Showing posts with label Perceptions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perceptions. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2014

Darkened World: (Unedited): 31 Jan 2014:

Assigning a negative emotion to joyous bird song, darkens your perceptions of the world. 
Most of us know who live rurally. That the birds sing their joyous song very early in the morning. This may not be so convenient to those who desire to sleep. The young one or anyone who begins to become upset and angered at the joyous song of happy birds. Misses out on their feeling of happiness and by becoming angered also darkens their own perceptions of the world in which they exist in.
Your world of darkness and misery is all equated of all of the negative emotions you have created in your life to this point.
When the rains and snows,
When the heat and cold,
When the beach is to salty and sandy,
When the mountains are to tall and rocky,
 When any snow is to much.
When any desert is to desolate,

There will be nothing pleasant to experience. The beauty in all things will be forever lost to you. Simply because you have decided at one time the experience was a negative emotional value.
Memorable outings with family and friends become a constant flow of complaints before, during and after.
So how is it that you will ever have peace and happiness when everything is a problem to be expected.
Even shouts of happiness in which you were not a part of causes you to rush in and inquire what is wrong.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Change Thinking: (Unedited): 29 Jan 2014:

Thinking about things in a positive light. Changes your perceptions and emotions of those things. C.J.MacKechnie
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Altered Realities: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2013:

When the reality of your world comes into contact with the reality of my world. Both realities become altered. C.J.MacKechnie
Your world is your own which is your own reality. My world is my own and is my own reality. When your world interacts with my world. Each of our own perceptions of each of our worlds become altered and changed forever.
Even though you have never met me and you are where ever you are reading this quote and comment. I have intentionally altered your world. Hopefully in a positive light. While you have not altered my world. Thus, technology can breed altered realities of other peoples worlds without any changing of the original authors world.
Interesting?  Flawed? or thought provoking?
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Perceptions Aware: (Unedited): 20 June 2013:

Your awareness that a certain spooky thing is getting larger or more powerful is just your perceptions increasing. 
Becoming aware of a spiritual structure is like a blind person discovering a completely new object or thing. As you discover, learn and understand more of this spiritual structure, it will seem to increase. If you have a room full of blind people all touching a new object in different places, each will have his or her own perspective of the unknown spiritual structure. These are just puzzle pieces of the whole. This means that the group must find one another to objectively discuss their perceptions without emotion. This is necessary to ascertain what the object is, which means beware of absolute declarations based on partial and incomplete information.
Ask those questions which do not revolve or involve you. Separate yourself from your own needs, wants and enjoyment. Because, if that spiritual structure is designed and engineered to serve all, then you will not discover the truth of its true nature, origin or even functional purpose.
Ever watch the fictional movie Cocoon (1985)? The old guys are swimming in the pool and decide to open the rocks. They were unknowingly taking the life energy of the sealed-up aliens without ever being aware and without caring to be aware, until the aliens arrive and get upset. Have a little compassion and care for the unknown object which seems to serve all who spiritually touch it.
I'm a guy, so my example is for guys. If your a girlie girl then replace cars/trucks with a dress or shoes. I just learned that girls will fight over shoes.... Really?....
Have you ever noticed that something you were not aware of just did not exist in your life, and then you buy a jeep or some other car/truck that you discovered you really liked. Now all of a sudden you see your now favorite car/truck everywhere. Same thing, except way more important.
Your awareness has a definite effect on what you perceive. If you do not believe a certain thing is real then you will not perceive it, no matter if it is real or not, associated or not associated or both within our dimension or not.
The movie "A Field of Dreams", where Doc saves Karen-movie clip 6 of 9 on YouTube. Watch where the unbeliever suddenly becomes aware. Of course this is fictional story but the result is very similar and will be related directly to your specific psychology and knowledge foundation.
The adult lead characters had to make the journey just to begin to believe and found difficulty to accept this new weird compulsion, whereas the child character seemed to easily believe and to easily accept things just the way they are.
Warning. For those who have always been unbelievers, even though everyone thinks you have always been a believer, any miracle you witness may be just for you. Think about that hard. However you define God, Allah or the Divine, the movie showed an innocent suffering soul, just so the unbeliever would witness the unexplained and forever be changed. We easily ignore even the simple miracles because we are just not aware. Angels continuously walk amongst us simple humans. All you have to do is take the time to just really watch what is really going on, like on an empty field of dead ball players. Even a ghost may need its own miracle, just to become aware of a truth.
There is zero intention to insult any person with any disability, like the visually impaired. My use is for comparison only because it seems we humans are all spiritually without any sense. LOL if you like this truth. I say this knowing I'm in the same spiritually senseless boat that we seem to be sharing together.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Updated and edited on 20 June 2013 @ 2238HRS.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

TrailBlazers: (Unedited): 21 April 2013:

Your journey in this life is a result of the trails YOU blaze. Not from the trails other people make for you. C.J.MacKechnie
I do ask questions in which I do not really expect any response or answer. This can be perceived at times as being rude of me. But, it is not. I feel it is important to EMPOWER those who ask for dream interpretations, readings, perceptions or advice. These are important lessons for you as well. Because, When people ask you for dream interpretations, advise, readings, perceptions sometimes what people want are answers. Answers given freely often are accompanied with no wisdom, zero knowledge and absent any understanding. The how a person comes up with their own answers is more important than the actual real answer.

Every choice you make is crucial in life. For those who are very sensitive, missing a simple meal can have an important impact into the negative zones of decision makings. A reference for those who are diabetic or hypoglycemic.
The result of troubles experienced today is a logical conclusion of decisions made yesterday. To correct a bad life experienced today. One must begin to make good decisions today. It is that over simplified.
But, for some who having made serious bad decisions in their past. They must live with and endure to the end. There are still choices. How will you live the life you have now and tomorrow? What are your short term goals in life? What are your medium term goals in life? What are your long term goals in life?
Such as a beautiful young girl walks straight into the darkness. After choosing not to make the right turn under the last flickering street light. Bad and terrible things happened to her. Now, she is the victim and must exist or live the rest of her life with the full knowledge of making a wrong decision. Yes, over simplified and a little insensitive. Still a foundational truth. How she lives her her right now and tomorrow. Will be the difference between a fearful meaningless existence and a full life with deep profound meaning. The difference is powerful empowerment or absolutely weak helplessness.
A diabetics poor choice can lead to a loss of toes or eyesight or even their life. But, Chocolates and mango's are soooo good. And mango's with hot chocolate is better than good. Is it worth a toe, an eye or a life? What does wisdom dictate? What does their emotional state show?
A super smart egg head genius refuses their education in favor of the excitement of a deceptive social life and the lies of cultural traditions. Their potential for making an important impact for the benefit for all of humanity, just turned to zero.
Choices always lead to an avalanche of more choices. How you stay ahead of the white crush is in itself exciting and empowering. A true revelation of your potential realized. This Florida boy who tries to out ski the avalanche of snow, will succumb pitifully, in a magnificent fail. This Florida boy who seeks the training, education and develops the skill to elude and escape an avalanche of snow. May find his personal victory. There is wisdom to be gained in organized education. No matter how bad it is from the government, society, culture or from your own blood family. Go and get your education for yourself. This self empowerment maybe one of the most important lessons for you to learn in the beginning of your new life. It will be your first and not your last. C.J.MacKechnie
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Unexplained Limit: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2012:

Your limited knowledge, understanding and perceptions causes you to encounter the unexplained. 
 By acquiring greater critical thinking abilities, improving your logical thought processes, Learning new math skills all will help you to fear not the unknown or unexplained. By achieving greater understanding and acquiring greater knowledge. You become less prone to be negatively affected by any unexplained strangeness. By expanding your own perceptions of awareness. You will become less surprised by most surprising things.
Even working on disciplines and controls of your own psychology will aid you in your own continuation of working through an unknown discovery.
Yes, I know. There are UFO's everywhere. Space aliens live among us. Those super secret alien human hybrids are in between. Then the vampire dog looking creature that sucks the blood out of cattle. Better hide your beef.
We humans have extremely limited perceptive capacities. A lot of animals can hear and see better than us. Gators have that vibration sensor. Bats and dolphins have sonar. And etc.
The unexplained is just that, unexplained. By simply increasing or improving your knowledge and understanding. The unexplained becomes easily explainable.
It has only been in the last 10 years that education has become a never ending human process. The 4 year bachelor degree is the new high school diploma. For the new entry level positions. Have three mutually related college degrees is the desire of any technologically advanced business. For advanced entry level positions. Having a master degree will be for middle management. Having the PHD's will be leadership opportunities. Mutually related PHD's. Will mean leadership in advanced tinkering.
Get yourself laid off. Then all of your degrees will expire. Then restart.

Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.