Showing posts with label Purest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purest. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Purest Teacher 1 and 2: (Unedited): 05 June 2014:

1). The purest form of truth. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
2). The purest form of deception. Comes from an innocent believing student who then grows up to become a faithful charismatic teacher. 
How can you tell  the difference between the two grown teachers? One teacher will be good and the other evil. One teacher will administer compassion and mercy towards any who are deceived. The evil teacher who believes those who do not agree with his or her teaching should be ridiculed, harmed and or killed in a public format.
The differences are there for anyone who is willing to see.

A good teacher cannot preach love, peace or harmony and then encourage the youth to hate THEM, go off to war or to create chaos.

A evil teacher will mix good and evil philosophies. He or she will use one to support the other. He or she will promise wonderful benefits for all when the evil deeds are completed. The evil teacher will always have common sense responses to anyone who begins to question their authenticity.   
The good teacher who is infused with love, peace, harmony and life can easily see the evil teacher and has much compassion for the degree of unknowing deception within the evil teacher. The good teacher knows the degree of deception that is within the evil person. The good teacher even knows that the evil ones have not their freedom to do anything other then the evil they do and they no not any other way. The evil ones may not even be able to choose to alter their own belief systems or evil deeds as they may already be in reprobation as assigned by GOD.
The evil teacher who sees the good teacher will only express hate and condemnation. The evil teacher will continually profess just how stupid and ignorant the good teacher is.  The evil teacher will also continually express just how discriminatory and full of hate the good teacher is.
The young are crucially important to both the good and evil. Both know in order to perpetuate their perspective ideals. The young must be taught from an early age. Since this world is controlled by Satan so to the entire worlds educational system. Which teaches only knowledge without wisdom or understanding. Those students who desire to know more than knowledge will reach out for themselves for wisdom and understanding. It is Satan who has put into place those evil teachers who will teach contaminated wisdom and understanding.

The teaching of absolute love, peace, harmony and life is the purest form of honor at all levels. Physical honor, Family honor, national honor, Spiritual honor and humanity honor. These teaching of the purest forms of honor will result in zero wars and conflicts with one another. The rulers of the world would come together in unity instead of using world organizations for their own selfish gains of wealth, power and intelligence. This is easily seen in how the common peoples of the world live and are educated.
When a young farmer dreams a dream and wakes up knowing all they will ever be is a farmer is not freedom. When a young woman who desires to know more than she is allowed and yet knows all she will ever do and know is to have babies is not freedom. Any person who is confined to be less than anyone else is worse than being placed inside of prison walls and bars. Self empowerment is a fundamental right of humanity. Any government which denies this right is not one of God. Not speaking of the god of this world which is satan. The GOD of love, peace, harmony and of life is the one i refer to.