Showing posts with label Merging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merging. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Planetary Dream: (Unedited): 24 April 2018:

Just awoke from a dream.
Things seemed very sketchy in the dream. Feelings of great stress and uncertainty. I noticed a shadow and looked up and saw stars. Then I look elsewhere and noticed a large planetary object blocking our sun/star.
Then in another view I saw this large object nearly the size of our own star/sun. Begin to race around our own sun/star in real time. No slow mo and really fast. From my vantage point on this planet. It would revolve around our sun in seconds. While not touching.
Uncertain of my vantage point. Not where I am now.
I have been thinking about how things would appear when our solar system began to get closer and closer to the center of the galaxy. How everything would begin to come together. Maybe this is the first collision of two solar systems coming together. It sort of looked like another solar system was merging from underneath us by our perspective.
This continued thinking process may be what sparked the dream. It may even be prophetic in a billion or so earth years from now or maybe a dozen galactic years from now.
Added on 26 April 2018:
The view in which I saw in the dream. makes it certain that there is no where to run or hide. If two stars were to merge. With no explosive burping. The planet or planets within the habitable zone are no longer in the habitable zone. Earth becomes a pressure cooker with boiled ocean steam blowing into the new more powerful solar winds. As the Earth neither has the gravity or mass to hold it all in.
Star Crumbs: (Unedited): 30 Nov 2018:
The stars are our breadcrumbs for the imaginatively hungry to follow. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Spontaneous Gifts Emerge: (Unedited): 00 Dec 2015:

The merging of ones prayer and meditative life with their cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. Will emerge the spontaneous use of the spiritual gifts out of their humble meekness. Through their love and compassion shall the gifts be directed.
This can work both ways and other ways as well. Even the Holy Bible tells of unapproved Seers used by God. In which even the seer did not even respect God. Until the Donkey tried to save the seers life from an angel. But, even after direct evidence of holy angels. This seer convinced a king who disliked the Jews to cause the Jews to curse themselves. Go find it and read it for yourselves in the Bible. Old Testament.
Religion which is absent of righteousness and holiness is evil.
There are many many religions in this world with many many gods. Look at the evil which has been committed by men and women who represented a religion. Look at today. It seems every one wants you to be religious. Yet, that Jesus dude who has been almost entirely outlawed was at odds with the established religion of his day. Jesus Christ came to serve man and to serve himself up as the perfect sacrifice for atonement of all sins throughout all of time. Jesus came and taught all of humanity to love one another and that following the Ten Commandments was a way of loving your human brothers and sisters. When you want to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus. You willingly choose to obey the Ten Commandments by your own free choice. God does not force any one on this planet to obey any of His laws. You must choose to do so by your own free will. All without fear, intimidation or threats. This is the beginning of righteousness and holiness as God has intended for all of humanity. Not just for the select learned few. Who wear shiny clothes of gold with perfect hair. Not that I'm jealous of perfect hair as I do suffer from BHS (Bent Hair Syndrome).
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Merging Thoughts and Beliefs: (Unedited): 30 March 2015:

Through the merging of the deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Does the educated person become enslaved. 
To control how another person thinks and acts brings unity to the masses and control to the chosen few. There is power in the numbers in which the few shield themselves within the masses who protect them.
This is the essence of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs. Control, Authority and wealth. Where as political thought keeps you locked up in a box. The religious beliefs keeps taken care of the box. Both deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs will cause you to go to war in behalf of the box.
God brought the word to us all. He brought to humanity Love, Peace, Harmony, life and the law. When all of those few words work together for the benefit of the whole. By each persons free choice. Then everyone associated will find a joyful life worth living. This is more than just logical thinking. This is spiritual connectedness. While becoming a righteous person and a holy people. Without any lies. deceptions or false beliefs.
In the old days an educated person is a free person. They cannot be enslaved. Even slaves owners were concerned with the happiness of their slaves. Knew that if a slave was taught to much logical information. They would not want to be a slave.  ...Until psychological conditioning and brain entrainments were developed. Which merged together the mind, heart and soul into whatever false belief the leader wanted. When the specific entrainment of the mind begins at an early age. The older mind will hold onto it. No matter what actual truths are presented. Even backed up with many factual and logical facts/evidences. For instance racism. Racism is and has been the biggest lie that humanity perpetuates upon itself. Despite the facts of Human DNA finger printing and the human genome project as well as the ancient holy texts and through many oral traditions of many unrelated cultures around the world. All of this evidence proves that humanity is but one species, one race, one people and one family upon this planet.

To transcend beyond the constrains and restraints of deceptive political thought and false religious beliefs into that of a true righteous life. Shall make that person an enemy of every political thought and an outcast of every false religious beliefs. To become righteous and holy in the eyes of God is the intention of God. This is something which must happen individually and by free choice. In order for the human being to get to that next state of development. What ever that may be.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver