Showing posts with label Whining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whining. Show all posts

Thursday, November 12, 2015

High Q: HighQ Haiku: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

Those who respect the job or mission while maintaining high Q's (Quality, Quantity, Qualified, Quintessential) shall be continuously accused by the insufficient for all of their ill perceived professional woes.
High Q Haiku: (Edited): 12 Nov 2015:
Maintain your mission
Quality and quantity,
Despite others' spite.
Those who are insufficient at work shall always blame the person who maintains their Q's mostly above and beyond what the bosses' desire as well as under budget. This continuous and unrelenting effort by a singular person amongst slow paced workers does create much hostility in one direction. That direction will be from the many toward the one. While the one will most likely be oblivious to the whining complaints of the many, the bosses need to be aware of that one singular sign, which is the many all at once complaining to the bosses while the one is silent. The many will look very bad if the one hard, efficient and smart worker remains employed. If the bosses offer a deaf ear to the complaints of the many, then the many will most likely begin to terrorize the one through sabotage of equipment that one person uses and sabotage of final products, jobs and missions. Also through subtle means will the many terrorize the one - through social exclusion of all kinds, through the spread of never ending rumors that the one will not hear anything about - until the point comes when no one will want to work with the one person any longer.
I tell you this truth: it is better for the bosses to rid themselves of the many instead of the one. If the bosses allow this kind of professional terrorism, sabotage and social ridicule to continue, then those immediate bosses need to be released from their own duties, to be followed by the release of the offending many.
In anything and everything you do, you should want to maintain the 4 Q's because you want to, not because you have to. The Quality of your work should always be easily seen and Quickly known by all. The Quantity of your work should be of a sufficient number as to tell those you are a smart, efficient and hard worker. You should always be Qualified above the minimum tested standards for general acceptance. You should have the desire to be a part of a Quintessential team.that also desires to maintain the Q's.
Edited By: RLD.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Roller Coaster Security: (Unedited): 29 Nov 2013:

The person who can objectively manage the insanity of their chosen business on a daily basis. Has job security no matter the ride on the economic roller coaster. 
The good boss or bosses always seem to know who can handle their self defined tough situations without whining, complaining or helplessness.
This is important for those young ones who are new to the adult working environment.
Become self empowering and self motivating. Become self inspiring.
Develop the attitude of getting the job done better than anyone else can. Create the belief in your bosses that they will need to hire two quality people just to replace you.
Become cross trained in many areas of your work place. Become comfortable with switching jobs and duties on the fly.

Avoid the fools comments. I wasn't hired to do that? Not my area of responsibility! It's break time or smoke break time. My back hurts. And etc. These types of workers will pollute your mind and attitude. Especially if you are any degree of an empath.

For the empathic worker. It is important that you remain in control of your thoughts and feelings. As a matter of fact you can do as the very negative people uncontrollably do. They all force their own negativity upon everyone without regard to anyone else feelings or even well being. Exude positivity all around you and every where you are about to be. Those people who genuinely want to feel good and positive will. those who relish the air of negativity will become angry. Maybe, they will become angry to often and quit or get fired. Those who live within the darkness of negativity cannot stand being in the presence of the loving light of a positive mind set. Just stand your ground and do not become negative, angry or hateful. This is exactly what the negative people want from you. This is where their power resides. When you deny them their dark power. they will have nothing to drive them. Once their focus is upon themselves as being fundamentally wrong they will go hide in a dark place with the cock roaches and rats.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 