Showing posts with label Artistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artistic. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Secret One Prophecy+8: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2024:

The prophetic one ho is already known is already here, has already been here and was already here all along.
Those who hold the real worldly power, authority and wealth on this planet already know who he is. They are not talking and not revealing. Even the demonic forces are !NOT! revealing anything to their own human agents. But, what are the wealthy doing at this time in the prophetic time line? They are building their safe places in the holes on the earth and mountains. While knowing the coming truths as they try to do everything possible so that they each may survive while sacrificing the rest of humanity in some small hope that they will be sparred. In which they will not. This is because those fallen ones want for all of humanity to become extinguished and to die and to become extinct. Even the memory of humanity shall be excised from all physical memory. They believe they will make God do this to His own creation. They believe they will make God admit His failure.
This includes all of their special agents and special people whom they have gifted much worldly rewards and entitlements.
The prolonged planned torture, suffering and death of their special agents and special people shall be relished like an awaited great meal.
You special agents who have been thinking and believing that you have been in control of any of the demonic beings or fallen angels who have been revealing all manner of things to you. You think you are care for, loved and cherished. All each of you are is just a strong enduring bad taste in their mouths. In which they must cleanse themselves of your existence. What brings each of them joy is how they are going to torment, torture and kill you for as long as possible. They each will find great joy in your continued suffering and misery. For them it is like a human baking a wonderful cake. You must do everything exactly right, use all of the perfect ingredients, set the oven temperature correctly and then wait patiently. You get all of the pots, pans and dishes washed, dried and put away. Then once out of the oven you must wait for the cake to naturally cool itself. Then as you cut into that first slice. You start to feel that expectant joy of your sweet rewards. This for the demons is what it shall be like when they see their own special agents continuously tortured and killed. Yes, they know they you do truly love and care about each of them. This is what makes your torture and suffer so amazingly sweet to each of them. This is their level of hatred for every human being. Who to the demonic must all cease being.
The rise of all things chaotic is his evidence of his artistic work. From his orchestrated chaos will come death and destruction on a global scale.
To his eyes and ears watching all of humanity tear itself apart shall bring him great joy. The smell of fresh blood and rotting human corpses shall bring him great excitement as he desires to splash all of that odor all over himself like some expensive perfume. 
The more things which becomes chaotic it is you who should refuse to participate in anything which goes against the foundational principles of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
He is a master of fomenting distrust, anger, hatred just like a great wine maker knows how to ferment his lovely wines.
Just as a great wine maker desires for each partaker to enjoy his labors of love. So to does the great tormentor desire for each human everywhere to suffer and die within the chaos he patiently creates for all of humanity.
The great artistic tormentor is using the earth as his wondrous canvas that will become an offensive molten ball of fire by God Himself.
The great artistic tormentor shall use humanity to paint all manner of death and destruction all over the face of the earth just as easily as a simple human painter uses brushes and paints all over his little canvas.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Arts Circle: (unedited): 08 Aug 2008

Endeavoring to become skillful or artistic is not the same as training for functional hand to hand combat. Though all three mentalities are important. C.J.MacKechnie
NOTES: Not solely about martial arts or fighting. 
Will be included in future volumes of  "Musings of an American Truck Driver".