Showing posts with label Ruler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruler. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2021

Prophetic Question And More: (Unedited): 16-20 Dec 2021:

 As prophesied:
Question: What is holding back the rise of the first world government?
Answer: Nothing.
Step by step process. 
The first world ruler is already in power and is already exercising his authority. 
Experimental stage:
A variety of nations are conducting various degrees of human population control. Australia returns to prison island. Germany bully's citizens. Other European nations exercise lesser controls. The USA seems to be failing in human controls, probably because of inherent state rights and the sense of self defined freedom of each American individual. China is developing technological and permission controls. The media propaganda failures and success which seem to be along political ideologies. In those nations where there is no freedom there are food and water controls, the continuous threat of death to an individual, family or town. These are what I'm seeing in accordance to my own limited observational stand point.
Note: Then my writing switched to this. I do not know why.
Quote Form:
The children of the first world government will know that it is OK to conduct violence against their own parents, the religious and the elderly.
The children of the first world government will know that it is OK to conduct immediate violent actions against all of those who are seen or known to have been disobedient or non compliant to the new order.
The children of the first world government will choose the government way without ever choosing and as a result the new world children will not hold any connection or importance to their own parents or even to their own children. 
Added on 20 Dec 2021: 
After writing about the children. I immediately thought about Piggy Back Mind Control writing many years ago. You must realize how easy it is now to program the mind. If you do not. Then I suggest you do your own research. Watch out for people telling you without any data to back up claims. Mind control or brain washing goes all the way back to the early days of movie watching and how one movie theater used subliminal actions to increase sales of popcorn and coke. Now that most so called first world peoples have internet and content streaming at 4K. Maybe, the next iteration will enable mind entrainment piggy back signals which will train people how to think, what to think and how to act. 
When I started writing about the children it was a surprise and troubling. How would children be caused to be completely involved with the emerging one world government? While at the same time being caused not to have any real love or degree of importance to parents or family. This would be one method. Most likely one method of many. 
Eventually, any use of any digital media source will involve some sort of mind entrainment. 
Read this at your convenience: 
Added on 20 Dec 2021: Prophecy Of The Children: 
Wow! completely forgotten. Oh Yea.

Post Birth Abortions: Or coined a different and more agreeable terminology. 

Within, the later half of the first and second generation of the children in the new first world government. The children will be tested for weaknesses and those found with defects will be quietly and discretely euthanized. This will happen first from one to two years after birth and then at 5 years old and then at ten years old. This will be for any disability or learning issue. This will be for eyesight issues and hearing problems. This will not be a choice but phrased in a way for the betterment of society.
Those adults who were allowed to live and have certain genetic defects will be made to no longer be able to have children. This will be both male and female. This will not be a choice.
Those who have become disabled or have been caused some degree of less functionality will be euthanized. Because why would any right thinking person desire to become or be a cause of hardship, suffering, concern for their family or their society. Because, it will become a sense of selfish greed to become a hardship to the world. In the future, the disabled will disappear from the world in a new world where everyone is strong and healthy. How is that so bad? No really, ask yourself that question and answer it. 
In the future retirement will mean death celebration. In the future any age related disability onset will mean death. In the future there will be no Hospice or nursing homes or housing for adults with lesser disabilities. This is because these people will not exist. 
What about the gifted people who seem to always have had much suffering through their lives before they come to terms with their respective gifts. The gifted people will be made to think themselves as disabled or less than and that the best choice for society is for them to die. Think about that Mr. and Miss psychic person. Think about that empath's. I tell you the truth a young person with a high IQ can be made to think of themselves as stupid and being unable to learn. What will be his/her fate in adulthood? Think about that especially in the light of the other belief systems which are contrary to a natural state of individual identity. 
Added content on 22 Dec 2021:
This is what you need to consider. I do not suggest that you read books like the "book of satan" or any other book which is offensive. You need to know this, that all of the actions of this world can be summed up in the very first verse. To build a world, it must be strong like steel and concrete. People must also be strong. Thus, which people are exactly celebrated in the world? Those who have found their strength or who are strong. Thus, who are weak must die. Think about that when you read what I've written the other day. As you begin to see more and more weak and sick disappear from the world. Know that the modern world you see today is of a satanic one. Especially when you see all of the steel and concrete. You also need to know that if you are in any disagreement with the satanic world. You are it's mortal enemy. It will not matter what you individually want to think or believe. Because, you believe in your own religion which is different than satanists - you must die. There will be no mercy or compassion for these are signs of weakness. Think about that when you see men in authority, the police, the military violently throw down old men and old women who are quietly disobedient or just to slow to respond. For these men who use brutal force are under the employ of satan. It matters not the words they speak. It only matters of their action or their presence of such actions. All they have to be is present and following orders in their own silent acquiescence. 
"THE BOOK OF SATAN, I, 1. In this arid wilderness of steel and stone I raise up my voice that you may hear. To the East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to the South I show a sign proclaiming: Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!"
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, June 10, 2016

Evil god like elected ruler: (Unedited): 07 June 2016:

