To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
The new written content is at the bottom and dated. I do write more when news comes out.
Do you want to lead then lead.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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How do you build a warship original line of amateurish thinking? I think you would begin with a list of capabilities and VLS missile cells number. Then you formulate a range of the ship. Then you ascertain cruising speed and top speed.
Then lots of remote operated gun mounts for a variety of different kinds of weapons.
While searching for Naval Corvettes. I also get the other Chevrolet Corvettes. Especially the old ones which can beat the new super cars. It strikes a chord with me. Not sure why or how. But, this means something.
Then I started thinking about the A10 Warthog. A plane built around the primary weapon. How does that apply to the Naval Corvette? Then a water jet engine design that I built in my brain only to discover that someone was actually building it. I still think it is a valid invention with different modifications, like a standard screw drive. Interesting thing to think about incorporating them into a corvette warship or a smaller missile boat. It would make engine servicing turn around a matter of hours instead of weeks or months.
Corvette News:
Unknown date 2019:
Corvette Carriers if ever thought about will contain the next generation of Raider attack Helicopters or F35's. Can you imagine a Corvette with all of the modern day capabilities and an F35 ready to go and cause mischief. Again the next generation of Corvette must exceed the Sa'ar 6 built for Israel.
The question would be. How much space would be required to do all of the service, maintenance, arming, fueling all within the confines of a Corvette (Think about it). Then open the door and launch. Are you beginning to see why I see the next generation of all classes of warships being wider. To the point of adding an extra screw. The US Navy should build at least 200 Corvette Carriers which are also able to escort a aircraft carrier battle group. The entire LCS Independence line should be re-imagined for survivability.
Added on 27 Nov 2019: (Because of the Sa'ar 6 the VLS missile count for a Corvette is now at a combined 48. Any expert or so called expert which says less. Is wrong and in error and does not have a historical understanding of Naval warship evolution. Even the admirals don't understand and/or refuse to acknowledge).
This also means that the next generation of Frigates must have 96 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Destroyers must have 192 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Cruisers must have 384 VLS Missile Cells. This also means that the next generation of Battleships if they are ever re-visioned must have 768+ VLS Missile Cells.
Think about a Corvette Carrier for a minute if it is built to my imagination. It can contain an F35 or a Raider. All service and maintenance can be performed from within the Corvette. This is a war fighting capability. Think about the Corvette Carriers running with an aircraft carrier battle group and they are closer to the enemy than any other warship. Then pops up a Raider with a full load of air to air missiles to defend the fleet against any incoming. The Raider pops up and attacks a lot of Iranian missile boats. Then think about at least 8 Carrier Corvettes per aircraft carrier battle group. There are about 20 carrier battle groups and that means 160 Corvette Carriers for those fleets alone. The US would need additional Corvette Carriers for each and every naval base for self defense. The US would also need additional Corvette Carriers for every Coast Guard station. The US would also need to be able to sell these new generation Corvette Carriers to our real friends. DO NOT SELL ANYTHING TO TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!! So how many Corvette Carriers is that?
Added on 28 Nov 2019:
When thinking about Corvette Carriers as a next step in evolutionary warship design. Especially, since Vertical takeoff aircraft have matured in the F35 and the next evolutionary step of rotary aircraft in the Raider. So what does this mean? It means that every class of warship will be considered a carrier of some sort. For instance you may begin to see Frigate Carriers, Destroyer Carriers, Cruiser Carriers and Battleship Carriers. Then the merging of the power of a modern day battleship and a modern day aircraft carrier.
The next generation of Corvette Carriers may appear similar to the LCS Independence Class of warship. The one big exception is that they will not be made of aluminum and may offer up to four or five screws for propulsion. With each out rigger containing an engine and screw. From this design they will grow larger into every larger class of warship. The modular concept will be dead as the new Corvettes will each be fully multipurpose. To include emerging (Drone) and new threats (ASAT weapons). While still containing 48 *Universal VLS Missile cells (Mark 48 and 57). While still able to hold/store Jet fuel. While still having a range of 4,000 nm. While still able to maintain and sustain top Aircraft Carrier speeds.
*NOTE*: I use the term "Universal" as a intelligent plug and play type of system which automatically identifies what missile is inside the VLS box.
Math Time: If you build 160 Corvette Carriers with 48 Universal VLS Missile Cells. That equates to 7,680 available missiles and 160 F35's and/or Raiders. That would be just for the US Navy. The Department of Homeland Security will need their own compliment of Corvette Carriers stationed at every American Coast Guard Station, Coastal airbases and Naval bases. These will or must have BMD.
=======From Above to Below things change-----
Added on 05 Feb 2020: Your not fooling anyone. When today's content was deleted. 08 Feb 2020: Then you edited this little comment.
Added on 08-09 Feb 2020: Second try.
The worlds next generation of Corvette should be as follows. From this next generation of Corvette will come your next generation of Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers and Battleships. All with a simple doubling of capabilities. The only differences will be in the differentiation into the different sub-classes of destroyers, Cruisers and Battleships.
The very first thing in which everyone should know before you even begin to design or engineer any new next generation class of naval warship is that the definition of class displacement, sizes and capacities has been increased. To the point that an old American cold war engineered Destroyer is now a Frigate. An American cold war engineered Cruiser is now a destroyer. The Russian Kirov Battle Cruiser is now a relic. But, this is not disrespect to the US Navy or the Russian Navy. From time to time definitions change and class sizes increase especially when they must contain within their hulls new technologies and gain new capabilities. As of today, there are a lot of new technologies and capabilities.
The new Corvette should be built by the Americans. Australia has news that they will buy the Swedish Visby Class Corvette. This will be a huge mistake as this class of corvette still maintains old world thinking in regards to modern Naval warship design. Australia will face a Chinese Naval force that will be superior in quantity over the US Navy and may very well become superior in quality. Especially, at the superior cost per ship. This is what Australia must contend with. Australia must dramatically increase their VLS Missile Cell counts. This can only be done with forward thinking and not build something that would have been a good warship prior to the year 2000. Below is what must be built for a modern day naval corvette warship. Go and study the historical data on the Sa'ar corvettes. It is easy to see how just these have evolved. Then go and look at any other nation which has corvettes. See how they each has evolved.
Power generation in this modern era with new and emerging technologies and weapons. You have to have power immediately at the flip of a switch. To go from normal operations to war mode and you have to be able to keep all of the gadgets and tech cool and dry. You need space and displacement. All of that stuff also adds much weight and you have to prepositionally manage all of that new weight. You have to be able to service or repair and replace everything quickly and easily.
All VLS Missile Cells must be intelligent and universal. This means that if you pack four missiles into an American Mark 41 or Mark 57. The ships on board computer systems already knows exactly what is in the boxes. This is most likely classified. But, this evolution of VLS Missile Cells must achieve this capability. A new Mark 6? intelligent and universal missile cell must be invented. This new 6? box should also be able to contain four Mark 57 standard missiles. This new Mark 6? VLS Missile Cell will be used for anti-satellite and anti ballistic missile operations. Inside the new Mark 6? VLS Missile Cell must be able to accept all Mark 41 and 57 missiles. Because the length of the new Mark 6? will be very tall. The position next to the tallest part of the ship will become a necessity. Because, the mission will dictate what is needed.
The tradition of men/women on the outside of the ship when the threat is real must come to an end. Even window and port holes must also no longer exist. For these opening can give access to damaging EMP and other DEW flavors (LASER and RF). Thus, causing harm to people and equipment.
Remote operated guns with their own sensor/RADAR packages. These remote operated guns will also have an automated function controlled by the ships computer AI. These will be necessary as the emerging threat of massive amounts of airborne drone attacks from a variety of vectors and altitudes will be inevitable. Think about thousands of airborne, surface and sub surface drones all at once.
The ships computer AI must be able to link up with the Aircraft Carrier Battle Group as well as a variety of satellites for hand off duties as well as tasking.
A COWA is a self powered and tow-able weapons platform. It will be AI Capable and hardwired into the back of the towing ship. This hardwired tow cable set up must be released in seconds so as to allow the COWA to go forth towards their tactical position. A COWA should also be towed by every other Naval ship. Thus, being able to be linked via satellite or Aircraft Carrier battle group. There will be a variety of sizes of COWA's. Those which can be permanently towed by a corvette, frigate, destroyer, cruiser, aircraft carrier, or battleship. Every ship should tow a COWA.
That which is engineered into this next generation of Naval Corvette. So to the expandability be applied to every other class of warship. Which means every class of warship will have the capability to house, service, arm, fuel aircraft and helicopters. So in essence to a limited degree all warship classes hence forth become a carrier of sorts. Just as it is added to the class of a war ship missile maybe so to the term carrier.
War Mode for all electronic frequency emitters. This will be used to flood a spot in space with huge amounts of RF radiation. Not just dumb radiation power but also high power intelligent radio signals. So as to over power classified stuff and cook the human enemy pilots.
Again it would be a huge mistake for Australia to by the Visby. The Europeans suffer from a stagnant mindset. This prevents the European from thinking and planning ahead as is the state of each nations military status signifies. Think about it how can Iran do what they did in retaliation if the threat from Europe was actually real.
The new RAN Corvette can be Visby like but at a length of 110+ meters in length and a beam of 17+ meters. Think about civilian builders of any motorized vehicle. The more you pay the more can be easily added to the vehicle you pay for. So engineer all of the toys, weight positions and classified into the hull of the ship. Then add the new toys when you can pay more for more capability. Think about the old concept of the American owned CJ series Jeeps. You do not even need a CJ Jeep to build from the ground up your own personal CJ Jeep. Get my point? Think about this. If you build what I have listed below. Every Corvette can launch and retrieve a F35 or what ever comes after.
I tell you and you classified already know this. China will go to war with the USA and allies. China already knows your weaknesses and will exploit them wholly. If Australia does not take action very soon. Australia will be over taken in a short period of time. Remember this Australians, Americans, Europeans, Canadians all must stop buying anything "Made in China". Where do you think their collective Chinese wealth is going? There is not any threat anywhere to the Chinese interests that warrants the massive Chinese buildups.
Another capability is when each class of warship is in dock. The RADAR and sensor systems are in full use to the naval authority at every naval base. This also includes all VLS Missile Cells. Why is this important? Because, now you have readily available a Anti-satellite defense, Ballistic missile defense and an active air defense zone. Since naval warships can be plugged into the existing networks directly. The entire ship can be used by the onshore computer AI or as a remote operated ship. This remote operation will have limits as in it wont go anywhere without human pilots.
The belligerent actions of a emerging world bully always is the truth over what comforting words spoken to ease you back into complacency.
Length: 110+ meters or 360+ feet. Do not be surprised if Corvettes eventually approach 120 meters.
Beam: 17 meters or 55.77 feet. The number is (6.47).
Range: 10,000 km or 6213.712+ miles.
Speed: 30+ knots:
Power Generation: Must have enough power to run all systems on war mode.
Engines: Capable of permanently towing COWA. Will the hull be wide enough for a third screw?
48-60 Intelligent Universal multipurpose VLS Missile Cells. Mark 41,57 and 6?.
1 - 100 mm main gun. Auto-select and auto load.
1 - CIWS Phalanx. With Centurion exploding ammunition option.
A dozen per side: Remote and AI operated guns and launchers.
Flight Deck and facilities. Enough room for a F35 or a new S97 Raider variants if approved.
A complimentary variety of RADAR systems and sensors. Each with high power war mode. Multiple bands.
Bow and tow-able sonar systems.
Electromagnetic warfare packages as well as emerging DEW's.
Ability to launch and retrieve armed drones into the air, on the surface and deep into the water. 48-60 Intelligent Universal multi-purpose VLS Missile Cells COWA Intelligently towed and AI Capable ship.
Just because, I do not list a thing does not mean I forgot to list the thing.