Showing posts with label offensive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label offensive. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

Killer People +17: (Unedited): 01 June 2024:

 All through human history there have been entire nations which raised up their entire population to be killers. You can see it on every continent to a variety of degrees. During WWII the Americans saw it with the Imperialistic Japanese empire. The Americans knew the only way to win was to kill them all. After all they were raising their own children to kill. In WWII Nazi Germany it was necessary to kill the civilians as they too were teaching their children to kill. It is the same with many other peoples in many other places. This is just a part of human history. So to now we have another nation which suffers at the hands of a different people. The different people teach their own children to sacrifice and die for their cause. The different people have been doing this for many decades now to the degree that their entire population has a mind set of genocide to anyone who is not like them. With people like this you cannot negotiate with them, you cannot logically reason with them and if you tolerate them they will joyfully kill you and celebrate with your corpse in the streets. So how do you coexist with a people like this who will forever plan your murder and when they decide it is time to kill you they would as is now a historical fact from their actions in the past. 
I'm a deeply flawed human being. I do my best to treat others well. But, maybe, I have too much Scottish Highland and Viking blood in me. Because, I believe people when they say they want to cause harm, suffering and death. This is what they actually do as you watch them refocus their life's work on the genocide of you. Then they back it up with the building of infrastructure to more efficiently kill you.
Note: Think about my word use of "genocide" and "You". "You" means more than you and can mean a larger group of "You". 
Demonically controlled will begin to see that they each have the freedom to self justify murder for causing their inconvenience or annoyance.
=====How old are these signs?====
When you see young people playing sports and then they resort to violence simply because they perceived themselves to be embarrassed in a game. This is an initial sign of what is coming.
When you see parents responding with violence because their child is not as good as they thought or not doing well against another team. This is an initial sign of what is coming.
When you see team supporters responding with violence simply because their team is losing or winning. This is an initial sign of what is coming. 
When you see people who will get out of their cars to fight another person just because they felt insulted in some meaningless way. This is an initial sign of what is coming. 
It takes time to grow a tree, just as it takes time for a generation of humans to become more evil than the last.
Just as a tree is no longer just a seed. The evil human generations are no longer the good seed. 
Once the human generations were meant to be good trees. Now the humans have become killer vines which covers and kills everything which is truly good. 
Note: You already see it. 
Added on 18 June 2024: 
Those who appear to be socially and culturally powerful may seem like they also have all of the wealth. That is until those who cater to their offensive belief systems are unable to make any profits on their entertainment projects.
Those who actually have the real power will individually make those decisions not to give their hard earned money to legacy organizations which have succumbed to offensive belief systems.
Those legacy corporations which have embraced offensive belief systems will continually lose wealth as well as respect as the truly good people of the world refuse to support them by any means. 
There are more than a hundred ways to kill the majority of the human population on this planet and all of those ways will be used to actually kill off up to or more than 90% of the human population.
Those wicked evildoers who think they have all of the power and wealth believe that they can manage all of the coming death and destruction of humanity. But, they will on one hand succeed and while on the demonically led other hand will fail as they each realize the extinction of humanity becomes a certainty. 
There shall be nothing to gain for the human wicked evildoers. They shall not win anything. They shall not be served. They shall not become like gods. They shall only know weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 
Kings and queens, princes and princesses with and without kingdoms who have become the wicked evildoers as decided by God alone. It is they along with their followers who shall know great fear and suffering as when they die shall shall know not any wonderful and everlasting promises.
The mindless followers of the wicked evil doers you shall not use "I was just following orders" when you stand in judgement. For your suffering and misery shall be equal to those whom you have freely chosen to follow. 
It will not matter that you wear or have worn the uniform of great honor. When you have chosen to be obedient to the wicked evildoers. You will share in their great suffering as you to shall only know weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 
You who think themselves to be good and yet believe in offensive things. You to shall reside beside your own heroes suffering greatly with weeping and the gnashing of teeth forever and ever. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

War Against Humanity: (Unedited): 04 June 2023:

 When us lowly and insignificant humans think about warfare we think, right now, with fists, knives, bullets and bombs. But, those obviously superior beings who came before and revealed themselves. Their idea of warfare is to war in their time frame against true humanity, femininity, masculinity. Their idea of warfare is to get humanity to destroy themselves in entirety. The simple suicide is not enough for them. To get humanity to cause upon themselves all manner of self destructive actions which will include the self inflicted destruction of their own genetic code.
Their war against the beauty of humanity can be seen in all manner of expressed cruelty by humans to other humans. These are abortions, mutilations and marking oneself which would be offensive to our Creator/Artist.
These superior beings do not even see humanities value to any degree as they have no need or desire to reveal themselves to humanity, To them we are just a created insult upon their existence in the purest form. To them we are just meaningless genetic self replicating clones unworthy of identity or continued existence.
The continued and ongoing actions of their defined war making is not so much an attack against humanity in which it is it is also an attack against the Creator of humanity. For His name is in our DNA. The breath of life we all have speaks His name.
Think about these things as Americans begins to mutilate their own children. Think about this as more and more American children disappear into the slavery of the sex trade. Yet, there is zero reporting except for how the child sex is more profitable than the drug trade as you can sell a child many times. 
When destruction comes upon your once protected great and free nation. These mutilations, abuses, tortures, selling and murders of your most innocent children will be just one reason why the end of you, shall come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christian Enemies: Righteous Understanding: Religious Truth: Righteous Martyrdom:(Unedited): 14 July 2015:

You religious Christian's whom God knows you not. The enemies are at your gates and have surrounded you on all sides. Yet, you continue to celebrate and rejoice in your religiosity. 
 You religious Christians. The enemies are at your gates. The enemies has their spies amongst you. While you rejoice and are entertained within your worldly feel good churches. You shall be torn asunder and no one will know. All atrocities to the Christian shall be sanitized. All content from the Christians shall also be sanitized. No one will know. No one will know that the Christian doomsday prepper who have fortified themselves has been completely destroyed and buried over. Never to be found or heard from again.
Your churches shall also be destroyed and burned without regard to the lies and deceptions which is racism. Again, no one will know. The only thing which shall save your church is to be on the LGBT good church list. These good churches will not teach anything in regard to sin or repentance. They will also make a declaration that anyone who is LGBT is A O K. and welcomed in any capacity within the entire church organization.
Church goers of the bad churches which is not on the LGBT good church list. Shall be followed and tormented. Their personal homes and things shall be destroyed. They shall also be physically punished and murdered. Yet, no one will know and their shall be no justice.
satan's justice: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Like a lightning Bolt Justice comes for the benefit of the most defiled of sinners. Justice comes with a vengeance to destroy all of humanity. Especially, the righteous ones in the eyes of only Yahweh Elohim. This shall be satan's justice. 
The bringer of justice should always be questioned. The Christina religious masses have become totally helpless and will do nothing. The world as they have known it has ended and they shall become the criminal as they already have. Through lawsuits all manor of Christian business shall be sued into nothingness. It will not stop there. The pressure on every single christian shall become over whelming to the point that their only safety is in the darkness of the forests and deserts. Yet, in time they all shall be found and buried in their places of discovery. For in that time. Those who hold until their end shall receive the divine blessing of the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Righteous Understanding: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Any person can live right without God but any person who lives rightly with wisdom and understanding is righteous as accepted and seen by only God.
I have met many people who have considered themselves good by simply living a good life as a good civilized citizen. You know those godless types who recycle and save energy where ever possible. They never even make the connection that their gods and idols are those man made symbols in which they seek out as a consumer of goods.  
Religious Truth: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
You religious Christians have revealed the truth of your spirit when you permit by permission sin to enter your holy places. You have become more fearfully obedient to the offensive worldly laws than you are with Godly laws. The truth is you never were righteous Christians.
The evil threats which are within many churches shall be revealed when in those holy places sin is allowed to reside and is welcomed. This is only an aspect of abomination of desolation. 
Righteous Martyrdom: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Only those who are righteous to the cause and in their lives shall know the spiritual gift of martyrdom.
Those who are merely religious shall be tortured and killed. Many may believe them to be a martyr and declare it so. But, it shall not be the case when they only become the forgotten victim of a murder.
Lost Focus: (Unedited): 14 July 2015: 
The people who lose their focus of God are the ones who have chosen to turn their gaze and attention on the charismatically gifted of tongues. The unwavering belief and faith in any mortal person is he who becomes like gods and idols. 
This is how the common people follow men who have become god like Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Mao Zedong. The promise of a better future is paid for in blood. The sacrifices of humanity are of those persons who would have been or become the biggest stumbling blocks for the leader. You must murder every alpha male/female in order to exercise absolute and total control over everything.
Even though these dead blood thirsty dictators are long gone. They are still worshiped and their beliefs continue on.
Keep your focus upon God, seek out His Face. Do not follow any person. No matter how wonderful their words are. If you are one of the righteous ones as accepted by God and the spiritual gift of martyrdom is for you as it was for YAHSHUA Jesus Christ. Let you last gaze be for the face of God and your last urging thoughts be for Yahshua. In this way you shall have endured unto the end.
Christian Doomsday Preppers.
You shall fight and you shall kill many. But when the government authority focuses upon you and your prepper group. You shall be isolated and killed. Just watch the videos of the militarized police who respond to a shooter in some house. An army of militarized police show up with all manor of vehicles and air assets. Those targeted individuals who are in the zone of control. In that day shall be killed. All witnesses shall be cleared away.
The new government authority shall redefine what it means to be an accepted citizen and offer guidelines on how a good citizen is socialized, acts and reacts.
A part of your doomsday prepper plans should entail a focus on maintaining your own individual righteousness/holiness as seen and accepted only by God. For I tell you the truth. There shall be no place safe on the Earth or in it. No amount of physical preps shall keep you safe from free roaming demons who can just walk through your secret walls and concealed barricades.
Good Physical Death: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Enduring unto your end with your last willful act of your free choosing being that of righteousness and holiness is a good physical death. 
Control Zone: (Unedited): 14 July 2015:
Within the zone of control the government authority shall have total privacy to do as they will.
Added on 17 July 2015: This Quote series was published on:
Thank You guys and gals at Anything Prep for publishing this quote series. 
This was a tough series of quotes to write. As I'm still not so certain that there will be a rapture of the faithful. But, I'm not so against the rapture that I will absolutely reject it, when it occurs. I just know historically throughout the Bible that God does not historically save the masses. God only saves a remnant. Such as 8 adults of Noah and his family. No children. I'm not condemning God just trying to grasp it all. No children were saved. Aren't children innocent or were children so contaminated down to the most basic of levels. They to had to be destroyed. God is all knowing and all wise and we all must trust in him. Even if we are all physically so contaminated that we are not selected to physically survive the coming hell on Earth. In a short period of time the entire Earth shall be DE-populated down to even to extinction of all human life. Except for the remnant to be saved.
So it is important to have your own spiritual connection to God. By you choosing to become more than just religious. By you freely choosing to be righteous and holy in the eyes of God. Because, when our physical bodies end for whatever reason. It is our spirits within which survives. This I know as an absolute truth without offer any proof.
Added on 17 July 2015:
Other related Prepper quotes:
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pleasant Shift: (Unedited): 04 May 2013:

A mean person paid to be pleasant. Becomes weary at the end of their shift. C.J.MacKechnie
It is a huge effort for someone to pretend to be nice, friendly and pleasant. Just as it is a huge effort for a genuinely nice, friendly and pleasant person to be mean, rude and offensive. Except, the Nice, friendly and pleasant person would not accept payment for being mean, rude and offensive. Which is an indication of who is deceitful and a liar in their own lives.
The mean, rude and offensive person has outwardly lied and deceived the whole world into thinking they are nice, friendly and pleasant. That they themselves believe their own lies and deceptions.
So, If you ever ask a mean, rude and offensive person if they are nice, friendly and pleasant. They will automatically say YES quickly.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: