Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Political Triggers: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2016:

New content at bottom. 
I'm very displeased with the politics of humanities various belief systems. Which seem to be all based in many various forms of deception.

The political system has always been the trigger to great and mighty fires. The last human trigger to rise up shall grow a weapon which shall spread fire and death all across the globe. In their victory and conclusive peace they shall celebrate as the last remaining human beings die off. Extinction.

As of August 2016. China is now the official trigger to the extinction of humanity on this planet. The trigger is not what is dangerous. It is the action which causes the trigger to cause an event. If you have read my writings you know I think that China is the trigger. The biggest danger is that force, group, beings or people who put the squeeze on the trigger. The trigger can only do what it is designed and engineered to do.
There is still hope for us all. Though becoming more and more improbable everyday. Extinction is our future and our extinction is our fault. It is only the common peoples who can avert extinction. This must be done through non participation in any security, para- military police or military force. Then each common person must begin to live by example. Which means the purple words I have written many many times.
Love one another.
Live in Peace with everyone.
Exist in Harmony with all things.
Revere all life.
Obey the laws of God.
Chinese Leadership.  Your All In? Aren't You?
Truth and revelation is the answer. The words in purple is the answer above.
Just as what the old Soviets has brought and caused the world to be, shall be paid for by the Russians of today. All of what the Russian's perceive as threats is of their own creation or ancient plan.
The funds/monies spent by the Chinese Leadership on the Spratly Islands. Shall become a burden to all of the peoples of the world. Starting with the Asian Peoples. All will know suffering and death. Because, of this endeavor.
China will do this with the Spratly Islands. This is only one aspect of the growing military force of China.
The Spratly Islands will become an evolutionary leap in military fortress creation (Leap Frog). Each of the Chinese occupied islands will have it's own nuclear power plants. Power generation will far exceed the requirements typically thought of. There will also be power storage capabilities. All of this excess is for the new energy based weapons systems which will come online. These energy based weapons systems will quickly destroy satellites in orbit and at a larger conical or circular diameter than what will be thought of by the USA, NATO and Russia.The Chinese side of the planet will be their side of the planet. Even all orbital assets. Your worried about A2/AD. What China is building is a genuine leap frog.
A2/AD school.
With that kind of power output. The destruction of airplanes of any kind will happen quickly and thus re-targeting can be achieved quickly for the next immediate threat.
The RADAR systems will be multi frequency phased systems. Networked into a central control system. Clouded. 14 Aug 2016: Not so clouded now.
Deleted prideful comment.

----News of Nuclear Power--------
Added on 14 Aug 2016:
===The 9 Spratly Islands===
Fiery Cross, Subi Reef, Mischief Reef, Cuarteron Reef, Gavin Reef, Hughes Reef, Johnson South Reef, Sand Cay, West Reef.
When all 9 islands are complete by the Chinese leadership. This will become a singular exclusive military zone of China. This will also leapfrog any capability by any military force in the world. Including the USA and Russia. No military force in the world will be able to defeat the 9 Islands. As a matter of fact the combined military forces of the world will not be able to get close to these islands. Without Chinese permission.
The biggest problems which China will face in defending and exerting their power forward in the future. Will be their ability to feed their people and their machines on each of those Islands. Water, Food and Fuel.
From what I've seen in their military training and readiness programs throughout all aspects of their military forces. The Chinese training and readiness programs at every level continues to be third rate. Because, of this. It will not matter a great deal how effective any machine is made. If the human element is poorly trained, educated and ready. Then this will become a very real problem for any outcome desired by the highest level of leadership. You gotta have heart for what you want to do.
and the one which will be next
Added on 15 Aug 2016:
===?Bible Prophecy?==
This is revelation. Interpretation is always very tough. Just remember back to when Israel was looking for their savior. The one prophesied to come. They were waiting for a military leader who would lead them in their defeat of Roman occupation. What they got was some lovey dovey turn the other cheek pacifist man. What we think we know is what we want to happen. Just like the pre-tribulation rapture. We all want this to happen. I really hope it does. It is all about what God wants and what he does will be perfect justice, compassion and mercy. Not what any human wants. To avert any bad and sad prophecy. Every human being should choose to love one another, Live in peace, exist in harmony, revere all life and obey the laws of God. All without any fears, threats or intimidation's. So, this is why a new Christian should not be shown any of the prophecies.
What is getting me on this. These islands are genuinely rising out of the sea. Symbols of China is the Dragon and the their color is red. The feet of a bear can be said to be the foundation of the animal. The foundation of Chinese military technology is from the Russians. The Symbol of the Russia is the Bear. So for those of you who know way more than me. I think this is matching but I also think that other interpretations are valid and even more valid. But, still the questions to pose are.
Can this singular beast be a seamless network system of many different things to become one?
Matching those things on the islands with the numbers and symbolic items as listed in the Holy Bible.
A beast will have eyes and ears. These could be the various kinds of RADAR systems.
Need to study the history of every island. Looking for ugly names, ugly legends and ugly symbolism.
(OK, I forgot. There is a person who has matched the possible re-emergence of Turkey, Ottoman empire to the Revelation 13). This time it would overtake the whole world.). There are many more interpretations.
You know something Chinese Military. I drew and rendered those specific hex buildings about 40 years ago. Even the variations. I just have to work out the differences between possibility and probability. I was much younger I drew this on paper. I was playing naval pencil war games as a kid.
 The very center of the Hexagon cluster was a RADAR Tower. The kind with a big ball on top of it.
Then on the outlying Hexagons were big guns. Which could rotate and elevate.
The whole hexagon element was raised up so as to cover (360 degree) the entire island with inlets.
Then later I discovered other aspects of technology. Now imagine. What this could be.
This is a weapons system.
A total of four on each of the three islands. That makes twelve units. To begin with. All should be considered first generation. All of which will be networked together into a seamless real time map. In which all sea and air craft can be targeted.
The hexagon just above the seven hexagon circle. Will most likely be a redundant power storage system. The smaller hexagon just above that will most likely be a control or operations room. The square box will most likely be security entrance and exit. Military worker, technicians, living quarters, food and management offices.
The central Hexagon tower will most likely contain a Spinning RADAR antenna system protected by a typical shroud as seen at any Airport. This is the very top.
Built into each side (Option) or on just five or to begin with three sides facing the South China Sea will most likely have a single octagon shaped phased array antenna. Just below the phased array antenna will be another Rectangle phased array antenna. This can be used for identifications.
When all of the Radar systems are on line or fully operational. There will be a control switch and an hazy method to align all of the radar antennas to a single point in the sky. Then there is a high power switch. When the high power switch is pressed with all of the antennas aligned in a single point in the sky. If a surveillance plane is in that location. The electronics may all burn up and maybe the people inside will cook. So from a distance or from orbit. This could look like a crown.
The three or five outlying hexagons which face the sea with an option for six. These will have self contained EM Rail guns, Laser weapons or standard automated big guns. These will be able to be interchanged at will. Although, not very quickly in the beginning. But, the change out and upgrades will become within the hour. There will be rotating covers which open up like a clam shell. Allowing for vertical elevation.
Why the two different flavors of Radar systems? Because, It is highly rumored that multi-frequency or muti-bandwidth Radar systems can more easily sea all current levels of Stealth. Since it is known that the F35 has limited range, maneuverability and speed. Targeting and destroying is seen as something to be easily done.
This part is hazy. Since each island will have at least four of these units. Each Island must have at least one nuclear power plant. But, as power requirements increase and performance levels improve. Each of these building will need to have their own individual Nuclear power plants for sustained rates of fire. Then when each nuclear power plant is tied together. power distribution and stability is greatly improved. So on one Island you could have five small nuclear power plants. Each small Nuclear power plant should be able to develop about 400-600MW of power output. Maybe, the early generations won't be as high as 400 MW. If China can create a type of American A1B reactor in the 600+ MW capabilities and they can create Rail guns and laser systems which can achieve destructive capabilities at, % of or beyond LEO (Low Earth Orbit). Then No known military asset I can think of will even be able to touch these islands. Except maybe the fictional Rods of God.
Since the Chinese military network will be far superior to what is known. They will be able to integrate Russian originated 300's, 400's, 500's air defense systems as well as a variety of type 730 CIWS systems. Plus,plus and more plus. In some of my remembered drawings. I did see three minor looking emplacements around each unit which could have been the 730's.
I do seem to remember creating buildings which had vertical Launch Missiles. Although I just called them Missile buildings. If they can place at least 1000 vertical launch missile onto each island with the ability to store many more. Then these three islands will become something that no nation will be able to threaten.
There will be an attack upon these islands. Everyone loses. China is able to keep them going. The USA does not recover. Those nations which rely on the USA do not recover.
So revelation of any prophecy changes everything. So does everyone conduct all out attacks? The outcome will be worse with all free Nukes.
If no one attacks China. Then will have absolute control over all of the South China sea and Low Earth orbit.
Remember, I have said that China is the trigger which begins the extinction process of all life on this planet. So who wants to squeeze the trigger? Because, the trigger must do what it is meant to do.
Do you even want to remember the purple words above? Or are you saying to yourself what purple words?
The purple words are an option. The other option is for China to look up and go there with the same mindset and intensity of what they put into those islands. But, on one hand if they do those islands correctly and learn from every instance of success and failure. Even if a janitor losses a single strand from a mop head. All that is discovered. Can be applied when China focuses on going up.
So make friends with one another after all you/we are all related to one another.
The point of this is for everyone to choose life and peace. Not death and peace. Either choice there will be peace. 
Added on 14 March 2017:
The islands have become a bigger problem for the world. Who is the trigger? Remember? I have been waiting for update satellite images. I'm unable to find them. I have also re-looked at the old ones and some appear to have obvious scratched out information. The new images even appear to have blurring. Obvious hiding of information in order to cause China to look better than they are and to cause the western leadership to not look as stupid. AMTI is purposely hiding information with manipulation of the newly released photos. The use of low quality imaging, over exposing and thumbnails. Really guys in this day of Google Earth.
The South China Sea is now owned by China. Period. Within the next 3+/- years no one will refute that claim by any measure.
I think the military capability is to fearful for for anyone to acknowledge forthright. Right now those scary building's are most likely completed shells. Now is the time to fill them up. Power them up. Get all of those systems to talk to each other. Then transmit all of that DATA to homeland China.
If China can merge all of the various RADAR data into one easily defined data set. Then stealth is dead. It is one thing to see a stealth target. It is another thing to target and engage a stealth target.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Under God's Authority: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2015:

This is for those who have been gifted with the ability to write. Since, it is obvious that I'm not gifted in the perfect speech. Which is accepted by everyone who has been educated. 
This is a Christian sign for prophecy.
The prophetic era of Christian persecution has begun with Mrs. Kim Davis. Can you stay in Jail for 18 moths over your faith? Can you stand and face all of your sins from your recent past or even in your current state of being? This is what Mrs. Kim Davis is doing. None of the traditional media outlets have supported her in any way. The Republican politicians have declared their support of this democrat. While the democrats including President Obama have denounced her. This also includes Hilary Clinton.
The evidence of faith which seems obvious may very well make her one of the chosen remnant of God. Which means all of those other professing by only mouth Christians shall be those who God may say to them. "I never knew you". It is not for me to say. It is only for God to choose who is to be a remnant and who is not. This includes me.
Mrs. Kim Davis may be the first who shall be martyred. Can you say for certain that she will not be? Can you say that she will not ever see her freedom? She probably will. But it is evident that the evil U.S. District Conservative Judge David Bunning has put to jail an innocent woman. In which the evil politicians had made laws of man to be superior to the laws of God. This District Judge is at the very least a Pontius Pilate. I'm not stating nor am I implying that Mrs. Kim Davis is a Jesus Christ. Mrs. Kim Davis, may very well lose everything over this.Since even one news story has even declared that she cannot use Go Fund Me website for support.
In order to be a Conservative Republican like this District Judge David Bunning. Do you have to be a Christian? If this District Judge is any way a professing Christian. His lies are now seen through his actions against this woman. How can any person who is a Judge. Make their decision before any evidence is heard or seen? Did this Judge make his decision before court even began. It can be assumed he had as the deputies and the jailers were already present. If this District Judge is a professing Christian how can he honor or even obey any law which is against the laws of his God? or should I say which god?
Mrs. Kim Davis and her imprisonment can be compared symbolically to other persons who were to be disciplined, punished and killed. I'm not implying that Mrs. Kim Davis will be killed.But, when you are surrounded by evil persons. The jail guards cannot protect anyone and cannot guarantee anyone's safety or well being.
Any law which has been established by any man. Which replaces, Denies or rejects any Law of God. Is not a righteous or truthful law. Nor is it a law which should be honored or obeyed by any righteous person. Even to the death of that righteous person.  To those men and women who agree upon and obey these laws. Even if you do not agree with the laws but still honor them to keep your employment. It is them who can now be easily seen and known to be of genuine evil. This includes any professed Christian who holds any office or works in any place who must obey any anti-godly law written and agreed upon by human beings.
Is it judging to say to a murderer that he is bad and what they do is bad? You can say the same thing about anyone who commits crime. It is a crime of God for anyone to honor, accept, obey any anti-God laws or regulations.
Sinners or LGBT persons pretend to be nice, kind, compassionate and merciful. So that you will think a good feeling lie about them. Many LGBT persons are symbolic murders. They are actively murdering their own family names and in the end their genetic lineage of their family. Yet, These symbolic murderers are being accepted into churches and celebrated. They have no intention of converting to Christianity in any way. These LGBT persons are spies for the evil ones.When your at war. Your spies are necessary to gather intelligence about your enemies. Do not think for an instant that this is not a war. For the god of this Earth wants all of humanity to become extinct. This is satans end game. By any means necessary he will do as he thinks he will. satan is the one who leads all of the LGBT community. It matters not if the LGBT person is politically active or not.
So if satan is the leader of all LGBT persons and LGBT persons are welcomed in your church to hold any official church position and they have no intention of ceasing their LGBT lifestyle. Then you and your whole church is of satan. satan is your god. When your are singing those popular non specific Christian songs. Know that you are singing and worshiping satan.
What is happening to Mrs. Kim Davis is only the beginning. As it is evident that the few who are in protest shall be ineffective. It is apparent that there are very few genuine Christians of real substance in Rowan County Kentucky. There are also to few Christians of merit in the whole state of Kentucky. With Kentucky a part of the famed southern Bible Belt. It is also evident that there are to few genuine born again Christians. Just pretenders who are merely associated with the Christian entertainment fan base as well as those who are members of their local christian social club.
There is very little real news about Kim Davis and any news is primarily related to the effects upon the LGBT community. The news also attacks Mrs. Kim as well. Revealing all of her sins prior to her becoming a Christian.
This is prophecy. The LGBT community shall be victorious over all Christians. To the degree that Christian persecution shall involve all manor of jail, loss of employment, abuses, tortures and death.
The entire Christian population must put a stop to this right now or face starvation, homelessness and death.
After the events of Mrs. Kim Davis. The atrocities which shall follow against the entire Christian community. Shall not be heard or seen on any mainstream media outlet. The true devout and righteous ones of God shall be exterminated and none in the general Christian community will care to even know. So as long as they can happily sing and enjoy the entertainment for a couple of hours a week.
In order to be a Christian. This is after you have made the proclamations and have been baptized. You are to go forth in your life to begin to live it righteously and godly as is taught within the Holy Bible. This is by your own free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's. You go forth and outwardly exercise all manor of mercy, compassion, kindness, fairness. Not because, you have to but because you want to. Not because your forced to or even expected to but because it is truly the right and most truthful things to do.
Yet, today it seems the gay sons and lesbian daughters show more love and compassion to their sick and dying family members than do the Christian. Even to friends do they support more than a Christian. I've seen it. I've experienced it.
Just because, I post a news article does not mean I'm in agreement with any of them. 
The ugliness of the news media. This is not politics. This is purely about what is right and wrong. This is about how the government is wrong with the passing of evil laws.
In order to turn this entire country around. Every political office must have righteous persons in those seats. I think it is to late. The USA is lost. The USA was a republic which became democratic and is now an Oligarchy. The USA is no longer of the people, for the people and by the people.
Steve McDonald "By Law"
Added on 07 Aug 2015:
A woman who has not committed a real crime. Unless if you call going against the political will a crime. Has not been offered the ability to make bail. Either way the precedent will translate nationally for anyone who commits political related crimes. Their are now laws against your conscience. How about that for a loss of freedom. In which you can be imprisoned for an indefinite amount of time. If you are big in investments. Invest in the corporate prison systems. They now have a new revenue source. Devout Christians shall all go to jail because of conscience. Don't expect to make big money. Apparently there is only a remnant of true and faithful Christians who have not been deceived. The rest of Christianity just doesn't care. This is all prophecy. A heartless Christian body which allows an innocent person to rot in jail.
Added on 09 Sept 2015:
Added on 10 Sept 2015:
Added on 11 Sept 2015:
Enslaved Extinction: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2015:
Absolute freedoms begets total enslavement. Which leads to over all extinction.
Death Parent: (unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
As death embraces the older parent. They shall gaze into the eyes of their LGBT children and know this is the one who murdered all of me.
You cannot and will not have any sort of freedom without a self controlled restraint. Free love, like free drugs and free liquor. Ends in the loss of family, freedom, health and welfare. Unnatural sex harms both persons physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as a man or a religious man viewing porn is said he only harms himself. This is the lie. The viewing of porn harms the persons involved in the sex acts being viewed. The viewing of porn harms the wife even though she is or may not be directly or indirectly involved. The viewing of porn harms the children. You must see this truth.
The eventual destruction of the family through sins continuation. So the LGBT life style destroys the whole natural family. As a matter of fact. The LGBT Life style murders the family. The LGBT person has often times separated and isolated themselves from their own family. Only to return as the pretended loving son or daughter who wants to become the last person their dying parent ever sees or think. I have seen this happen many times and have myself been caused to think how nice and loving these LGBT persons are. Especially, if the person dying has minimal or no people to express their love in those last days. The LGBT person may think to themselves that what they are doing is a good thing. But what they are actually doing whether they think of it or not. Is witnessing the extinction of their family name and genetic line. This is worse than a person who just murders you and tries to escape. The Punisher in the movie is satan in our lives. Satan manipulates all of us for our total destruction and extinction. Those of have not the one true God will be influenced, controlled and manipulated by satan. To the point that satan will look through your eyes in the final moments of your parents death. just to witness the final extinction of your family name and  genetic lineage. This is what the end result is to be LGBT.
As I've written about in prophecy. The LGBT will be victorious in all that they are to accomplish within this world. Until the coming of God. This is because of the do nothingness of all Christians. The LGBT will win. They will successfully criminalize all of Christianity. They will create a rightful tradition of abuse, torture and the murder of any Christian they see fit. All without any investigation, judgement or prison time. Of course it is not yet. But, it will be. Assuming that Christian on the whole do not put an absolute stop to the LGBT insanity or mental illness which will infect everyone. Mrs. Kim Davis is the first. Unless she does as ordered by the court and marries any and all LGBT persons. Then we all will know that God has been effectively removed from the Bible Belt. This is Prophecy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rejected Right: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

Being the only one who does the right thing. Can make you the rejected one and the enemy to all sides.  
This is simple enough. It takes great strength and courage to stand up and reject everyone who is wrong. Even if both sides of a debate are wrong. This can happen especially in modern day politics. Where your two party political system has degrees of wrongness. Where one party is seen as worldly and hides all of their dirty secrets from their constituents. Then the other side who portrays itself as the righteous side. Hides all of their worldly sins from the blind media. Outwardly both sides hate each other and yet their children go to the same schools and the same summer camps. Really. The lies and deceptions are rampant. The free media is bound and enslaved.
This isn't about politics. It's about truth and what is true. People believe the lies they are told as truths simply because they have been repeated so much. Who originated this thinking process? Adolf Hitler the twentieth century's reining king of evil.
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Adolf Hitler
People must begin to question everything they think they know as truth. This re-evaluation with respect and honor is very necessary if the world we all live in is to survive. Actually, this planet will survive humanity. It is the future archaeologists who will wonder who we were and they will discover that we created our own extinction.
People can begin with the lie of racism. Then work into those holy men who teach love, peace and harmony but preach hate, conflict/war and chaos.
Just think about that. A preacher teaches that Jesus is love and then encourages his flock when they freely choose to go off into battle. How is that loving one another? The Imam teaches peaceful lessons of The Prophet Mohamed and the preaches his followers to go off to war. Even the religion of harmony is experiencing chaos.
When the one who stands for what is right in between the two different sides. Both wrong sides will forget the other and will attack the right one. The one who is right is truly brave to stand in the middle of all of those who is wrong.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Love Peace: (Unedited): 06 Sept 2014:

Everyone seems to love peace, to want peace and to pray for peace. To love only peace is not enough to have peace.  
You must do more than just love peace, to want peace and to pray for peace. 
You must actually love one another.
You must actually become peaceful yourself.
Praying for peace is only valuable when you yourself is in a position of peace.
Even the war mongers and bad person desire peace only after they have won all of their victories over any one whom they have decided were their enemies or chosen targets. That is until the next potential conquest presents itself. Then its war with their war mongering hearts. This is an evil doer. Evil doers do desire peace so as long as they get all that they want.  
The bad person who after had done their bad things with success, experiences peace in their victory. This feeling is often short lived as the misery, pain and suffering of their everyday life becomes fully experienced within them. Thus, Not fully aware of the emotional connections and demonic spiritual controls which are over them. They are truly slaves. 
Those leaders who use God and religion to go forth and make war are the most evil upon this planet. They all use the God to promote their politics in order to convince people that God willing or Allah willing. For these leaders to promote war and to go into war is proof that they know not who the God of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life is. Or do they know that the god they follow is one of hate, war/conflict, Chaos and death.
The most evil leader the world will ever see is the one who brings/invites war into their own land and against the people he leads. Even though he believes it is not his land or people. The great deception begins when the leader is elected by the very people whom He hates the most. It is he who plans their destruction, even if they love him much. Know one knows, everyone knows and know one wants to know. Do you get it. This life may get so bad. That your only option for life is death. If you understand this truth with an understanding of of the logical formula  "Love, Peace, Harmony = Life" Then you know more than me. Know God. Pray and meditate  always. Live your life under the old rules of goodness, morality and purity. It is not good enough to do these things from negative emotions and selfish thinking. You must want to do good and to be good without fear, reservation and intimidation. You must want to do good because it is good and you want to do good. You must want to do good not because of the commandment have ordered it. You must see the commandment as logical guide lines on how to live a good life. Yes, I know the commandment are the law of God and God has allowed us free will/choice/thinking/actions. It matters not what you want to believe or even I believe. God is and God will as he only desires in the time of his choosing. 
When war comes into your land which has known only peace. Your time is over. 
The definition of your time is over may take some time as defined by God. So getting right with God based in your fears or because of your fears may not be enough. That is for only God to decide and not for any human religious leader or even when the gods return. Because, that should be the next sign. As it was in the time of Noah so shall it be in the end. The common knowing presence of angels or aliens. No Fear.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

