve to death, die of thirst, die from the weather and much worse things. The evil doers will glory and celebrate your suffering and dying as which has been done to them(LGBTQ) for thousands of years. All that was historically done to the LGBTQ person will be done to you/me.
So you really do not have a choice right now. You Christians must run for every political office and all Christians must only vote for professing Christians. Your time is running out.
Think about this. Do you want to deny your responsibility and then deny God or face your responsibility and honor God? That is your only choices right now.
What is the evil doers game plan right now? To cause everyone in the world to view all Christians as the evil ones. The real evil doers will then as they have been promoting themselves as the good guys, the intellectuals, the reasonable, freedom loving and they will be believed to be as which is advertised. After all, Don't you like those shows with the gay and lesbian actors? and don't you continue to watch those shows? The writers write for the gay and lesbian actors to be seen as nice and friendly and not threatening. People whom you would decide to be friends with. Then your letting your own children see these shows. Don't you like Pentatonix? They are aired on so called Christian media. I did until I learned that two of the members actively support and promote the LGBTQ community. Which is anti Christian. Yea, really. The Joy FM has been regularly airing their music for years now. While completely ignoring the evidence of faith, which is zero. Even with the Christian community you shall be embarrassed publicly. To the point that you cannot wear a cross in public. Unless it is an upside down cross or a half fallen cross or a sideways cross.  A time will come when your seen as a Christian or nicely dressed on Sunday morning. You will be publicly attacked and made to feel fearful. The evil doers will march inside of your churches and demonstrate. So you will have them arrested and trespassed. More and more will come. That will be for the churches which actually teach about all sin, repentance, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. The Holy Bible may even be outlawed in many states first and then federally outlawed. When the evil doers gain the House, the Senate and the Presidency officially and publicly. They will remake the USA into what they want it to be. Which will include the denial of legal citizens rights and freedoms to Christians.
They will successfully remake the USA. In which Countries like Russia and China will begin to fear this new USA cannot be responsible with their military and nuclear weapons stockpiles. Once it is seen what they are doing with their own citizens. That part is still murky. Russia and China both invade the USA. They will be victorious. As what God has allowed with ancient israel. So to will it  come for the USA or what was originally begun as New Jerusalem or New Israel. To be all of that history was scrubbed.
Added on 12 Feb 2019: Will churches be required to prove they are not anti-LGBTQ? If you want to participate in society then you may have to. I'm writing this before I read the Chris Pratt story and before I watch the video.
Have a view and a read for yourself.
-------mostly repeating content-----
Any Christian church where it is unclear on where they stand on all and any sin. Is a problem and most likely a deception. Deceptions and half truths are from satan and the fallen angels.
While no Christian church or religion defines who you are. Christianity and other religions are places to go to where you seek a betterment in your being and way of life as they each define it and where you adopt their core belief systems.
While your values do and can define who you are especially in private. This is called character. By going to a particular church or religion it is assumed that you will take on their taught belief system and practises of that faith. Once you figure the religion or church out. If you do not adopt their core belief systems and their tenants of faith. Then what does that make you? a faker? a pretender? or a worse description? as you continue to attend that religion or church.
If Chris Pratt has become a true christian. Assuming he is a Christian and not just a socializing professed Christian in popular and worldly churches. Will there be a public outrage and an end to his acting career? I say yes. A very public sacrifice of his career and maybe personal violence against him and who he associates with. "The real cost of Christianity" as what was known by Jesus Christ, the apostles, the disciples, many prophets and countless unknown persons who are still known by God. Even those unknown souls who have been tortured and murdered recently and those who will be. Where is their worldly prosperity?
This is an attack upon the Christian faith and on Chris Pratt. Because if Chris Pratt is a Christian which can only be known by God and not judged by any human being. Then Chris Pratt will be questioned and denied access to his chosen career. It will be argued that Chris Pratt does not have the fundamental right to participate in society because of his Christianity. Which is deemed wrong, evil and hateful by those who are of the world, of the fallen angels and of satan. Because who is the prince of this world system? satan. Remember it was satan who offered all of it to Jesus if he would just ... (go read it for yourself).
Is Chris Pratt a baby Christian? Did you catch his drinking comment on the show? While mentioning his 21 days of fasting, prayer and bible studies. Then let us use a scene in his world. Avatar "Don't Thank".
Profound Christian Love: (Unedited): 12 Feb 2019:
In Christianity there is a greater responsibility which is unknown, a profound purpose which is yet to be seen. A greater more meaningful journey in which the direction and destination is never known. All of it is based on a deep sense of love for all persons and all things. No matter your personal, professional or physical outcome. Which is why Jesus died and Steven spoke the last words of Yeshua.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Christian Chameleons: (Unedited): 15 Nov 2018:

Christian Chameleons are charlatans everywhere they go and even into the places where they should not be. For these are the wayward sheep pretending to be goats and wolves and lions. Only to return to the flock still as pretenders of one of them. For their future and prophecy is of duality. They will be devoured and they will be judged. They will joyfully worship God and endure the curses of their actions. They will be both believed and disbelieved. For while they are in the church they are believed to be one of the holiest and most knowledgeable among them all. Then when they are outside of the church. The actual goats, wolves and lions see them as they are which is prey.
The future for all of humanity was known in the beginning even though humanity of today can assume and think they know what may or will happen. There is never certainty until after that which has occured. It is just like the Christian Charlatan who thinks he/she is fooling everyone. They are only fooling themselves and they know this already. yet, they continue to live multiple lives fooling everyone. With their Biblical knowledge. With their ability to sing a beautiful tune of worship. With their ability to play spiritually godly music on their instrument of choice. With their ability to teach profound messages and to publish many books. Yet, they know they are charlatans and yet they continue to repent not. For the money, the wealth the lifestyle is too good. Maybe some feel entitled to what is received from the world. So the car salesman will continue to lie or omit the truth. The slum lord in real estate will love his money more than his own family or renters. Yes, you have to love renters to. This is for everyone else who lives their lives in contrary to how they show themselves in church.
The level of deception brought to the Christian is huge. It is to the degree where Christians not only tolerate sin, They accept sin as a human right guaranteed by human law. Which means that Christians believe that human law is superior to the laws of God.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Prayer alone will not mitigate or prevent Prophecy: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:

minor edit and adding content for better accuracy. 28 May 2019:
A single prayer alone will not mitigate or prevent any bad and sad prophecy. It is only those who are clean, righteous and holy as only determined by God only who can mitigate and prevent all bad and sad prophecies.
The idea that prophecy, know matter if it is bad or worse than bad must come about. This is a falsehood. We have the teachings of Joseph in Egypt and of Jonah in Nineveh. Both stories teach of mitigation of prophecy and or delay or prevention of prophecy.
Yet, if the numbers of the righteous and holy are few. Those bad and sad prophecies will not be for them(Lots family). The bad and sad prophecies will be for you in your brief moment of uncontrolled sin(Lot's wife). Especially those of you who idolize and worship wolves and goats who stand in the holy places encouraging all of you to tolerate, welcome and celebrate sins. For not only will you endure all of the bad and sad prophecies but you will also endure all of the curses that you bring to yourself individually, to your family and collectively as a society. The self proclaimed prince of this world may even allow you to have much financial wealth from the world system. Causing you to falsely believe that the God of Jesus has blessed you and your god has, just the wrong god or the prince of this world system.
Be warned of those who stand in the holy places and proclaim many falsehoods and direct all of your attention upon them and their church organization. For it is they who are the wolves and goats of the Christian religious faith. It is they who lead the lambs away from God into the dark dens and cold caves. It is they who tell you to only pray while saying and teaching nothing about sin, cleanliness, righteousness or holiness.
Righteous Church Full: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
But, a church full of clean, righteous and holy persons as which is only recognized by God only, will and can mitigate and prevent any bad and sad prophecies in their local places.
Then when that entire church is filled with the righteous. Miracles become a daily occurrence. Which is contradictory to how most of the most knowledgeable of Christians, theologians and preachers think of miracles. For it is they who have become the enemies of Jesus Christ, who will come as a angry lion as their tears stream down their already judged faces. Think about this. How do you as a divinely created creature who has fallen and who is less than a maggot and worm negotiate with an angry lion? Each of you must repent and confess your sins to each other. Everyone must do this in the open. LOL, How is that pride of yours and how will your worldly wealth become like vaporous fog in the late morning? This is how your worldly wealth has become your god and the real God is and has become nothing to you and most souls within your church. If you truly want and desire revival. Then the revival must begin with the leadership of every denomination and Christian Church. For it is the leadership of every church which has led away the lambs from God. Through omission, inaction, lies, deceptions and false promises. Even you Christians will become outcasts to society, unemployable, homeless, starved, legally deemed as mentally defective just as the LGBTQ was once, and much worse things shall be done to all of you Christians. Even in the prophecies of the Holy Bible. The saints all lose while it is only God who wins in victory alone.
Precede Death: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
Prior to your Christian martyrdom much suffering and torture will precede your physical death.
God is already raising up the enemies which will destroy all of you and spread the survivors into the winds of forgetfulness. You see the enemies and yet remain in your private sins, inactive and apathetic. Now is your time to repent, to become righteous and to pray. You cannot have an effective prayer life when your about to lose your life, lose your loved ones or have already lost your homes because of disasters. This is backwards. You must begin to have a clean mind, heart and soul. You must walk the righteous and holy path. You must remain without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. You must begin to build this new foundation out of your own free choice and love. You cannot do this or begin this if your trying to selfishly save your own skin/hide or trying to selfishly save that which you own of the world. For doing in the world can you take with you once your physical body ceases to function.
Christian Tsunami: (Unedited): 14 Nov 2018:
The rainbow tsunami which will come for all of the Christians and Jews can as of now be easily seen rising on the horizon. A small little pretty bump.
28 May 2019:
This is called the rainbow tsunami and it is not coined by me. The enemies of the USA, of TRUE freedom and of all of Christianity has called themselves that. They are also the enemies of everything which is genuinely good and pure as defined by God.

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Powerful Delusion Poured: +1: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:

From satan we all experience lying wonders, deceptions and permission for all manner of unrighteousness. While from God we all have revelation poured upon us powerful delusions in which is a gift for His sheep of unshaken minds, hearts and spirits. From this powerful delusion those who are truly in the family of their Heavenly Father. Will clearly see the wicked wolves and goats pretending to be something they are not.
Do not be fooled. By the words of a possible wolf or goat saying that Jesus would have flown in a million dollar airplane to spread the Word. Jesus is already the Word of God. The Word is already represented by all of the Heavens. Jesus choose to ride on a donkey which has never been ridden before. I suggest you give that a try. Jesus could walk on water. Jesus could disappear and then appear elsewhere. Jesus had unknown numbers of angels at His calling. So why would Jesus need anything from any human creation? It is like a human trying to build a temple good enough or even adequate enough for God. Look that up in the Holy Bible.
How many people in the Holy Bible failed God, tried to fool God, tried to negotiate with God, Tried to get God to promise a thing? Go and look it up in the Holy Bible. Let me know when you find anyone who made zero mistakes, crimes, poor choices or sins.
The thing about pastors, preachers and theologians. They are no better than anyone else. They make mistakes and succumb to a variety of sins as we all do. When our church leaders make errors, mistakes and sin. We are supposed to love them and not their errors or sins. We are also supposed to forgive them as well. Then we all should learn that even though they each are in positions of great responsibility. They are all just human beings. Just like we all are. If we or you as the church body raise up your pastor, preacher and theologian to be greater than they really are. Then your collective church sin of idol worship needs to be addressed. This goes for anyone else in church leadership. Even the church body has a responsibility to the whole church body. Your legs will never run off leaving the body behind. When danger is afoot. Your hands and arms will protect the whole body and not just themselves.
The point is it is everyone's responsibility to take care of the entire church body and actual church property. It is not about the duty of good works. All of your good works should be done in secret and flow out of you like a river of love.
People can get all caught up in putting on a good show.
Pride Seen: (Unedited): 24 June 2018:
Pride is easily seen and known by the pictures of accomplishments and assets hanging or set besides your walls. Thus, becoming your idols you show off. Proving to all who see just how great you are.
How many planes do you have on your walls? How many parchments of educational accomplishments do you own? How many medical devices are sitting in the entrance of your church? Why do you think God wanted men to go out into the world with only their cloaks?
I can tell you this. If you cannot allow someone to burn your actual documents of accomplishments. Then you have a problem. If you cannot allow a truck to take those medical devices to various medical facilities to be used by those in need. Then you have a problem. Where and how is your pride, ego, supremacy, entitlements and arrogance showcased?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Sheep Goats Wolves: (Unedited): 29 May thru 05 June 2018:

Goats who know they are goats and yet desire to be the sheep. Will do as the sheep do except absent of any love for those whom they serve. The goats may be the ones who become weary and burnt out before the finish line is even seen.
Have you ever seen a devout Christian and a pretender do the same works for those who need more than any other. The devout Christian seems to be like that never ending battery bunny. While those who don't really have the heart for what they do and maybe even absent of love. Seem to just become weary and burnt out. It is all about love for one another and the source of all of our love is from the Holy Spirit. When all of you is focused on the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ (Word) and your Heavenly Father. All of that energy is perpetually given to you. Even then the physical and mental body can only handle so much. So when a genuine devout sheep is alone doing all of the work tirelessly. Their bodies and mind will eventually give out even though their heart is full of the outpouring of love. The devout sheep do need their rest. But, the sheep who have been doing and doing all alone. Do need the help from others even if it is from a goat who may or may not ever become a sheep.
The whole body of Christ all have their parts of required duties and if the body of Christ only have a few parts doing all of the work. Then the whole body cannot function in whole holiness. But, it is important for those who do works within and outside of the church to have as a first intention of love and then the duty will be there. Those who are duty minded only are the ones who may burn out and become weary. Use those who are duty minded. For while they are still alive they may become like sheep full of love for what they do for others. Will 99 out of 100 fail you and go away into the dark? maybe. It is that one sheep or that one wolf who transforms into the sheep full of genuine love which is something which should be focused upon.
You pastors, preachers and theologians. You who have churches where the flock is undivided with sheep, goats and wolves. But, then again your church may very well be divided as the sheep will desire to be among their own as well as the goats and the wolves will always want to be a part of their pack. So if you the church leader allow the goats and wolves to be in authority. Then the sheep will depart from the church.
The New Shepherd: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
The new shepherd, one with the love of Christ within is one who will not flee from the flock who are encircled by wolves, snakes and leopards. 
The new shepherd, with the passion of Christ will freely submit to His will and obediently care for all of those who are suffering and in misery.
The new shepherd, becomes Christ like in total sacrifice to others. Not because of force or duty but from an outpouring of love.
The new shepherd, will lead many to everlasting life and joy. So as long as he keeps the love, the passion and the sacrifice of Christ.
A friend and a brother has become a pastor today. This is for him. Actually, His small poor church just had a total of ten graduates. So this small church of maybe 70  people now have more than a 11 pastors. Who is the star of the show at your church? Is your pastor a Judas who is only interested in enriching himself/herself instead of perpetually splitting the church so that the people become empowered enough to go out into the world to spread the good word with love, mercy and compassion.
Always repent for every sin. Stay in the Holy Bible as if you are both hungry and thirsty. Pray, fast and meditate always. Worship because you need and want desperately. Become holy and righteous in the eyes of God your Heavenly Father only. All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements. Always do for others out of the overflowing of Christs love through you. Become that overflowing fountain of Christs love for all who are willing to drink.
Added on 01 June 2018:
Humanity can never be trusted. While a snake will always be a snake and a wolf shall always be a wolf. Even an oak tree will never decide to become a palm tree. It is only human beings who become deceived into believing that they can be anything they want to be with total disregard of their specific physiology.
Prosperity Snake: (Unedited): 01 June 2018:
A prosperity snake in their silvery suit and gold trinkets will from time to time call upon the congregants to give millions more for their excessive obscenities. The deceived will happily give all they have so that the snake can have more than ever. 
Added on 05 July 2018:
Playing Church: (Unedited): 20 June 2018:
You preachers and teachers of the faith. If you who are inside of the holy place is different than you who is outside in the world. Then know that your God knows that you are only playing church.
Humanity is really good at not only deceiving those in the world but also themselves. Even to the point of falsely becoming a person just to make the right friends or to network into the correct relationships. It is the same with reverends, preachers, teachers, pastors, clergy and theologians of the faith. They each are playing the game of getting people into the church by any means possible. Which includes teaching their congregations what they think they want to hear. Just to get more and more inside of the church. Is this how the successful churches have become entertainment centers instead of places of holiness and righteousness? Is this how prosperity teaching has become a relevant teaching tool when the evidence in the Holy Bible contradicts this false belief. It is what the people want to hear. The people do not want to feel bad. The people want to be entertained. The people want to feel good. The people want to be sanitized from the ugliness of life. Which is why those who are desperate in the perpetual sense are pushed out of the church.
