I'm hearing plans of genocide. The leaders and organizers are full of vile hate. The kind of enraged hate which results in the killing of anyone who was ever against them. I vaguely hear their plans and I have heard many which were just fanciful or just full blown go to war against them all. I hear bomb them all and shoot them all. Paraphrase on my part as these are all plans which were discussed and thought over. These conversations seem to have been a while ago as the test was to begin during the next localized emergency event.
There are or were many genocidal plans for the enemies of the wicked evildoers.
The creation of DEI was not for what each letter means. It is only a method to place their most devout unqualified spies in the midst of all organizations no matter purpose or function.
Every DEI person will become the face of genocidal activities.
Everyone associated with the leadership of the wicked evildoers will be rewarded for all of their hardships and works for the betterment of their way of life. They shall have homes, cars, food, medical care, dental care and all of the social education they shall ever want. So as long as they always do what they are told and believe everything they are told by the authority. Regardless of any other kind of evidence provided by the enemy and their enemy is anyone who upholds the Constitution and Bill of Rights, religious, Christian.
The US Department of Homeland Security must have the legal powers to instantly seize all types and kinds of properties from people during emergencies. This is really important for the wicked evildoers who are in power.
During the administration of president Trump The US DHS put out a study which concluded that about 9 in 10 people in CONUS would die within the first year after a single EMP nuclear attack or a Carrington event over central CONUS. The states of Hawaii and Alaska would not be affected. While depending on the size of the Nuclear event may affect portions of Canada and Mexico.
The US DHS must also have the military force and equipment to secure the whole of CONUS after a clear national emergency happens.
Will the assets of the US DHS military arm be physically underground and thus protected from EMP and well hidden from all eyes. Will the US DHS simply remain as some kind of governing force to all of the military branches or will they begin to have the power to have and maintain their own dedicated forces while still be a governing force?
Or is there a plan to depressurize Yellowstone Super Volcano. By creating a massive emergency event. The wicked evildoers who are in control can hide the bodies of all of those who voted against them, spoke out against them and just simply disagree with them all. By creating a national emergency the wicked evildoers will have all of the freedom to do as they will it.
A national emergency is planned in which all trade and transportation ceases. The count down clock begins. The US DHS seizes all supplies. The US DHS seizes all farms. Thus begins thirst and starvation. The media will not report anything that the US DHS does or does not do. As FEMA begins to deliver water, food, aid, supplies they will only be given to their own people. While all of those who have been against the wicked leadership shall die and when their enemies rise up in revolt they all will be killed and no one will know. Just like no one still knows how many have died in this last localized emergency. The wicked evildoers who are in leadership positions have done everything they can to slow down, prevent, threaten, take supplies, seize properties and prevent communications and limit freedom of speech. Once this test is complete. The wicked evildoers will refine what they have done in preparation for their plan of genocide under the guise of a massive national emergency.
But, first the wicked evildoers must have full control of the government. They must split the military into two factions. It looks like they have as I have seen evidence of actual military personnel acting dishonorably and simply following orders no matter who they hurt or harm. Plus the apathy that follows their wicked and evil deeds.
The most beloved followers of the wicked leaders shall have the best equipment and training. While those who wear the uniforms of a variety of agencies and do not hold the same beliefs and values of the wicked leaders shall not be given much except for their orders to go forth into a war without supplies or support. Think about it if these wicked evildoers have no problem with allowing their most gifted warriors to be brutally killed by disallowing any kind of support. What do you think they will do when it is already known that you do not believe as they do?
I also see a massive amount of assassinations. The beloved followers shall be given names of people who they will kill. They who are on the list will in essence be the brain trust of every person who is an enemy of the wicked evildoers and hold leadership positions or is considered highly intelligent or highly skilled. There shall also be much fire and destruction. The wicked evildoers shall joyfully glorify all of it. The word use of "wonderful"
The wicked evildoer will keep track of the death toll by hand and on a board or a well kept sheet of paper. Not sure if this is some kind of evolution of celebrating rising death tolls. Good people are saddened by a rising death toll. But, the wicked evildoers thirsts for more and more of those who are deemed as their enemy.
I can see the end result. Everyone who is or was against them will perish. One way or another. Think about it. How can you revolt when all of the clean water is gone and all of the food is controlled and taken for their own preferred people. The end of the USA happens in this way.
So, who is against the wicked evildoers? Are you? Am I? You and anyone else who is the enemy to them will simply become deleted.
How long will this take? I do not know. Maybe 2-6 years. Much laws must still be passed to justify their planned actions.
If the wicked evildoers can achieve a huge death toll of their enemies during a nation emergency. Then a civil war can be prevented or should give their side a chance to win.
Added on 03 Nov 2024: The short version.
This is not something I want to publish.
What are the common takeaways? What are the repeated sentences?
The Plans. Many good plans and many bad plans. Which plan will be used? Maybe more than one as I think about other prophetic writings.
The targeted murder of a large amount of people. Genocide.
Plans to win a civil war before it begins. How? To create a national emergency and use that national emergency to hide all of their murders. While at the same time causing mass deaths of their enemies. While at the same time taking all of the supplies for their own people. Saving their own people/followers while letting or causing their enemies to suffer and die.
Vision: I see straight trucks pulling into residential homes in nice neighborhoods and filling garages with FEMA supplies. I see many trucks with various non governmental markings. It is dark. End.
Added on 05 Nov 2024: Election day.
The American face of tyranny is of a Squirrel and a raccoon.
Added on 17 Nov 2024: President Biden has just approved the use American made long distance missile systems in Ukraine. President Putin of Russia just gave a warning which states their right to use nuclear missiles in the event of attack on their land. WWIII is close now.
Added on 20 Jan 2025: The war against the common people of the world has already begun and the people know it not. War is already upon the people and they continually believe the lies of those leaders who care not if they live or die. Acts of war has already been perpetrated against the people of the world from the global leadership and yet the people are obedient to the will of their leaders. The people are so caught up in their own calamities that they do not see that the source of all of their hardships, sufferings and destruction was all planned by their own leaders as they have had their rebuilding plans for many years now and all they needed was an opportunity to tear down all of the homes. Why not fire as it is cheap to start.
You as a civilian need to know that you will lose as it has been foretold in prophecies of old. The world government will win and all who come before them shall be killed. Just as all nations which come before them shall also burn and become no more.
Added on 15 Feb 2025:
Wicked evildoers love the idea's of becoming like gods, being gods or as gods. So they will endeavor along those lines of thinking and believing.
Wicked evildoers who hold much power, authority and wealth will pursue those advanced inventions to cause them to become ultimately more than anyone else.
Wicked evildoers will who are in authority shall cause the commoners to continually suffer in never ending conflicts of every kind. The suffering is intended to divert attention from the true source.
Wicked evildoers who hold power and have held power will put into place their own secret people who hold onto secret inventions who have no problem using those secret tools to murder millions upon millions of innocent souls.
Wicked evildoers cannot let go of any power and authority held and will continually do everything they can to subvert any new leadership even if it means the entire nation or world burns down.
Wicked evildoers do have their secrets. Which also include secret assets which can cause massive amounts of suffering, destruction and death and will simply use them to gain future wealth.
Wicked evildoers are willing to destroy their entire nation and murder most of their countrymen if it meant that they would rule over it all.
Wicked evildoers will hide their intentions within the guise of logistics. Wicked evildoers will hide their spaces in non places. Wicked evildoers will stash their wealth under fictitious names and in those places not recognized.
For those who know look for the leading edges of weather patterns and where they commonly begin, grow and expand. Look for big power where none is needed. Can you see electromagnetic anomalies where there should be none? Even shielding can offer up glimpses of empty or refracted magnetic spaces from a distance. The Holy Bible tells you where the evildoers come from. What if it is real places? Look for the energy signatures. Sometimes the absence of information points to where the "X" was supposed to be.
The wicked evildoers of the world have teamed up under one human. They are creating the infrastructure and assets which will greatly supersede all of the worlds most advanced military machines by many generations. Even their new conceptualized designs in which no human has considered are now beyond multiple generations.
You need to know the wicked evildoers and their blind followers will initiate the extinction process of all life on this planet if they even consider that they have lost in totality.
If the wicked evildoers lose than in ten thousand years this planet will be a lifeless planet of water, dirt and stone.
If the wicked evildoers win then the One true God of all will purify this entire planet as he did with Sodom and Gomorrah.
Know matter which of the two paths that humanity takes. We all physically lose and the entire planet is reverted back into a molten ball of fire to be reborn and all evidence of any life which once was is erased forever.
There is a third and preferred path in which humanity can continue on and that is through the blood of the innocent lamb of God and The Holy Bible.
Humanity does not have to become a failed science experiment of creation. It is our individual and collective choices which can have a favorable and beneficial end result in which humanity takes their place among the star beings.
Wicked evildoers have no problem messing around with the money and wealth of those whom they deem as lesser than they are. While at the same time will throw never ending temper tantrums if anyone tries to see where their wealth came from.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman==============
Go and sin no more.
================To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.============
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