Showing posts with label IAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IAM. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Children Grieving Gifts: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:

IAM shall do what HE wills it. IAM does not need your approval, acceptance or understanding. There will be many places which shall be devoid of all repentant, righteous and holy persons. While there shall be few places where the stench of pride and arrogance shall not see ME. They are not MINE. They have refused MY SON and have profited much from HIM. That shall be their only reward. Yet, they will pretend to be one of those who has no lies or deceptions within them. 
Your own children shall bring you grief and suffering. For you have agreed, accepted and celebrated all manor of sin. For you do not value life or love and so you shall watch your own children become sickly, demonic and murderous. In your confusion your only answer shall come from a mirror. 
If ye had only remained in the WORD, in prayer, and in proper fasting. If ye had been repentant, had persevered to become holy and righteous in MINE own eyes. You would have been able to steer away from the strong delusion I have sent unto all of the world. The strong delusion is for those who are repentant, righteous and holy. The strong delusion is for MINE own children as a sign of warning to stay away. So that they can know the wolves who are in sheep's clothing. 
Time is short and very soon MY children will have to decide like Lots wife had to decide. For many loved ones and close friends will not hear MY calling or they will hear and refuse to heed the MY call. You to will have to choose and then immediately proceed to the place I shall lead you. Even though you will know not where it is you shall go. 
I do not write like this very often. This is tough and difficult. I was going to bed.
I think this is about the religions of the world. Especially the whole of Christianity and how many denominations have fallen. How many of the teachers are truly wolves and have been absent in those necessary teachings. The teachings of repentance, righteousness and holiness. The teachings of sins and pride. The rest of the purple words below.
The time is now for you to unplug from all entertainment. The time to read the holy texts and to live your life by them. Not because you have to but because it is the correct course of necessary action to take in your life. It is time for every Christian to work in their own personal mission fields. For those whom you do not speak to may become lost forever. When you leave the presence of any person speak these words. "Go and sin no more."
The demons have been loosed upon us all and it will become more and more obvious everyday. The demons will not target those whom they already have. While at the same time they cannot attack those whom are protected and sealed. The demons will target those who represent Jesus Christ and every one of their sins will become public forever. These preachers, pastors, teachers will be under constant demonic attack. The demons will also become more fierce within those who are already deeply cursed and evil. The demons will jump from body to body for the greatest effect upon all that is good in the world.
What shall the unbelieving good cop do when the one who he/she is forced to shoot had a demon and then the demon chooses them for a singular act of career ending evil? What shall the good birthday person do when they have drunk to much or smoke just enough for the demon to choose them for a singular act of evil? and every other perceived good person on the planet including children.
There have been more than 44,444,444+ abortions in the USA. Will God use 44,444,444+ living children to use against those who accepted and agreed with the abortion law? Who was number 44,444,444 baby murdered? No human will know but God knows every soul. The USA is most likely past forty five million baby murders right now.
The USA will not survive unless there is repentance and a direct effort by everyone to become holy and righteous. It will not matter how much money you invested in or stole from the American people to build your doomsday bunkers. They will do you no good.
This is prophecy.
at 0902 Hours.
Can you imagine working for all that you have and then leaving. That is exactly what is going to happen. Many will be close to retirement. Many will have established homes, family and friends. Yet, they will be chosen to choose to remain or to go immediately. How many of you would just up and go. With only the clothing your wearing right now. Leaving behind your expensive toys. Leaving behind family and friends. Because many will choose to remain behind as many did when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Then if you choose to leave. Do not look back or you may just become like Lots wife.
Do not be sad for those who will choose to remain in the world. For they have chosen their own fates. If you choose to remain with family who choose to remain in the world. Know that while they choose the world they have not chosen God or you. While you choose them over God even though you have rejected the world. The relationship dynamic will be altered in sad ways you will not expect.
Any and all nations which are killing their own unborn children will end. Any nation which accepts and celebrates sin will end. Any religion which has become contrary to their original purple word below will end as it is known today.
At 0920 Hours.
China's Corruption Fight: (Unedited): 22 March 2018:
A corrupted body which publicly fights corruption will only achieve secret corruption which is greater than before. 
As public corruption becomes more secretive and yet accepted. Those who are deemed undesirable will be murdered. This will lead to the loss of the soul of China. The soul of China is the glue which holds all of what China is and the greater good China can attain. The loss of soul has already began the crumbling of all that the Chinese leadership is trying to accomplish. Which will end with the absence of anything that is honorably good.
This is also meant for any other nation as it is easy to see how the USA has lost it's own soul and is crumbling. Learn China of what is to become of the USA. China can still become the friend and big brother it once was with the USA. China can still urge change from the USA.
As of today and right now China is still to be the trigger which leads to the extinction of humanity. It is not to late, yet.
22 March 2018 @ 2100 Hours.
Threats of a trade war between the USA and China are in the news now.
Neither the USA and China are the victims. Both have profited greatly from their agreements. Yet each of their greed's and ideas of the other taking advantage harms each of their own arrogant pride.
But what of the American civilian population. Will the American civilian population begin to see that the new Chinese war machine has been paid for by the Americans? Will the Americans begin to see how the Chinese war machine was specifically built to be used against the USA and again all paid for by the American civilians. So when the American begin to cease their purchasing of any Chinese made goods. The Chinese economy will collapse and then the Chinese will demand repayment of all American debts. In which the American economy will collapse. The question is how to save both Nations? It is very simple and yet the Chinese will remain blind and intolerant just as the American government will also remain blind and intolerant.
The answers are simple and even a lowly janitor can see it.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Demonic Nations: Demonic Darkness: Demonic Leaders: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:

Ye people of the demonic nations. Your cries and sufferings shall not be heard or acknowledged by God. For these curses you have brought onto yourselves and those curses shall be passed down onto your children. 
Demonic Darkness: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:
The demonic darkness comes like an unperceived great and violent storm. This coming demonic storm arrives by your invitation.
Demonic Leaders: (Unedited): 14 Oct 2014:
Ye human leaders of the demonic nations. You have sold everything which shall profit you much death and destruction. You believe and wrongly know the evil which has influenced the whole of the Earth as god's. Yes, they may be much greater than (you)we are now. But, as the creation of the "IAM" (you)we shall become greater than they. For this is why they desire (your)Humanity total extinction and you know it not. This is because the fallen ones have clouded your minds and now they control you. 
Your cries, your sufferings and your curse to GOD, Jehovah shall be ignored. God shall not save your from your own willful disobedience.Why should he? It was you who has freely chosen to accept sin as a rightful freedom. It was you who has chosen to be without righteousness and holiness as the old holy texts ascribed to live. You turned your back and refused the truth of divinity. So you shall suffer and lose all that which is important to you. As has been done in the historically documented past. When any country, land and people turn away from righteousness. What happens to them? They disappear with great afflictions of many kinds. So to does the USA.
It is you and it is we who has invited the great evil into our country. You, me and we have been greatly deceived into willingly and by our own free choice invite evil within. The evil is now here and it shall not leave until it's own will is complete. The will of those evil and fallen beings is nothing less than all of our extinction. What can you do and what will you do. They are about to manifest into our reality.
By allowing and inviting a little sin or evil into your life. You have actually invited them all in. You cannot invite just one evil or one sin and then think it's all there is. That sin and that evil takes ownership over you and enslaves you. You cannot get rid of them once you invite one in. Because the evil and the sin can define one as ONE LEGION.  Research the difficulties of exorcisms. 
The leaders need to know and become aware that these god's of old are so very powerful. Who can withstand their will? No man can. Even their human/angel offspring are so physically powerful. Who can fight them one on one? No man can.

All of the fallen ones will lose their power over any human. When those humans all begin to collectivity begin to love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and respect all life. It is really that simple. When mankind begins to beat their swords into plow shares. All of the fallen ones plans shall be undone. The fallen ones will begin to see all that they have tried to do to humanity as a complete failure.

The leaders of the world today. Really need to see their war making plans as something which is to be used in a demonic fashion. What this means is. Every leader has a demonic controller or even many. These fallen ones are always listening to every thought and even injecting their own ideas into every leaders minds in just that same identical way as they each think. So you leaders, How do you know your thoughts are your own? Really.

The prophets of old in every culture and religion. Has foretold the coming extinction of humanity. Our human extinction is by our own hands which is under the active influence of those fallen demonic entities. In which virtually no one is even aware of it. You leaders of the world. How do you feel of being a puppet against your will and by your own will without even knowing it. This is how those fallen angels operate.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 