A strategy that the desperately poor use. Is the internet. They figure out what days churches will have their free food services. Then they make their way to those churches and wait for the meals. Most churches have figured this out and thus no longer update their websites about the free meal after church services. Because, The people only want to go to a clean and sanitized church. If the church caters to the fundamentally poor, the permanently disabled, the unbathed homeless. Then those who actually financially support the church will disappear without a word. So the church leadership must make a decision. Give the worldly rich people what they want or become a church in which only the poor, disabled and homeless attend. That is until you run out of food and then many of them will go elsewhere. So what can a pastor do? The shepherd can't keep the whole flock together because of the pride, ego, arrogance, and selfishness of each and every sheep.
Did you make it this far? And you thought I only bash the shepherd.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Children Grieving Gifts: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:

IAM shall do what HE wills it. IAM does not need your approval, acceptance or understanding. There will be many places which shall be devoid of all repentant, righteous and holy persons. While there shall be few places where the stench of pride and arrogance shall not see ME. They are not MINE. They have refused MY SON and have profited much from HIM. That shall be their only reward. Yet, they will pretend to be one of those who has no lies or deceptions within them. 
Your own children shall bring you grief and suffering. For you have agreed, accepted and celebrated all manor of sin. For you do not value life or love and so you shall watch your own children become sickly, demonic and murderous. In your confusion your only answer shall come from a mirror. 
If ye had only remained in the WORD, in prayer, and in proper fasting. If ye had been repentant, had persevered to become holy and righteous in MINE own eyes. You would have been able to steer away from the strong delusion I have sent unto all of the world. The strong delusion is for those who are repentant, righteous and holy. The strong delusion is for MINE own children as a sign of warning to stay away. So that they can know the wolves who are in sheep's clothing. 
Time is short and very soon MY children will have to decide like Lots wife had to decide. For many loved ones and close friends will not hear MY calling or they will hear and refuse to heed the MY call. You to will have to choose and then immediately proceed to the place I shall lead you. Even though you will know not where it is you shall go. 
I do not write like this very often. This is tough and difficult. I was going to bed.
I think this is about the religions of the world. Especially the whole of Christianity and how many denominations have fallen. How many of the teachers are truly wolves and have been absent in those necessary teachings. The teachings of repentance, righteousness and holiness. The teachings of sins and pride. The rest of the purple words below.
The time is now for you to unplug from all entertainment. The time to read the holy texts and to live your life by them. Not because you have to but because it is the correct course of necessary action to take in your life. It is time for every Christian to work in their own personal mission fields. For those whom you do not speak to may become lost forever. When you leave the presence of any person speak these words. "Go and sin no more."
The demons have been loosed upon us all and it will become more and more obvious everyday. The demons will not target those whom they already have. While at the same time they cannot attack those whom are protected and sealed. The demons will target those who represent Jesus Christ and every one of their sins will become public forever. These preachers, pastors, teachers will be under constant demonic attack. The demons will also become more fierce within those who are already deeply cursed and evil. The demons will jump from body to body for the greatest effect upon all that is good in the world.
What shall the unbelieving good cop do when the one who he/she is forced to shoot had a demon and then the demon chooses them for a singular act of career ending evil? What shall the good birthday person do when they have drunk to much or smoke just enough for the demon to choose them for a singular act of evil? and every other perceived good person on the planet including children.
There have been more than 44,444,444+ abortions in the USA. Will God use 44,444,444+ living children to use against those who accepted and agreed with the abortion law? Who was number 44,444,444 baby murdered? No human will know but God knows every soul. The USA is most likely past forty five million baby murders right now.
The USA will not survive unless there is repentance and a direct effort by everyone to become holy and righteous. It will not matter how much money you invested in or stole from the American people to build your doomsday bunkers. They will do you no good.
This is prophecy.
at 0902 Hours.
Can you imagine working for all that you have and then leaving. That is exactly what is going to happen. Many will be close to retirement. Many will have established homes, family and friends. Yet, they will be chosen to choose to remain or to go immediately. How many of you would just up and go. With only the clothing your wearing right now. Leaving behind your expensive toys. Leaving behind family and friends. Because many will choose to remain behind as many did when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Then if you choose to leave. Do not look back or you may just become like Lots wife.
Do not be sad for those who will choose to remain in the world. For they have chosen their own fates. If you choose to remain with family who choose to remain in the world. Know that while they choose the world they have not chosen God or you. While you choose them over God even though you have rejected the world. The relationship dynamic will be altered in sad ways you will not expect.
Any and all nations which are killing their own unborn children will end. Any nation which accepts and celebrates sin will end. Any religion which has become contrary to their original purple word below will end as it is known today.
At 0920 Hours.
China's Corruption Fight: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:
A corrupted body which publicly fights corruption will only achieve secret corruption which is greater than before. 
As public corruption becomes more secretive and yet accepted. Those who are deemed undesirable will be murdered. This will lead to the loss of the soul of China. The soul of China is the glue which holds all of what China is and the greater good China can attain. The loss of soul has already began the crumbling of all that the Chinese leadership is trying to accomplish. Which will end with the absence of anything that is honorably good.
This is also meant for any other nation as it is easy to see how the USA has lost it's own soul and is crumbling. Learn China of what is to become of the USA. China can still become the friend and big brother it once was with the USA. China can still urge change from the USA.
As of today and right now China is still to be the trigger which leads to the extinction of humanity. It is not to late, yet.
22 March 2018 @ 2100 Hours.
Threats of a trade war between the USA and China are in the news now.
Neither the USA and China are the victims. Both have profited greatly from their agreements. Yet each of their greed's and ideas of the other taking advantage harms each of their own arrogant pride.
But what of the American civilian population. Will the American civilian population begin to see that the new Chinese war machine has been paid for by the Americans? Will the Americans begin to see how the Chinese war machine was specifically built to be used against the USA and again all paid for by the American civilians. So when the American begin to cease their purchasing of any Chinese made goods. The Chinese economy will collapse and then the Chinese will demand repayment of all American debts. In which the American economy will collapse. The question is how to save both Nations? It is very simple and yet the Chinese will remain blind and intolerant just as the American government will also remain blind and intolerant.
The answers are simple and even a lowly janitor can see it.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shepherds Voice: (Unedited): 13 Nov 2011:

Even the wolves and snakes hear the Great Shepherds voice. Yet, only His sheep come. While the wolves and snakes flee into their hiding places.
 Great Shepherd is GOD, ALLAH, GRANDFATHER.
The sheep is you, if you are one of the ones who heads the Great Shepherds laws by internal choice and not by threats, through fears or actions of exclusion.
If you think you can live your life contrary to love, peace, harmony and the sanctity of life. Then you are one of the wolves or snakes. Even if you are a professed Christian and have gone off to war, Even if you are a Buddhists and have marched angrily against a thing, even if you are Islamist and have Jihad or struggle in your mind and heart.
How can a Christian love when they angrily go off to war to kill and to destroy? They cannot.
How can a Buddhists be in harmony while angrily marching for some cause against injustice? They cannot.
How can an Islamist be in peace while angrily in jihad warfare? They cannot.
How can any sane society adopt any practice of abortion as a means of population controls or convenience. When it is all about control, power, authority. Control over rules life. Then when life no longer matters to the common person, neither does the control excised by the ruling authorities.
When this planet cannot support us all. Then it is time to populate other worlds. In love, peace harmony and life.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Own Shepherd (unedited). 19 Feb 2011

When the sheep each become their own good and holy shepherd. They each will no longer fear the hidden wolves or the demons of darkness.
It is not personally necessary to have leaders, rulers over your life. When you choose to live your own life in accordance to God's Laws and mandates. You know longer need laws of man to govern and control you. When you choose from a position of logic, You will live your life in accordance to that logic. The commandments is based in logic. 
To freely choose without any outside manipulation, threats, demands. is the essence of freedom. To make a decision under duress of any kind is a decision someone else made for you and is not freedom. GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER does not want us to be slaves. If HE did then we would be forced to obey daily and every second all of HIS laws. This is not happening. Therefore we must choose to obey of our own free will. Whatever it is that we each individually choose will have a logical result every time. The world is of our own creation. The resultant problems of our world is the logical conclusion of all of our individual choices.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books