Showing posts with label god's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

god's Incarnate: god's Gifts: Lamb Slaughter: Guillotines, Conveyors and Death: Lamb Skin Goats: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:

Just as the fallen angel's became their own god's. So to shall the fallen churches shall become their own god's and their pastor's becoming god's incarnate.
When the religion you attend no longer is the path to holiness, righteousness. All that they do is self serving and self glorifying. Know that they are becoming or have become their own god's and idols for you to worship and to celebrate. Even when they encourage you to go off to war or religious conquests. Who profits when  you freely give your life for those humans who encourage you to kill life, to take away peace, to give hatred, to instill chaos? Which is all against the essential teaches of every major religion. The false teachers are not just n Christianity. The false teachers and satans human leaders are in every major religion of the world. Converting them all into satans one world religion.
god's Gifts: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015: 
Any tithe or offering given to a fallen church are gifts to the worldly god's and to the anti-christ's.
All that you give to any fallen church is a gift given to the fallen angels, satan the god of this world.
A fallen church can be easy to see. If you are not a part of that church. Has you church accepted unwilling persons into the church. Who has no intention of giving up their sins? If the answer is yes. Then your church is a fallen church. Has your church stopped preaching sin and wrong doings? If the answer is yes. Then your in a fallen church. Since July 24, 2015. Every church should have been preaching and teaching against all sins. Not just the homosexuality sin. If your church has not. Then it is most likely a fallen church. In the last few weeks. If your church has not taught and preached against abortion in the light of the Planned Parenthood video revelations. Then you should really question why you are not going to any other church. If your church leadership has celebrated and elected active and professed sinning persons. Who have zero intentions of stopping their sins. Why are you going to that church any more? What about righteousness? Is this an alien word in your life? in your church?
Lamb Slaughter: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
The wealth and freedoms of the world shall be taken away from the helpless lambs of God and to the worldly slaughter they shall go.
The lambs are those Churches, Temples, Mosques and synagogues which holds onto their tenants of Love, Peace, Harmony, life and the Law. Those who also begin to incorporate spirituality, holiness and righteousness. Those who do not use Threat's, Fear's, intimidation's or violence in any expression of their message.
Guillotines, Conveyors and Death: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
Automated guillotines, conveyor belts of death and into the fiery furnaces of worldly purification they shall all go. This shall be the final prophecy for the Christian, Islam, Hindu and Jew. Those who are also disobedient to the worldly ways of godly goats who have made themselves into god's. 
So why did I include the most popular of all religions? Because if certain aspects of each group fails to fall inline with the coming rules of those fallen angels who pretend to be god's. They all will be slaughtered, all of them. The entire family and all associations. 5+ billion shall die in a short period of time. The Christian, Muslim, Jew and Hindu who follow the small roots of their faith towards the tree of Life. They will love, remain in peace and exist in harmony. From their wisdom shall they all be hunted and exterminated. When they wake up from their physical death and it has become known that God was the last sweet thing to cross their tongue. Their reward shall be known in that moment.
There will be an eventuality once the worldly system has no further use of the religion they have been using as a tool and has been so corrupted that their own curses of selves has already destroyed the whole. Then the entire religion('s) can be wholly destroyed as well as it's history and entire memory. becoming replaced by the established religion of the fallen angels. One religion of the worldly system of the coming beast which is already upon us all.
There is supposed to be an evolution of all of the major religions. When they each begin to see the importance of love, peace, harmony, life and law. They each begin to incorporate elements of the others which will not disagree with theirs. Only the false teachings shall be cast into the spiritual fires. How this shall work. I do not know as it may not be time for humanity to know or it just isn't for me to know. I just only know the singular words. Which also includes spirituality, holiness and righteousness. in total and complete agreement. Either way a one world government. One infused by satan or evolved through human prayer, mediation and contemplation with God and the Holy spirit.
Lamb Skin Goats: (Unedited): 04 Aug 2015:
godly goats who wear the skins of the pure lambs of God. Shall be those welcoming smiling faces who are accepting of everyone as well as their rightful sins. For they are all anti-christ's and whose god's may not be your One God.
Who are these godly goats who wear the skins of the pure lambs of God? It is easy to find them and to learn all of their false teachings. They shall be the ones who have already turned their backs on God. By becoming the abomination of desolation within their own churches.  They shall be the ones who are all accepting of every person and of every rightful sin. These are the same leaders who are suppose to teach love and yet encourage the young ones to go into wars dress. These are the same leaders of peace who inflames the soul of everyone to make death and destruction.
Just because says "God","Allah" in any kind of sentence. You should not automatically assume that person is talking about The ONE of the all, Over all and Above all. Their teachings and preachings shall inform you. Their actions shall reveal their true nature and whom their god actually is. Love, Peace, harmony, life and the law are those absolute insightful keys which shall open those unknown locked doors for you to discover their truth of deception or of righteousness.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Religious Dominate: Religious Sin: Religious Curses: Righteous Admits: god's Wealth: God Pleased:(Unedited): 27 July 2015:

Those who are worldly religious shall always dominate those who are devoutly righteous.
The religious cannot abide by the righteous. The righteous are known by God. The religious pastors, preachers and teachers cannot abide to have any God above them. The righteous ones seem to lessen themselves in order for others to have a God experience. While the worldly religious pastors and preachers. Demand all of the attention for themselves and directed toward themselves. Go to church sit in a pew or a chair and then look up to the pastor. I'm not saying every church or every pastor is religious. The remnant are righteous. 
Religious Sin: (Unedited): 
While the religious hide their sins from the world view. Neither do they view the sins of those who are religious as they are.
No one seems to know anyone outside of church. They seem to put on the church going costumes and pretty faces and perfect hair. To show the other sinners how good they are. While they breed business prospect from the other church goers. The true nature of the people are not known from any other. Meaningful friendships seem to not be created as everyone seems OK to hide their ongoing sins from everyone else. Ongoing sin is now an accepted fact of life within the church. Some sin is now a legal right. Are you a Christian? Are you willing to lose your job for accepting sin as a right? It is already occurring right now. Have you already with abortion and now LGBT rights? Now the pedophiles want their rights to.
Religious Curses: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The religious are blind and deaf to the curses they bring to themselves, their families and even to their churches. While they continue in their sinful ways. Justifying that their good meaning sin benefit God, Church and Family. 
There is a devout Christian. Who is active in his poor income church. He works at a place where he can sneak away with expensive equipment to maintain the church while on his paid work day. In the old testament of the Holy Bible there is a story of a gifted prophet not of God and a king who bought this prophet in order to curse Israel. The prophet could not and the king took back all that he paid him. The two got together and made a plan to cause Israel to curse themselves by bringing sin into their lives. In which Israel did. An entire country can become destroyed by allowing sin to come into it's people. The USA has not only allowed sin to enter in but has legalized it as a freedom/right. On the individual level. A person who brings in good meaning sin into the church is still cursing the church. Through his own sneaky sin he is also cursing his employer, his own family and himself.
Righteous Admits: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The righteous flee from and reject any aspect of sin. The righteous do not hide their sins in secret places. The righteous cry sorrowful tears of genuine repentance. The righteous humble themselves within their easily seen sinful natures. The righteous ones readily admit their weaknesses.
Those who are deemed righteous by only God and not by any human being. Is so because of their continually active in fleeing from the sins they cannot fight and rejecting those sins in which have minimal or no effect upon them. When the righteous does sin, even in a single fleeting thought. They are sorrowful and seek genuine repentance without any intention of repeating the sin. 
 god's Wealth: (Unedited): 27 July 2015:
The gods of the world love the devoutly religious and may even bless them with great worldly wealth. 
The god's of the world or the hundreds of fallen angels who pretended to be god's. They are still in control of this world system. They will reward those whom they will. A sign of false teaching is absolute prosperity teaching for all. For worldly prosperity hoped for is worldly wealth given to you by the god's of the world. I am not saying that the God of all will not bless those whom HE chooses and HE does.
God Pleased: (Unedited): 27 July 2015: 
The God of all is pleased with the faith and steadfastness of the righteous ones who must endure unto the end. 
The religious followers look to their human religious leaders and occasionally to God. But only when God can be of use or to be used for their own purposes.
Those who are the righteous ones within the church seem to isolate themselves from the rest or belittle themselves to the point they are less than everyone else. Even though many of the righteous have great sufferings. They still pray more for everyone else than do they for themselves. The righteous seem to be satisfied and not jealous of the miracles seen in others for whom they have prayed for. 
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Good Teacher: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2014:

The good teacher cannot teach those who consider themselves greater than the good teacher and is only the ways to their self defined means. 
 The good teacher seems to always want to teach anyone who is present in the hopes that their heart and mind are open. The desires of the student can be very muddled with many distractions and false beliefs. The pride and ego of the student can become blockades to the good teacher. Especially if the student knows they are smarter and wealthier or more important than the good teacher will ever be. Then this student cannot be effectively taught.
Selfishness can also blind the student to learning those little details which are necessary in life. Such as wisdom and understanding. Everyone knows that wisdom and understanding will not profit you in the world system as led by those false god's. Wisdom and understanding causes you to question the human leaders of those false god's. So this is why wisdom and understanding is not included in the world's formal educational systems.
The student is everyone and the teacher can also be anyone. When the teacher has too much superior pride in the positions they hold. then they can no longer be taught, nor can they unlearn those truths which have turned out to be lies.
Even the wealthier than you family member or friend can have so much ego and pride that they automatically discount your less than them counsel. Woe to those who discount and negate wisdom and understanding.
The older person who is obviously far less intelligent then you, maybe even by more than 100 points. These people have gained much from their unique observations from their perspective understandings in this life. Which is alien of yours. By humbling yourself to listen to their counsel in matters which may be blind to you. Their overly simplistic approach may just enlighten your clouded awareness and save you and those whom you represent from a potential calamity of unknown definition.
A humble leader is a quiet teacher and a listening student. How can a teacher be quiet? It is through their actions that they teach those who choose to watch and follow them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 