Showing posts with label Itch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Itch. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Decisions Brings Forth Prophecies +18: (Unedited): 02 July 2024:

Dry and vague visions of decisions. 
Well this is unfortunate.
Big decisions within the American government has been made. But, may not have been communicated down the chain of command as of yet. The need for secrecy and surprise always slows the communication process at the onset.
These are just questions based on my own deeply flawed understanding of things.  
Will 50+ million foreign nationals instantly become citizens with voting rights? Will it happen on July 4th?
Is this the American Tet Offensive but called by a different unknown name? or will the pangs of actual hot civil war be initiated? Soon to be followed by the enemies of the USA who will seek to take advantage. Will the UN troops be used to support the American government or the coming unknown opposition? 
As the sky opens up above you it can reveal beautiful pastures or a desolate cliff face of death.
The cliff face was seen and the pasture was only words. 
The expectancy of good people who have been made to be delusional are led by leaders whom they truthfully believe in can lead all of them to death and destruction. 
The children, The children are who are being made delusional. But, It is God who is to or already has sent a strong delusion to the world as a sign to His own children. 
Manufactured chaos is as easy to create as harmony. Peace and beauty will always be associated with harmony. Hate, rage and conflict spurs on the unquenchable chaotic thirst for for the never ending pursuit for intoxicating revenge. 
This is all planned.
A chaotic life or a harmonious life must both be manufactured. If you allow negative and sinful things to happen you will create a chaotic life for yourself. If you allow positive righteous things into happen you will create a harmonious life for yourself.
The itch of uncertainty that you must plan more and do more does not have to be an after affect of fear and anxiety. The Lord does not bring negativity, threats or dangers to His children. No anxious fear may mean a message from God to you. 
The feeling of something important but you just cannot fathom it. 
When your feeling led to do a thing but uncertain of knowing what it is. This is the time to just stop everything and be quiet and patiently listen to your Heavenly Father. Then follow through on His words.
People do not understand the prophetic or prophecies. There is a reason why the authorities put to death the prophets of God. The human godlike rulers could not be seen insufficient or mistake ridden or foolish.
Note: Folly in the old definition was the word but could not figure out how to use it. So Foolish was used. 
People do not understand their individual responsibility in prophecy, prophecies or the prophetic. Each person upon hearing any bad and sad prophecy must begin to act in such away as to prevent it from happening or to mitigate the coming loss of life.
When you hear anything prophetic. You're supposed to take note, take action and do what is necessary to mitigate it or prevent it. They are all that important. Yes, that leads to question is a prophet still a prophet if their bad and sad words do not come to pass?
It is the people who is crucially important to preventing or mitigating any bad or sad prophetic event. By changing their own hearts and minds while actually becoming actual children of God and not pretenders. 
There is a reason why the prophet Jonah and Jesus went to the people speaking their messages. It is and always has been the people who have the real power and not the wicked worldly rulers who are full of arrogant pride. 
Wicked evildoers will always desperately do everything they can to hold onto power, control and authority. The suffering and death of many will have no effect on their apathetic minds and hardened hearts. 
The global club's of wicked evildoers who hold positions of power, control and authority. Collectively they will do all that they can to remain even if that means the destruction of everything and the extinction of humanity. 
The global ruling class of wicked evildoers will sacrifice multitudes of their own beloved followers whom they are absolutely apathetic to if it means they will gain more power and support over their manufactured chaotic plight.
NOTE: The word use of beloved and apathetic is related to their public face and to their private hardened heart.
No matter what the wicked evildoer global leaders have to say or the humanistic sinful laws they pass. You must be able to be sinless, righteous and holy in the sight and approval of God only. You as a follower of God cannot tolerate any kind of sin. 
God does not break His promises or covenants. It is the individual person, nations and the whole of this world who breaks the promises and covenants with God. 
It shall come to pass that multitudes of the actual Children of God will suffer and die. Just as had the apostles had suffered and died. Many will suffer and die more harshly than the apostles had. 
Those sinless, righteous and holy souls who held on unto their brutal end shall awaken in the loving presence of their Heavenly Father.
It will become difficult for people to decide whether to get bread or bullets, milk or arrows, paper Bibles or blessings from their evil and wicked worldly government. 
It will become difficult for people to just live their life as the threats to life become more and more certain. Where people will just kill you simply because of this or that and it will not matter if they are wrong or right.
Note: I wrote the title before I even knew what I was writing. Only the number was added prior to publishing.
Note: You should read the 1599 Geneva Bible. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.