Showing posts with label Understood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understood. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Profoundly Fills: Elders Wisdom's: +3: (Unedited): 17-25 Feb 2017:

In the new modern world. Having everything fills you up with worthless emptiness. While living in the old ways where love, mercy and compassion profoundly fills you with deep meaning and a profound purpose of a life worth living.
Elders Wisdom's: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017:
The absence of elders in the lives of the next generation. Births the absence of the foundational importance of historic wisdom's. 
Conceptual Wisdom: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017
Without any conceptual knowledge of wisdom and how wisdom is supposed to be understood and used. The next generation will find it nearly impossible to live any sort of righteous life or even find any meaning to living a good life. 
Absence Wisdom Honor: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017
The absence of wisdom in life makes it nearly impossible for you to ever gain an understanding of honor or to have a knowing of the importance of honor in life. 
Our modern world has become a throw it all away culture. Especially if that person or thing appears to be outdated in any way. We place our elders far away from our lives. Into facilities which we think will make them happy. When in truth placing our elders into facilities is for our comfort and ease of mind. There is a great loss. The loss of wisdom and the loss of history. The loss of wisdom and history is crucially important for the younger generation to have those stories which will guide them and assist them in making the good decisions in their lives.
Think about it. If your children knew all of those good, bad and ugly stories about you. Then you taught them all of those stories in a way which helps them to make better decisions than you have made. Your children will have that choice to actually make wise decisions in the time they have to make them. Without any of those stories. The making of decisions based in wisdom is no longer an option or even a part of their thinking processes.
A person becoming an elder. Should not mean they have attained an age where they suddenly become useless. An elders important duty is not to permanently go on vacation until they begin the physical process of death. But, that is what we do now and it is a crime to the youth of the next generation. In which the youth of the next generation are living their lives without any wisdom from the elders whom they are supposed to learn to respect. But, from the actions of their parents the youth learn that it is OK to disrespect their elders. The elders have not helped any by purposefully being absent in the lives of the next generation. So the elders become strangers who do not need to be listen to.
What has become important in this modern day society is the technology which enables all of us to engage in the social media sites of our interest. To such a degree that social media has become those cold unfeeling digital family members. Who are preferred over flesh and blood people. Which is supposed to be important?
The absence of elders in the lives of the next generation. Births the absence of the foundational importance of historic wisdom's.  For the elders do have a responsibility to teach the next generation. Even if that means if their lives become shortened. They should still teach all that they know in a written format which will have an opportunity to last longer than their own shortened lives. This shall become their evidence of love for the many generations to come after they are long gone into the Earth. The importance of wisdom needs to be expressed through every generation there after.
Birthing Thriving Wisdom: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2017: 
The point in a life of survival ends, is when wisdom leads the decision making process. Thus, birthing a life of thriving for one and for all.
Survival is all about you staying alive and damn anyone else. Thriving is that step out of survival where wisdom begins to guide you towards the right and correct decisions. By becoming a people with integrity, honor and developing a respect for all living things. You can achieve something which can sprout out your righteous works. Which will be deep meaning, profound purpose, joy, happiness.
You cannot have honor without wisdom. You cannot achieve a state of thriving without the use of wisdom. Without wisdom true joy and happiness cannot be achieved either.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Effective Discipline: (Unedited): 29 May 2015:

Discipline is only effective when the wrong doing has been understood as wrong and wrong behavior has forever been corrected.
I know I'm the wrong person to be discussing discipline. But, maybe I'm the right person. I've never physically harmed my children. Not one time. I just could not get around or justify the harm which was done to me and to do it to these fragile little people. How can I hurt them just to teach them discipline? I just couldn't and neither has my wife. We used logic and the teaching of what is right and what is wrong. We taught why it is wrong to harm another person. We taught respect for others even when they may not respect themselves to much. This seems to have worked. 
Now hopefully, they will each pass this teaching down to their own children and every generation thereafter. 
Correcting bad behavior does not have to involve pain management. Pain management is what you do to animals. Maybe, not even to animals either. Even that sounds like animal cruelty. So why would you want to beat your own children? Are they just little animals or actual people who are more important than any animal? 
This logic and understanding is coming from a person who was beaten into unconsciousness many times by their adoptive mother and locked into small closets. She even tried to kill me on at least three occasions. 
Causing harm and fear into the eyes of my children is not something I ever want. As parents we are already all powerful giants to small children. Why would we want our children to ever fear us? I just can't see the love or compassion in that. It is for us to raise our children to supersede us in life in those areas of their own gifts and talents. Not to harbor any unrighteous fear or to know physical intimidation from their own parents. 
The logical explanation of a wrong doing at the level of the child's understanding is and can be effective. So as long as they do not see those same wrong doings within you. If you do not want your kids to smoke or drink. Then you shouldn't either.  If you don't want your boy children to disrespect your wife or any other female. Well you should not either. If you don't want your kids stealing or obtaining things which are questionable. You should not either. Lead by example by being the example. 
For me it has not been so easy as I had no one to teach me why a wrong is wrong in my youth. To get was OK so as long as you didn't get caught. A female was only for pleasure and were not actually worth knowing. You know the importance of body parts as opposed to the value of the whole person. Mind, body and soul. It is amazing how everything changes when you fall in love with your little girl. I immediately wanted her to always know that she is a whole person. I hope we have succeeded in that teaching. She is far more than just body parts. 
Yes, I'm still a deeply flawed human being who is evolving at a snails pace.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knot Understood: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2013:

A good thing which is knot understood, does not automatically become bad. C.J.MacKechnie
Have you ever looked at a good piece of rope, long power cord, Fishing line and etc, Which some how had magically become all tangled and tied in knots. The tangles and knots does not automatically make it bad.
Once you dedicate time and energy in objectively and logically untangling and loosing the knots. You feel a victory. You fixed and solved the problem. The rope, cord or line is now in it's intended usable condition.
This is the same mentality one should have in learning a new thing or understanding a gift which cannot be physically explained with Earthly reason.
Sometimes the knots in our lives has their own specific reason. A knot can hold down, hold tight and graft. Learning about the knots in the real physical world can go a long way in explaining those things which aren't.
Especially, with questions in regards to the Christ gifts. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.