Showing posts with label Missile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missile. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2021

American Civil War Threats Neutralized Visions: (Unedited): 23 Dec 2021:

As usual. New updates and new writings below. I do get conspiratorial. My assumptions should be kept separate and isolated from the actual visions and dreams that I often times write about. But, my assumptions can be correct, but in my history my assumptions on the meaning of my dreams and visions have not been very accurate.
I just had some visions as I tried to go to sleep. 
I saw individual units and dozens of units mixed together in the darkened sky, like an overlay of images happening at a single time. Some skies were clear and other skies were cloudy. 
I saw US Air Force Planes launch their missiles into the darkened homes of select sleeping Americans. I saw dozens in different places all at once. 
I saw US Army missile forces already deployed and firing off their missiles into the darkened homes of select sleeping Americans. 
I saw US Navy warships launching their missiles into the darkened homes of select sleeping Americans.
Added on 12 Jan 2022:
Who would some of these sleeping Americans be? Former military leadership, Special Forces, SEAL's and/or other "Operator's). These would be the greatest threats to any wrong side in a civil war. If a civil war were to go hot or violent with guns, bombs and other actual weapons of actual warfare. It is they that the wrong side must target first. Because, you must get rid of the real deals of actual warfare. It is they who will be the threats to the actual evil doers who desire an end to the American way of life. Those who would plan the murder of America's greatest war fighting heroes and it matters not if you know who they are or not. The government knows and their data and military weapons will be used against American civilians. 
Then I saw the prestaging of American military forces and personnel who have agreed with what they are about to do. I have a number 100,000 evil men and evil women have been training for some time to defend the America that the evil politicians are about to completely take over and completely change to their will.
Added on 12 Jan 2022: 
The command structure is being changed as I write this. A number of people in command are being removed and replaced. Typically for a loss of confidence. Look for these things. Could this be a common sign. An evil leadership who puts people in command who will follow every order. Which will include using all manner of military weapons against American civilians.
But, When you do the research it seems all of it surrounds sexual harassment. In which in this modern era all a person needs to be is accused without any evidence or court declarations. But, what will the facts be? Or will all sexual harassment case be just leaked information with no need to have actual evidence or complainants. 
These civilian evil men and evil women have been preselected to be trained by the US Military. These people will form new specific units which will only answer to the President of the USA or what was the USA. They will spend more time training than what is considered normal.
The entire US Navy crews on warships were all selected by the President. The same for the US Air Force and the US Army. The newest and best equipment will be saved for these people. 
The President of what will be the former USA will need his own military force who will without question follow every order. Including the orders to kill any individual American or any American family with children. It will not matter reasons. They will just follow orders without question or hesitation. 
An artificial natural disaster(?'s?) will be orchestrated. Most likely targeting offending former states. New weapons that have not been fully conceptualized by any civilian will be used against them. 
Earlier in the day I saw American Naval ships firing on one another. The severe confusion of not knowing who is actually friend or foe was very difficult. This confusion and delay to act is what ends the actual good guys. The bad guys were easily victorious as they have already planned and trained for their event. Even in the Pentagon, the important bad guys intercepted mayday calls from their own ships as they sunk allowing all hands to die. No rescue was sent. Survivors were shot as they swam. So was this close quarters combat? Is that a thing? Modern ships do not seem to be capable of effective close quarters combat. Yes/No? No media news reports anything. 
Added on 24 Dec 2021:
I was thinking of other modern day civil wars like those in the one hundred or so years, China and Russia and where socialism and communism have been victorious. The good guys all lost and lost badly. It is only in Hollywood where the perceived good guys always win. This does not happen in real life. In real life the good guys do lose and the innocent do suffer greatly. 
I tried focusing on who these targeted Americans were and why the American government killed entire families? I received no answer except I had already written about who they were. It doesn't matter what your feelings are for or against the Waco Siege. It was all unnecessary and should not have happened the way it did. The civilians and children lost.
It doesn't matter what your feelings for or against the Dakota Pipeline protest. The American government aimed an air defense weapon at their own American citizens. Used their own government agents to infiltrate the unarmed group in order to cause a massacre. The Government wanted those people dead and in this case they failed.
Si I guess the government learned their lessons and have evolved into just murdering families that they deem as threats. After, all it will be the government who will investigate all explosions and of course they will not find any surviving missile munition pieces. Only what is expected from any civilian who stores too much gas, diesel, and illegal explosives. 
Wow, It seems like I just went all conspiracy channel. Well, this writing is after the fact and how I was trying to think about it all. So you should consider the visions and dreams as stand alone and separate from how I try to think about them all. I think you can see where I assume a thing. Yea, I have a lot of assumptions even in what I wrote last night. Yea, So, I did see the Americans firing on darkened homes in places that I cannot identify on a people that I did not see nor can I identify. I did see American warships firing on American warships. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mid Flight Cruise Vision: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2015:

