Showing posts with label UBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UBI. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Universal Basic Income: (Unedited): 25 April 2018:

NOTE FORM. OUT OF ORDER. Usually when I write like this. It is for people who write way better than I. I really hope a lot of people turn this into their own. The sooner countries plan for this change. The fewer people will suffer. 

Can something like a Universal Basic Income (UBI) or Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) work in America? For many, yes. and for many, No. and for many others, No. They will just want and demand more and more.  I think you will always have those people who want everything they can get without putting forth any effort whatsoever. I also think there is a very good reason why socialism continually fails and it will also fail in the USA.  Socialism as a means to create a program to assist the poor will always fail as the poor will only be perpetuated instead of coming to some conclusion.
The whole of the world is on a T-12 year countdown for Robotics and AI. This will result in a severe loss of Jobs in the entire worlds workforce which will far exceed 2 billion lost jobs. Because of the severe losses of jobs around the world. Everything that the common worker is able to buy and own within what is allowed by their own nations will come to an end. So if like in the USA the American citizen as well as foreign nationals are allowed to buy all manor of real estate, businesses and all manner of goods. So as long as they can reliably pay their mortgages and credit cards on a timely basis every single month. For as long as they shall live. These freedoms will come to an end in accordance to some smart persons Bell Curve creation and they will be very correct except for the error in years which will only be off by a few. The advent of Robotics and AI will be more profound than the change in society from candle or oil lamp to the light bulb. The light bulb is representative of digital theory in computers. So, no light bulbs, no super cool technology we enjoy today. It took humanity 139 years to get from a basic light bulb to where we are in this modern age of technology. This 139 year change from the invention of the light bulb may in fact become 30 years after functional AI robotics comes fully online. What changes will be in store for humanity? No one could have even contemplated Play Station 4 or 5, or cell phone computers with instant access of anyone else with a cell phone computer on the planet. So from about 2030 to 2060. The entire world for humanity will just as be as different as what today is and what the late 1870's was. In a period of thirty years. This can be a positive impact on humanity. If all of the governments plan now for this big change instead of planning for war. Like passing a law that states when financial institutions fail. All properties revert back to city, county, state or federal government ownership. Immediately. Then judges or some kind of authority can assign housing and redevelopment plans to those who can do. Without greedy fingers. Nationalizing of every support network for all of the infrastructure. This should be done until the entire conversion process is complete. Unless if certain persons who have been responsible and have proven themselves to be reliable leaders and mangers. Then they should be allowed ownership of certain infrastructures. If their fingers get sticky or their children demand special nuts on a plane or they begin to act like their are super specials. Then their done.

So how does the world overcome the coming severe economic disasters? How does nations recover an absolute collapse of all of their tax bases? How will each nation recover from global homelessness, starvation, disease? Each nation must enable their populations to become self sufficient as humanity was in the 1700's. Except with full use of all of the coming cool technologies we have today and in the future. This leads to the next question. What will a family unit require to live sustainable lives without major governmental support? What skills, talents, education and training will be required for each person in a family unit? What will a basic dwelling look like for a family unit and what will be the mandated requirements?
The new economy will be nationally exclusive. The new credit should have a nationalized terminology and equality to the common monetary unit. There should be an equal comparison to milk. If milk cost $5 per gallon. Then one gallon of milk should also cost 5 credits. But, to transition faith in the currency to faith in a credit. In which both require faith as neither are truly real. The value of the credit should be more than the common currency. This is to also instill more hope in the big change. A freezing of prices and wages may need to occur for a short time as defined by those persons way smarter than me. No one should be able to profit for the exchange programs during this critical phase of conversion.
The new credit currency shall not ever have a debt associated with the government. In other words the government shall never be in debt. Unlike the dollar currency tied to some kind of minerals. Responsible management is still necessary. This is way above me.
NOTE: I use the term credit as I'm a part of old video game rooms of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Put a quarter in and get a token or credit.
A basic dwelling which is comfortable and healthy for each person in a family unit. They will also be required to have attained new standards for efficiencies. Will have renewable energy generation and tied to the major power lines as they all will be under government control for a short time. This will include solar and wind generation. They each will have battery backup. Every home will have air to water systems where applicable. Each home will have a number of container vertical farming systems attached. This will be dependent to the number associated to the size or number of the family unit. Acreage as determined by the number of the intact family unit should be granted.
How to qualify? Completion of education programs. Service and repair of the new home system. The new agriculture of hydroponic vertical farming in containers. Dirt farming and the raising of animals on your acreage in an eco friendly manor. Skills for self sufficiency, natural recycling and thriving in the new era. How to run your local micro economy business and merging into a macro economy market place.
The new way for education. All education will be from the home. So, this means that all homes must be connected to the internet. Human teachers will still be needed. But, they will become a dwindling breed of professionals. As AI teachers will replace the professional teachers. These AI teachers will be programmed for each students primary learning styles and will always be the perfect psychological match for each student. The perfect AI educational system will be developed.
BUT!!! an AI may not be able to teach real hands on education. This will have to be human led for the time being. Hands on skills will be human led. As AI should always be limited by law to not be able to repair itself, to self improve or to rebuild or build new selves. All AI must always depend on humans for it's own personal safety and well being. Without ever being able or aware that it can question these specific areas of thoughts. An AI must always depend on humans for the awesomeness of power/electricity and to be thankful for it. A lot of AI laws must be written by smart people. Including instant off and instant erase on all AI.
The instant off is very necessary. Because, If an AI robot goes cray cray, then a person from a safe distance can shoot the easily seen instant off button with a bean bag or with a shotgun. Whichever works.
Look the way I see it right now. You can see this giant wave of awful negativity coming your way. In which you can sit and wait for all of the destruction and ensuing chaos or you can grab your surf board and ride high.
You have less than 12 years from right now or before 2030ish. What you can do right now. GET OUT OF DEBT. Completely out of debt. Own your house and property. Stay up to date on all taxes. As their maybe a repayment system developed. Plan ahead for the future of your family. Look for my other writings on AI and Robotics for skill sets needed. I may include them here. Not sure yet. I'm writing four different things at once right now.
Skills needed.
The thirty year prediction is only a guess. Can you even fathom rebuilding an entire planet of 10 billion people by 2060. It seems like everyone must be working. A person who unifies the whole population can bring the whole world together in one singular goal for everyone to work on together and hand in hand. AND... There are severe bad and sad prophecies about that singular person.
The civilian population is losing their jobs by the thousands on a daily basis. With paydays making the biggest jumps in jobs lost for that week. With so many people losing their jobs. Fewer and fewer people will have the financial resources to purchase any kinds of consumer goods. Let alone food, fuel, water, electricity, rent, internet, phone, TV, outside entertainment and etc.
The government must have people in place as well as plans in place to begin the big change. The faster the plans can be implemented the more at ease the entire population will be.
A basic income shall/should be instituted. Since all infrastructure will be assumed by all of the government entities. It will be necessary to retain all of the good people to work those necessary shifts.
All infrastructure should be paid for by each family unit or person. Which means that each family unit or person shall receive credits to pay for infrastructure. Just to keep them in the habit of paying for services. The ones who refuse to play the game shall receive education on why it is important and then lose all or limitations of benefits.
The process or reeducating your entire population will be very time consuming. But, the nations who begin this process now. Will be the nations in the best shape when AI robotics comes online.
Every citizen should automatically be qualified for financial assistance for all college and all hands on classes right now and all the way through the far right side of the bell curve. Every person who is in your work force must be reeducated. This process should become seem less once a person loses their job. They should be able to receive financial aid as well as walk into local institutions of learning. That way in 2-6 years that person can positively reenter the workforce as a renewed member of the tax base. While becoming a less of a burden to society, nation and world.
Old and outdated structures will have to be demolished. Excluding those deemed worth by local historical societies. Any housing unit which is deemed inefficient, old, outdated and cannot cause a family to be self sufficient. Should be demolished. Except for those safe and sturdy structures which can be used by the disabled.
Every human being who emerges from the advent of AI Robotics. Will have new responsibilities as a human being. More free time. Easier life and better quality of life. We each must begin to have a mind set of being care takers of our communities, nation, planet and solar system. Then passing along this mindset onto the next better generation of each of us.
Added on 30 April 2018: A lot of French have been reading this. The French government has just failed a form of minimal UBI or GMI. From what I have seen. There were no goals and mo set achievement standards. People were given minimal monies and then required to do nothing. Yea, free money. Isn't there an English TV show about the rental police or debt police kicking people out of rental homes? A friend of mine likes that show. I think it is awful but a necessary governmental service. I think a monetary tiered system should be instituted. The more a person does the more funding that person gets. If a person does community service. They should receive additional funding. If a person is in school. They should receive additional funding. If they have kids in school and are making grades they should get funding. If no one is causing trouble. Then they get to keep funding. What ever things you can create to cause the citizen to return to the tax base is important. Everyone will need additional education and to broaden their skill sets. Everyone who is willing to be reeducated showed be allowed to participate in any program which leads a person to the right side of the Robotic AI bell curve. This 12 or so year expense will pay for itself when the majority of your population begins to pay taxes again. Think about it Government man. Do nothing get nothing.
Additional note. People who are disabled or deemed perpetually unreasonable illogical. Should not be given cash to pay their rent. Especially, when those awesome shoes and purses are on sale. I saw that episode on that English show.
Added on 12 Sept 2024: 
The idea of a UBI of GBI at the initial stages is for the rise of the wicked evildoers who must pay for their supporters. The ruling and governing classes of each nation must pay for their people. In which this pay will be in the form of monies, benefits and property. As is with every other evil nation which is absent of any actual justice, freedom, liberty and basic human rights. 
Added on 02 Feb 2025: From Chat GPT4o.

Preparing for the AI & Robotics Revolution: The Future of Work, Economy, and Society

The Impending Shift

  • The world is on a T-12 year countdown before AI and robotics cause massive workforce disruptions, leading to over 2 billion job losses globally.
  • The transformation will be more profound than the shift from oil lamps to electric bulbs.
  • The technological acceleration from AI will reshape society within 30 years, similar to how the 139-year gap between the light bulb's invention and modern technology compressed history.

Universal Basic Income (UBI) & Economic Transition

  • UBI or Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) may work for some, but it risks failure if mismanaged.
  • History shows socialism often perpetuates poverty rather than solving it.
  • With mass unemployment, traditional tax bases will collapse, requiring nations to restructure their economies.
  • The transition must focus on self-sufficiency at the family unit level, leveraging technology to create sustainable living conditions.

New Economic Model

  • A nationalized credit system should replace current currency, with a fixed value comparable to essential goods (e.g., 1 credit = 1 gallon of milk).
  • Government debt should be eliminated by designing a self-sustaining credit system.
  • Wages and prices may need temporary stabilization to ensure a smooth transition.
  • No entity should profit from the currency exchange process during this period.

Housing & Sustainability

  • Housing must be redefined for self-sufficiency, including:
    • Renewable energy sources (solar, wind, battery backup).
    • Atmospheric water generators.
    • Vertical farming containers for home-based food production.
    • Land allocation based on family unit size.
  • Qualification for housing should require:
    • Completion of education programs.
    • Training in home maintenance, farming, and micro-economy management.
    • Eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Education in the AI Era

  • Home-based, AI-driven education will replace traditional schools.
  • AI teachers will be customized for each student’s learning style, but hands-on skills must remain human-led.
  • AI should be restricted from self-improvement, self-repair, or independent power access to prevent uncontrolled evolution.
  • Instant-off and instant-erase functions must be mandatory for AI safety.

National Infrastructure & Governance

  • Governments should preemptively seize failing financial institutions' assets to prevent corporate monopolization of housing and services.
  • Infrastructure should be temporarily nationalized to ensure fair distribution and stability.
  • Leadership in this transition must prioritize responsibility over personal gain—any corruption should result in immediate removal.

Urgent Action Steps

  • Personal Preparation:
    • Get out of debt and secure property ownership before the economic shift.
    • Stay current on taxes to avoid losing assets during financial restructuring.
  • Government Planning:
    • Develop immediate strategies for mass unemployment.
    • Establish UBI or credit systems before economic collapse.
    • Implement public education on self-sufficiency and necessary skills.

The Coming Challenge

  • By 2060, humanity must transition to an entirely new economic and social structure to accommodate 10 billion people in a technology-driven world.
  • A singular leader could unite the world in this effort—but history warns of the dangers of such centralized power.
  • Governments must act now to ensure a smooth transition instead of waiting for chaos to dictate the outcome.


  • The choice is clear: prepare now and ride the wave of change or wait and be crushed by it.
  • Humanity's future depends on proactive adaptation, responsible governance, and a new model for sustainable living.

References & Further Reading:

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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