Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Censorship Deletion Omission: +3: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:

From censorship to deletion to omission. The entire Christian community who doesn't go along with the world views shall become.
For the devout Christian censorship has already begun. But, it will evolve. Once it becomes common knowledge that all of Christianity is a religion of hate and intolerance. When it does begin it may only begin with the true remnant of God's true children. Think about this out of all of the denominations in America and Europe. Less than 18 are against any aspect LGBT tolerance or acceptance. 18 may seem like a big number to you. But, it isn't. These 18 are the smaller denominations Except for the last big denomination which may fall will be the Baptists and many individual Baptist churches have already fallen with their acceptance and tolerance of LGBT people who have no intention of fleeing from their sins. This is the crucial sticking point. For in the eyes of God all sin is sin and all must pursue the fleeing away from all sin. Not just the LGBT sins. It is to note that the last 18 may also be fallen denominations to some degree which is unknown to me. But, what is interesting is that none of the denominations which have already fallen seem to care what God wants or thinks while they all seem more concerned with what the world wants and who is the prince of this world and god of the world system? That is a very big problem. The LGBT community is winning and will win in totality in the world view (Prophecy).
Satan Fallen World: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
The fallen away have actually fallen into the world of satan and they know it not.
Fallen Spirit Absent: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
Once you have become one of the fallen all of the gifts of the spirit will be absent from you. While at the same time all aspects of the known and unknown understanding of the prophecies of God will be applied to you.
We all need to remember that humanity tends to mess things up in every regard. This includes religion and the denominations of Christianity or any other religion. Remember the Jews were looking for a great military leader when they received their messiah who taught love, love, love. Yet they knew He was coming. They wanted a warrior and they got a pacifist.  Yet in our own individual and collective folly we want to know the holy divine words of God. This is an impossibility as we are pridefully folly in our sin.
Note: Use of Folly os of the ancient definition meaning wickedness.
satanic church: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
The satanic church of christ also says; come as you are,
                                                                 remain as you are,
                                                             and do as you desire.
                                                       With no guilt or remorse.
                                                               And enjoy the show.
Even though the word satanic is not in your church name or even in the name of your denomination of religion. Know this if there is no expectancy for you to change from your evil/folly ways but tithe, tithe, tithe. Then your church or denomination may not be of Jesus Christ or Jehovah. For your God may be the name of the one who once held the position of Lucifer and is now called satan or devil. You need to know anyone can be a devil or a satan. So what is the leader of the fallen ones actual name? Is he the god of the fallen churches where half truths and deceptions rule the church service.
Calm down and think. How many wives and kids have you had and then abandoned to start a new? how many bad cars you knowingly sold as good cars to people who trusted you? How many lies and deceptions do you make just to make that sale? How often do you view porn? How many stolen positions do you have?  What about those rentals for low income people and how many have you made to suffer for long periods of time? Yet, without any question to your character, morals, integrity or honor these churches and denominations accept you so as long as you continue to tithe.
There is a big difference with being bad daily because it is your business, professional or personal plan in life and another with actually changing your life in order to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. If you have no intention of changing from the evil that you are into someone who is good-ish and then gooder and then maybe just good. Then you my friend are going to the church of satan. Are you still here. Really. Think about the above quote and what does God require of you? and if you're not learning what is required of you from God then your in the church of satan. So as long as you feel good about yourself is yet another deceptive illusion to block you in actually being aware of just how wicked of a person you are.
Go and seek a small church. One that teaches from the actual Holy Bible and preaches sin, righteousness and holiness. A church that expects you to exercise good moral character with a high degree of integrity in every aspect of your life.
It shall come to a point that when the great first leader of the whole world makes himself known he will be loved by all and when the two brothers/witnesses come they will be hated by all. When the two witnesses are killed in the street. Their murder will become the world's first celebrated holiday greater than Christmas.
For Christmas, Easter are all falsehoods with Santa Claus and easter bunnies and the death of the two witnesses shall become real to everyone as they watch it in real time.
The worldly Christian churches will re-spin their prophecies to reflect past misunderstandings in relation to what is occurring in the present time. They will be believable.
Yep censored by half. This blog is.
I do not revolve around or visit Alex Jones on a daily basis. But, I have heard about him being banned. Here is his response. If you copy and paste the link below. Please subscribe to CrunchTime if interested, actually like the video and actually post a message of your clean and honorable thoughts. Watch for the entire duration. Thank You.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, August 3, 2018

What Is A Fallen Denomination Or Church?: (Unedited): 03 Aug 2018:

What is a fallen Christian denomination or Christian Church?
A fallen Christian denomination or Christian church is one which has decided to go against The Word of God which is The Holy Bible or Jesus Christ. The fallen Christian Denominations have also mandated and forced new rules in which everyone must obey even if they are against the commands of God. By accepting and allowing sin into the holy places. Everyone and everything becomes corrupted and tainted. This has become such a huge problem within the USA that more than 100 million professed Christians in America attend a fallen church. Depending on which statistic you see anywhere between 69% and 74% of all Americans are professed Christians. There are about 18 Christian denominations left in North America and in Europe which have not fallen to the LGBT sins. There are other sins which can cause a church to be fallen. The LGBT sins is the simplest one to track. In time it is possible that the Mennonite, Pentecostalism, Latter Day Saints/Mormons and the Baptist denominations may be the next ones to fall as well. Soon the vast majority of Christianity will fall to sin and then allow sin to stand pridefully in the holy places. The signs are easily seen and equally ignored by all who are in leadership, control and authority. For the leaders of the fallen denominations will cause the most of the Christian body to suffer. Belshazzar's feast will come to the leaders of the fallen denominations. They will not know and yet they will all know their end cometh before the cock crows thrice. In which the last words these evil leaders will hear is I never knew you... Many will be tortured to death and a pope sacrificed upon his own alter along with others. Evil is winning and the true saints will suffer greatly. For only God will be victorious in the end. All praise and glory for the angry lion which cometh soon. In which the whole of the world will war against.
From the minority those who are trying to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. They will become the rejected remnant of the church in the world. They will also most likely be the ones who will be raptured if the rapture is a true teaching. While the vast majority of professed Christians will not even be aware that a rapture has occurred. If there are eye witnesses and complaints of suddenly missing peoples. Especially those from other nations. Which is not the USA or Europe. The church leaders in the world will come together in a big meeting and they will all say the same thing. They will disagree that any rapture has occurred. The best reasonable explanation is that sometimes people just move without notice even if it is rude. The masses around the world will believe in what the religious leaders say. But, they will know the truth and they will refuse to speak the truth. Because, to speak the truth in this regard will only cause uncertainty among the people.
The two witnesses shall also come soon and the whole of the world will hate them and then when the two are murdered everyone will celebrate around the world.
Personal Note: All of Christianity is losing and they no it not. Christianity isn't even aware that evil forces are pursuing sinful changes in every denomination and are winning. Thus allowing sin into the holy places. What is going to happen? Denomination after denomination will fall to sin. The vast majority of people will accept it. While the righteous and holy remnant will quietly walk away from the cheering crowds. Alone many will feel, until the holy spirit comes to each one. Only a few of the remnant will embrace more earnestly the Holy Bible, intense prayer, focused and silent contemplation and fasting for days. Some will even perish in fasting as it shall be how they have endured unto the(ir) end. In love and in honor for their Heavenly Father. For I've already seen them die and yet be more alive than ever instantly. 
It shall be for the true remnant to find this and that it will be OK for them to walk away from their denomination. If you are a true remnant much work you still must do until your time comes to an end. Glorify and worship God always and in every way. Even if the outcome is not as you desire. Habakkuk. (I'm nowhere near the Habakkuk level. I'm at the argue with God level and then have a temper tantrum and then obey or do a Jonah level). (Like any of that ever works and thus is my folly). (Yes, I know what folly means. I studied it for three days, I'm a little slow I guess).
You the reader needs to know. I'm a deeply flawed human being. I struggle daily with numerous sins. But for you this is. Become holy and righteous. Go and sin no more. Have Love as you foundation for everything which is of God, by God and for God.
Because after censorship comes deletion. All that is righteous and holy will be disallowed eventually on this internet. So plan for this eventuality. Walk in the surrounding presence of daily miracles. Which is continually walking with the Holy Spirit. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Under God's Authority: (Unedited): 05 Sept 2015:

This is for those who have been gifted with the ability to write. Since, it is obvious that I'm not gifted in the perfect speech. Which is accepted by everyone who has been educated. 
This is a Christian sign for prophecy.
The prophetic era of Christian persecution has begun with Mrs. Kim Davis. Can you stay in Jail for 18 moths over your faith? Can you stand and face all of your sins from your recent past or even in your current state of being? This is what Mrs. Kim Davis is doing. None of the traditional media outlets have supported her in any way. The Republican politicians have declared their support of this democrat. While the democrats including President Obama have denounced her. This also includes Hilary Clinton.
The evidence of faith which seems obvious may very well make her one of the chosen remnant of God. Which means all of those other professing by only mouth Christians shall be those who God may say to them. "I never knew you". It is not for me to say. It is only for God to choose who is to be a remnant and who is not. This includes me.
Mrs. Kim Davis may be the first who shall be martyred. Can you say for certain that she will not be? Can you say that she will not ever see her freedom? She probably will. But it is evident that the evil U.S. District Conservative Judge David Bunning has put to jail an innocent woman. In which the evil politicians had made laws of man to be superior to the laws of God. This District Judge is at the very least a Pontius Pilate. I'm not stating nor am I implying that Mrs. Kim Davis is a Jesus Christ. Mrs. Kim Davis, may very well lose everything over this.Since even one news story has even declared that she cannot use Go Fund Me website for support.
In order to be a Conservative Republican like this District Judge David Bunning. Do you have to be a Christian? If this District Judge is any way a professing Christian. His lies are now seen through his actions against this woman. How can any person who is a Judge. Make their decision before any evidence is heard or seen? Did this Judge make his decision before court even began. It can be assumed he had as the deputies and the jailers were already present. If this District Judge is a professing Christian how can he honor or even obey any law which is against the laws of his God? or should I say which god?
Mrs. Kim Davis and her imprisonment can be compared symbolically to other persons who were to be disciplined, punished and killed. I'm not implying that Mrs. Kim Davis will be killed.But, when you are surrounded by evil persons. The jail guards cannot protect anyone and cannot guarantee anyone's safety or well being.
Any law which has been established by any man. Which replaces, Denies or rejects any Law of God. Is not a righteous or truthful law. Nor is it a law which should be honored or obeyed by any righteous person. Even to the death of that righteous person.  To those men and women who agree upon and obey these laws. Even if you do not agree with the laws but still honor them to keep your employment. It is them who can now be easily seen and known to be of genuine evil. This includes any professed Christian who holds any office or works in any place who must obey any anti-godly law written and agreed upon by human beings.
Is it judging to say to a murderer that he is bad and what they do is bad? You can say the same thing about anyone who commits crime. It is a crime of God for anyone to honor, accept, obey any anti-God laws or regulations.
Sinners or LGBT persons pretend to be nice, kind, compassionate and merciful. So that you will think a good feeling lie about them. Many LGBT persons are symbolic murders. They are actively murdering their own family names and in the end their genetic lineage of their family. Yet, These symbolic murderers are being accepted into churches and celebrated. They have no intention of converting to Christianity in any way. These LGBT persons are spies for the evil ones.When your at war. Your spies are necessary to gather intelligence about your enemies. Do not think for an instant that this is not a war. For the god of this Earth wants all of humanity to become extinct. This is satans end game. By any means necessary he will do as he thinks he will. satan is the one who leads all of the LGBT community. It matters not if the LGBT person is politically active or not.
So if satan is the leader of all LGBT persons and LGBT persons are welcomed in your church to hold any official church position and they have no intention of ceasing their LGBT lifestyle. Then you and your whole church is of satan. satan is your god. When your are singing those popular non specific Christian songs. Know that you are singing and worshiping satan.
What is happening to Mrs. Kim Davis is only the beginning. As it is evident that the few who are in protest shall be ineffective. It is apparent that there are very few genuine Christians of real substance in Rowan County Kentucky. There are also to few Christians of merit in the whole state of Kentucky. With Kentucky a part of the famed southern Bible Belt. It is also evident that there are to few genuine born again Christians. Just pretenders who are merely associated with the Christian entertainment fan base as well as those who are members of their local christian social club.
There is very little real news about Kim Davis and any news is primarily related to the effects upon the LGBT community. The news also attacks Mrs. Kim as well. Revealing all of her sins prior to her becoming a Christian.
This is prophecy. The LGBT community shall be victorious over all Christians. To the degree that Christian persecution shall involve all manor of jail, loss of employment, abuses, tortures and death.
The entire Christian population must put a stop to this right now or face starvation, homelessness and death.
After the events of Mrs. Kim Davis. The atrocities which shall follow against the entire Christian community. Shall not be heard or seen on any mainstream media outlet. The true devout and righteous ones of God shall be exterminated and none in the general Christian community will care to even know. So as long as they can happily sing and enjoy the entertainment for a couple of hours a week.
In order to be a Christian. This is after you have made the proclamations and have been baptized. You are to go forth in your life to begin to live it righteously and godly as is taught within the Holy Bible. This is by your own free choice. All without fears, threats or intimidation's. You go forth and outwardly exercise all manor of mercy, compassion, kindness, fairness. Not because, you have to but because you want to. Not because your forced to or even expected to but because it is truly the right and most truthful things to do.
Yet, today it seems the gay sons and lesbian daughters show more love and compassion to their sick and dying family members than do the Christian. Even to friends do they support more than a Christian. I've seen it. I've experienced it.
Just because, I post a news article does not mean I'm in agreement with any of them. 
The ugliness of the news media. This is not politics. This is purely about what is right and wrong. This is about how the government is wrong with the passing of evil laws.
In order to turn this entire country around. Every political office must have righteous persons in those seats. I think it is to late. The USA is lost. The USA was a republic which became democratic and is now an Oligarchy. The USA is no longer of the people, for the people and by the people.
Steve McDonald "By Law"
Added on 07 Aug 2015:
A woman who has not committed a real crime. Unless if you call going against the political will a crime. Has not been offered the ability to make bail. Either way the precedent will translate nationally for anyone who commits political related crimes. Their are now laws against your conscience. How about that for a loss of freedom. In which you can be imprisoned for an indefinite amount of time. If you are big in investments. Invest in the corporate prison systems. They now have a new revenue source. Devout Christians shall all go to jail because of conscience. Don't expect to make big money. Apparently there is only a remnant of true and faithful Christians who have not been deceived. The rest of Christianity just doesn't care. This is all prophecy. A heartless Christian body which allows an innocent person to rot in jail.
Added on 09 Sept 2015:
Added on 10 Sept 2015:
Added on 11 Sept 2015:
Enslaved Extinction: (Unedited): 11 Sept 2015:
Absolute freedoms begets total enslavement. Which leads to over all extinction.
Death Parent: (unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
As death embraces the older parent. They shall gaze into the eyes of their LGBT children and know this is the one who murdered all of me.
You cannot and will not have any sort of freedom without a self controlled restraint. Free love, like free drugs and free liquor. Ends in the loss of family, freedom, health and welfare. Unnatural sex harms both persons physically, mentally and spiritually. Just as a man or a religious man viewing porn is said he only harms himself. This is the lie. The viewing of porn harms the persons involved in the sex acts being viewed. The viewing of porn harms the wife even though she is or may not be directly or indirectly involved. The viewing of porn harms the children. You must see this truth.
The eventual destruction of the family through sins continuation. So the LGBT life style destroys the whole natural family. As a matter of fact. The LGBT Life style murders the family. The LGBT person has often times separated and isolated themselves from their own family. Only to return as the pretended loving son or daughter who wants to become the last person their dying parent ever sees or think. I have seen this happen many times and have myself been caused to think how nice and loving these LGBT persons are. Especially, if the person dying has minimal or no people to express their love in those last days. The LGBT person may think to themselves that what they are doing is a good thing. But what they are actually doing whether they think of it or not. Is witnessing the extinction of their family name and genetic line. This is worse than a person who just murders you and tries to escape. The Punisher in the movie is satan in our lives. Satan manipulates all of us for our total destruction and extinction. Those of have not the one true God will be influenced, controlled and manipulated by satan. To the point that satan will look through your eyes in the final moments of your parents death. just to witness the final extinction of your family name and  genetic lineage. This is what the end result is to be LGBT.
As I've written about in prophecy. The LGBT will be victorious in all that they are to accomplish within this world. Until the coming of God. This is because of the do nothingness of all Christians. The LGBT will win. They will successfully criminalize all of Christianity. They will create a rightful tradition of abuse, torture and the murder of any Christian they see fit. All without any investigation, judgement or prison time. Of course it is not yet. But, it will be. Assuming that Christian on the whole do not put an absolute stop to the LGBT insanity or mental illness which will infect everyone. Mrs. Kim Davis is the first. Unless she does as ordered by the court and marries any and all LGBT persons. Then we all will know that God has been effectively removed from the Bible Belt. This is Prophecy.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Religious Dominate: Religious Sin: Religious Curses: Righteous Admits: god's Wealth: God Pleased:(Unedited): 27 July 2015:

Those who are worldly religious shall always dominate those who are devoutly righteous.
The religious cannot abide by the righteous. The righteous are known by God. The religious pastors, preachers and teachers cannot abide to have any God above them. The righteous ones seem to lessen themselves in order for others to have a God experience. While the worldly religious pastors and preachers. Demand all of the attention for themselves and directed toward themselves. Go to church sit in a pew or a chair and then look up to the pastor. I'm not saying every church or every pastor is religious. The remnant are righteous. 
Religious Sin: (Unedited): 
While the religious hide their sins from the world view. Neither do they view the sins of those who are religious as they are.
No one seems to know anyone outside of church. They seem to put on the church going costumes and pretty faces and perfect hair. To show the other sinners how good they are. While they breed business prospect from the other church goers. The true nature of the people are not known from any other. Meaningful friendships seem to not be created as everyone seems OK to hide their ongoing sins from everyone else. Ongoing sin is now an accepted fact of life within the church. Some sin is now a legal right. Are you a Christian? Are you willing to lose your job for accepting sin as a right? It is already occurring right now. Have you already with abortion and now LGBT rights? Now the pedophiles want their rights to.
Religious Curses: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The religious are blind and deaf to the curses they bring to themselves, their families and even to their churches. While they continue in their sinful ways. Justifying that their good meaning sin benefit God, Church and Family. 
There is a devout Christian. Who is active in his poor income church. He works at a place where he can sneak away with expensive equipment to maintain the church while on his paid work day. In the old testament of the Holy Bible there is a story of a gifted prophet not of God and a king who bought this prophet in order to curse Israel. The prophet could not and the king took back all that he paid him. The two got together and made a plan to cause Israel to curse themselves by bringing sin into their lives. In which Israel did. An entire country can become destroyed by allowing sin to come into it's people. The USA has not only allowed sin to enter in but has legalized it as a freedom/right. On the individual level. A person who brings in good meaning sin into the church is still cursing the church. Through his own sneaky sin he is also cursing his employer, his own family and himself.
Righteous Admits: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The righteous flee from and reject any aspect of sin. The righteous do not hide their sins in secret places. The righteous cry sorrowful tears of genuine repentance. The righteous humble themselves within their easily seen sinful natures. The righteous ones readily admit their weaknesses.
Those who are deemed righteous by only God and not by any human being. Is so because of their continually active in fleeing from the sins they cannot fight and rejecting those sins in which have minimal or no effect upon them. When the righteous does sin, even in a single fleeting thought. They are sorrowful and seek genuine repentance without any intention of repeating the sin. 
 god's Wealth: (Unedited): 27 July 2015:
The gods of the world love the devoutly religious and may even bless them with great worldly wealth. 
The god's of the world or the hundreds of fallen angels who pretended to be god's. They are still in control of this world system. They will reward those whom they will. A sign of false teaching is absolute prosperity teaching for all. For worldly prosperity hoped for is worldly wealth given to you by the god's of the world. I am not saying that the God of all will not bless those whom HE chooses and HE does.
God Pleased: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The God of all is pleased with the faith and steadfastness of the righteous ones who must endure unto the end. 
The religious followers look to their human religious leaders and occasionally to God. But only when God can be of use or to be used for their own purposes.
Those who are the righteous ones within the church seem to isolate themselves from the rest or belittle themselves to the point they are less than everyone else. Even though many of the righteous have great sufferings. They still pray more for everyone else than do they for themselves. The righteous seem to be satisfied and not jealous of the miracles seen in others for whom they have prayed for. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

No Matter: (Unedited): 23 June 2015:

No matter how hot the furnace gets.
No matter how hungry the lions are within their den.
No matter if your the star of the show within the Roman Coliseum.
No matter how deep or how high the waters become.
No matter if your journey within valley of the shadow of death is never ending.
No matter if all has been bad and sad within your continuous trials and tribulations.
No matter if your publicly crucified upon the cross on the side of the road for all to witness.
No matter if permanent prison and certain execution is coming upon the innocent you.
It is always a good life when the Lord Jesus Christ is within you.
This is Prophecy:
 Ye Christians hear these words and understand them. The god of the world is coming for you in a overt, very angry and hateful manor. You will suffer and lose every manor of battle until the savior comes. You will be killed, You will be starved, You will be imprisoned, You will suffer many tortures, You will be denied access into the world system.. This time has begun. 26 Jun 2015. The LGBT Community has cause a great defeat to anyone who is righteous, religious. A great offense to any religion which disagrees with the LGBT community. The LGBT Community has won a major legal hurdle.  There will be more victories. Until all of the rights and freedoms are stripped away from anyone claiming to be Christian and then when their political will is set in stone. They will go after Islam for in that time. The LGBT community will own the Judges, Law enforcement and military. Any established religion which is not in total agreement will be severely punished by the coming power which is the LGBT community. The LGBT Community will have their total victory.

Of course all of these things will not happen over night. It will take about 7 more years +/-. To insure these things. President Obama must retain all of his powers and office for the next seven years. Or the election of the coming prophesied Babylonian Queen in the body of Hillary Clinton.

Image result for white house rainbow
Image result for gay pride american flag
If this is offensive to you now. This is only the beginning and you know not that it has begun or even care. Nor will you fight against this before this great offensive monster becomes to powerful to dissent against. Because, You have confused the rights with the offensive. People have basic human rights but they do not have the right to promote sinful and offensive actions. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

LGBT Mainstream: (Unedited): 14 Dec 2014:

LGBT Prophecies and goings on. For the next few decades.
LGBT shall be victorious.
The whole of the American Media which includes religious programming is owned by those who are associated with or in agreement with the LGBT community. It is beginning to appear that the LGBT community has made significant in roads into every culture which includes the religious community. There has not been any back lash against any LGBT product related advertiser. There has not been any ridicule to any LGBT use of obvious LGBT persons in public places, entertainment or in politics. LGBT acceptance by the general population seems to have become wholly accepted within the USA as a fundamental right. Even though being LGBT was once a psychological disorder and is now not one. Because, of a professional agreement.

Over time and happening right now. Persons who are associated with the LGBT community will attain levels of authority, prominence, leadership and management. This is actually occurring as it is only now something new to my awareness. LGBT actors and other media persons will continue to be seen by the civilian populations as something not harmful, sin like or guilt ridden. The character's they portray will be likable and identifiable to the general viewer. Over time. The LGBT lifestyle will become an accepted choice for anyone.

The power of the LGBT community will become so powerful that they as a whole unified force will create new laws which will effectively take away any religious persons fundamental freedom of free speech. Politicians and judges at every level will do their duties for the specific benefit of the LGBT community. Some or many will proclaim that they are openly gay. When pastors and other persons teach the Holy Bible and go to jail for hate speech. The Holy Bible over time shall be outlawed and publicly unaccepted. Then everyone shall know a very real fundamental change has occurred and they will not care. A change in which the LGBT community shall be in rule over. The Christian faith shall be transformed into an all accepting and a non-sinning religion. By Law.

I believe one of the new changes in media entertainment. Is where fully clothed persons perform fully clothed sex acts in the guise of a welcoming embrace, fun dancing or any other non sexually defined ways. These types of things shall most likely be displayed once a show has been on for multiple seasons. After the actors or characters have become accepted. Those who know nothing of gay sex may not even be aware that a gay embrace has even occurred.

The LGBT community will proudly begin to wear their wedding bands on their right fingers. Even actors and other people of fame and fortune. Some will even have or wear two wedding rings. This purpose may yet to be acceptably defined by agreement. But, I suspect some will wear them for support of the LGBT lifestyle. While others will wear them for multiple marriages or multiple significant partners. One for the same sex and one for a different sex.
Once the constraints of traditional Christian marriage has been culturally and legally abolished. Humanity can begin their de-evolution-ary decline back to their base animalistic  instincts and traits. When this occurs human stagnancy occurs and in the natural world. Nothing survives which becomes stagnant. So, to conclude. The human extinction process begins. Before the extinction process can officially begin. The belief in anything spiritual must cease and it matters not the truth of it all. The concept of anything spiritual must become unknown, unspoken and un-thought of. Even other words such as personal growth and personal development must cease in any sort of conceptualization. The word evolution must also end as well as even conceived thought. Ascending to any state higher than the animalistic base human must not even be desired.


Some time soon. The LGBT community shall even have much pride in their power over the now former USA. In which even the flag of the USA shall become like a rainbow where the red and white stripes should have been. 
The LGBT community shall even develop their own black shirt or brown shirt paramilitary organization. In which their shirt color shall be different, maybe a bright *green or earth *green. They will have the legal and lawful protection of the US government. They shall go forth and cause great "*harm" to those who are deemed Christian/*Jew. They will do more than the history of the brown and black shirts. They will have a build up of atrocities across the USA, Canada and Europe. They will start small with simple demonstrations and then become a very powerful force. This is not an all at once thing. The LGBT community will have to grow this force into one. Most likely seeking military training for those who are the gay leaders.
Just as in the past gays were searched for. Gays were beaten and killed. So to shall the christian and Christian families. Except now since the whole of the media is now in favor of the LGBT community. There will be no news of any atrocities perpetuated against the Christian. Since Judges and politicians hold offices at every level who are in favor of the LGBT community. Crimes against Christians will become a non-crime. Crimes which are unreported and not investigated by anyone.
The twist in news media reporting. Anywhere that a Christian who has successfully protected themselves from any kind of an attack. They will be the ones who are arrested, condemned and convicted of crimes. While the *Christian is in Jail. Their abuse, torture and death shall become on going. 

"*Green". This is a human choice which is to be determined. The color green is unimportant where as an LGBT paramilitary unit which is formed is important. The colors they wear is insignificant to the deeds they do.
"*harm". Means all aspects of physical harm which shall include rapes and death or all of the above. For instance. The burning down of churches of hate will include those righteous souls trapped within. There will be no news and no legal recourse.
"*Jew". In this instance. The term Jew shall be those devout and holy Christians who actually live their lives in strict accordance to Elohim Yahweh. Which is the same remnant sized group of people who live in the Country New Israel. These new Jews will be both raptured and not. Which shall only be defined by Their God. For which ever reason as associated with God. This group being raptured or not may have nothing to do with discipline to them by God. It may be just the will of GOD to teach those evil ones lessons as only ascertained by GOD. There shall be a purpose to those Jews left behind. In which "left behind" is not a correct phrase. They will be the protected ones who walk. Their protection shall be so encompassing that not even Satan or any other former angel shall even harm a single hair on their heads.
"*Christian". Those who are actually left behind. For disciplinary reasons. These kinds of Christians would be those who are LGBT, Social, Entertainment, Business, Pastors for worldly profit. These are not the faithful Christians. These kinds of Christians do nothing for anyone. A practicing LGBT person or any person who is in agreement with any aspect of the LGBT community is not a Christian. Any person who goes to church simply to socialize. While at the same time has no evidence outside of the church that they are even Christian. Those entertainers within the church who only entertain without any real evidence that they are Christian outside of the Church. The business Christian is a person who only attends the largest of churches just to accumulate more business. While within their business structure has no bearing on Christian morality, beliefs, Honor or honesty. All expression of love, mercy and compassion is absent from their business.
The pastors for worldly profit are those pastors who only accumulate wealth for themselves. While showing only the minimal amount of Christian duty/works in order to barely prove they are faithful. For instance. A food pantry which may be only open for a few days a week and will only give you food once every few months or more. A church with no scholarship program. Education is what changes financial status indefinitely. While feeding a person for a day only does that one good thing for the day.
The whole of Christianity has become a people who do nothing and refuse to live as their God has intended. The Christian has sat by and watched all of these things occur. The only option for the Christian shall be the second coming or a civil war. Time has gone by so far. That even a civil war shall fail. As the Christian shall be attacked when they are isolated within their own homes.  Divide and conquer.
Pentatonics. Two members of this group are actively promoting the LGBT community as well as openly gay. They released two CD's and had airtime on Christian radio stations. One CD was titled "PTXmas". A title which dismisses Christ and promotes self. .
This is prophecy in which all of Christianity loses in the modern world system. 
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Prophecy 2015: (Unedited): 20 Sept 2014:

This is not in any specific order. These are just things to be on the look out for. This is for the whole of the world.  

All prophecies which involves the decisions and actions of man. Can be altered and changed. All of the most famous of prophets. It matters not if you are believing or accepting of them. Have all predicted some very terrible things for humanities future. The vast majority of those bad, sad and terrible things to come seem to be based on human decisions and actions. Which means all of those bad, sad and terrible predictions made by all of those famous prophets can be altered and prevented. Which includes humanities extinction. This is my hope. To the leaders of the world. Embrace kindness. Embrace forgiveness. Embrace those whom you are in conflict with as your brothers. 


--- A Hebrew Year of 12 months - 354 days ---
From September 25, 2014 ---Through--- September 13, 2015
Hebrew Calendar Note: 
This means that my continued additions of prophecy for the year is late as related to the Hebrew calendar. I apologize for my errors and will try to correct again next year if I'm able. I plan on adding content until close to the world Calendar ends in December 2014.
The Hebrew calendar is of greater importance than the calender of the world. Especially in regards to any Biblical related prophecies. So if there are devout Christians who are using their spiritual gifts and know not how to use the calendars. It may be perceived that they are inaccurate when they are not. So these 2015 prophecies can occur from 25 Sept 2014 thru 13 Sept 2015. Anything after would be considered in accurate. "This is an interpretative Bible prophecy."   The interpretative Bible prophecies is done from my studies. I have not done these before and hope that I'm wrong. With what I have found and prayed upon.

Astronomy Note: As related to prophecy. I do not believe that any of the moon phases or comets is directly related to Israel. I do believe it is related to New JerUSAlem which is the USA. If I remember correctly. All of the lunar events are seen in the USA and not Israel.
A). The continuation of those things which are to progress in quantity and severity throughout the
       time of the end of prophecy.
B). The death of righteousness begins. Humanity from all over the world will no longer consider
       righteousness a profitable way to live ones own life. From righteousness hangs those
       other good and noble traits.
C).  Detroit Michigan, Chicago Illinois, Baltimore Maryland, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, 
       Buffalo New York, Cleveland Ohio. These may be the next targets of terrorists.
        This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
D).  From Birmingham Alabama to Washington D.C.. Denver Colorado. These may be targets of
        the terrorists.
        This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
E). The beginning of the world political body becomes more than official. This will happen if
      and when the USA falls. Will not be called the New World Order.
F). Israel attacked unlike it has been in some time. Much loss of life within Israel. The enemies
      cares not for the lives they have lost.
      This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
G). Cop killings on the rise. Cops killing civilians on the rise. Civilians killing cops.
       HIT. If you use the Hebrew calender. NYC hatchet attack. (Read M and More M).
       May combine G and M. I do not think they are related but maybe they are. Not sure.
H). Yellowstone Caldera continues to rumble. Magma continues to rise. Look to a 2022, 2029,
       2036, 2043 Event. 2043 is the seventh set of seven year blocks.
I).  President Barack Obama remains President indefinitely. Not my prophecy. This is related to
      a 100 year old prophecy from Kenya. If President Obama is to remain in office. Then a
      Nationalized martial law must be put into effect. Which would be a reaction to a major
      crisis event(s) which effect the whole of the USA. 
J).    ISIS, ISIL or IS, is a means to an end.
K). Islamic men will continue to behead civilians who refuse to accept their religion.They will
       also do all sort of other atrocities which will culminate into an organized attacks in those
       places that they individually decide. This may be the American and European Islamic Tet
       Offensive. Hit. Just read the news. ISIS and Boko Harem.
L). Governments/Nations of the world begin to more and more outwardly favor the corporations
       in law creation. Thus, criminalizing the good natured actions of it's own citizens. Hit.
M). American civilians will begin to monitor every activity of all law enforcement personnel.
        This will be a ramping up kind of thing as it will take time to become more prevalent.
         May be combined with G and more G.
N). LGBT community becomes a mainstream powerhouse. Politicians at every level will not be able
       to hold any elected office without being in total agreement with LGBT philosophies and
        principles. Hit. Major Hit.
O). Look to More O. Thrift Stores, and Ebay. A beginning Change. Added on 11
       April 2015. Not  a hit. Doesn't Count. No matter what I wanted to think or believe.    
More A). The events of the USA since President Reagan. Should be the starting point from that
                reprieve.  The people and it's representative do not know the God of Israel and thus God
                will no longer protect New JerUSAlem.There can be a reprieve if the American people
                turn away from their sin and the legislation of sin. Making sin a freedom and a right.
More B). For instance. Fewer people will take action in any circumstance which would benefit
                or profit another. Which is to include saving a child in a hot car. Stopping at the scene of an
                accident. Providing witness testimony for any committed crime. This list of mine
                 could continue on for a long time. Apathy becomes more dominant within the world than
                Those who are genuinely righteous and holy shall not be tolerated in any world affairs.
                 Just as the genocide of Christians have not gotten any news here in the USA. So to
                 will those devout Christians who are murdered will not receive any media attention
                 or justice.
                 The United States government has been killing righteousness since Roe V. Wade.
                  You/We will reap what we have sown. The absence of righteousness means the
                   absence of any goodness or good qualities. 
More C).
               This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
                I'm focused on Chicago Illinois. Baltimore and Washington D.C. area.
More D).
                 This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
                  This is a double hit for the Washington D.C. and Baltimore area.
More E).  The New World Order is more of a process of change. Through orchestrated destructions
                 and re-building by their own planned definitions. This change will have an end to it.
                 Then The New World Order will end and thus something else will evolve from it.
                 From The New World Order begins the Planetary governing body. People will still
                  Consider themselves of their locality, of their national origin, of their cultural identity,
                  of their religion, of their social class, of their continent and of their skin tone (Race).
                  These things will not be fought over by the early days of the worlds governing body.
                   As these self descriptions is what separates all of the one human race from each other.
                   Keeping humanity separate and isolated from one another is a means to their
                  eventual total control and enslavement. The entire human race which deems itself as a
                  singular race of peoples cannot be governed by those evil ones who are in an extreme
                  minority. When the world's government does take over all authority under one supreme
                  ruler. Any individual person who attempts to unite the entire human race which be wholly
                  destroyed and killed. This is the greatest threat to the world governing body. This is
                  why. A biblical end times prophecy.
                  Do the common men do this with intervention of GOD. Who judges the nations.
                  Humanity will learn to make war no more. To see the root of making war. You
                  must ask and research for yourself who brought to humanity the art of warfare?
                  This will happen for more than 2015. Maybe through 2043?
More F).  Does Syria completely crumble and become a non recognized country? The
                 hearts and minds of those who agree with ISIS  have been altered by God/Allah.
                 They have become less than human and less than unclean animals. Those things
                  in which they have done and will do is the evidence of their uncleanness. ISIS
                  numbers will grow into a many millions. This will be necessary in order for
                 their version of the famed Tet Offensive to be contemplated, planned and
                 The God of Israel will destroy ISIS in that area. Egypt will become known as an
                 ISIS supporter. Israel will acquire all of their original lands as promised by their
                 GOD. Will all of this happen in 2015? I do not know. I just type.
                 Israels dependance upon the USA will become a great stumbling block. Financially,
                 industrially, militarily, Economically and politically.
                  Note:The order of More F is not correct.
                 This is an interpretative Bible prophecy.
More G). The reason for cops getting killed is because they are no longer Citizens of Peace.
                 Police officers have become a militarized war like force which executes it's citizenry.
                 It does not matter the low probability of what the actual occurrence of being killed by
                 any Law Enforcement officer is. The perception by the civilian population is they
                 are threatened by these new militarized law enforcement swat units. Civilians will
                 be beaten and killed more often.As the police officers become more reactionary so
                  to does the civilian population. Thus when the civilian population becomes more
                 aggressive to the law enforcement community so does the reactionary cycle becomes
                 more and more aggressive. To the point that law enforcement persons must hide
                 themselves and their families. Thus may begin safe zones.  It will get very ugly.
                 The beginning may have when Ferguson event. The ramping up of this may take
                 many years or a singular national emergency. When law enforcement persons and
                 the National Guard are ordered to take away every ones firearms. Then they are shot
                 at and thus return highly trained and skilled shooting. The civilians will lose against
                 a highly trained military force. Think about this for a moment. The National Guard
                 Law Enforcement agencies become more interested in guns then for the safety of the
                  Islamic Militant attacked NYC PD Officers with a Hatchet. More will occur. Law 
                   enforcement officers will become more aggressive and accidental shootings of
                   innocent civilians will increase. Thus, the fear involved from both law enforcement 
                   personnel and their families as well as civilians will become greater. to the degree
                   that violence will erupt when it should not have been.
                  Added on 29 Dec 2014: Cops all over the country are now being randomly shot at.
                   2 NY police Officers executed in their patrol car. Completely unaware. This was an
                    Islamic attack.
                   Added on 12 April 2015: WalMart brawl ends in death and a cop shot.
                    Before you view Liveleak. nothing is left out. You are warned.
                     ***(See notes below)***

 More H).  The Yellowstone Caldera is representative of a sampling of the power which is many
                   miles just below our feet. 
                   If the people of the USA does not turn away from their free right to sin. Then 2043
                   may be a big year for the continent.  I do think that since the Bread Basket of North
                   America is nearly due East of Yellowstone. That a super volcano event may be tied
                   the sins of the world more so than the sins of the USA. 
More I).
                    I have studied prophecy since the early 1980's. Every president since then has been the
                    anti-Christ incarnate. I do have to admit that President Barack Obama has to many signs
                    related to him. So this would mean that sometime before 13 Sept 2015. An event or
                    events will happen within the USA which creates a national emergency response.
                    This would mean the end of America begins officially and everyone will know it.
                     There are currently 12 jet liners missing. They all can be equipped or modified to
                     for military purposes or terrorists purposes. The W88 warhead is for approximation
                     of size and weight. 800 pounds?. Can fit on any commercial jet liner. With minor
                     modifications and various triggering set ups.  
More J).       ISIS, ISIL, or IS is just a means to an end.This is one of those which will not be
                     known for decades if ever. The powers and financial kings of this world have already
                     decided that a change of the world is necessary. No matter the cost in lives. Syria is
                      just a training ground. The UN is learning how to function as a singular team with
                      the USA leading the way in this unity. This whole thing is planned and financed.
                      When I think about ISIS the phrase connected to it is "Means to an End". To me I
                      do not know what their defined end means. In prophecy the end is very clear.
                      Human Extinction. The authors of this created chaos of death and fear. Wants a
                      controlled new way of organization. Their gods are the fallen angels, however they
                      know them. Maybe, the human leaders think their relationship to THEM is mutually
                      beneficial. Maybe, the human leaders are so diluted to believe that their decisions are
                      of their own free will. They know not and understand not just how powerful these
                      beings are. THEIR version of Sun Tzu is at play and has been for a very long time.
                      The art of war. Read it more than once as the worlds leaders probably have read it
                      more times than you have read your children's favorite book. 
                      The God of ISIS, ISIL even if they followers are unaware. Moloch?.
More K).      Islamic men all around the western world will continue to behead all of those that they
                    The civilians in the western world do not understand that they are in a war. This
                     includes each individual person in the USA. The be-headings will also come to the
                      USA. These are  just the beginnings. Other individual atrocities will happen as well.
                     If this is to be the year of the Islamic Tet Offensive against the USA. It will become
                     open season for anyone who is Muslim or appears to be Muslim as defined by any
                      ignorant person. The law enforcement community will lose about 40% of their
                      personnel due to those officers taking care of their family. The other law enforcement
                      officers will not consider the importance of those Muslim persons or potential Muslim
                     persons being killed. The killings will include Muslim men, women and children.
                     Those Muslims who are in the know and who genuinely love their families will leave
                      the USA, Canada and Europe for places of safety. While other Muslims who plan on
                      taking part in the Tet Offensive. Will send away their entire family prior to the events.
                      Those Muslims who have pretended to be anything but Islamic and have married
                      American women will do a few things. They will just disappear for months and then
                       return only to disappear again. In order to do their part in the offensive. Some will
                       just murder their American wife and possibly children. Others will send away their
                       American wife abroad with children. While some will just abandon them.
More L).      What this means is. No longer will governments and nations speak double speak in
                     regards to the favoritism in the creation of laws which obviously favor corporations
                     over the civilian populations. Even to the point of criminalization of the civilian
                     population for good actions taken before and now have become criminals. You
                      will easily see this as already has been seen in the food industry, farming, education,
                     and energy creation. Anywhere any major international corporation can profit in
                     any unknown way today. The politicians at every level will pass laws which favor
                      corporations while at the same time criminalizing it's own citizenry for the very
                      same actions. Each of these are freedoms taken away via laws which criminalize or
                      through incredibly high fees imposed, Also quantity of fees imposed by law. The
                      world has become incorporated and uses an amalgam of communism and capitalism.
                      Remember in the old days of religion where you can pay a fee for you sins to be
                      forgiven. Before you could be forgiven of that sin you had to admit your sin and then
                      pay the fee or buy the accepted animal to be sacrificed from the religious authority.
                      Then your sin became OK. This is the same root premise. Except now, you can pay a
                       to break a law and then it is OK to break the laws of men, governments and religions.
                       The end of freedom is at the hands of politicians and corporations. This is not just
                       2015 event(s). This is something which will become more easily seen over the next
                       many years until the end of all prophecies come.
                       Hit. The Florida sessions passed laws in which the greatest campaigns contributions
                       played a role. Legalized bribery in effect. Unable to find the story digitally. The print
                       paper showed what laws were passed in the first days and how much money was given
                       to the politicians. Yep. It's gone now. May 3? Tampa times or tribune i think.
More M).       The continuous news of law enforcement personnel beginning to take on a more
                        militarized mind set and physically attacking anyone who dissents. Will become
                        more common. Civilians are also becoming less reasonable as well and law
                        enforcement should be held to the highest standards for dealing with the worst
                        kinds of people in every day society. It's tough to leave your beautiful family and
                        journey into the ugly world where anyone may want to harm you or kill you.
                        There is usually a singular event. Which triggers governmental outrage. An
                        officer will do an awful thing to someone who is obviously unable to defend
                        themselves. A civilian will be watching and recording and then they are brutally
                        attacked. The police will no longer be able to do any kind of law enforcement.
                        The war against the civilian population begins or at least ramps up. After what
                         I observed in Ferguson, Mo. There was obvious set ups by law enforcement
                         personnel. Which was of course viewed by those who were present. Is this how
                         the prophesied (Not Mine) civil war in America begins. Race wars and wars against
                         the government. While foreign nationals and foreign governments join in and conduct
                        their own attacks in secret. Can this be the one thing which begets the American Tet
                        Offensive. While Americans are killing anyone who merely appears different than
                        they are and attacking any governmental person. Coordinated terrorists attacks
                        begin. Thus, opening the door for the United nations to exert control. There is that
                        missing piece. Where the whole world begins to hate anything which is American.
                        Maybe, even France disavows the Statue of Liberty.
                        Is it now justifiable cause for any law enforcement officer to physically assault any
                        civilian or even to kill any civilian if they do not properly respond to the commands of
                        the officer no matter the reason. If my statement is now a true statement. There is no
                        longer a law enforcement within the USA. They are now a military force and are
                        taking military actions. Which also means the American civilian is already under
                        martial law. Under martial law the civilian has no rights or freedoms.
More N).         The LGBT community begins to exert more and more influence over all politicians
                        at every level and in every branch. So much so. That if a politician has not had a
                        proven affair or relationship with someone of the same sex. They will not be
                        supported. Of course those private matters will remain private and those documents
                       will be with held for future use if the politician acts against the LGBT wishes/demands.
                        Laws shall be passed which will be pro LGBT and anti-Christian. To such a degree
                        that Christians will lose fundamental freedoms. Anything which the Christian faith is
                        for. LGBT will be against and will exert their power to out law those things.
                        This isn't just about LGBT. It is also about all of their other related organizations in 
                        which they are mutually in favor of. This is just a beginning. Once the LGBT
                         community exerts their power. They will become unstoppable. For every force of
                         organization which against the Christian. Shall become victorious.

                           Hit. Crowd funding website has now banned any Christian funding campaigns. 
More O).           I knew about this in 2014. It is something i wanted to do for myself and my family.
                          Because, I know that revelation of any kind changes everything. I was being
                          selfish and keeping this to myself. The relationships between genuine non profit thrift stores with Ebay and Amazon. Will become more professionally connected. The people who donate their valuable goods to these thrift stores will begin to see the irresponsible nature in how Goodwill, Salvation Army treats their valuable goods. To the point that their complaints will be heard greater than the insistent whining of their primary customers. Which are the dealers. The numbers of dealers associated with Amazon and Ebay will fall. While the profits for Ebay, Amazon and non-profit Thrift stores will rise. What is happening is Goodwill, Salvation Army and other genuine non- profit thrift stores will begin creating their own resale accounts. Thus denying most of their dealers a source of income. The dealers will hate and suffer. While those who donate goods will see their donations resold in a responsible manor. Thus, more valuable donations to Non profit thrift stores in which they will maximize their earning potentials.
This is not a hit nor will this ever be a hit. Added on 11 April 2015: This is a beginning to a growing of. I feel like I'm in trouble for not writing this. When i was supposed to last year. . 
Added on 25 Sept 2014: There are two videos of cops killing innocent people.
Added on 26 Sept 2014: Jedi Mind tricks:
To influence those without them ever becoming aware of it. To silently listen to a targets own thoughts until you know how to mimic the exact way in which they think. Once you know. Then you can insert your mimicking thoughts into your targets minds. Without them ever aware. It is of importance for the fallen angels/aliens to do to humanity as has been done to them within this solar system. They lost their war with the Heavenly Host in a very short period of time. That war began with the very same fallen angels going to war with each other. The fallen angels succumbed to the thought power of the Arch Angels and did not even know They were under their influence. The fallen angels lost so badly and their incredible technology by human definition left scattered about throughout this solar system. A technology of little importance to the heavenly Hosts. Kind of like a bow and arrow to an A-10 Warthog airplane. Not even a close comparison. but, an almost good one.
This is why the leaders of the world must embrace Love, Peace, harmony and Life as their reasons to govern the whole human race. By keeping your focus on those good things. The fallen angels cannot control you with their intentions of hate, war, chaos and death. As prophecy states. You are controlled from the outside inward and not know of it or even believe in it. Never the less it is so. Why do think it is necessary to keep them and their history secret. So that they can perpetuate their plans for the extinction of humanity by their(Human) own hands.
Note for C and D. Mostly assumption. My assumptions are usually wrong. Unless these will be the planes used in an upcoming Tet Offensive against the western world.  There have been 12 jet liners stolen or have turned up missing. These may become the planes used in another 9/11 style of an attack.
Added on 28 Sept 2014: Earthquake swarms of Mammoth Lake may just be tied to recent solar activity as possibly described by (SO)

This could also mean that the recent activity is also tied to very real magma movements which may have been initiated by the recent solar activities. Just because the recent solar activities have ended does not mean the magma movements will stop or that other solar events will not cause more magma  movements. The long term prophecies of various prophets that suggest that volcanic activities all over the world erupt. To what degree. Unsure. How many volcano's would have to erupt to alter the planet? and cause billions to die within one growing season.
Added on 29 Sept 2014: (More K) An Islamic terrorist attack within the USA. The story is from 26 Sept 2014 and is now only making Yahoo news. Why? I can answer that one. To lower the essence of any kind of panic. Because, if you are working with any Islamic peoples this can and most likely will happen if the Islamic leaders order it to happen. Do you understand this? The possible upcoming Tet Offensive will not just be about be-headings. It will range the full gambit of terrorist warfare.
2nd man arrested after threatening to behead Christian woman.

I regards the the Hebrew calendar this is a hit already. But to the worlds calendar it is not. Can you see the errors as related to the old name for the USA. Which is New JerUSAlem. This is the name before Great Britain changed the name to their territories or colonies.
(More G): Cops getting shot in and around the Ferguson Missouri area. For unknown and possibly unrelated reasons to the shooting death of a black teenager.
Added on 05 Dec 2014: Evangelist Anita Fuentes
Added on 21 Dec 2014:
(More G): Hit. These are things that I do not wnat to be a hit. Heroic men who go into harms way and is just murdered. They probably did not even know they were about to be shot. They did not even react to the shooter.
2 police officers assassinated in New York. This is to change everything. This will change how cops deal with civilians and how civilians react to cops. If your a cop. Keep your windows rolled up. Do not park in any isolated places. Buy ballistic sheeting for your windows.
2013 30 officers shot.
2012 48 officers shot.
2011 68 officers shot.
2010 59 officers shot.
2009 47 officers shot
2008 41 Officers shot
2007 67 officers shot.
2006 51 Officers shot.
As of 31 Dec 2014@1041 PM. I shall add no more:
Any additional notes will be news related. It looks like. The attacks on law enforcement officials is already going to be a hit. If you know of any law enforcement personnel. Tell them to stay locked in their cars with windows up. Tell them to purchase ballistic film for their cars. Be safe. Be careful. If this 2015 becomes the run of the red horse rider. Then it will be every person for themselves. Not just civilians against cops. Which may only be the beginning of the running red rider upon his horse. I may not actively post attacks on police attacks and killings. As I believe it s already happening.
I've learned and will try to remember. That the Hebrew year is the calendar for prophecy. Which does mean I should have ended this on 25 Sept 2014: I do believe that to be the case. As you can see from the original posting date I was much to late. So the next year deadline shall be 13 Sept 2015. I hope I can remember this.
I do want to add the red horse begins to ride. But, I just don't want to. I don't even want to acknowledge it.  The letter "O".
Added on 31 March 2015: More (N) I think I have it backwards. The laws being considered and/or passed are anti-LGBT. I think this is a last ditched effort of the religious to scratch out any freedom for themselves. All of the LGBT laws shall fail. The overwhelming majority of republicans and democrats are pro LGBT. Just read the stories where 2 republicans came out against the law. Because of the obvious anti LGBT actions of the immobilized Christian community. The loud voices of the minority shall win out. The outspoken corporate entities shall also speak out and the Christians will continue to buy their products. Soon very soon. The LGBT community will begin writing their own laws with the support of politicians and corporations. In today's political environment. The politicians only listen to the corporations.  The LGBT will throw your very same laws back at you with prison terms. Just sit back and wait for it. That's how you have already lost your country. This is prophecy.
Added on 02 April 2015: More LGBT news in Indiana.
This is just the beginning to the LGBT power.  This small family may have had a successful go fund me. But, over time. All Christian groups, organizations, churches and people will become threatened and run out of business and or town. To the point that law enforcement personnel will be denied to work off duty inside any Christian place of worship. Of course this is several years from now. But, it's coming.
I am claiming this as a hit.
There is always a beginning. The LGBT community will become mobilized. To the point where the entire Christian community will have fear and make their plans related to their fears. Just as the do not ask was all about the LGBT community. It will eventually be applied to the entire Christian community. To the point that LGBT spies will follow Christians home from churches and make them public information for a variety of attacks. LGBT members who are employed within the utilities will alter billing information and cut off services. Of course this is years down the road. You will hear of these things. Most likely the first places will be with the internet/Cable, telephone providers. It will all be cut off and some outrageous bills must be paid before service is re-activated. Then there will be no proof that you don't owe. How can you prove what you owe and don't owe? Do you keep all of your old billing statements or do you shred them as efficiently as you pay them on time all of the time.
Added on 12 April 2015:
Sun Tzu Wrote of "Death Ground" It is becoming apparent that when Law Enforcement arrives. People are going to be killed or mauled by dogs. At which point this great fear of police will translate into armed combat by civilians who had never considered any violent act before. Such as the professed Christians who can be heard screaming at a WalMart brawl with police officers in Arizona. Being on Death Ground means there is no retreat and you can only go into one direction. You can either kill or be killed and it doesn't matter who the authority is.
The New Jersey dog mauling. The cop who shot a person in the back 8 times while  running away over a bad third light in his Mercedes.
What else is going to happen? Very simple. More and more people are going to get killed. More and more cops are going to get killed. It will get to the point that an entire swat team can pull over a vehicle for any minor traffic violation. This will become the only protection for police officers. Or those cops who went over the edge will begin to just shoot people if they suspect anything out of their own fears. This has already happened in a convenience store parking lot.
Back to the WalMart brawl. It is obvious that the Christian band was already believing that the cops were NAZI's. There were many expletives spoken. I have watched the video from different angles and this family was on "death ground" or so they believed.  Even if they are not aware of this term. They fought like they were. It was very fortunate for the cops that none of them had any hand to hand combat training or this would have gotten much worse.
Added on 12 June 2015: Will be adding this video to Prophecy 2016: I added it here because 5776 begins 14 Sept 2015:
To avert all of the bad and sad prophecies. We all need to individually do these things.
Repent, Repent, Repent,

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
Added on 26 June 2015: Another sin has been legalized within the USA. It is now a legal and lawful right to be gay.
This is 2015. For you the reader it may just be another year. For me this legal event to make sin lawful. Just means that which occurred within the USA in 2001 and then 2008. May be worse in 2015. What discipline shall come for every American citizen. It is unknown to me as I and my family may be included in the coming disaster. Since we are Americans and are directly responsible for the actions of our duly elected leaders. We may very well share in the hardship as every other American shall. If 2015 is not the end to come for the USA. Then we all should look to 2022. Read the purple and do the purple words. Most likely between now and 13 Sept 2015 or maybe into the end of this year. Look for a coming unseen disaster.
Added on 27 Oct 2015: Jim Bakker show video. Rabi Jonathan Cahn
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