World Satan: (Unedited): 10 May 2014:

Who does this world belong to: The answer was not argued or debated by Jesus.  In which Jesus replied to Satan's offer. Go, Satan!...
Can inside this one statement. That everything within the world system. From politics to Religion, From education to professionalism, From cultural-ism to entertainment, all be a part of Satans plan?

Just think about this. In order to be successful within this world. You must be trained and educated to accept everything the world proclaims to be true and rightful, even if they can be factually proven to be lies and deceptions. Such as racism. As a worldly professional you must agree with the absoluteness of freedoms of and for everyone. Even if the actions of others are immoral, offensive and dishonorable to you. If you do not or cannot not. Then it is you the good person who will be ridiculed and rejected forever with no opportunity of forgiveness. Unlike the criminal by law.
Mathew 4:8

Again, the devil *took Him to a very high mountain and *showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and [c]worship me.” 10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and [d]serve Him only.’” 11 Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.


Dehumanized choice: (Unedited): 20 June 2013:

The person who only identifies them-self as a specific skill set or as a body part. De-humanizes them-self by choice. C.J.MacKechnie
The model who has the perfect hands, hair, legs and other parts is more then the sum of that one part. The athlete who is superior at that one position in that one kind of game is more than his one job. The plumber or mechanic is more than your defined use for him.

Any time you consider a singular thing for yourself or others. You immediately subtract from yours or their whole humanity.
Race is a De-humanizing thought made into a truthful action with it's origins based in lies and deceptions. The act of racism is a truthful action from a person or a group of persons who believe that the separation and division of the races is a truth. There is not many races which is separated by skin tone or ethnic origins. There is one human family.
Any leader who leads or wants to lead a thing and proclaims the falsely believed truth of the multiple races is either deceived and cannot think for them-self or is a liar. Either way. They cannot and should not be a leader of any thing. C.J.MacKechnie
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:

We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.

The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Religious Puppets: (Unedited): 08 March 2014:

As the religions and the religious leaders come into compliance with the religion of politics. You will know that your religious leaders have become religious puppets of the political puppeteers
The religions and religious leaders of the world who begin to omit sin in their teachings as well as accept sin into their teachings as an acceptable lifestyle choice. Are all a part of all of the doom and gloom prophecies which have already been spoken of. They are all a part of the soon to come near extinction of humanity.

Work is progress
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Separate Person: (Unedited): 08 May 2013:

The person who can separate themselves from their religion, also separates themselves from righteousness, Honor, Integrity and trust. C.J.MacKechnie

A person who can separate themselves from their religion and make decisions which favors business or politics. Is a liar especially if those decisions involve sin, death, cruelty, Harm, Chaos, hate, anger, revenge and enslavement.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Actions Meaning: (Unedited): 03 April 2008:

The pursuit of meaning in your life can bring personal satisfaction and happiness to your future self. When you define what means most in your life. Then you will have a direction. Take action.
C.J. MacKechnie
Making positive efforts today. Will bring good emotions to your future self. Do not allow the falsehoods of cultures and politics to enslave you into a life of injustice and misery. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flag Importance: (Unedited): 26 Aug 2012:

Standing behind your flag of importance. Is just as important as standing before your flag. Unless, you have been deceived and lied to by the flag of your choosing. C.J.MacKechnie
The flag of warfare which promises peace is a lie and a deception.
The flag of hatred which promises loves return is a lie and a deception.
The flag of separation which promises togetherness is a lie and a deception.
The flag of difference which promises sameness is a lie and a deception.
Any leader no matter their level or area of interest who uses their innate charisma to convince common people to follow their will by using any of the above promises is a liar and a deceiver.
When you decide to follow them. You have declared allegiance to their flags of lies and deceptions. Even though you may believe it to be gospel truth. Your brain washing is now complete and my words will anger and offend you.
Just like how racism is used as a political, religious and cultural tool to garner support of a particular leader or spokes person. Racism is an absolute lie and deception as proven by the completion of the Human genome project more than 11 years ago.The human genome project proves that all humans have 99.9% identical DNA. Which is not evidence of any real separation of races. The human skin is the same from any one human to the next. The only real difference is the coloring. The human skin is an organ of the whole human body. It is not logical for anyone to separate or isolate any other human being or group of human beings based on a single organ of the human body. We do not separate an isolate any other human being based on tonsils, kidneys, spleen, appendix or liver. If this were logically true than I would belong to the fatty liver race or the race without tonsils.

Neutralized Music: (Unedited): 28 Aug 2012:

Neutralized religious music may be evidence of a religious artists insincerity and hopes for a profitable cross over. C.J.MacKechnie
Within the Christian pop/rock Music. There is a new tendency for new music to contain as little specific religious or exact holy content as possible and still be used or played on Christian music stations and churches. This is just another level in which generic political expression is having a very real effect within the Christian entertainment industry.
I define generic political expression as using words which can be defined by each individual no matter their belief system and still be agreeable. So, when a politician speaks to the masses on any media source. Everyone will find agreement. It matters not if your Christian or a satanist, pious or a prostitute, have family values or alternative lifestyles, Have honor or dishonor, are compassionate or apathetic. All can agree with the words of any politician who uses generic phrasings. Now so it is coming into Christian Music.
Now famous people who live immoral lives and was raised within the Church. The now famous Katy Perry has done more to to block the path to (to GOD) Christianity, spirituality and to holiness. Then her parents could ever do or will ever do to counter her immoral actions. Katy Perry has done more damage to the Christian religion than any other pastor or theologian could ever repair. The evidence of your faith is easily seen in your actions. It matters not your profession, your politics or your personal life.

There are no copies and no ink.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dishonorable Affairs: (Unedited): 18 Aug 2012:

Conducting your affairs deceptively and dishonestly. Simply because that is the current state of world affairs. Means you are dishonorable. C.J.MacKechnie
Being a person of honor, Means being truthful and forth coming in all necessary information. A person cannot maintain professional honor when their personal life is absent of righteousness.
Added on 08 June 2014: 
I've written much about this. Corruption in Politics is rampant worldwide.
The logical and spiritual conclusion for any country where the leaders at any level who are or have been corrupted will not be good for any common person. Corrupted leaders are like vampires. They suck the life out of their area of responsibility and if you fall under one or more corrupted leaders. You will suffer greater than a person who has fewer corrupted leaders over them.No matter who is over you. You the lowly common person. Be honorable and righteous. Even if a human has much authority over you and they take all of your worldly assets. They cannot take your honor or righteousness. Honor is what you have given to yourself and righteousness is given by GOD.

It doesn't really matter if you country is in Peace time or war time. If your leaders are without righteousness as defined by God and not by humans. Then you the common person will lose. You can be equally hungry in a peaceful nation as you can be in a waring nation. Your physical life can be at risk in a peaceful nations as it can be in a nation at war. What is the difference if a bad man kills you and a man in a uniform kills you? Your still dead.
Take a look at Russia and Ukraine. What is this all about? The future of the newly modernized Russian Navy/Air Force in the Black Sea/Mediterranean Sea regions. Crimea is a major Russian Naval port. Ukraine will most likely become stabilized as defined by Russian interests. What will this mean. Ukraine will only exist in name. Life for the common people should return back to a pseudo normalcy.
The USA has used Turkey to Move air assets into and out of a theater of warfare. Crimea can block all of that. Once Crimea has been modernized and upgraded. Wow. From a modern military stand point. Crimea is in a good physical position. mountains to the southern areas. Very defensible as well as an excellent staging place. Once modernized with military assets and infrastructures. 
Will be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver":
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Systems Failure: (unedited): 05 Aug 2012

The people will leave the large cities and suburbs. When the traitorous American government outlaws the citizens ability to defend themselves and creates systems of failure in Law Enforcement, judiciary, and Incarceration
Prophetic.  Already happening in California. Where city governments are refusing to enforce certain laws. The federal government is refusing to enforce immigration laws. Which means one of two things. The government is corrupt or the USA borders no longer exists. The one thing which defines a national status is its maintenance and enforcement of border access controls.
The judiciary at all levels of government have been effectively decimated. Which causes a huge strain on the law enforcement community. When bad men and women can walk freely among the civilized population. Modern Society fails. These bad men and women have an entire lifetime of breaking laws. Incarceration is supposed to be a disciplinary action which corrects bad behavior. When incarceration does not correct bad behavior the whole of the system is a failure. It is common knowledge that the inmates of any prison are the ones who control the jail. It is not the jailers. A prison cultural has risen up and is even a preferred way of life for some inmates. There is zero incentive for a bad man to become a good man.
With overcrowding of jails and prisons. The judiciary  must ease population limits by decreasing the time a bad person stays in jail. The politicians enact new laws which eases the peoples minds without ever solving the hard fundamental problem. That some bad people will always be bad. The loss of life in the civilian and law enforcement community is indirectly the cause of corrupt politicians. The continued victimization's of good people is indirectly the cause of corrupt politicians. It matters not the political affiliations.
The good people will begin to leave the big cities. Where the safety of their families is in great mortal danger.
I think this is and has been the long term plan of Traitorous Government politicians. It matters not the political affiliation. The plan is one global government. The large cities are great assets to this One world government. Those who will be permitted to live and do business in these great cities of the former USA. Will be those approved persons of the world. The former American citizen will become non people and will be forced by the world body to repay all debts accumulated by all of their duly elected former political leaders. The agrarian enslaved society begins. The dividing up of the Assets of the USA will happen. The families of current and former duly elected political leaders will have already negotiated their families freedoms and guaranteed the transference of all of their wealth. They sell out the USA by the deception to the Common American people.
The foreign national persons who reside within the former USA. Will have greater guarantees, freedoms and wealth  over the now enslaved non peoples who were citizens of the former USA.
This may begin the cultural and race wars. The war of differences.
The Human Genome Project proves that all of humanity is of one race. That 99.9% of all of our DNA is identical. Racism is a lie and a deception.
All human created bad and sad prophecies not matter who spoke the words. Can absolutely be changed, altered, mitigated and stopped. The key to stopping all bad and sad prophecies is if everyone begins to Love one another, Live in peace with their brothers and sisters, exist in harmony with all and celebrate all life.
Will be included in future volumes of  "Musings of an American Truck Driver"

Friday, June 1, 2012

Self Serving Nature (unedited). 07 Feb 2011

The religion of politics by nature creates politicians who are self-serving. C.J.MacKechnie
It matters not who is in office or is running for office. The choices for the American people seem to be a bad man or a worse man. Who do you vote for? or are you satisfied with blind devotion to a political party which has already sold out your freedom? It matters not if your a republican or a democrat. The presidential election is between two men. One is a corporate administrative sell out and the other is a Marxist. Neither cares about you and neither party is interested in your freedom or the continuance of this great nation as a whole. The big game now, is how to sell out your countries assets, resources and then move the money into their own private accounts off shore. Like Hugo Chavez and other world leaders who are seen as inspiring. Political Corruption appears to be absolute.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fears Righteous

Any government, religious or political authority, which must police a righteous man. Fears that man. 
Any Righteous person from any religion who passionately speaks with a great conviction of the importance of Love, Peace, Harmony and the sanctity of life. Is in fact a genuine threat to all of the powers and authorities of all governments, Religions and political thoughts.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.