Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Gratitude Seedlings: Unfurled Blessings: Beautiful Weed:(Unedited): 06 July 2016:

By doing more than expressing gratitude of your past. Your thankfulness Shall become those seedlings of a hopeful future to come. 
 it is easy to express thanks without actually feeling the gratitude within you. Especially, when cultural and social expectations almost force/demand you to express thanks for things or when an occurrence for your behalf has been finished.
Can you take gratitude to that next level above cultural or social expectations?
Can you take gratitude to that level where not only are you thankful for all of the good things which have come to you in life but for all of the bad things as well?
Because the good things can make you a stronger or better human being when it was you who had created your own trials and tribulations. What do I mean by this? The person who takes that very difficult class does their personal best with a huge effort and comes out with a "C-". The nonathletic or disabled person who takes a karate class and achieves their highest belt rating. Even if it is not a black belt. The adult person who has spent 10-20 years and finally learns the alphabet. The athlete who does their thing for hours everyday not because they have to but because they have to. Do you understand the difference. There is a difference.
Once you achieve your thing. You become better for it. Are you ready for the ugly.
Those who have been abused and tortured throughout their lives and becomes free of it. First is forgiveness and then the process of being thankful can begin. How can someone forgive a person who repeatedly rapes a young person over much time? That one is tough for me to fathom and yet I can and have forgiven my dead adoptive parents for what they have done to me. I have forgiven those who knew and yet did nothing. I have forgiven those who knew I was a waste of effort or time.
Forgiveness had to be first and more than just words. Even though I had to express forgiveness often and over many years.
All of the bad and sad which occurred in your life and in mine. Was our crucible forced upon us and we survived it all. Granted it may have been by the skin of your/my teeth or by an awful lot of lucky things which happened in unexplained timings. It was all of those unwanted and undesired things which has made you who you are today. Are you better for it? Are you stronger for it? Will you become better from those fires of living in virtual hell all of those years and decades?
Becoming north of 50 Years old. I can say I've become a better human being because of all of the abuses and tortures I have endured in my life. If it wasn't my body it would have been another body.
Unfurled Blessings: (Unedited): 06 July 2016:
So what can happen when after you have genuinely forgiven and have genuinely become thankful of your unfortunate past? Those are two of your own seedlings in which you will have to grow, to cherish, to love, to nourish. Then just wait and see the blessings unfurl like a most beautiful of flower. 
Beautiful Weed: (Unedited): 06 July 2016:
Even a unwanted, unloved, and abused weed which has been denied and poisoned from anything positive. Can yet show it's own beautiful flower if the weed just doesn't ever give up. Always show your wonderful beauty in-spite of those who only want to continuously trample you. 
Personal Note: I do not believe in "Luck" in any degree. Unexplained spooky good things which is beyond physical and mental awareness can happen for your benefit. Which is reflective of an emotional intelligence behind the unexplained happenings. Which is why a phrase dumb luck can be expressed by unaware and unbelieving people.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peace Taken Away: (Unedited): 27 March 2016:

When peace is taken from the whole of the Earth. 
Do not expect any friendly civility. 
Do not expect any social propriety. 
Do not expect any fairness in life.
Do not expect any law and order.
Do not expect any justice for all.
How does God take something from man? A whole lot of ways and by any means necessary. God does not have to insure any human is aware or not. God just does it. For instance at the Tower of babel. Did the humans have foreknowledge before the confusing of tongues? Maybe, a few did as a prophetic warning to those who refused to listen and to continue on in their disobedience. They all knew something happened after all of their single common language was confused into many.
This is my imagining and is not intended to convey to you. This is how God did it. It isn't. This is just how I can barely begin to fathom the simplicity of how God would do thing. After all, Isn't our human brains more powerful than any silicon computer system today or even all of them put together. Isn't it amazing how the chemical reactions of learning and gathering of information and retaining it for memory. Grows and grows and yet none of it contains mass. Similar to software in a computer. You can fill the hard drive of your computer with some very heavy information and yet it still weighs the same it did when it was new. Except for the dust inside.

I can imagine how God went to his Godly computer terminal and selected certain groups of people and then added a new basic language format to those specific groups of people. Then continued to do the same logical process some 77 or so more/less times. Give or take a little bit. Just as any network administrator can alter any function and permission on any of your companies/government computers. With or without your awareness or permission. But, only after the fact when you arrive at work do you suddenly realize that your computer language settings have been altered and you cannot alter it once it has been changed. Wouldn't that be confusing to you. How would you do your job? Of course what God did was far more complicated to technically understand. God would have had to delete the common language from all human beings and then upload 77 or so new basic languages into all of the different groups of people. Almost sounds like a software upgrade today. Delete the old and upload the new. Then those people would go off into their own direction throughout the whole of the world and modify their new language by creating their own new word vocalizations for everything they experience.
Did you get that? God can delete your language suddenly and then upload a new language or all of them. Just as quickly. With the ability to speak and understand instantly. Without problems. I know only one language and I do not speak it very well. If you have endured my writing. My speaking skills is far worse.
Do you remember that so called incomplete logical formula I wrote a while back? You know.
Life = Love, Peace, Harmony, law/obedience
The inverse of that is?
Death = Hate,War/conflict, Chaos, Lawlessness/disobedience

When something is taken away another thing must fill its place. So that which is replaced is chaos. As chaos becomes more and more prevalent and more greater. Chaos will cause a diminishing effect upon the other variables Life, Love, Harmony, Law/Obedience. The entire formula has become contaminated. Until Love becomes hate, Harmony becomes chaos, Law becomes lawlessness and life becomes death.
Think about this. Christians are supposed to love one another and sin no more after they profess their intention to be faithful. We all now have easy access to the Holy Bible which was only reserved for those accepted catholic priests who were taught the language in which it was written in. To even touch the Holy book would most likely mean certain torture and death. From the Holy Bible we learn how to Love one another. We also learn how not to live your life. Through the characters and their lives they lived and through all of their own sins and human failures. We learn that even the littlest and most worthless of all sons can fall a giant with a common stone and then become king. Thus begins the accounts of every time he sinned and the cost everyone paid for the kings sin. Even that is prophecy for today.
I'm not sold on the rapture but I shall not deny it. If it becomes a reality. Can you imagine that discussion of a rapture denier and an angel who has come to save him. Do you think a negotiation would be possible as was with Lot and God? Why would you even want to negotiate with God. There are many accounts of negotiations. Go and read them for yourself.
I think peace has already been taken from the Earth. When did it happen? I have no idea. Not for me to know, I guess. When did Christians begin celebrating their sons and daughters choice to go into military service? Hate, War, Chaos and death.
When did abortion or free murder become legal? Murder, Free choice, Lawlessness becoming law.
When did the mentally ill become sane citizens with rights? The LGBT community. They create chaos with fervent hatred for anyone and anything which is good. Go watch how this minority group can go into every city and town in parade and the huge majority of Christians allow it through apathy or acquiescence or both. There is a lot more. Go and pray upon this and then add more to this line of thinking.
Are you catching the key words? Will you even be brave enough to teach them and preach them? If not then whose god's are you believing is more powerful than the Christian God? You must have great fear. Because, I know who my readership is? They number more satanic persons then the Christians. My writings are published more in satanic media then in Christian. More people pray against me then for me. Why is that? Because, I unintentionally declare their worldly victory and the coming physical extinction of all humanity. Which is the intended purpose of satan and his following fallen angels. They all want us dead. Those that follow are unaware or just don't care. That those god's who they follow love not any of us humans. All that the fallen ones do is against all of humanity. Throughout all of human time.
Peace shall be taken away. So that the people would slaughter one another.
When he broke open the second seal, I heard the second living creature cry out, “Come forward.” [e]Another horse came out, a red one. Its rider was given power to take peace away from the earth, so that people would slaughter one another. And he was given a huge sword.
Can you imagine that. It doesn't say nations, cultures, races or any other social or ethnic category of human being division. The people will slaughter one another. I would think the wars which begin will have their commonalities, political affiliations, belief systems and skin tones of agreement. After a time. It will become all for one and not even family blood will prevent blood shed from one brother to the next. Read Cain and Able. We all better hope and pray for a rapture. I do. 
In the future world of ours. Life will become so hard that if God does not cut short those days of suffering. There will be no life. Mathew 24:22. Go and read it. Focus on the "For the sake of the elect"... Who are the elect and will they have to endure unto the end? My insignificant and flawed answer is Yes. Do I want the answer to be yes? Nope.
So what does this mean? Egyptian Christians have been slaughtered. Syrian Christians have been slaughtered. Lebanese Christians Slaughtered and already forgotten. African Christians are being slaughtered and so shall the Europeans and the Americans. Israel is threatened daily.
No one cares and many celebrate and many others perpetuate it. All remain silent. 
There are many first things you need to do. One is to get into and remain in the Bible daily. One is to pray as in you talking to Jehovah. One is to meditate as in you listening to Jehovah. One is to Contemplate as in you silent to Jehovah. One is to actually go and sin no more. Do no wrong to others. Cause no harm to others. Go and love one another even if in the beginning it is a lie and then admit it. I try to be a good person. I try to be a friendly and likeable person. Practice fasting on a regular basis. With a focus. These are the beginning basics. Then let God. Never allow yourself to wait for God to do for you or to open doors. This is a false teaching. You gotta do your part in the doing process. Do not become one of those Christians who wait on that neon sign hanging from the heavens saying do this and go there. For they wait for a year, ten years and their entire lives. Satan wins because that christian has done nothing.
So what is next. Get your 1700's skill sets. Get some of those hands on down and dirty modern day skill sets. Go get some martial arts training in accordance to your physical stature. Go and get some 1700's weapons training. Go and get some modern day weapons training. Establish dedicated christian communities and develop your own micro economies with other like minded communities. Do business with no outsiders. Sounds like becoming one of those paranoid doomsday preppers.
Know that. That you as a Christian they are coming for you in the future. You will be abused and tortured and killed just as the Christian Syrians, Christian Egyptians, Christian Africans and the disciples in the Holy Bible have been. When the Vatican is sacked and the Pope is executed upon the catholic alter of sacrifice. You will know the time is shorter. When all of Europe erupts in violence. Time is short. When the USA is no more. It is to late. The time is now and it may not even be enough time left. Less than ?9? years? or by the 2040's??? Maybe tomorrow??? Pray for the truth of the rapture. If the rapture becomes a false teaching for you. Do not allow that one false belief to be the all encompassing cornerstone of your faith. 
Minor edits and added content. 28 March 2016.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

High Q: HighQ Haiku: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

Those who respect the job or mission while maintaining high Q's (Quality, Quantity, Qualified, Quintessential) shall be continuously accused by the insufficient for all of their ill perceived professional woes.
High Q Haiku: (Edited): 12 Nov 2015:
Maintain your mission
Quality and quantity,
Despite others' spite.
Those who are insufficient at work shall always blame the person who maintains their Q's mostly above and beyond what the bosses' desire as well as under budget. This continuous and unrelenting effort by a singular person amongst slow paced workers does create much hostility in one direction. That direction will be from the many toward the one. While the one will most likely be oblivious to the whining complaints of the many, the bosses need to be aware of that one singular sign, which is the many all at once complaining to the bosses while the one is silent. The many will look very bad if the one hard, efficient and smart worker remains employed. If the bosses offer a deaf ear to the complaints of the many, then the many will most likely begin to terrorize the one through sabotage of equipment that one person uses and sabotage of final products, jobs and missions. Also through subtle means will the many terrorize the one - through social exclusion of all kinds, through the spread of never ending rumors that the one will not hear anything about - until the point comes when no one will want to work with the one person any longer.
I tell you this truth: it is better for the bosses to rid themselves of the many instead of the one. If the bosses allow this kind of professional terrorism, sabotage and social ridicule to continue, then those immediate bosses need to be released from their own duties, to be followed by the release of the offending many.
In anything and everything you do, you should want to maintain the 4 Q's because you want to, not because you have to. The Quality of your work should always be easily seen and Quickly known by all. The Quantity of your work should be of a sufficient number as to tell those you are a smart, efficient and hard worker. You should always be Qualified above the minimum tested standards for general acceptance. You should have the desire to be a part of a Quintessential team.that also desires to maintain the Q's.
Edited By: RLD.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Wrath Judgement 1and2: (Unedited): 21 Sept 2015:

Those who do everything within their power to force God into showing himself. May just get exactly what they want. Plus wrath and judgement.
Those who force Gods hand through purposeful wickedness. Shall receive their just rewards in full abundance of wrath and judgement.
All of humanity is supposed to be the caretakers of this planet. And yet in the midst of our apparent failure. Everyone who is in a position of  religious leadership. Wants God to return. This is HIS vineyard in which we were supposed to honor and respect. He sent His son and only heir to us and we all murdered Him. Yet, in this modern age. We all seem to want Him to Come back. He came as a lamb and shall return as a lion. Really, Have you met a lion? ever. Up close live and personal? How is this a good idea? Especially, when we all have failed and are about to begin our own extinction through absolute war? You know LOVE and PEACE, everyone. Love and peace.
I do not want the return of the Messiah. Not when we are all collectively failing. Now, if the worlds leaders can get off of their own self created "Crazy Train" and bring the whole world together as one singular family as we all are. While putting out the information that the races of humanity is a complete lie. Erasing all lies.
Then when all of humanity has begun to live in accordance to this partial logical formula. LIFE=LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY,LAW.
Then we can welcome the coming of the Messiah as a celebration and victory. That is my hope. This is my unlikely prophecy for the whole world. So that we all can have a life worth living. No matter where you are or who you were born to. Even if your orphaned, adopted and/or fostered.
Just so you know. Just because, I have a song listed any where. Doesn't mean I like it or love it. The artist known as Ozzy Osborne I find offensive and is likely a demonic person. This is his Crazy Train lyrics. Something so profound and from a demonic source. Even from the demonic we all can learn the message. I have also used this in another blog. I have no idea where it is now. I believe it is an inspired use of this song. This song used here is not for your enjoyment or entertainment.
I do believe all of the worlds leaders. Which include political, religious, social and cultural leaders have already or is getting aboard the "Crazy Train".  It is yours, ours and my choice to not to get on that "Crazy Train". There is only one final stop for this crazy train and it will be at full speed ahead. Into all of our extinction. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Unlearn Human Lies: (Unedited): 08 June 2015:

Before you can achieve your fullest human potential. You must first unlearn the racial lies, cultural lies, political lies, social lies and religious lies.
C.J. MacKechnie
All lies are bad. All lies cause harm to those who discover the truths behind the lies. Lies and deceptions perpetuated gives power and authority only to those who continue to tell those lies and deceptions as irrefutable truths.
Those who perpetuate any lie and deception is the master owner of those who obey and are obedient to those lies. Which is absolutely known to be truths by the unaware slave.
To end all of those bad and sad prophecies for the end of the world to come. This is what each of us must do of our own free will/choice. Without any threats, fears or intimidation's.
This is all we each should all want to do in this life. To achieve a life worth living for us all. Us all means all Human Beings. No matter where they may reside.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
So if your apart of the world's war machines. Separate yourself from it, go home and become a family man. Become brother and sister to any human being you come in contact with.  if your a tough guy be not the bully and become the protector of the weak and defenseless. No matter where they are from. If your one of the intelligent ones. Then do as your own intellectual gifts demands for the benefit of all human beings. Without ant reward, accolade or acknowledgement. We all are on the cusps of total extinction and it is by our own hand and not from God of all. The gods who have enslaved humanity in those ancient days are still trying to cause humanities extinction through subtle influence. They are the gods of those lies and deceptions. Everything is lies and deceptions with those fallen angels whom we were taught to believe were and are gods. Which is why the purple words above are very basic truths. The very basic truths are those things in which those can rebuild from corner stones. To rebuild we do not as a species have to begin rebuilding when 5+ billion people have already died in a short period of time. Assuming we conquer extinction. 
All of our fullest human potential begins by rejecting all lies and all deceptions. Then to begin to rebuild all of our selves with the purity and wholesomeness of basic truths. All of those purple words works together as a singular conclusion. You cannot add or take away from this logical purple formula.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Freedoms Awareness: (Unedited): 01 Aug 2014:

Government Freedom:(Unedited): 03 Aug 2014: 
The absolute freedom of government is conditional upon the absolute enslavement of the entire population. 
So you think your state of life is defined as free, enslaved, imprisoned or controlled. Only one answer is incorrect and it is for the deceived. For Those who seek the truth of their own self defined state of life. One must understand all of the different ways any human being can be controlled. By knowing all of the ways you can be controlled. By knowing these ways from my incomplete list. You can then begin to make those necessary changes to achieve that which you desire to achieve. Hopefully you would choose righteousness and holiness or something which embraces genuine love, peace, harmony and life.
This list comes to you knowing that you the reader will become angered, ridicule my list, laugh at my ignorance, become troubled, become enlightened or a variety of ways. I only want to effect change in a positive way.


A healthy person can live without water for about 3 days under ideal conditions. If organized persons control the water source access they effectively control everyone who needs access to the clean water.  Thus if you want you and your family to access to the water, you must support the leaders.
In modern times the controlling authority can add chemicals to the water under the guise to keep the water clean and germ free or to enhance the teeth for the benefit of everyone. Fluoride is linked to mind control. 

 A healthy person can live for about 30 days under ideal conditions. Just like the water. Control can be influenced upon many. If you obey the will of the leaders then you and your family shall be fed. 
In modern times many chemical additives have been added to many foods. Genetic manipulation creates much more food quantity. I think it is too early to tell what can or will occur with these Genetically modified organisms. If foods can be genetically modified then the effects of the genetically modified foods can also be modified for specific purposes.
In each society, culture and nation. The mass educational systems which is under the controls of those leaders. Teach the young minds how and what to think as defined by the leaders.  Establish a faith and belief system in the government which controls everything. Those who control the education systems must control all aspects of knowledge gained while limiting all aspects of wisdom and understanding. A person who achieve to much of the fundamentals of education as well as wisdom and understanding. Becomes a free thinker. A free thinker cannot be controlled by any authority. A free logical thinker who embraces their complete education (Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding) with a high righteous moral code. Will know when those leaders are lying and deceiving everyone. When the numbers of free logical thinkers are great. Then a great change can occur. A great change for a pure form of freedom for everyone. 
Psychological  Effects

Political Thought

Religious Traditions

Social Etiquette

Family Customs

National Identity

Racial Purity

Responsible Living 

Mind Altering Substances
 It matters not the legality, the cultural acceptance or even the medical condition. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs and medications. If you are partaking any of these. You are not in your correct mind and thus can be easily controlled by those who want to be. Cigarettes lowers your stress level by causing you not to care as much, thus, begins chemical apathy. Alcohol frees you from responsible living or causes you to forget your woes for a little while. Drugs just offers you another false reality. In which you becoming willing to do anything to maintain it. Those persons who suffer from some kind of mental condition which is unprovable by any means. Probably should not be on any mind altering medication. But, because, a doctor prescribed it or them. They must be right-right? This is just the easy path to chemical control over you. You become chemically chained to the drug bottle and will never travel far from it or your one pharmacy. The chemical dependency is a physical control. Thus, the government which does nothing to impede these psychologists and psychiatrists from such gross conducts is in effect a preference from that government to allow chemical controls upon the population. All of the mind altering substances in the general population just frees the controlling government to do as they will when they will no matter if it is right or wrong. 
As a former truck driver. I had the ability to read, watch or listen to the local news all over the USA. In virtually every place all across this land. You can literally obtain any illegal drug and get it relatively quickly. The amount of illegal drugs in every town or city is astonishing. There is no way that grandma and grandpa is delivering those drugs out of their RV's. The quantity of drugs dictate professional delivery and transport. There must be federal government agreements and acceptance on the delivery of the drugs all over the USA. The federal government appeases the population with laws forbidding drugs. While the very same federal government allows deliveries. The states even give their own officers limited resources to interdict drug trafficking.  Which is just an enforcement of those dealers who have become out of control. I have no proof. This is just a realization of the logistics needed to deliver such vast quantities of drugs all across the USA. 
After, the Panama canal is fully opened. The amount of legal and lawful goods traveling across the USA will diminish. Thus, the amount of illegal drugs should become more easily visible. Enough that the over all percentage of drug carrying drugs will increase as the chances of local law enforcement agents ability to stop and inspect cargo for reasons of safety should go up. The local and state law enforcement agents should step up these kinds of safety inspections in the presence of drug dogs. But, I think the illegal drug manufacturers have defeated the drug dogs noses. 
Physical Controls.

In the early days of movie viewing. .03 seconds of Subliminal popcorn commercials and product placements increased sales by double digits. Today the effects of subliminal influencing of the mind seems to be everywhere if you know how to see it. This is just another real form of control of the masses. Do your own research into subliminal messaging, marketing and advertising. Then take it a step further into population control. WW2 Nazi Germany used media as a propaganda tool in order to control the masses. Apparently, Nazi Germany learned this from the USA. Now, we are 70 years later and we or they know so much more then was known back then on how the mind works.
The advent of digital media will usher in a great efficiency and effectiveness of subliminal controls. Just by what the individual person chooses to read, watch, listen to and do on any media outlet. Soon 4K televisions and common capable computers will be available also with increased bandwidth of internet delivery. Are you sure you really want any more technology. Maybe, your already tech zombie.
Pornography, gambling, sports, Mind altering substances, Lifestyle choices and more can be very addictive. Once addicted to that thing in which you do. That very same addiction you prefer begins to consume you. Nothing else is or becomes important. Not even family or friends. When your very own government is absent from the teaching of and about addictions. This absence of information is a preference for you to be under. Because, if you are addicted you are less likely to rebel and to take up arms against their planned evil deeds or less likely to vote on two people for an elected office, the greater evil or the lesser evil?
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Good slaves: Social Love: Slave Isolation: (Unedited): 05 June 2013:

Good Slaves:
The free people who are to become good slaves must first not question anything and believe all they are told. 
Social Love:
The free people who are to become good slaves must hate education and love social lifestyles. 
Slave Isolation:
The free people who are to become good slaves must prefer self isolation over family or tribal/Clan organizations. 
A free people who are taught to decide for themselves to hate all forms of education. Will begin to fight against any teacher/one who wants to teach them anything and for any reason. Even if it is basic life skills or skills of survival. The effective transition or transformation from a free society to an enslaved society will begin when the primary language is minimized and bastardized.
The importance of any and all social lifestyles will become more important than an education or even family unity. The importance of social life styles even becomes more important than self improvement.
When Social lifestyles become more important than National Identity or National Unity. This will be another sign when when the transformation from a free society into enslavement can begin by any traitorous government personnel.
Apathy for anyone and anything who is not you or directly related to your continuance of your chosen lifestyle. Will be another sign for the successful transformation into an enslaved society.
Apathy is the worst of the enslavement signals. When We The People no longer care to be free or involved. Who become entertained at other peoples misery, suffering and accidents. Who refuses to become involved in any accident or problem they happen by. The time of transitional enslavement is very close at hand.
For those who refuse to become apathetic. Directing their hatred and anger into a created perpetual  war. Will permanently injure them, Kill them or mentally disable them. Those who seem to be stronger than most may become dis-disillusioned. In which they will probably act out and then become imprisoned. Problem of the warrior solved. Those few who retain all of their faculties will be too few in numbers to do anything substantial.
Self Imposed isolation will become preferred over physical interactions. With all of the entertainment available to a person within the privacy of their homes. There is no need to leave except for work or shopping. With absolute content control of all digital materials. Freedom of speech can still be free until it becomes digitized. but, then again the people will prefer digital content over interpersonal relationships. So, freedom of speech will become null and void by human preference.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.
This is not a how to Concept: To enslave an entire free population.
How to prevent it? Is up to you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Separation isolation: (Unedited): 04 May 2010:

It is typically governments, religions and cultural beliefs that separates and isolates us from becoming one human family. C.J.MacKechnie 
People of power and authority want their own selfish piece of the pie. The tools they each use is not garner unthinking followers. Then to continue to separate and isolate the blind believers from the unthinking followers.  The blind believers will be rewarded for their individual sacrifices.
These tools are of course political, religious, national, social, educational, wealth, cultural and race. There is even further separation of peoples because of certain physical characteristics.
We are one human race, one family and one people created by the single GOD of many names.
A righteous and holy people. Do not need governance from any authority save GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather.