Showing posts with label controls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label controls. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Diverging Humanity: (Unedited): 23 Nov 2013:

The divergence of the human species shall come through on going chemical and genetic alterations.  
The selected and chosen will only need  to take a pill or receive an injection. Gradual genetic manipulation will occur over time for the selected and chosen. Their new genetic code will be transferred to their offspring. All manor of abilities will be given and inherited.
To be given an injection or to swallow a pill. Thus, your physical being nearly instantly becomes more than it was before. Your state of being and your psychology remains intact. That is until your pride and ego becomes magnified. There shall be a step up program which may be called something differently. This program allows a person to ease into the changes to their own human body. To gain controls over their physically altered mind states and improved ways of thinking. Once the individual is stabilized. Then the next step in their altered evolution is progressed. For instance a slowed aging process and life longevity can be altered to stop and reverse the aging process as well as having a limitless life span. This will be only the beginning. All aspects of the development of those illusive 6th senses will be simply turned on. They all will have the intelligence's vastly greater than Albert Einstein. They all will have the physical speed, strength, coordination and endurance greater than any and all of the professional athletes combined today. They all shall be much taller and have trademark physically visible characteristics.

Like wise, Without any awareness or suspicion of those who are not in the accepted class. Will also be given genetically modified foods and drugs which will stagnate and limit natural evolution. These foods and drugs will also limit growth and development in their current life time. Which means no one will even achieve their unique human potential. Each non-selected person will become limited in intellect, strength, endurance, life expectancy(lowered) and creativity.  They to will pass on these new traits to their offspring. The will become biological robots.
The life of a lower human will be one of indentured servitude to the greater human species. The lower human species will only want to do as they do and will never seek for more than they have as their desires for anything better will be curtailed. The lower human species shall not live greater than 30-40 years of age.


Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Unexplained Limit: (Unedited): 29 Dec 2012:

Your limited knowledge, understanding and perceptions causes you to encounter the unexplained. 
 By acquiring greater critical thinking abilities, improving your logical thought processes, Learning new math skills all will help you to fear not the unknown or unexplained. By achieving greater understanding and acquiring greater knowledge. You become less prone to be negatively affected by any unexplained strangeness. By expanding your own perceptions of awareness. You will become less surprised by most surprising things.
Even working on disciplines and controls of your own psychology will aid you in your own continuation of working through an unknown discovery.
Yes, I know. There are UFO's everywhere. Space aliens live among us. Those super secret alien human hybrids are in between. Then the vampire dog looking creature that sucks the blood out of cattle. Better hide your beef.
We humans have extremely limited perceptive capacities. A lot of animals can hear and see better than us. Gators have that vibration sensor. Bats and dolphins have sonar. And etc.
The unexplained is just that, unexplained. By simply increasing or improving your knowledge and understanding. The unexplained becomes easily explainable.
It has only been in the last 10 years that education has become a never ending human process. The 4 year bachelor degree is the new high school diploma. For the new entry level positions. Have three mutually related college degrees is the desire of any technologically advanced business. For advanced entry level positions. Having a master degree will be for middle management. Having the PHD's will be leadership opportunities. Mutually related PHD's. Will mean leadership in advanced tinkering.
Get yourself laid off. Then all of your degrees will expire. Then restart.

Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.