Showing posts with label Achievements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Achievements. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ill Perceived Hero: (Unedited): 08 April 2016:

The ill perceived hero who gives up on short term necessary efforts/works. Sacrifices their entire long term gains, life achievements, comforts and fun times.
I observed the so called bad kids in school. These bad kids are not necessarily bad as much as their minds and hearts have been misdirected. They stand Anxiously watching for the one who has been absent for some time. Probably, released from juvenile detention. On a small 600 rice rocket was he riding. I could feel them glowing in his celebration of new found freedom. Freedom from forced free education. Freedom from authority. Freedom from being told things they have no desire to know. They just want to be n the sun. To do as they will it. Without any interference from anyone. 
Yet, their desires are only for today and right now. They know not of tomorrow. Nor do they care for tomorrow. Does that make them bad? No, just misguided. Even their hero, they knew he was driving by because of their cell phones that someone else worked for and paid for. 
These boys who are already young men. Know not and are not even aware of the harsh realities of the world in which they are about to walk into. They will have to get a job and not a career. They won't even know the difference. They most likely won't even have a high school diploma. Let alone be able to get into college for advanced learning. So that those now very elusive and unseen career doors will never be opened for them. Not that they will ever be aware of their existence. 
None of these young men are even concerned with how there are few 30, 40 or even 50 year olds who are unable to do back breaking work. Or how they will always be just one accident away from never being able to work. All because some pin head came to work drunk, hung over, high or all of the above. But, they won't know that either as they just disappear and newer stronger back enters into the work/job force. 
Blindly they all look upon their teachers as the current enemies of their life. Never and not once knowing. That these educated persons are their real heroes. Never wanting to do their students harm and yet perceived to be causing harm by their students. This illogical reasoning is yet still valid and is something that teachers must fight daily. Especially, when they are deployed in low income schools with high failure rates exceeding 15%. As the realities of culture and social structure within the hood is so dominant. The life sustaining mentality of the hood must fight to cause everyone to know, believe and understand their is no escape from the hood life. Those teachers are of no benefit to you. You will always be a hoodlum. Lies and deceptions repeatedly told to them all from birth. It matters not which hood they are from. The lies and deceptions are all the same. Why try there is no escape. You will always be an undesired black, Latino or white trash.
The truth is. There is an escape. By achieving a spoken and written command of the dominate language. By obtaining a working command of advanced math principles. Those two things together will cause your brain to perform logical reasoning thinking processes. In which enslavement will be improbable for you. 
Why did I mention advanced math principles. Especially when many pinhead math teachers proclaim you will never use them in the real world. They are very wrong and just do not understand the importance of knowing advanced math principles.  In an indirect manor. You will use the math you have learned.
The advanced math principles is like that critical software needed for your computer. You don't know your using the software for your computer until it's not working correctly. This is similar to you. All of the math you learn is similar to a logical software upgrade for your brain. The better you can think logically. The more you will profit from it and the less you will be taken advantage of. Because, of the math you have learned. You can logically reason better. The better you can logically reason. The better you can maintain your freedom, your family, your life, your business, your employment. The better you can effectively vote on candidates at every level of office.
Why do you think math is no longer a critical component in education? The more math the general population knows. The less the leaders can take advantage of them with their lies and deceptions spoken as truths with a smile.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Human Achievements: (Unedited): 10 June 2015:

Righteousness and holiness should become the personal achievements of every human being. All without arrogance, pride and ego.
We all should learn to reject all of those things in which we have learned from those fallen angels which came to this planet and solar system and enslaved us all.  From our beginning knowledge of astronomy to the use of makeup as well as their evolution into our modern world. While astronomy is important to us looking out into the world. The names of planets and constellations should be altered/changed. No longer should we use those names or identifications which force us to remember those who have fallen from the grace and acceptance of God. Just by continuing to use identification of those things learned from the fallen ones. It continues to separate our minds from our spirits and our spirits from God. By rejecting those things contaminated by those fallen ones. We can then become reacquainted with God. Is my recommendation the essential step for all of humanity to know the God of our creation again? No, but it is a very good step in the process. Those steps which are of supreme importance are in purple.
The stand alone importance of the fragments of the book of Enoch should be considered nearly second in importance to The Holy Bible .
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Great Fall: (Unedited): 25 July 2013:

The greatness of your people is evidenced by your educations, inventions, achievements, Architectures, Arts, and innovations. 
The great people who have fallen will lack the evidence of greatness.
The great people who have become extinct may be found in historical archaeology.
A great people may never realize they have fallen. Even when the realization of their societal extinction is upon them. They will just ask why? why? why? But, then it is too late.
This fall of society begins when absolute freedom becomes unrestrained in a people who are no longer responsible for their actions. The fall of society begins when every culture within no longer accepts any other violently. The fall of a great society begins when justice for all becomes absent of truth.
The importance of invention and innovation becomes an undesired and unworthy ????????
The arts are no longer awe inspiring instead have become political, offensive and immoral to any sane people.
The greatness of your architecture becomes antiquated.
The great cities of affluence become unkempt and poverty stricken.
The few of the former great people still have their great pride and demand answers from their stupid political electors to restore their former greatness. But, the majority demand more rights, more social justice and unrepentant freedoms.
The cries of the few go unheard.
The cries of the few goes unheard when greatness is officially cancelled.
The cries of the wise are accursed when they proclaim the wrong s in immoral art and social immorality.
The cries of the rejected wise and righteous become the publicly claimed evil in society.

Where is the greatest of invention and innovation within your world? Is it on another shore of a different land?
Where is the greatest advancement of achievements and architecture? Is t to on another new shore of new lands?
Where can the best education and arts be found? Is it within your own people or are those things of no importance? Look at the physical evidence.
When the great people who have done great things, become old and die off with no one to replace them. What happens to your great people? What happens to a great people when the news becomes social entertainment?
What happens to a great people when achievement and personal evolution becomes less than desirable? When achievement is for you to only witness through an entertaining environment.
When education only becomes important by mouth but in action no one really cares about it.  The youth will decide if entertainment is more important than education. The leadership and expectancy of both opposite gender parents have a valid say in their lives. If any of this is negated. Then the lack of education will breed a society which will become enslaved. An enslaved society is a dying Country.

Your great people have fallen and if you have no will to get back up. No one will help you.
If you just lay down and die. Do not feel bad at the irreverence from the other societies which will take all that they can from your dead and rotting corpse. Because, you won't need them anymore. They will take everything from you. Even your homes, cities and Country. You will become no more. Your people will become less than a paragraph in historical texts.
This is prophecy. Not only for societies of today but for societies yet to come.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear among their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: