Showing posts with label Uncomfortable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncomfortable. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2014

Missing Rainbows: (Unedited): 07 Feb 2014:

Allowing the anger and negativity to overcome your attitude, while being forced to work outside in the chilling rain. Will cause you to miss out on the beauty of a glorious sunrise to the east and a fantastic arching rainbow to the west. 

How many times have you had to do something which was very uncomfortable. Maybe, the job at hand was even beneath you but, it had to be done right then. The wise elder knows this and just works diligently to get the job done right the first time. The young one needs to focus on the intent of the wise elder. To see and experience what is necessary through the wise elders purposeful actions . Because only in that single moment of time can the beauty of your current experience be viewed only my you, only once. Open up all of your senses and allow all of the divine beauty to enter within. Know and feel the joy of all.
only if you can
if you will
to keep within you in any time of trial or difficulty
the Love
the peace and 
the harmony 
of how all just happens.
Then you will
see and know a beauty
which was meant only for you in that time.
Life has been sad.
Life has been bad.
Life has been difficult.
Life has been lonely.
It is easy to emanate hate.
It is easy to remain angered.
It is easy to always find the problems.
It is easy to know only ugliness.
It is easy to abuse and to torture.
It is easy to be bad.
It is easy to be sad.

For all of those things had been done unto me
       and it was all I had known. 
I refuse to remain in the darkness of my former life.
In the light of a life of love.
Beauty is everywhere 
and is happening.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Suicide drill: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2013:

In Basketball there is a conditioning drill called a suicide. The word suicide in this explanation is not a negative term or a word used to mean self death. For this blog post, The word suicide is that descriptive word which can mean anything as defined by you. A Suicide Drill exercise for you can be that thing which must be done in order for you to achieve a particular goal.
When a basketball player correctly does the Suicide Drill exercise. He or she will feel like they are about to die and that their coach wants them to die. This is of course far from the truth. The coach wants you to break through your own self created limitations and to exceed your own low level goals and personal expectations.
The Suicide Drill is necessary and crucial for your growth and positive development. The person who does the Suicide drills on their own time and at their personal level of personal conquest. That person will achieve a greater break through in that specific area of interest. Than the person who halfheartedly does a Suicide Drill while complaining under their own breath.
So, what is a suicide drill? Watch the YouTube basketball videos as provided below. Know this, to merely watch as opposed to experiencing a suicide drill as commanded by an evile coach is not the same. (I recommend watching the movie "Coach Carter" and focusing on the Coach and the lessons he is trying to teach). It is more than Basketball. The life lessons learned in Basketball and other sports is greater than the sport itself. The value of which cannot be calculated. So as long as respect, integrity and honor is taught.

The word use of "evile" is an attempt at humor. That is until the coach forces you to do more Suicide Drills (More Humor).

The suicide drill and KungFu is closely related to one another. Even if your specific area of interest is not Basketball. Your suicide drill is a fundamental part of your Kung Fu. The word Kung Fu is not tied to any specific Martial Art at least here in this blog post.
Your Kung Fu is your police officer badge, Your fire fighter uniform, Your medical doctor PHD, your retail store of employment, your welding shop, or your captain of a great ship. No matter your field of interest, it is your KungFu.
The suicide drills which you must do in your KungFu is directly related to your specific area of interest. The suicide drills is your homework which must be done in that class which you see no value or purpose in. The suicide drills for the military man, lawman can be Martial Arts, firearm training and memorizing laws, SunTzu and boring theories of strategy.

The Suicide drills that you do is going to be uncomfortable for you and very challenging. Even to the point where you decide that quitting is a very real option. Which quitting is never an option unless you desire for your future to become a quitter and consider yourself as a quitter. Yes, This is a part of the hero or zero mentality. In which many psycho-ologists believe to be an error of thinking. It is not an error of thinking it is a driving force in the area of achievement. Which must be coupled with Honor, Integrity and Respect.
Your greatest achievements in life will come when your are the most stressed, uncomfortable and that which you are doing doesn't seem possible for you. The thing that you which you consider as impossible is impossible. That is until your thinking and belief systems changes into "I'm Possible".

I also recommend watching the Movie "Rudy". Keep focused on his life. Walking into an unknown and homelessness. keeping focused on the goal, even after continued rejection after rejection. Even when he gave up he still could not.

The practice of Kung Fu in your life. Is that specific work that you earnestly do everyday in order to achieve mastery as defined by you. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Will You?:(R edited): 24 May 2010:

Will you only glance at my face and decide if I'm worth opening and knowing? Once you look past my cracking old cover, will you remain or discard me? When the words within my dusty pages become to uncomfortable for you to bear, will you just sneeze and close me up? Will you then place me high up on your book shelf forgotten and far away? If you decide to travel through my pages, will you comfort me through each of the coming storms that life often brings? Or will you just flee from me before the first storm cloud arrives? Will you be willing to stay with each of our life's pages until we find our last words that declare Happily Ever After and The End? C.J.MacKechnie 
Those were just a few of the things running through my heart and mind before I committed to my lovely Pearl, even though I barely realized that I was already in love.
 No one really wants damaged goods. Even if you listen to those goodie people who offer advice, they will always say stay away from people who have an undesirable life and/or history. To tell the truth, I might even say the same things that they do now. I know the statistics both ways. Those who were bad often go back to their self-defined badness and the good people often do not have the skin to handle the residual and ongoing problems.
 Wife edit.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: