Showing posts with label Phony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phony. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

Phony Phriends: Self Lost: (Unedited): 12 June 2015: 19 June 2015:

Phake and phony phriends seem to always be pecking on their phones.
Not really sure as to what to write.
Other than the confusion of what is the difference between what is real and what is digital or not real. I have watched many people come and go on this digital media. I have seen people lie and deceive. I have know many people who have many different accounts with a variety of different identities.
In real life. It can be the same. People use different names from time to time. People pretend to be one person in front of one particular group and then someone else in front of another. It seems like in the modern era. People can have their professional identity, Personal identity, family identity, Church identity, Political identity and secret sin identity. All of which can be digitally accessed and separated from one another with ease.
Self Lost: (Unedited): 19 June 2015:
The self lies and self deceptions in which you create or perpetuate will cause you to lose the truth of self.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Photon Friends: (Unedited): 16 Jan 2013:

The lonely and miserable gather together to stare into their phony photons. C.J.MacKechnie
Watch them. Those that sit in circles or other such groupings. They all stare into devices hoping for communication with some one more important or better than who they are with right now. They have become real life chat rooms. Where no one interacts with the other. They wait for someone any one to pay attention to them. Yet, when excitement comes across their photon screen. The person may get up and leave the flesh and blood people whom they are with to keep their contact a secret.

They never see the illusion which is projected from the photon screen. Especially, when the more important and better people has always been in their presence. To bad they have become blinded by technology.