Showing posts with label Boring Company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boring Company. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Musk Money Problems: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2017:

I have been thinking about Mr. Elon Musk for some time now. Well, Ever since my visit with elder relatives. I mentioned to them that if I had money I would have invested all of it with Tesla at day one. As of right now I would invest money with ideas proposed by Mr. Elon Musk. Yea, money problems.
I just watched the successful launch and recovery of another Space X rocket. 15 this year? About a week before that I saw Mr. Musk on his latest "Were going to Mars video". In which Mr. Musk did mention money problems. I think he is on the right track. But, His time line may be off. If Mr. Elon Musk cannot make more money.
This is what Mr. Elon Musk will have to do. He will have to split his stocks until they are down to $50-$100. each. Even then he won't have enough money. If he does this and does it to soon. Then all of it may come crashing down to some state below zero.  He must create new world businesses. Such as automated family farms. Family Automated water systems (Water from air)(sea)(Earth). Automated power generation. Automated internet access throughout the whole planet. All of it works no matter where you are or at what altitude. Did you get the altitude thing. That is important for Mars-yes?
How do you get drinking water from brine ice at a high altitude?
The quiet giant of cars. This little adopted brother in the automotive industry may be treated like the unwanted step child. But, Tesla is in the best position for far more revenue potential.
Mr. Elon Musk must begin to bring the excitement. Without words and without advertisements. Just by actions on the track. Which is already happening. The Tesla is kicking some tail pipes and Tesla has no tail pipe to kick, yet and probably won't. Tesla needs to bring the excitement to their cars as well as an ability to modify. By opening this one welcoming door. Maybe with a little offensive attitude on how you can do such an awful thing to perfection. Gotta have the tude. Tesla can set themselves up to take over every track in the land from the eighth to the quarter. A possible sub hundred thousand dollar Tesla car which can easily defeat half a million dollar cars.
"Can't kick this tail pipe!!!" "advertisement campaign"
Tesla next Mod is a universal kind of framing system. Which a buyer who wants the looks of a Mustang, Corvette or a 'Cuda. All they would have to do is pre-order the Tesla sub-frame and they have a professional attach the necessary body parts to that Tesla subframe. Then customize the interior to their liking.
Even a BMW or Mercedes or an awful Audi.
If Tesla does this one thing this practice could increase sales by 12%-15%. There should be a surge and then a leveling off to about 7%.
This one business idea can become a customizing off shoot of Musk. The "off da lot" business. This might be suited for his over exuberant car employees with great skills and Krazy dreams to match. Just kick them all to the dirt and publicly film it. But, build their customizing shop first.
Some People do like to have things personalized, customized and modified to their own self defined tastes. Those people will pay and even wait. Especially in Cali. How about the guts and intellect of a Tesla in a pneumatic or Hydraulic set up. Tesla heart and brains in an 1960 ish Chevy Impala.
This is an awesome venture. But, I think in order to become mainstream. Mr. Elon Musk must continue to promote this product into something more diverse. Being able to add into his "Wall" a variety of methods of power generation.
Like a string of ten foot-ish long hydro electric plants. Which can be strung together serially or parallel or both. Depending on water flow and quantity during seasons.
Mr. Elon Musk must pressure for legal change in a persons freedom to generate their own power individually and collectively. No matter how big the networked power collective becomes. This one thing alone may open the doors for greater profits. 
Those who prefer to be off grid. May have a stream, wind and solar. Can they just plug and play their equipment into a Tesla Wall? If not they should. The two wall limit for residential needs to be modified. What if someone is in a severe snow situation for weeks or months. Granted the ability to profit from a low sales concern may not be of any importance. But, it is all about capability. If someone wants to have ten Tesla walls in their basement, then cash their check Elon.
As far as Americans are concerned. I think this will not make any money. They are just not going to ride with other people. Even if in different cars. The lack of the freedom to go some where on the spur of the moment. But, If an automated process can be developed as in turning sand into tubular glass. Then going from one long distance to another may be ideal and profitable. Especially, since air plane companies are becoming insane in how they treat their customers who actually have money.
On Mars, This Hyperloop may become the best underground method to go from one Mars landing site to another Mars landing site or from one Mars city to another Mars city.
I have not written of this but have had visions. A new search scheme. A new Operating System. New hardware. New generation of processors. Which may make the newest coming generation a horse and buggy concept. I will not say any more.
This must be made into reality as the capabilities of computers is still woefully lacking in regards to how much information must be processed in a millisecond. So if speed is a problem. Then you must think of other solutions. Mr. Elon Musk teams will. Then they have to protect against radiation and magnetic fields as well as spurious RF. Then guarantee which electron goes where and when.
These new machines must be able to be transported into Earth orbit and make down onto Mars. Re-assembled and used. This will be very important on Mars or on any other moon. Mining and manufacturing will be crucial for long term growth. Mining and manufacturing of modern things will be crucially important for those who need to transcend from survival into a thriving and growing Mars based culture.
This will work better than expected. To a degree that the human in the interface may not desire to return to the body. That a person who does the neural interlink may have long lasting problems being trapped within the small and limiting confines of their own body.
What does Mr. Elon Musk need to focus on now? Water, air, fuel and farming. These automated systems must be dropped from orbit and then they just begin doing their thing. Which can be controlled from an orbital authority and then further controlled from an Earth authority.
If Elon Musk is not making his own magnets. Then he will lose an edge in the long term in regards to Tesla and his train as well as the new thing he has not spoken to any one about. I think I know how to make them. Not saying anymore.
Elon Musk, Beast of a truck is do up for a test ride on 26 October 2017, maybe: This will be very important as His expansion into busing and other commercial traffic will eventually become profitable. But one problem. How to cause companies to make space for commercial trucking as well as other needs of the truck drivers. Such as showers, retail store, laundry, food and basic entertainment. Truck drivers do like to customize their big rig trucks with all manor of lighting and communications as well as other high tech equipment. How will all of these things hinder how far the new electric trucks will go?
A big rig commercial truck weighing in at 40 tons gross weight. Needs to have an average range of  about 700 plus miles. This is for interstate travel. But, as more and more shipping transits through the newly expanded Panama Canal. Cross Country (West to East) trucking will be minimized. Where as the longest commercial truck traffic will need to travel will be to the farthest point to the middle of the Country, from a water port. Where ever that is.
A possibility will be for the trucking companies to hold commercial lots for their trucks and drivers. About every 150 miles. If the 200 mile limit is the limit. Then a driver can hop trucks and loads as often as necessary in order to maintain federal laws on commercial driving.
Added on 14 Oct 2017: Tesla has not made any money news story. Yes or no?
Added on 10 Feb 2018:
Added on 15 April 2020:
I've been thinking about this for the last few weeks and nothing has changed in that thinking process. Elon Musk missed Mars by deciding to do business in and with China. There is a reason why Russia will sell a specific amount of weapons platforms to China and that is because China will only buy one and then build their own copies. China has been steeling intellectual information from the whole world without any compensation to those actual owners. China still gets caught all of the time.
So because of the synthetic Covid -19 being created in a bio-weapons lab in Wuhan China and then released by accident or incompetence. Then China decided to help the spread of the Coronavirus in order to further mask the origin as well as use/influence/intimidate the WHO chief to go against their own rules. Thus enhancing the spread of Coronavirus and further confusing the origin. Well, none of that worked as everyone who is in authority knows the origin in Wuhan China.
Because of all of this. The businesses of the world may refuse to do business in China. Because of this. The civilians of the world may refuse to buy any product which is Made in China. This will include Tesla and Tesla parts.
But, this will not matter because if Elon Musk pulls out of China. He will still have to pay all of that debt. China will not cease production of Tesla's and wholly will profit from them as they have already learned all that they need to know from Elon Musk management abilities. China will apply all of those better Elon Musk ideas throughout all of the Chinese military development.
Because of this one decision from Elon Musk to do business within China. This one decision alone may have caused Elon Musk to miss Mars financially speaking.
Added on 24 Dec 2020: 
Some major corporations are trying to enter into what Elon Musk is doing. Elon Musk can also enter into their businesses. I think I heard news many years ago on how the Tesla cars can now play games made for Sony Play Station and Microsoft game machines. Now Apple wants to build cars. Since Elon Musk has already done these things to those gaming systems. Elon Musk can expand the idea and begin building computer systems which can use either or all of what Apple and Microsoft has to offer. As well as making a computer to be able to play any game from any gaming system. 
Added on 29 Jan 2021: I know I'm writing this after the news. I do not think I wrote this down. I'm sorry. I forget to document the things which I think of a long time ago. This is a mix of old and new thinking. In any socialist and communist society. Those governmental entities cannot allow a person to do whatever they want or to even accomplish great things. To do so invites other people to dream and to work hard on their dreams finding personal success. All success must come from the socialist and communist governmental entities. Since the USA now has President biden/Harris. That biden Harris will transition all of society into a socialist/communist entity. So all of the efforts that Elon Musk is doing and has done as well as any other single wealthy person will be stopped or continually delayed. 
Elon Musk will most likely be allowed to do what he has been doing but to allow Elon Musk to actually go to Mars and get to Mars with his own people will not be allowed. This also includes going to the moon. The new biden Harris organization will need funding to do what they want and this means defunding NASA once again. This will also include defunding all aspects of the military to include the new Space Force. Which is a creation of Donald Trump. From what we have seen already. Nothing which has Trumps name on it can be allowed to succeed. 
It will be a sad day when Musk is forced to find freedom in another country. Musk will not be the only one to leave the USA searching for freedom. Many wealthy will leave the USA along with all of their wealth. So where will they go? What nation will offer Elon Musk the freedom to go into space or to build his cars? 
Added on 30 Jan 2021: Well it looks like I'm writing before the news happens. 
Elon Musk has told the Government to get out of the way. Elon Musk has made anti-establishment comments about stock buying and selling. Elon Musk is correct and right. BUT, here is the problem. America is no longer the land of the free. America is now the land of the newly enslaved "We The People". This new transitionary government which has just been elected. They have a super majority in the House, The Senate and an unnamed organization which is led by Kamala Harris who controls President Biden. *Oh my what am I writing?* President Biden is not in control and will only do what he is told by VP Kamala Harris as which has already happened and caught on camera. 
Elon Musk is going to be in deep trouble. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already bought stock in Tesla before the government made a statement of going to all electric cars. If Elon Musk keeps up with his freedom of speech. He is going to find himself out of business in cars and in space ships. Elon Musk will not win in the courts as which it has already been revealed to the Christians that the courts are now only entities which serve the people who hold power. The Justices of the USA are now owned and will only do the bidding of the government. This is and was the last signs before Israel was destroyed many time in history. The corruption of the Judges is evident in America and in actuality has been a reality for the last many decades as the poor cannot get justice and the rich can buy their own form of justice. But, when you go against a socialist/Marxist/communist government. You will lose no matter how much money or assets you have. My Elon Musk may in fact become the poster child of how this new transitionary government will discipline the elites the same as how China disciplines their own wealthy people. 
In regards to Space X, Almost all aspects of rocketry is classified. Those people who work in a classified field like rocketry also have a degree of restrictions places upon the intellectual knowledge, experience and skill sets that they hold. Except for people like President Bill Clinton who gave Russia all of the best most classified information in regards to Guidance as well as sent NASA scientists to Russia to teach them how to do it all. Now, Russia has used that Guidance technology and made the most advanced weapons systems in the world and sold it all to all of the enemies of the United States. This is still public data on the NASA website - right now.
Anyway back to Elon Musk. SpaceX is a classified American asset. No part of Space X or the critical Space X employees will be allowed to use their intellect in any other nation unless approved of by this new transitionary American government. So how does Elon Musk obtain any wealth gained by Space X? I have no idea, I'm out of my depth in regards to finances or economy. Does Elon Musk just lose everything and end up broke? Being disallowed to do anything substantial as he becomes black balled in all of America. 
Tesla, Tesla can even end up bankrupt as well. When this new government decides to stop everything that Tesla needs to do. They will a thousand different ways until Tesla stocks is less than worthless and Elon Musk is in Federal Prison or deported or both. This is a new era. So what will happen? In this writing for today I have written a worse case scenario as it can relate to all aspect of human decision. Elon Musk must concede authority if he wants to get to Mars. Then once established on Mars. What is any socialist or communist or Marxist gonna do?  Freedom ends on planet Earth. Of course Trump and the Trump family is now the enemies new never ending target. Musk may become their new target until the target is destroyed. 
Do not get me wrong. I want and hope that Elon Musk is successful. I can see the big picture as well as all of the puzzle pieces. I even see a few extra that Elon Musk doesn't see as of yet. For the benefit of all of humanity. It is critical to work within the confines of human decision even if they are your enemy that you are only now being able to see. 
Yet, I'm not aware of any prophecies that say humanity lives on other planets. I myself have not had any visions of humanity among the stars. In which the prophecies in regard to human decision apply. What each of us decide in our life as well as every decision that we all make in our lives. Concludes with the extinction of humanity. Except for those souls saved by God. 
Added on 27 July 2024: 
Mr. Elon Musk now owns about 6 businesses. It really seems like the people of the world trust Elon than any other famously known person, entity or organization. 
I think Mr. Musk is still organizing some of his puzzle pieces. While other puzzle pieces still need to be created and developed. I think the NASA $450. million moon rover news is going to have an impact. The now continuing and ever evolving failures which are surrounding NASA is becoming noticeable. It should be at least more noticeable to Mr. Musk than to this insignificant janitor. Yet, I can see it and have seen it for some time. Eventually, over the next few years. Mr. Musk will be alone and will learn not to depend on Europeans, China, India and Russia. Musk will be alone even as he will be asked or required to save people who are stranded on the ISS. This is just the beginning. Can you imagine doing all of these things and knowing that your all alone and that your own nation which you have come to love may come out against you for simply exercising your God given freedoms?
Mr. Musk needs more money and he still cannot do what he wants to do with Mars and for humanity. Elon Musk can begin to capitalize against Microsoft by creating an operating system for everyone with primary capabilities from hi emerging AI networks. Yea, there will be more than one. Think of levels of AI as layers with both the option to be a centralized and a decentralized network system. Think of AI as levels of command or a chain of command.
Mr. Musk still needs to make more money. Which means making money off of consumer versions of an operating system, browser networks, satellite phones, satellite TV. 
The robo taxis is a good start. But, Mr. Musk has to develop AI systems which can seamlessly work together to build an entire city on Mars without human intervention or minor human inputs. Are you seeing the picture yet? Because, I think I see the picture and have for many years.
So even unto this day. I still think that people of the world should still invest in any one of Elon Musks businesses without any expectancy for profit. I think the people of the world should only use Elon Musk products and services where ever possible. I still think people should buy Elon Musk stocks and just hold onto them for the next couple of decades.
Elon Musk Businesses should more than double in quantity. So, that would be 12 or so businesses to invest in.
And yes, Elon Musk is being sneaky. But, there will be a time when you begin to realize that your running out of time because of your age. You will need to realize the fate of all of your businesses as in will your puzzle picture be as one or will you become like AT&T 30 or so years ago when you pass away. All because of poorly chosen people or even family members wanted their part of the pie and began selling off assets. Think about it look at what Walmart was when Sam Walton was alive and how many of his associates became millionaires and now the word and idea of discount store was removed and how many employees at the department level or truck drivers become millionaires today? How many family members did it take to ruin the Sam Walton idea?
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.