Showing posts with label alive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alive. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Last Prophetic Event +3: (Unedited): 24 April 2016:

In the aftermath of the last prophetic event. There will be no one alive to fear or give respect to the prophets. 
Prophecies are meant as warnings to the people to change from their evil ways and to return to a righteous and holy lifestyle. Prophecies may not be absolute events, which will occur.
In this modern day. There seems to be many professed prophets who proclaim to be right and glorify in themselves that they were right or were the first ones to be right in whatever they have said concerning an undesirable event(s). 
It is in fact very simple and yet so very difficult for humanity to cause the vast majority of all prophecies which have ever been written or spoken to be wrong. All everyone needs to do in order to save human lives and to save humanity from extinction is to do these things which are in purple below. All without any threats, fears and intimidation's. Each person must see these purple words below as truths of goodness and see that they are right. Then each of their own free will and free choice. Begin to live in accordance of those purple words below. Yes, there are more positive inferred purple words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for those people who are far more knowing than me.
To Love one another.
To live in Peace.
To exist in Harmony.
To cherish all Life. 
To obey the Laws. Sinless. Righteousness. Holiness.
In the prophetic warning of every prophecy ever written or spoken. If you continue to live in the red or even mix any aspect of the red into your lives. Then all of the purple will be of non existence. These red words below is the absolute inverse of the purple words above. The red words only appear to be more powerful than the purple words and in the physical they are. But deep within the dimensionality of true power. From strength to weakness. All of the purple words are genuinely superior to any of the red. Even though a single red word can appear to corrupt and contaminate the whole of the purple words.
Any aspect of the red words corrupts and contaminates the pureness and righteousness of your being.
lawlessness. sinful. disobedient.
Yes, there are more red negative inferred words in the lesser but still of importance degrees. But, that is for people who are more knowing than me. It is your free choice to allow any of these red words to dwell within you and by doing so. You give power and probability to every bad and sad prophecy ever spoken and written. So, yes every bad thing which happens in which the hand of man touches is your fault, yes you, the reader of this. Just as it is all my fault because I'm a deeply flawed human being who is trying to make things right. So that we all can have an opportunity to each live lives worth living with a righteous meaning and a holy purpose. Because, it is really an either purple or red. You cannot mix any aspect of the red with the purple. Always has been. From the time of the first human/Adam.
Note: These purple and red words. Do form a logical math formula. I can only see a few of the elements. I can only see how it works in time and how either the red or purple can over take the other color thru time. The actual formula is not for me to see as I'm not educationally trained. As is evident in my writings. Thank you for enduring my words. If your one of my readers who takes what I right and make it better. Then do so, but only after prayer, meditation, and research. As always, no need to mention me. It is my intention to stop all bad and sad prophecies. Because, i would rather meet my God who says to me good and faithful servant rather then meeting an angry God who comes as a angry lion. That is prophecy. God comes again as an angry lion. Who wants to meet an angry lion or attempt to negotiate with an angry lion? Really. Contemplate on that one. Something no church or religion we even consider to think about. Go read the Bible and learn how many of the chosen people who were meant to be saved. Some of which began to try and negotiate with the life saving angels. Really. "Lot" and others. 
Added on 29 Oct 2024: Love Language
Part of the love language from God the Father to His own children is in prophetic utterances.
Does not a good Father teach his children good things and warn his own beloved children about bad activities, bad things, bad thinking, bad heart and bad attitudes. Does not the Holy Bible contain all?
God the Father sends His own messengers to specific children that He loves, a warning for them before curses of their own creation befall upon them all. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Signs of Living Judgement: (Unedited): 05 Nov 2015:

There are physical and psychological signs in which the righteous and holy person can discern in other people. Especially in regards to those persons who are still alive which has already been Judged by God already. This message is solely for those who are righteous, holy and have not been judged. Those who have already been judged. Will not even know this message or any other similar to this message. For the already Judged. There is zero hope for any sort of forgiveness or salvation. Most likely even unto their own children or off spring. They do not even care about. I write this knowing I'm inadequate to complete this message in it's entirety. Which means I've only come up with 5 signs. Which are not ordered and most likely not worded correctly. There is most likely more signs. In which you the righteous and holy shall be able to discern better than I can. If this partial message becomes fully revealed unto you with all necessary facts of the Bible. Then by brother and sister. Run with it and of course credit me not. I'm not one who needs credit or any accolades.   

Is this even possible? Can it be possible? That God can and will judge a person, a people, a city, a country and even a planet. While those people are still physically alive? Where in the Holy Bible can you find stories where God has judged while they still live?
1). The absolute knowing that your deeds are evil and yet you continue to do them.
2). Loss of any desire to change your evil ways.
3). Absolute apathy in anything  which is not self serving, self profiting or self gratifying.
4). Connections and relationships with "good" family and "good" friends permanently severed. (The word "good" actually means actually "good").
5). Anything and/or anyone which is good and pure. Shall become corrupted and contaminated with any involvement with you.
Added on 08 Nov 2015: 
Abominations in the USA. The Prophetic Jubilee Mysteries Day 7.
With Rabbi Jonathon Cahn Day 7 watch entire video show of 58:30 minutes. Aired 29 Oct 2015: Show # 2859.
The show link is too long and not arranged correctly .
The final countdown.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Venus Vision: (Unedited): 18 Sept 2015:

I can see only a planet of golden brown. With no seen features. The word Venus comes to mind. She is a sleeping beauty within her tight blanket. I see a great tsunami of immense energy flowing through this sleepy planet from the central star. The blanket which enshrouded Venus is blown away and taken back into the star. The sudden release of intense pressures is more than enough to cause Venus to expand a certain amount. Releasing her volcanic energies.
A great fierce tsunami re-awakens Venus. Expansive volcanisms shall be the evidence that Venus is alive and awake. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

First Spirit: (Unedited): 07 March 2015:

Yesterday, I felt the passing of my adopted Aunt DBW. She is about 347+ miles away.

My Aunt DBW suffered a long time with a muscular type of disease. She wrote books and  was always a gentle spirit of a genuine southern lady. Always wanting to do for others as she was able.
During the time of passing of my adopted father. There were many things in which I was highly sensitive to. Such as the Angels who were purposely trying to hide much of themselves from me in her home. They were there for her.  My Aunt DBW was also the first person whom I was able to actually see her spirit fully revealed. I also knew that it was her spirit which was keeping her alive and as active as possible. Her spirit emitted an internalized green color.

As of yesterday afternoon. She was freed of her sick body and is now alive more than ever. No rest in peace for this spirit and I am very certain her spirit is no longer a green color.
I would have very much liked to have spent more time with my adopted aunt and uncle. The wisdom I missed out on because of my own ego and arrogance. But, It seemed it was not to be. In my younger days I was raised to be bad and I was. I was very disrespectful and very selfish. I could have learned much about life from the both of them as they were the only ones who were welcoming.
The faults and failures that we all have made in our lives can be forgiven and lives within the family circle can begin again. You the reader do not have to be outside of the family. You can become re-acquainted and accepted with your family once again. Just go and apologize. Just change your life and free yourself from doing wrong ever again. Especially if the legal sins of the world is what has taken you away from your genetic family. How can you be happy when you are separated from the family whom loved you. Were all human and we all have our own faults and failures. We all have our own sins and sin history. No one was given a book on how to raise "you". The "you" means to raise only "you". Because raising you is not the same as raising any other child. You had your own oddities and natural gifts and those hidden gifts which needed to be discovered and trained up. Yes, I know to many "Ands". I sort of did that on purpose for my Aunt DBW.
Everyone missed out on something in their own lives and in their own childhoods. It is easy to play the blame game and accuse your own parents of being awful in the raising of you. Most parents do the best they could. That is what you should see in your own parents. This is the positive side of thinking and feeling as opposed to the negative side of thinking and feeling. One feels good and the other feels bad. How do you want to feel in your life about your life? You do have the freedom to feel happy or sad.
You who are physically alive and still spiritually asleep. Seek out what I call the living funeral. Go forth to your still living relatives and friends. Seek out forgiveness and offer forgiveness where appropriate.
By easing the minds and spirits of your loved ones or even former loved ones. You ease their woes in their last times of life. You at the same time ease your own guilt's for the remainder of your own days in this life. You also take away from your mind. Those typical statements at any wake where the loved one has already passed. You know, "I should have done more", "I should have been there", I should have said those important words", "I could have" or "I would have if I had known". If you go forth with a living funeral then you would have been in the loop when their passing had begun and you would have had that opportunity.
The living funeral also may hasten the passing of your loved one. Thus, easing their suffering when they know all of the words were said. All of the actions in life had been taken. Going to sleep for that last time is satisfactory. This makes for a beautiful passing when all of the loved ones are present expressing love instead of apathy or hatred or expectant gifts from the will.
Everyday before you depart from your loved ones on any journey. No more the distance or the time away. You should always have a living funeral. So are you thinking how awful that would be? The living funeral evolves into expressions of love, gratitude and expectancy for life to continue, to move forward. Can you see how this works. Then if something happens. There wont be any regrets. The absence of regrets will be peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of spirit.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mars Valles Marineris: (Unedited): 13 May 2013:

The remains of a created object lies deep within mars.From the wiki photo. The object split into pieces. Which began a travel in different directions.  The size of the created object is enormous by today's standards. The impact or crash  occurred when the planet was still alive with liquid water.
The speed of the object was incredible. Possibly a large percentage to the speed of light. Some of the object may still be accessible. But, only a small percentage of the whole. This was war related.
Technology still available is sought. New Chemistry, biology, metallurgy and mineralogy also to be discovered. The historical value may be of the most importance.
The systems of power exploded near the middle of the trench. There were other explosions.
This contributed to the death of mars but, was not the only event.
:Added on 28 June 2013: The advanced artifacts which is spread all around this solar system is that of a war lost by those who occupied this solar system. Which means their technology was not sufficient to save them from an attack or a prolonged war. They were not superior. It may not even be known if they were even the good guys or the bad guys. According to the Holy Bible. The angelic wars. The bad guys lost. The bad guys did not become extinct. The bad guys are influencing us even today.  So an assumption without any fact can conclude that those who lived here were the bad guys. So, all that we may learn from re-discovering their technology, philosophy, thinking and believing may be all wrong.  A wrong path. A wrong Journey. Which leads to our dead end.
What ever is found or discovered. We cannot allow it to change or alter our old ways of thinking about holiness. About love, peace, Harmony and life. If we as a created species get away from the importance of life, Love, peace and harmony. Then we will end up just like those who lost so many eons ago. Before this recorded human time. The technology we would be using will be far more advanced than we could ever discover in the next several thousand years. Those who were victorious and have left this solar system has had an opportunity to advance their apparent more advanced weapons of war. 
There is another thought process I'm thinking of and may take some time to root out.  Notes to self. We are on a protected planet and solar system. 
May add more content later. Have head ache from this.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: