Showing posts with label Cars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cars. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Lots Of Cars Dream: (Unedited): 20 Oct 2021:

 I had a dream where lots of cars were parked in an open field. Many exhausted people were living in each car. Police or military personnel on foot were around and just maintaining. For the most part the people were being good. None of the cars were what you would consider of high value. Then the dream changed. The majority of the cars were gone. Trash everywhere. Some cars were stuck and other cars were in various degrees of being broke down. Some shocked people stayed with their cars. While others started walking like they were in shock. Some people carrying their things and others were not. One car and the occupant's were in panic mode trying to get unstuck. End of dream. 
It did not seem like the military or police were forcing anybody to do anything. You either went with them or you didn't. I did not notice any services being offered. I did not notice the people having any comforts or food. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Deaths Dark: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2012:

No matter how rare the designer is upon you. It cannot cover deaths dark. Which emanates from you. C.J.MacKechnie 
 This is about those people who have the ability to wear designer clothing, jewels, cars, houses and etc. You eat fish eggs and snails feet. Not all of them. Those who seem to have made deals with the devil types.
 When your love only extends into the material things. Your love continually dies when the old nonliving thing is thrown out. Thus cheapening your loves output. The outward appearance is never important but rather the state of you, the whole you. Even those parts of you which you know not of or even believe in.