Showing posts with label Helene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helene. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2024

The Shining One Reveals +24: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2024:

An illuminated prophetic sign in Helene has just passed.
Prophetic signs of all kinds are not important for those signs only point to that which your supposed to pay attention to. 
A prophetic sign is just like any other sign seen on the road. As they are all signs of a prophetic time line like the Dead End sign or the yummy food up ahead sign. 
Hurricane Helene reveals the truth as which was hidden in the dark. 
In the dark the wicked evildoers can hide, prey and pounce on their victims.
Wicked Evildoers are like apex ambush predators who take advantage of anyone or anything which is not paying attention. This includes those who are thirsty and hungry. 
Once the shining light of a created Helene was formed, controlled and directed. She revealed the entire truth of all directly related entities. 
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will prevent and threaten the actual good people from doing their good works. 
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will take from the good people while they plan on how to disrespect and desecrate the beloved corpses in secret as they erase the memory of what was.
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers will pretend to be helpful as they slither around like the snakes that they are committing all manner of crimes.
In the aftermath the wicked evildoers who wear the uniforms and badges of honor shall reveal their true nature as they take away your God given rights with threats and with arrest. 
In the short shining life of the very destructive Helene. She revealed to all of America that their elected government officials are truly the enemies of all American citizens. 
The American government does not have the right to give permission and threaten people with arrest who are following the new law of God to go forth and love one another. 
In the after glow of the destructive Helene. All can now see that the American government has become the easily seen monster in the room.
While the people continue to suffer and die The American Government can easily be seen as the new threat to all of the American people. 
As the American government continues to conduct their wicked evilness to it's own citizens. It will be the citizens who shall ring out the first shots in a new civil war. 
You good agents of a now easily seen wicked United States. You cannot simply follow wicked and evil orders without paying the price with your own life. 
Once the last free people on Earth sees that you are treading on them. They will kill your agents and then kill you all. From the top down. 
You actual good and honorable agents, cops, soldiers, warriors and detectives it is up to you to not to be dumb, blind or bought in order to conduct evil deeds for the benefit of the government. 
If you good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors do not honor your old oaths to uphold the Holy Bible, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights with your own lives. Then all will be lost for all of the innocent souls your own heart demands for you to protect. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors who do not sacrifice everything for the benefit of all of the citizens. You will become that last line where all good things become destroyed. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors it will be your very harsh decisions and actions against the elected leadership which will save the whole idea of freedom, liberty and human rights for all. 
Always be wary of whom you follow or take orders from. Your guiding light shall only be the Holy Bible, The Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Your actions shall only be righteous and holy as which is defined by God alone. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors. Your power to take power and control must be short lived and that once the house has been cleaned. It will be time to leave. 
You actual good agents, cops, detectives, soldiers and warriors. If you do not take righteous action or if there is too few of you. Then 150 million American souls will be killed.
My words are about saving lives. My words are about what can or will happen if the good people do not take action in a forceful but peaceful and non destructive means. If the American civilian begins to use their guns against their perceived enemy which is now believed to be all aspects of government. Then 150 million people will be killed or die. If the good people continue to do nothing. Then the end of this American experiment will end in a blood bath. A blood bath which will include many nationalistic entities who will violently cut their own piece of the left over spoiled American pie.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.