This is unedited. Duplication and certain things will most likely be out of order.  
A difficult read right now.
I think this is many years into the future. Possible prophecy. In which there will be no civilian winners. Civilians always lose no matter which side they are on. Their losses are always very personal. 
I see several flights of different kinds of aircraft. Some manned and many more autonomous. I will do my best to describe what I see. The location is unknown as I feel like I'm above the clouds.
What I see is the transition from mid flight to terminal flight. (My words).
The spearhead of the entire grouping of aircraft is lead by the cheaper and dumber cruise missiles. All with their own preset targeting assignments. Their destinations are the hardened military sites.

A short duration later. The primary flights of both manned and unmanned aircraft. Along side of them are the much smarter cruise missiles.
The manned aircraft have their full compliment of missiles as well as command and control of their own networked cruise missiles in flight along with each corresponding manned airplane. Some of the cruise missiles are taxed with defense of the manned aircraft.

The manned aircraft seemed to have more separation between them. Although they are still paired together.
There are many varieties of cruise missiles.
The dumber cruise missiles. Are pre-programmed with set destinations of hardened targets. They are sent in to absorb and overwhelm the first defensive actions of the enemy SAM (Surface Air Missile) sites.

Cruise missiles with their own radar and can be targeted for incoming threats. The new targeting data can come from other aircraft sources within the network or from satellite communications and ground control Radar stations.

Cruise missiles. Which can be nuclear penetrators. These would fly as any other cruise missile would. Once it reaches it's target destination. It would quickly gain altitude to a certain terminal height. Then engage a hyper velocity engine diving straight down through the target. Thus, detonating the nuclear payload deep underground.

Cruise missiles. Which may have pre-selected targeting data can be re-programmed throughout the entire flight path. If enough fuel is left over they can even loiter until a target is assigned. If no new target is assigned. The cruise missile can self destruct in a safe place or it can follow pre-programmed target assignments.

Cruise missiles can be assigned to a specific aircraft. Like a heavy, slow and very visible bomber. Depending on package set up. They can act as additional eyes, electronic disruption or as defensive weapons for defense of the bomber. If the bomber is lost. The cruise missile can be re-assigned to a new aircraft or dispatched on a new mission.

This is how it could look or planned out. The bombers take flight. They refuel many times. Upon the last refueling. The bombers are met up with their assigned compliment of cruise missiles. Which arrange themselves in the best tactical formation around each of the bombers. Within a flight. How they would arrange themselves. I do not have the knowledge to even guess. The cruise missiles may originate from Navy destroyers, Submarines or from land.

Some of the new ultra-long range cruise missiles. Have some kind of added stage. Which can be dropped off in mid flight.
The enemies Sam sites see the first wave and launch their missiles. Destroying almost all of them. The rest are re-targeted and destroyed. It takes time to reload a missile battery. It takes time to shoot and to scoot. The spearhead of the next wave of cruise missiles are the ARMs and electronic jamming Cruise missiles or drones. Blinded, partially blinded or receiving misleading data telemetry. the active Radar systems are targeted and destroyed. Command and control are destroyed next. Drones and sensor type of cruise missiles. Seek out for active signals and alert the incoming cruise missile for new targeting data. Drones see the reloading of mobile SAM batteries. Ground controllers far away re-task certain cruise missiles already in flight. Those SAM batteries being reloaded are destroyed.
 As the SAM sites exhaust their missiles. They all need to be reloaded. While at the same time those that shoot their entire missile compliment. Will need to scoot to a predesignated safe place for reloading. Those mobile SAM launchers should be easily tracked by surveillance drones. Then with satellite up-links the incoming waves of cruise missiles can acquire new targeting data and continuous intelligence feed in real time. If the timing is perfect. The incoming wave of cruise missiles can arrive at the exact time when the reloading process has already begun. Thus, destroying more than the mobile SAM launcher.
The waves of cruise missiles were intermixed. With a variety of different styles of cruise missiles. Different varieties and capabilities. It does seem the rear of these ultra range cruise missiles are all identical. This is where the ranges in excess of 3000 miles comes into effect.
There is a dual purpose drive unit. The primary typical jet engine unit. Coupled to or mated together in some way with a hyper velocity or rocket motor. These may be staged units of some kind.
That seems to be the end of the vision. No real ending or location. From whom to whom. I think what is important we as a human species are all on an evolutionary path for extinction through warfare. The technology is present. The point will come when the few can begin a war or end a civilization regardless of what the general population desires. If the common soldier refuses to go to war for no apparent reason. There will be enough autonomous machines of war to start a war and force everyone to become engaged in warfare. Once the fighting begins. Total human extinction will be the final conclusion and then there will be peace on Earth. Hence the Peace sign as we commonly know it. Is a dead tree of life. An upside down symbol. It is also a broken cross of Christ. Which represents the opposite teaching of Christ which was to love one another. You cannot love your brother when you are killing him as he is killing you. Only the purple words below can save humanity from extinction. But, it has to begin at the individual level and by your own free choice.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Hypersonic Shotshell Missile: (Unedited): 31 Dec 2014:

Today, I had a vision of a new design of anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile. This is what I saw. I am not a naval person. So forgive the absence of proper nautical terminology.
1). I saw a beautifully clear day looking down upon the ocean. I can see a variety of ships, ships of war. A number of small ships in close proximity to a large aircraft carrier. I can see long endless wakes behind every ship. All traveling in their one direction. Then my view became high and to the rear of the great aircraft carrier (Ford). This became my solitary focus. Suddenly comes the unseen missile. It impacts the upper rear deck with a hole. Towards the front of the ship below the water line. You can visibly see the exit energy of the missile. Then follows great explosions. Vision ends.
2). Next vision is of the missile itself. a simplified pictorial diagram. The leading of the middle. Contains the tungsten sabot penetrator. Just behind the Tungsten sabot is an inverted spiraling flower. Tucked away inside of the spiraling flower is ?5? ?Tungsten? balls. Just behind the inverted spiraling flower is the meager warhead of fire.
3). An explanation of how it works. Upon impact. The sabot loses enough energy to forcibly expel the tungsten balls at damaging velocities. The inverted spiraling flower only needs to be strong enough and last long enough to guide the tungsten balls in an outward direction. The warhead detonates it's firestorm. The sabot penetrator travels the length of the ship in a downward sloping fashion. Then releasing the rest of it's energy into the bow or spine/keel of the ship. 
4). With all of the defenses within an entire aircraft carrier battle group. They could not defend against this new threat of hypersonic cruise missile. The Phalanx CIWS was not capable to mechanically track the incoming missile. Even though all of the radar systems available could easily see it coming. Everything worked as they were meant to work. They just were not designed for hypersonic threats. Even though the salesmen engineers proclaim they can. The loss of the Ford was not seen by me in any of today's visions.
I saw other hypersonic missiles. The ones where the Phalanx had to transverse in order to track and target the missile. It was not capable. Where the hypersonic missile was coming directly at the phalanx system. It could defend itself with ?success?. It's all a matter of time.
I have written previously and without knowledge of these visions. A pair of phalanx CIWS systems should be placed fore and aft of all aircraft carriers, under the flight deck. In between the two Phalanx should also be a LaWS laser. All of it integrated into the Aegis combat type systems. This should be done now.
The Phalanx CIWS system needs mechanically re-designed, Software upgrades to handle hypersonic craft and in multiples. A selectable and or threat assigned delayed of one second bursts. So that the radar can quickly ascertain target destruction. This will save ammunition. Especially when there are over whelming targets. China Tactic.
When a new transverse mechanism is re-engineered for the Phalanx CIWS. The gun barrels will need to be re-enforced. The sudden stops will cause misalignment's. Other internal points will need to be hardened as well. Minor stuff. But, not minor if they fail.

All of these terms are related to each other in theoretical design
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: