Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Photon Friends: (Unedited): 16 Jan 2013:

The lonely and miserable gather together to stare into their phony photons. C.J.MacKechnie
Watch them. Those that sit in circles or other such groupings. They all stare into devices hoping for communication with some one more important or better than who they are with right now. They have become real life chat rooms. Where no one interacts with the other. They wait for someone any one to pay attention to them. Yet, when excitement comes across their photon screen. The person may get up and leave the flesh and blood people whom they are with to keep their contact a secret.

They never see the illusion which is projected from the photon screen. Especially, when the more important and better people has always been in their presence. To bad they have become blinded by technology.

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