Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Empty Vessels Of Nothingness: (Unedited): 19 March 2015:

Once you refuse to ever be the victim. You will begin to see deeply into the souls of your abusers and know them to be empty vessels of nothingness. 
Think about it. How can you ever have a meaningful relationship with those family members who had done your wrong? If you want to stay with your bad family. Then you will have to become just like them or worse become their forever abuse toy.  If you cannot find your courage and remain with your awful family. Then you will lose yourself and any hopes you may have ever had. Your dreams for a better life will become like the mid afternoon fog. What once was, has become no more.
It is really tough to leave all that you know and to go on your own with no support system. Think about this. You never had a support system. People who support you do not belittle you, abuse you or even torture you.
So you must be courageous and just leave them all. Do not ever return. No Christmas cards either. No return addresses. No shared email and no phone calls.
In this life. Start with the building of your foundation. This is logical and wise. Your foundation must begin with your education. Your education is crucial for life's advancements. Then continue your education. These are your solid stepping stones in which you can build the life you decide for yourself.
Think about all of those things in which your bad family has taught to you. You can think negatively about them all or you can think how they have taught you "How to not live your life" and "How to not raise children".  This is positive and helpful. Than the contrary.
Good people seem to most of the time do good things. Which will seem very alien to you. Even the good persons humor may just not be funny to you. But, Good people tend to support one another and not rip apart each other. Good people are not entertained by you getting harmed in any way. You can find the good people in those good places. Again, those good places may be places you have never been to. All of that goodness may be just odd, weird and very weird. But, do not let that scare you off. Learn how to become a good person. If you really no longer desire to be like your awful family. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Impact Empath: (Unedited): 04 March 2015:

If you have a genetic or even a personal relationship with an empath. Always know that all of your negative thoughts and emotions will have an instantaneous impact upon the empath. No matter the distance.
Here is the truth. All or most human beings are empathic. It doesn't matter if you believe in your empathic nature or not. To reject your empathic abilities. Can be seen as inhuman. Study empathy for yourself. How do you feel when you watch your favorite sports team score or even win a game? How do you feel when you see abused animals cruelly mistreated. How do you feel when a child is mistreated? How do you feel when the love of your life or a family member or a friend is mistreated?
Most human beings are empathic. Those who are not are most likely in jail. Because, they did not care or value the people they have harmed in some way. Those who refuse to care are apathetic and is a non-emotional as to why they have done what they have done. Maybe, some or many will one day care again. Maybe, someday many will love those strangers as their brothers and sisters. No matter their skin coloring. No matter The shape of their eyes or nose. No matter how tall they are or how fat. We are all of one genetic family of humanity. This is proven scientifically as well as in the ancient story of origins.
We all have a instantaneous spiritual and emotional impact on everyone else. The neighbor whom you do not know has marital strife? It affects you directly and instantaneously. The armed robbery down the street affects you directly and instantaneously. The new employee who shows up to work on their first day is obviously high and begins consuming alcoholic beverages. This has an instantaneous impact on you. So all that we all do, think and feel in this life of the here and now. Has a direct and instantaneous impact on everyone. But,it goes a step further. All of that negative emotional stuff can be transmitted to another person. Until such a point in time when someone from the other side of this planet becomes enraged and acts out. They may not even know why. But the waves of negative emotions and thoughts have self generated a powerful tidal effect as it moves about.
I see this as random wave mechanics. Where millions of waves in the deep ocean of humanities thoughts and emotions. Suddenly and seemingly random creates that super wave of negative emotions and thoughts. For the basic human animal who knows not the how or why. Must find a way to get rid of all of this negative energy and that is usually through acting out all of that instantaneously built up negative energies. Through rage, hate and anger. Some sense of the lack of some ill defined social justice.
So battles and attacks begins. War has begun. Because, someone did a thing and offended another group of people.
This is a reason why the ancient religious laws are so very important to living a life with purpose and meaning. If you honor the ancient religious laws because you freely choose to do so. Then the impacts upon this Earth will be like a huge cancelling wave. Easing all of the negative waves into smoother waters for all of humanity to discover a stress free environment for the whole of humanity.
The old teachings of GOD commanded these ancient laws are true. But, God is also a God of natural consequences. If you break a commandment of Gods laws within your own mind. God is most likely not going to immediately strike you down. If God did those kinds of things. Humanity would have already been extinct and I would not be writing. As I would be fleeing from every thunderstorm that comes around this coastal city of Port Richey, Florida. Yes, you can laugh. I am a deeply flawed human being. I admit it.

The point is this. ***What you do? What you don't do?  What you think? and what you feel?*** Has a direct instantaneous impact upon everyone else on this planet and maybe even to a degree in the universe.
So, do you want peace? Then be at peace. Do you want love? Then love. Do you want harmony? Then be harmonious. Do you want life? Then cherish all life.
Then the illusive understanding of the purpose and meaning of life will come from within you. How about them apples? 

***(There are many more what you do's and what you don't do's. There is also what you refuse and what you ignore) *** If I were to list them all. I would lose my meager paying job and take away your ability to think for yourself.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Prophets Prophetesses: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2014:

Yee, Prophets of the world and for the world. The time has come when all of those dire events planned and created by all of your leaders. You cannot see them because a hundred hundred things must happen simultaneously.
This is why you cannot see the single events. Because, they are all confused one upon another in a single moment in time. It would be like trying to watch all of your HD Cable T.V. Channels all at once.
Every person has the ability to be a prophet or a prophetess. Do not begin with trying to see the end of the whole world. Because, the whole of the world is full of billions and billions of minds, of choices and intentional actions. Which of the all has there own individual impacts locally which translates into the global.
Begin, first with your own life and the future of it. Then  graduate to those whom you have close and mutual relationships with. Then again graduate to predicting your locale. Then to your state, your region and etc.
Added on 18 April 2019: It is not enough to affect change by simple predicting. You and each person must be doing those positive and good things to effect necessary change. All of this goodness and those good works must be based on a foundation of love for one another. For if you do not have a foundation of love. Then all of your good works will be yours alone. That is until you become deeply weary and worn out.
Those gifted persons who begin this journey of becoming a genuine prophet or prophetess within your own locale. Then through networking together can you each then create a patchwork of prophecy.
Added on 18 April 2019: The prophets and mentors must become one and the same being. With love as the stitch work which binds them together. By aligning and joining with those who are the doers. This is where bad and sad prophecies become like vapor at the rising of the morning sun. Just like with Jonah and Nineveh at their very last moment. When all they could do was to humble themselves and repent. So in a way Jonah was wrong but, it was a good kind of wrong which lasted about forty years. Then Nineveh was still destroyed.
Always, remember the other side of the prophecy coin, which is the mentor side. Mentoring must be applied when the listener is actively engaged in fundamental change of their own beings direction.
Added on 18 April 2019:
To do so any other time will be like good water being poured upon a very dry rock.
Always, remember it should be desirable for you to want any bad and sad prophecy to be false. In which it becomes false when you apply your directional words of mentoring. The words of the mentor are those necessary things which need to be spoken to the person who has already ceased in their wrong direction. The words of prophecy needs to stop a person by their own understanding and free choice. While the mentoring words give the new more positive direction in which motion can be applied by the person of their own free will.
Added on 12 March 2019, 18 April 2019:
Be wary of the prophet or prophetess who desires only to be right and first in predicting any bad and sad event. All bad and sad prophecies are meant to be prevented or mitigated to some degree. Which is why the prophet and prophetess must also speak those words in how to mitigate and/or prevent the bad and sad occurrence. Just like Joseph in The Holy Bible of Egypt. Even though Joseph had an Egyptian name. A slave doesn't even have ownership of his own name. Then what about a convicted and imprisoned slave? Even in the United States when slavery was lawful. Those slaves already had their own names. They were given new names and lost their languages.
Added on 18 April 2019:
The prophecies in the Holy Bible is direct proof to all of humanity that God loved us and still loves us all. Because, if God did not love us then why warn us? Do you as a human not warn your own children of the dangers of the stove or electricity or of playing in the streets or of making of wrong friends and etc? Do you not love your own children? Do you not desire your own children to be free of harm and accidents? So to God loves each of us-all of us. Which is why their are so many prophecies in The Holy Bible. So when your in church celebrating and worshiping an angry God for coming and destroying everything. This is not wise nor is it the intention of God. The intention of God for all of humanity is for us to read and live by the purple words below. All of it by our own free choice and not because we have too because we have to like some slave. We choose to live by the purple words because it is the right thing to do.
Evil is when you do nothing and allow evil to happen. Just so that God will do what He has said He was/is going to do. God does the prophetic things because He has judged. Which means all or most of humanity is in the wrong and has succumbed to evil. Why do you think the last two witnesses of God is killed in the street and all of the world knows it directly and then celebrates like it was Christmas. The whole world celebrates their victory. Then they all physically die as the world is purified with fire. Yea, that went well. Not even Christians want to discuss that part or the part where only two of the churches are not rebuked. I think they were the church or Smyrna and Philadelphia.
Note: Everything I write you must do your own due diligence. Your required to pray and have your Holy Bible at hand and in hand. This writer is a deeply flawed human being. It is the message which is important and not the messenger. I can be deceived as I am less than a worm and less than a maggot in comparison to those who reside in the heavens. So, if satan can speak through Peter then who am I? I am just a janitor and not a very good one. If satan can use the inherent flaws and sins of Judas to cause him to sell Jesus. Then who am I? I was not chosen to walk with Jesus in the knowing and physically. I am not worthy to be. I'm not even worthy to be tested like Job as I have been like Jobs friends.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Infinite Soul: (Unedited): 13 June 2010:

When the positives and negatives are equal in your relationship. Infinity with your soul mate may be experienced by the ONE or both of you. 
 I'm not sure about this one. I think the math is off. Not really sure what I was thinking at the time. I suppose the infinite symbol and how it applies to a relationship. I think the reason why the word "ONE" is in caps is because when the two individual souls cease being individuals and merge to become one soul. The the souls become mated or married.
Imagine the infinite symbol. To the right or left you have what can be thought of as male and female, right and wrong, more or less, and etc. But, in the absolute middle you have the joining or connection.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Devices Divine: (Unedited): 24 Jan 2013:

The devices of mans creation divides you from your divine connections. C.J.MacKechnie
Three word origin.
The word Separation was changed to divides.
Is there a relationship between the Divine and devices? Is there a beneficial relationship or a divisive one? As one increases does the other decrease? Is there a correlation with Luke 18? 
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