Showing posts with label Baptist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baptist. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Censorship Deletion Omission: +3: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:

From censorship to deletion to omission. The entire Christian community who doesn't go along with the world views shall become.
For the devout Christian censorship has already begun. But, it will evolve. Once it becomes common knowledge that all of Christianity is a religion of hate and intolerance. When it does begin it may only begin with the true remnant of God's true children. Think about this out of all of the denominations in America and Europe. Less than 18 are against any aspect LGBT tolerance or acceptance. 18 may seem like a big number to you. But, it isn't. These 18 are the smaller denominations Except for the last big denomination which may fall will be the Baptists and many individual Baptist churches have already fallen with their acceptance and tolerance of LGBT people who have no intention of fleeing from their sins. This is the crucial sticking point. For in the eyes of God all sin is sin and all must pursue the fleeing away from all sin. Not just the LGBT sins. It is to note that the last 18 may also be fallen denominations to some degree which is unknown to me. But, what is interesting is that none of the denominations which have already fallen seem to care what God wants or thinks while they all seem more concerned with what the world wants and who is the prince of this world and god of the world system? That is a very big problem. The LGBT community is winning and will win in totality in the world view (Prophecy).
Satan Fallen World: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
The fallen away have actually fallen into the world of satan and they know it not.
Fallen Spirit Absent: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
Once you have become one of the fallen all of the gifts of the spirit will be absent from you. While at the same time all aspects of the known and unknown understanding of the prophecies of God will be applied to you.
We all need to remember that humanity tends to mess things up in every regard. This includes religion and the denominations of Christianity or any other religion. Remember the Jews were looking for a great military leader when they received their messiah who taught love, love, love. Yet they knew He was coming. They wanted a warrior and they got a pacifist.  Yet in our own individual and collective folly we want to know the holy divine words of God. This is an impossibility as we are pridefully folly in our sin.
Note: Use of Folly os of the ancient definition meaning wickedness.
satanic church: (Unedited): 09 Aug 2018:
The satanic church of christ also says; come as you are,
                                                                 remain as you are,
                                                             and do as you desire.
                                                       With no guilt or remorse.
                                                               And enjoy the show.
Even though the word satanic is not in your church name or even in the name of your denomination of religion. Know this if there is no expectancy for you to change from your evil/folly ways but tithe, tithe, tithe. Then your church or denomination may not be of Jesus Christ or Jehovah. For your God may be the name of the one who once held the position of Lucifer and is now called satan or devil. You need to know anyone can be a devil or a satan. So what is the leader of the fallen ones actual name? Is he the god of the fallen churches where half truths and deceptions rule the church service.
Calm down and think. How many wives and kids have you had and then abandoned to start a new? how many bad cars you knowingly sold as good cars to people who trusted you? How many lies and deceptions do you make just to make that sale? How often do you view porn? How many stolen positions do you have?  What about those rentals for low income people and how many have you made to suffer for long periods of time? Yet, without any question to your character, morals, integrity or honor these churches and denominations accept you so as long as you continue to tithe.
There is a big difference with being bad daily because it is your business, professional or personal plan in life and another with actually changing your life in order to become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. If you have no intention of changing from the evil that you are into someone who is good-ish and then gooder and then maybe just good. Then you my friend are going to the church of satan. Are you still here. Really. Think about the above quote and what does God require of you? and if you're not learning what is required of you from God then your in the church of satan. So as long as you feel good about yourself is yet another deceptive illusion to block you in actually being aware of just how wicked of a person you are.
Go and seek a small church. One that teaches from the actual Holy Bible and preaches sin, righteousness and holiness. A church that expects you to exercise good moral character with a high degree of integrity in every aspect of your life.
It shall come to a point that when the great first leader of the whole world makes himself known he will be loved by all and when the two brothers/witnesses come they will be hated by all. When the two witnesses are killed in the street. Their murder will become the world's first celebrated holiday greater than Christmas.
For Christmas, Easter are all falsehoods with Santa Claus and easter bunnies and the death of the two witnesses shall become real to everyone as they watch it in real time.
The worldly Christian churches will re-spin their prophecies to reflect past misunderstandings in relation to what is occurring in the present time. They will be believable.
Yep censored by half. This blog is.
I do not revolve around or visit Alex Jones on a daily basis. But, I have heard about him being banned. Here is his response. If you copy and paste the link below. Please subscribe to CrunchTime if interested, actually like the video and actually post a message of your clean and honorable thoughts. Watch for the entire duration. Thank You.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Amos 6 Prophetic Sign: Plus More: (Unedited): 10-14 Sept 2016:

Need to research and get facts on what the Baptist southern convention Churches taught in the summer of 2001. Going by memory. I think Amos was being taught during the weeks or months prior to 09/11/2001. First Baptist Church of Abbeville, Al. Need to get information on what the Southern Baptist Churches is teaching or has taught during the summer of 2016.
Research the possibility of God communicating through the Southern Baptist Church without them even being aware of it.  
Could Southern Baptist Churches be the last of the organized religions to maintain their righteousness? By actively honoring God through the rejection of all sin?
In the Bible. Where God has warned a nation or people. That there will be death and destruction. How much time typically elapsed between the First warnings and the last warning and the actual doomsday events? 
Sign of Judgement.
The day of the Lord comes.
The prophets of Israel and of New Israel (USA) must pray, fast, repent and become a righteous people in the agreeing eyes of God only.
--------OOOPs Breaking Gods Rules are ya?-----
-----Bad News China Corp----
Unable to locate website for Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Is this a non existent and legal fictitious company in order for China to purchase
unable to access from the USA
Looks like screwball business dealings from China
---------Blah Blah Blah------
I am not including all of the regretful reporting of this sad loss.
Xinwei Technology Group
Xinwei Technology Group
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
Luxembourg Space Telecommunication S.A.
The Original source of inspiration is her.
My Comment on her video: Which was deleted. I included links. Sometimes that is automatic deletion. I think I will be writing about this. You will will my source of inspiration. Beginning research now. I think this is a prophetic sign. For the USA as the original name of the USA is either New Israel or New Jer-USA-lem. Remember this? Who was the arse? is it related to your comment about exiting rear of plane?
Amos 5 Israeli Satellite Lost communications. 
I now believe this is an unseen sign from God unrecognized by everyone. 
How do you lose communications with God?
How many communications related words are in the Bible Amos 5?
Is this directly tied to the actions of the USA and Marriage? I think so, nearly certain.
Offensive content warning. WARNING!!! WARNING!!!
Added on 12 Sept 2016: In relation to the book of Amos chapters 1 and 2.
What are the 3 or 4 major transgressions  against God. That the Americans have committed? When I say Americans. I do mean all of us. This is because we collectively agree upon those elected who are suppose to serve the common American citizen. So what ever becomes laws and rights are all of our collective faults.
You list the transgressions and their years.
If you read all of Amos. What do you think God is going to do to the churches or those places we humans define as holy places. Where all forms or religious transgressions occur.
Can you list three or four transgressions and their years? 
Other signs that Jesus is coming. Just watch it. It is worth 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
For advance Biblical Teachings: Yes, I do mean advanced. If your not at that level or desire to get to that level. this is the Guy. Dr. Joseph Cerreta.
When I include any outside source into any of my writings. You must assume that those outside persons, groups or organizations may or will have zero agreement in anything that I have ever written.
I'm not a prophet. I'm too deeply flawed of a human being to be one of them. I do not receive phone calls, text messages or emails from God. Which would be interesting as I do not have a cell phone. I have not looked up into the sky and seen any kind of neon sign's from God.
I just write possibilities and probabilities as I see them, read them, understand them and pray upon them. Prophets are given direct messages from God in which the prophet is not confused as to the origin of the messages, the purpose of them or the direction the prophet is to go. Once the prophets purpose or mission is complete. He or she becomes just like everyone else.
Prophets of Doom: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
 Prophets of doom shall come into your life when you have long forgotten the mentors you have rejected. 
The word use of "you" means not just you individually. But, also your family, city, state, nation and planet. If you or any other entity continues on in their sinful ways. They will find extinction. Extinction of self of family of city of nation or of planet.
The prophets of drastic and imminent doom come just before you have been judged. You will become a person who is still physically living but has had the freedom to change into a good person taken away from you. Even without your awareness or agreement.
Living Judgement: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
Living Judgement means. There is no hope for your salvation. After, you have already rejected mentors, messengers and prophets who have come to you. The living judgement also means the ability of you to freely choose to repent has been taken away.
Prophets Shall: (Unedited): 13 Sept 2016:
You shall not silence, subdue or slay any of the prophets of God. Doing so shall invite destruction and death upon you, your family and all of your people. 
Miracles have always surrounded those who were the genuine representatives of God. When they begin to manifest their time as has been decided by only God. You will not be able to harm them without direct and most likely immediate retaliation from God. A God who is perfectly righteous. A God who is perfectly Just. It matters not if your in agreement or your feelings get seriously hurt. Know this, If you are in close proximity to  any of the coming ones of God and you have sin, hate or evil doings in your heart. You will not even have to do the dead. As those sinful, evil and hateful thoughts will be grounds enough for immediate discipline from God as He so does it in whatever manor He chooses.
This is also a warning for the churches who will suffer the certain chapters in Amos.
===Purple Words===
This is how you avert most bad and sad prophecies. 
To love one another. 
To live in peace with all. 
 To exist in harmony with everything.
To revere and cherish all life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 