Any person who only wants for the pleasures to be received right now. Can easily sell themselves into slavery, when immediate gratification is the daily payment for labor completed.
This is also for the young person who feels it is not necessary to effort an education greater than the minimum standard. The greater your continued education the greater the guarantee of your freedom.
Any person who mocks, curses and belittles you for doing more than the minimum standard in any category of education, training, professionalism and etc. Only wants you to remain as enslaved as they have or will become. This also includes the accusations of trying to be of another race or skin tone. Especially when the concept of race is a provable lie and deception.
A slave will blindly believe anything and everything the masters teach. To the slave truth does not matter. To the master only control and authority over the slave matters. To the master the illusion of supremacy is required to keep the slaves in line and to prevent them from thinking to much. (Watch the movie "A Bugs Life").
To remain a slave don't think and ask no questions. To remain free always think and always ask questions.
Those who are in authority are the hoppers. Those who blindly and mindlessly follow the hoppers are the grasshoppers, or the useful idiots as coined and used by certain Communist Leaders. Those who are the ants is everyone else, Including those defined as your enemies by the Hoppers and Grasshoppers.
We are all one humanity, one species and one family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
Added on 11 Oct 2013:
The importance of education.