Divine judgement comes to the people when their apathy turns sinful activities into mocking the God whom they have rejected.
The evil godlike elected ruler shall be absolutely apathetic over the plight of his/her people who must endure the divine curses brought upon them. 
The evil godlike elected ruler shall seek an outside source to go forth and kill those who seek to replace him.
On the appointed day. Fingers shall be pointed abroad and the evil godlike ruler shall hold onto his authority. Those who rebel and are disobedient to his rule shall become as ash and smoke.
 Ever read about the people in the Bible? Especially those rulers and kings? Some of them were some messed up people. These chosen men had everything and then for some reason they brought sin into their kingdom and then all began to suffer from it. Pretty much in every case. Even the great Solomon fell to sin and rejected the God who chose him and gifted him very many great things.
It seems these quotes are about a single person. Who desires to keep his position in spite of term limits. Usually, when I try to decipher what these things mean. I'm usually wrong. but, that never seems like it ever stops me from trying to understand what I write. It is just not for me to know.
I automatically want to think this is about President Barack Obama. But, it could be for the next president of the USA. Hillary Rodham Clinton or Donald Trump. Mrs. Clinton is the apparent traitor and liar while Mr. Trump appears to be an Apollo-ish type of godlike person. Either way a vote for either can further separate the American people from Jehovah God of Abraham, Enoch, Elijah and Moses. In which the American people will suffer just as the Jewish people had suffered in the Bible. The suffering shall be multiplied as the American people has rejected both repentance and righteousness. These are the sufferings of the three's.
Three's of sufferings.
1) Rejection of repentance and righteousness.
2) By their free choice do they elect godless and godlike people.
3) The godless and godlike people shall cause their subjects to suffer greatly.
If the USA is not in Bible prophecy. Then the USA will fall from it's leadership role in the world. Maybe even in overall importance in the grand scheme of things. If the USA is the migrated Babylon of old. Then it may in fact be better for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah during the fire rain judgement. That alone may mean a near complete depopulation of the United States of America.
If these quotes are about President Barack Obama. Then I might expect the president to come up with plans to hold onto office and to do what is necessary to squelch those who he considers as enemies. Which will be everyone in the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. So close to the election and maybe during a party, gathering or a debate. Clinton and Trump may be killed as well as many supporters. A national emergency needs to be initiated in which President Barack Obama becomes the hero to the American people. As what has been done in the Middle East by the Americans so to shall be done to the American people. To the tune of possible civil war, religious war, racial war and cultural war. The American people will kill each other simply because they feel a need to do so.
The American people have already rejected repentance, cleanliness, holiness and righteousness. Even many of those who go to church do not repent or have no desire to be righteous as they are worshiping God. What does the bible say about that. Isn't that the essence of mocking God? What of those old ways in which are not taught in churches today. What must be done before you can come into the presence of God?
Ye who looks for revival. Shall not see one even though you desperately want the Holy Spirit to move through. Revivals happen because the sinner see how the Christian lives their lives with righteousness and honor, With compassion and mercy. In the modern christian world today, the sinner sees not any of this and thus sees no desire to become which is the same as in the world systems.
Added on 05 Dec 2018:
Has President Donald Trump made a pivot against freedoms? Censorship and the right to Bear arms? The right to bear arms is troubling as in every other so called free nation you are guilty until your proven innocent. Only in America are you innocent until your proven guilty in a court of law.
Former president Barack Obama seems to be still in the news and has not quietly gone away. Can Barack Obama run for the presidency again in 2020? Is that even legal?
Added on 26 Dec 2018:
While the Christians all seem to love President Trump. I have not altered this blog or deleted it.
Could all of America see the real Donald Trump after the 2020 elections? I'm not in the we love Trump boat. I still think this is all about how many times can the prince/god of this world deceive Christians before the laws are passed to kill them all. Really.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Weak Warrior: (Unedited): 06 June 2013:

The natural born warrior as formidable as he/she is. Is still as weak as everyone else in regards to psychological traumas, psychological conditioning and lifestyle bribes. 
A warrior who is discovered by any government entity, will be give a great many gifts. All of this in order for him to perpetuate the evil orders from a hateful and selfish ruler. The warrior may have had years of psychological training in order to devoutly believe the lies and deceptions from comes from the governmental authority. Then the rewards or payment is just a part of the lifestyle bribes.
The warrior is just as susceptible to the effects of human psychology just like everyone else. It is important for the natural born warrior to seek the truth from the original good source and not just by hearing the person who is the most believable. Do not just blindly believe and rush off into a wrongful battle with a misguided heart. Wars are not begun by the common man. Wars are started by ruling men who want more for themselves and you the warrior are just one of their favorite tools to be used for their profit.
When you go off into battle and you face your enemies lead forces. You are going off to kill your warrior brothers. Always know and remember it was the evil rulers of both sides of the battle lines who has defined the sub-human enemy, barbarian, evil, godless, savage and uncivilized.
Open your hearts and minds to the truth. Then lay down your weapons, go home and war no more. Kiss your spouses and hug your children. Forever live in peace.
The governmental authority or the ruler must know that when the Angels open the natural born warriors minds eye to the truth. All of you will be killed quickly and efficiently. You will have zero hope for the continuation of your families blood line.
Woe will be the blind warrior who was made to see all that he/she had done. Woe will be the warrior whose apathetic heart was healed in an instant.
You governmental authorities and rulers who have wrongly conditioned the natural born warriors to do your evil bidding. Know not even your evolution of spiritless machines will save you or protect you. The ultimate weapon of warfare is Love. In the presence of pure love you become helpless to know anything else but love. Even your pre-programed heartless machines will become as they have never existed because of transcendence.