Showing posts with label Knowingly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowingly. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

satan author master: Great Deceivers Liars: (Unedited): 04 Jan 2018:

satan is the author of lies and the master of deceptions. Those who are his children either knowingly or unknowingly all lie and deceive. 
In comparison to us lowly humans. satan and the fallen angels are incredibly more powerful. It would be easy for them to actually deceive the whole world into believing that they each are truly gods. Yes, even in this modern world. Their control and authority over the whole of the Earth is undeniable. So to are those souls that they control with a variety of belief systems which do attack the spirit, mind, heart and body. There are a hundred thousand ways in which the worldly demonic system controls each person individually. Success is measured when each person freely decides to do evil and to be self serving. While causing each person to freely decide not to pursue any aspect of righteousness or holiness. Assuming if the person is even aware of them. Does any American Christian church actually teach holiness and righteousness as something God wants us all to become? By causing people to believe that lies are truths and truths are lies. Can the deeper deceptions begin. Where entire denominations like the Methodist Church will work openly in the confines of human laws and worldly wealth over the commands of the Word/Holy Bible, of God and of The Holy Spirit.
So to has the catholic church fallen and so to many other religions and denominations.
This is all the how in prophecy.
Please remember, If you willingly participate in a fallen church. Then you may endure the coming curses from God. It is your free choice to embrace any sin. By celebrating sins of your church means that you are accepting and tolerating those sins. Thus, making those sins your own.
Added on 25 Jan 2018: This is not counting those God sent souls who are encouraging those to flee from sin and to embrace repentance and righteousness. Those sent souls may even suffer from the coming curses. But, their souls have already been preserved. They may be the remnant. Which is only known by God.
Great Deceivers Liars: (Unedited): 05 Jan 2018:
From those great deceivers and liars will the great and last war begin. Which will cause the extinction of the entire human race. satan and the fallen angels will perceive their victory. Though it will be short lived. All of humanity will be deceived and will freely choose to cause their own extinction. 
This is whole other level of warfare. One where those who hate humanity causes all of humanity to suicide themselves. What is worse is that most people know that satan and the fallen angels hate us all and wants even our memory of existence to be destroyed.
Prophecy cometh for us all.
Evil doers can appear to be likable and lovable. Which is a part of their deception. For in their own brand of evil is still within each of them to be likable and lovable. So they each must continually keep secrets in order to maintain their own charade. When the good people of this world discover who each of them actually are in reality. Then the evil doer cannot achieve their selfish dreams. So they must lie and lie and lie again. They have become the actors and pretenders in their own plays/shows all orchestrated by satan and the fallen angels.
Especially, now in between election cycles. Politicians and soon to be politicians may become excited as anyone would when they hear from a long lost friend whom they know they cannot be associated with during those election cycles. Like a friend from the Church of satan. Do not become the easily fooled audience at a magicians show. You believe that both sides hate each other. If they hate each other so much. Why do their own children associate with each other? and etc.... Chelsea Clinton is playing the game and won't be caught again with her excited tweet to a real friend. Now matter how she justifies it.
An evil doer may only do good things and be giving. Just so that they can feel good about themselves and to justify  themselves that they are good. When the truth of their actual goodness is far from them.
Have you ever been in the presence of people who are about to die? Some times the evil son or daughter will be the ones who seem to care the most for them. While the so called good kids allow their own loved ones to sickly age and die alone. I tell you the truth each of them are evil.
You do not get this much official news if the message was not real. This is a very real warning for all peoples of religious faiths.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Battle Seeks Warrior: (Unedited): 23 July 2017:

Sometimes it is interesting when you view certain people and have followed them for some time. Like Chase Iron Eyes and how he directly experienced prophecy unfolding in real life. He is one of the few I still follow. The few because he is a leader and there are maybe a few more prophecies with the native indigenous tribes of North America which still needs to unfold in some way. Which still could take another 30 to 60 or so years. So I still need to remain distantly connected to them. It is that important. Especially when you see all of the symbolism associated with the Standing Rock event and the extreme majority of all of the Christian religion were completely oblivious to it. It is kind of saddening but also knowing how the righteously devout Christian numbers are dwindling. Like how Noah became the last righteous man on Earth. The Standing Rock event was most definitely a Christian sign in prophecy. Anyway, Mr. Chase Iron Eyes likes to post these statements. Like for today it was Warrior wisdom "The Battle seeks the warrior". I'm like huh????Whaaa??? Really Chase, I got other writing to do(Meant as humor). 2 hours go by and then three and finally six hours later. I get hit upside the head with these follow up words. I could imagine Chase picking up a rock speaking wisdom into that rock and then throwing it without actually knowing who was gonna get hit from the Dakota's. I live in Florida. So yea, Can you see this spiritual picture I paint?
"It is the warrior who has already knowingly prepared for the battle which seeks/anticipates him. With honor and courage the warrior presents himself to the expected battle"  (Expanded a little bit because of twitter limitations). 

We should always inspire one another openly and directly. We should all devour any inspiration which comes our way like a sweet milk chocolate candy bar. Tear open the paper and then gentle unwrap the goodness inside. Then perfectly break apart one single piece and savior it until it becomes a part of you. 
With gratitude I thank Mr. Chase Iron Eyes. Thank You sir. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy or entitlements.